Chapter ten: Memories Of Shino

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" Shino-san! It really is you!" Tsuna exclaimed happily. He had looked for the whitette after they parted ways but couldn't find him. To think he would see him two weeks later

" Hmm? Oh, Tsuna right? From Namimori park" Tsuna nodded vigorously as he stood up straight." Ha, no need to be so stiff! You can also just call me Shino" he gave a warm smile. Tsuna looked at him with an admiring gaze.

" S-shino...!" He said and repeated it a few times in his head. He smiled brightly as he made his acquaintance.

" Hmmm.... then I'll call you Tuna!" Shino exclaimed.

"" He said slowly, letting the new word roll off his tongue.

" Yup, Tuna. My favourite food!" He said with another grin.

" Okay Shino!" And that was how they met each other as acquaintances.


"Shino.... how can I be like you? You're so cool and strong..." Tsuna looked to Shino with sad eyes." I'm just weak and stupid.... I can't even fight back when they insult me and kick me..."

"Tsuna....! Stop!" Shino shook his shoulders as Tsuna's eyes widen in suprise. " If you're not strong, you can become strong! You are not weak!" He smiled brightly as Tsuna almost cried." Eh...? Ah..! Ah- don't cry! Ah.... ! What am I supposed to do..??!!" He frantically looked around.

" Sniff... sniff... T-thank you... Shino" Tsuna looked up to Shino still crying happily." Y-you're the f-first p-person t-that said t-that to m-me..!" Shino's eyes softened at the brunette as he smiled gently.

" Of course! We're friends, aren't we?" Tsuna blinked and smiled a second later.

" Un!" So that was how Tsuna got his first and best friend.


It was just another day with Tsuna and Shino hanging out at the park with each other. They were chatting happily when a bunch of ignorant bullies came over to them. They were the bullies that would always kick and punch Tsuna and also extort money from him as well.

" Oi! Dame-Tsuna! Give us some money to got to the arcade!" The bully yelled as Tsuna flinched. They walked closer and noticed the whitette there next to him.

" What? Another annoying fly?" Shino raised a brow. This made the bully nearly pop a blood vessel.

" You bastard! If you keep hanging around Dame-Tsuna, you'll get beaten up!" The bully said with his entire face a tomato. Shino merely chuckled and gave a pointed look.

" Can you?" Tsuna looked at him with a worried expression as Shino said those words." Tuna, why don't you put what I taught you to use?" There was a flash of confidence in Tsuna's eyes as he heard those words. He hesitantly stepped forward with a brave face.

" ....... You brat! You dare go against us?" The bully's veins popped and his face was red to the point of purple from anger. This was of course the first to go and the first to be flung into the dirt with a ' HMPH'. The others immediately went to avenge their leader and charged at Tsuna. He took care of them without much effort. It seems Shino's martial arts lesson paid off. They weren't scary at all when compared to Shino during the lessons. Tsuna shuddered as applauds sounded.

" Good' job! How'd ya feel fighting back?"Shino smiled like the devil from Hell.

" ..... It... It feels like....! ....Something was lifted from my shoulders...!" Tsuna said surprised and happy.

" Congratulations! You're strong now!" He gave a grin and Tsuna mirrored it.


"Tuna!" Shino ran up to the brunette.

" .....Shino...! Please stop calling me that!" Tsuna exclaimed as Shino merely chuckled. He had learned what it meant in English and was quite embarrassed.

" What, it's my favourite food! Be grateful I named your nickname after it!" Shino said pridefully. Tsuna pouted before looking up to see the whitette's sad face.

" Shino...?" He asked timidly, worry etched on his face.

" ...... .... I'm sorry Tsuna.... I won't be coming back here...."


Tsuna looked at the window and saw his reflection. He was no longer weak, and he didn't need Shino to stand up for him anymore. He could walk on his own two feet. He didn't need Shino.. he didn't need him..... not anymore.... but he wanted to meet him again.... he didn't want such a farewell....! He gripped the hospital sheets.
One day. Even if it was five years, ten years or even a hundred. He would definitely meet him again!

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