Chapter Fifteen: A Worried Mother And The Beginning of the Fight

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Here are some feels- Not proof read! Enjoy 0w0


Tsuna walked home with thoughts and warm feelings he hadn't had for a long time. Not since his best friend and hero had up and disappeared on him.
But now he had new friends, people that actually cared about him, and didn't think he was useless and stupid.
Back then, before he met Shino, Tsuna was a shy, meek kid, and although not exactly stupid, he was gullible and naive. He believed what everyone told him, even the bullies, which resulted in him getting harassed and beat up, failing his classes(as unimportant as they were in the early stages of your life), and having no friends at all.
After Shino appeared so suddenly in Tsuna's life, he'd thought he actually had a purpose, someone he could hang around and speak truthfully to without getting taken advantage of. But then Shino disappeared just as quickly, leaving a miserable Tsunayoshi behind.
Tsuna had no one, no friends; people he could depend and truly be happy around, having only the lies told to his own mother and his mostly missing father.
When he got home, Tsuna put on a bright smile and sauntered in, not showing any of the pain he felt from his shoulder.

"I'm back!" Tsuna shouted over the sounds of water running and dishes. There was a small gasp, and there came him mother, all but running to the door.
Tsuna was stood there as his mother hugged him, wincing a bit when his mom was too close to see it.

"Mom, what's wrong?" He asked, a little skeptically. Sawada Nana pulled away, a stern yet worried look on her face.

"What's wrong?" She asked with a rather angry tone. "You were gone all day without even picking up your phone!"

Tsuna blinked, processing this. Right. He forgot to tell her about his little 'adventure'. "Sorry about that, I forgot to call."

Nana's expression turned even more strained as she heard the reply.

"Do you know how worried I was?" Her voice was soft, not as angry anymore, and Tsuna suddenly felt ashamed of himself. "I was so scared you might've hurt yourself or someone could've taken you. If that happened, I don't know what I would've done."

His mother was all but in tears, and Tsuna didn't know what to say, so Nana continued. "I won't force you to study, or to do any of the chores, or even to go talk to the teacher about these problems. But I want- I need you to tell me when something happens or if you're gone for the whole day..."

A pang if guilt hit him right in the heart, and Tsuna knew now that he wasn't as good of a son as he could've been.
All these years, he's been lying to her, acting and being a 'no-good' student, never considering how difficult it could be for his mother. She took care of everything, from cooking to laundry, and sure, Tsuna sometimes helped out, but it wasn't enough to lessen the burden on his mom.
And school? What mother wouldn't want their children to be good at school? To be able to take care of themselves in the future, with a good job and a good life, and Nana, seeing her son fail almost all his classes, she must've felt horrible about it, thinking it might've been her fault for raising him wrong.

"Mom," Tsuna said slowly, pulling her back into the hug. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He never realized how much his mother did for him, and he'd taken that for granted. "I should've told you, I shouldn't have made you worry."

Tsuna heard a choked sob from his shoulder. "I-... I got into a fight today, and got hurt. I didn't want you to worry, but could've-should've called to let you know."
He felt a nod from his mother and continued. "It's my fault. I'm sorry, but something came up. It's really important."

Tsuna pulled away to look his mom in the eyes again, Nana looking confused all of a sudden. "I might get hurt, but everything will be fine after it's over. I can't tell you what it is, but next few days I'll be out a lot, and there'll be a lot of fights."

Sawada Nana nodded, slowly wiping a tear off from her cheek. "Tsu-kun, I'm always going to be worried for you. That's what mothers do. But promise me you won't do anything too dangerous. Please."

Tsuna still felt guilty, but smiled with a little fakeness. "I won't, I promise." And he lied through his teeth, hoping that it was the last lie he'd have to tell to his mother.

A gentle smile appeared on Nana's face. "Alright then, let's eat! The food's gonna get cold."

"Yeah, let's go eat!" Tsuna was starving.


The next day was typical, school, chatting with friends, almost falling asleep in class, but what was different was that it was the beginning of a life Tsuna never expected.
It was fun, something Tsuna realized to appreciate. He had friends, and he was happy. Tsuna wouldn't let that go without a fight.
After school, Tsuna and Yamamoto were going to visit Ryohei once more, but Gokudera went to 'stock up on supplies', whatever that meant. Tsuna had a feeling they didn't really want to know, and let the silver haired boy go do his thing.
When they arrived at the hospital, Reborn was already there talking to Ryohei.

"Dame-Tsuna, perfect timing." Reborn chirped from atop of the Sasagawa's head.

"For what?" Tsuna questioned with a raised brow, a bit sassily, he noticed.

"Sasagawa finally decided to tell me that the attacker was a student from Kokuyo." Reborn said with his typical high pitched voice, but then seemed to notice the absence of someone. "Where's Gokudera?"

"He was to go grab some supplies." Yamamoto replied in Tsuna's stead. A sort of dread started bubbling up in Tsuna as he listened to Reborn.

"Well that's bad," Reborn tipped his fedora, letting Leon crawled from his shoulder to see the lizard's missing tail. "This only happens when a crisis is coming."

The lizard changed shape erratically, from purple to yellow, and then to rainbow and repeating. Reborn spoke again, and both Yamamoto and Tsuna felt worry hit them like a truck. "I think Gokudera was next on the list to be attacked."

"What?" Tsuna immediately was on edge. "We have to go help-"

Yamamoto nodded, sharing his sentiment. "Let's go find Gokudera-san."

"Then what're you waiting for," Reborn scolded. "Get out there."

The two of them left immediately, splitting up to search for a tuft if white hair and his usual loud swearing. Tsuna only hoped he'd make it in time and that Gokudera would be fine.

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