The Three Prisoners

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Genthru looked around. Nothing special, but what could he expect. Two thin bunk beds, toilet and sink, and a little drawer. Everything was dirty and dust was covering floor. His sight once again turned on officer behind him, but as soon as he opened his mouth he got pushed into the cell. As well as his companions.

"Hey, you might be nicer, you know? We turned ourselves in by our own will, I think that deserves a bit more respect!" He said while trying to correct posision on his glasses with his shackled hands.

"Of course, forgive me your highness! Where is that medal I was going to give you?" Officer pretended looking for something in his pockets "Oh no, I think I dropped it somewhere... What a shame." He groaned theatrically and spit next to blonde's boots. Then he locked them up in small room. "Hands" All three gave him their hands between bars to let him take off shackles. "All cells have aura placed around, blocking any nen. So don't even try to destroy anything" He went away.

"Tsh!" Genthru turned around and sat on the bed massaging his hands. Since his ability needs him to touch someone, they decided to use more effective precautions.

"Well, I guess we will stay here for a few days... And then we will see..." Bara didn't seem pleased by that option.

"At least we are alone" Sub was trying to light a mood a bit. "And the beds don't look really that bad" he touched a mattress and suddenly pushed it, only to see a lot of dust coming out of it. He coughed few times and covered his nose with his shirt.

"Damn! I guess I was wrong... Is anyone ever cleaned there?! I know we are criminals, but human rights exist, right....?"

"Well we didn't follow them either..." Said Bara looking his friend into eyes.

"Do you regret?"


"I do not." Genthru was still focused on his hands. "I don't regret anything" He smiled and raised his head. But they felt this smile... Odd... Or Forced?

"You said something different earlier! That's why we are here!"

"Well. I changed my mind. Which doesn't mean I don't think we shouldn't be here. Or I shouldn't" Bara couldn't hear last part.

Bombers - if they still could name themselves like that - realized their leader is a bit annoyed. Even if Genthru couldn't use his nen, they preferred not to piss him off...

"I can't live in that mess! I would clean it as much as I can, but I don't have anything in hand..."

"Ask the guard later. But maybe not that one from before."

"Hey, there is one! Hey, you!" Pink-haired man went closer to bars, stopped guard and started negotiating for some help from him.

Meanwhile Bara approached the drawer. He opened it and took something from it.

"Good news boys, we have blankets."

"I have something nice to say too. Guy said we are here only for today. Tomorrow we have interrogation and then place will change." - Sub leaned against the bars.

"Another one?" Bara put one blanket on drawer. "How many times they want to question us?"

"Not everyday someone reports a mass murder Bara." Genthru laid down on the bed. "Especially when it's a murder they committed themselves... That may take a lot of time before they prove everything we said, you know?"

"Yes, you are right.... Sorry."

"You don't need to. It's a little late, don't you think? I recommend you to go to sleep, from tomorrow we start new life and that doesn't seem easy..."

"Well...." Sub didn't feel right "It will be hard to even sleep"

Blonde got up quickly

"Here. This one is better, if you want it." He patted his mattress few times. "I don't care where I sleep, you know it."

Other guy thanked him and sat next to him.

"You wouldn't offer me <<better bed privilege>>!" Bara laughed, having nothing better to do.

"You know I would if I had more. Besides, that's not you who is complaining about some dust."

"Hey! That's not only <<some dust>>!"

"Sure. Go to sleep." Gen said as he was climbing for upper bed what Bara again took as opportunity to make unfunny joke.

"That's actually good idea that you take higher one."


"They don't seem to be durable. They could break under our us, but you weight nothing, Sub can feel safe!"

"You always were awful at jokes, but today you showed me that was not your all. Stop laughing at my weight you moron!"

"Moron? I see, you are tired now."

"Shut. Up!" they all jumped. One of the guards walked around and decided to silence noisy group. "I don't give a damn what is funny or not, if you want to sleep, then go and don't annoy me!"

"Sorry man..." Brunette started but guard stopped him.

"Don't <<man>> me! Say that again and you won't be able to say anything!"

"Okay okay! I'm sorry!" He threw one of the blankets to Sub and gave one Genthru. Then took one for himself and laid on third bed.

Guard went away, and It quickly got quiet in Bombers cell. After an hour all were already sleeping, waiting for another day.


When the sun came up, they heard a loud clatter. It was easy to recognize as keys. All three woke up and looked at the bars, where the noise was coming from.
One of the guards was standing there. Without a word he opened the cage and gave them serious look. They didn't even had a chance to properly realize what is going on, when he placed them in chains and took from their cell.

[comic part]


"I have a question."
"That's not you who ask them"
"But listen to me. Are those really necessary...?" Genthru got his hands up "It's not like I'm going to kill anyone at all... I don't have any reason to..."
"Why should I belive you? Don't you think it would be stupid to have a murderer with their weapon outside like nothing? I don't care how much it is uncomfortable, we won't take it off. Get used to it, and focus on questions I ask." - he looked at him with anger.

If you are here, it means you were reading till the end! Thank you! It means a lot that you were doing it!

But don't leave me yet! I have a few questions to you.

What do you think about this book and chapter? Is it good enough?

And what about comic part? I will for sure draw some scenes instead of writing them, do you think it's interesting?

Also can I ask you to point any mistake? I'm not native English speaker and that's my first book in that language :D

Last one, not exactly connected with book this time (i think i will ask an unrelated question in every chapter)

What do you think about Bombers in general?

That's all, thank you for reading, and see you next chapter!

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