1 + crybaby

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I was never fond of being scolded. Quite honestly, I hated it. And I knew damn well that Andy (who I have officially deemed unworthy of his previous title!) was pissed about my little temper tantrum, but as far as I'm concerned, I had every reason to be bratty like I was. After all, Andy got mad just because I would have preferred to spend the day with Ricky than him.

Ricky isn't mean, though! Not like Andy. Ricky was tiny and cuddly and chatty. Andy, on the other hand.. He's tall and strong and moody and I'm getting sick of fighting. So, of course, I had a small (practically microscopic) temper tantrum when Andy had grounded me. It just was not fair.

Long story short, there were about ten minutes of huffing and pouting and whining and foot stomping and arm crossing from me, and shouting from Andy. But what really pushed me over the line was when he had backhanded me. That was just too far.

In a rush, I stormed off to my bedroom and packed up a backpack. Without a word to Andy, I left the house, eyes red and fangs poking out, to go cry on a sidewalk. It was the end of the world, after all. At least, for now.

So, I just sorta walked, sniffling and shaking, down the street, in the middle of a thunderstorm, just to get away from Andy for a little while. It wasn't the first time I had packed up and left- it happened more often than I'd like to admit, truth be told. I'll probably end up crawling back to Andy, cold and soaked from the rain, by midnight.

As always, Andy will probably get angry and I'll probably get punished. Same old routine. He's sadistic, and he's scary when he's mean. He's scary most of the time. I sat myself down on the curb, sticking my thumb in my mouth just to keep myself occupied for a little bit. My phone is dead, so I can't play any games.. I guess I've just gotta sit and suffer until I feel obligated to do the walk of shame back to the house and beg Andy to forgive me. He likes when I beg.

I just sat on the curb for what seemed like forever, alternating between sucking on my thumb and biting the nail. Both bad habits.. My eyes shot up faster than a rocket when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I my sleepy, whiny state, I guess I just kind of assumed it was Andy. He would've been more aggressive, though.. Like I said, I just kinda assumed Andy.

I relaxed a little when I realized it wasn't. Rather than Andy, there was a tall man- obviously a demon,- holding a flower out to me. I blinked. I had to look up a whole awful lot to meet his eyes- he must've been over six feet tall.. The platform shoes didn't really help. "Can I help you-..?" I asked i. a small voice, playing with my hair a bit. I didn't like talking to strangers. But he didn't seem mean, so..

He offered me the daisy in his hand, saying "You look a bit down," and tilting his head to the side just slightly.

I reached a hand up and shyly accepted the flower. "Thank you for the flower.." I said quietly, holding it carefully and looking down again. I expected the guy to just keep walking.

But, he sat down. Right next to me, too. He propped his elbows up on his knees, looking down at me. "And why is a little cutie like you so sad?" He asked me.

He was probably just trying to be nice with calling me a cutie, but I don't mind. I like the attention. So, I looked at him just for a second, then back to the daisy, spinning it back and fourth. "Daddy got mad at me, an' so I left." I said quietly. I know I decided Andy was unworthy of being called 'Daddy,' but it just feels too funny to say 'Andy' out loud instead of 'Daddy.'

M'not gonna lie. I really expected this dude to just get up and run for the hills after hearing what I said. But he didn't, and that surprised me.

Instead of leaving, he put offered his hand, kissing my knuckles when I placed my hand in his. "Then it's your Daddy's loss. What's your name, hm?" He asked.

"Andy's not my Daddy anymore.. He's a meanie an' I don' like when he yells at me.." I mumbled. The demon beside me squeezed my hand gently, and I looked up a little to speak. "I'm Ryan.." I said softly. "You-..?"


A/N: Yo, yo, yo. So I know this first chapter sucks- first chapters have a tendency to suck.. Anyway, I figured I'd try my hand at a DDLB fic. Here you go.


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