14 + early sunsets

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A/N: before anyone asks, yes. the chapter title is a MCR reference. sorry for slow updates on shit as well. i've just been so.. i dunno. seriously lacking motivation. i'm unhappy with 99% of my work; i'm unhappy with my covers.. my writing.. i'm basically just severely unhappy with all my shit, and i can't be bothered with trying to fix shit, i dunno. (watch, i'll end up redoing everything anyway..) i'm probably gonna delete all the shit on my other account and start from scratch. i don't know. anyway...

this might be über short..
. . .

I shifted onto my side and curled up against Chris, groaning softly. I'm all for a night long fuck fest, but not sleeping makes for a pretty grumpy me.

Chris wrapped an arm around me, kissing my head. "Tired, little one?" He asked me, and the nickname alone made me blush.

I nodded slowly, whining and biting my lip lightly. "Yeah.." I said tiredly. "You could bite me if you like," Chris offered, placing his thumb against my lips.

I peeked up at him, my eyes red and sleepy. "Can I-..?" I asked softly. "Go ahead," He nodded, and I settled on biting his thumb, sucking on it.

It's difficult as fuck- and hardly worth it,- to bite someone's thumb, but it gave me an excuse to suck his thumb, so I wasn't gonna complain.

I relaxed pretty quick, falling fast asleep.

. . .

I woke up at sunset, still curled up under the warmth of the duvet in Chris's bed. Stretching a bit and cracking my knuckles, I pulled myself out of bed and dragged the duvet along with me, setting out to find Chris, who was probably downstairs.

After grabbing Satan (that's still weird to write, heheh) from my room, I shuffled down the stairs. Chris was video chatting with Ricky again, so I decided to be as quiet as possible.

I crawled up onto the couch and cuddled up against Chris, who wrapped an arm around me and pet my hair a bit as he listened to whatever it was that Ricky had to say.

I looked at the bottom of Chris's laptop screen, checking the time.

Only about six o'clock, and it's already getting dark outside.

I watched out the window, just looking at the peachy sky outside. The leaves were falling from the trees, and it looked so pretty.. If I wasn't still tired, I'd go outside and rake a bunch of leaves to jump in.

Chris said something to me, but I was too sleepy to acknowledge it much, already being half asleep.

A/N: this is so short.. i'm sorry.. i've got no fucking ideas for this, so ah.. yep.. anyway.. what are your guys' favourite ships? i'm deleting all the shit on my other acc aaaand i'm gonna start some other stuff, so ah.. ships..

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