21 + jealousy

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A/N: i skipped school (i didn't intend to. but i woke up and cried the entire time getting ready so i just.. stayed home), and i feel a lot better right now than i did yesterday and this morning.. sooo i'll try and write some smut (or close to it) because i feel bad for skipping out in the last chapter. i might break the smut into two chapters idk.

I was right about Daddy being jealous. But if I'm being honest, it was actually pretty sexy. The look he got once we got back to the house was so.. I don't quite know the word for it.

His facial expression practically screamed 'you're mine' and it was just the sexiest things ever. If we were human, it would be more of the look that humans would peg as an abuser, I think, but we're not humans and the difference between us and them is drastically different.

It takes a lot for any supernatural creatures to be considered 'abusive.' But humans are a lot weaker- and I'm not trying to say that like.. if you're a human and your boyfriend hits you you're weak- that's not what I mean.

Humans are weaker than supernatural creatures on a spectrum of sorts. If Daddy were to just fucking slap me right now, it's not considered abusive to over ninety percent of us vampires. In order for any supernatural creatures to consider their partners abusive, they would really have to get the hell beaten out of them.

Daddy pushed me up against the door, gripping my hips. He seems to like holding onto my hips, because he does it a lot. I'm not the skinniest, but Daddy doesn't care about that and neither do I. I'm happy, he's happy, so who gives a flying fuck about weight or what we look like?

"Those pictures you sent drove me fucking crazy, do you know that?" Daddy mumbled, leaning down and pressing his lips against mine.

I didn't hesitate in kissing right back, his piercings feeling cold against my lips. "Mm, that was the point," I mumbled right back, nipping at him.

"So, my little bloodsucker is feeling rather sassy today, I see? You know that drives me crazy almost as much as seeing you down on your knees does," He purred, biting my lower lip lightly. I couldn't help but let a little groan of 'shit' slip. I like when he bites me.

Daddy really likes my voice, which sorta surprised me because most people get thrown off by it. I mean.. I've got a pretty deep voice. I used to be kind of self conscious about it, but I'm not, not now. Because if Daddy thinks my voice is sexy, I think it's sexy.

He also tells me that being confident about stuff is sexy too, so I try my best not to give a fuck about what other people think.

Sliding his hands down a bit, Daddy reached around to the backs of my thighs and lifted me up off the ground, heading off down the hallway to our bedroom.

Gosh, did that feel nice to write.. 'Our bedroom.' I haven't slept in my own room for over a week, and Daddy likes it better having me with him anyway. I like it better, too.

"You look so pretty with all those bruises on your neck, but it's a damn shame I'm not the one who put them there," Daddy breathed out as he tossed me down on the bed, crawling up on top of me.

"I know that damn well," I said, my voice laced with mock innocence. Daddy and I both know that I'm far from innocent.

"Keep sassing me, little one, and we'll have to put that dirty mouth of yours to good use," He told me, hands sliding up to my wrists, which, he pinned above my head while he kissed at my neck, running his tongue over a few of the hickeys that Josh had made, which still felt pretty sensitive.

"Mmh, fuck, Daddy," I whined quietly.

He smirked a bit, keeping my wrists pinned in place with one hand before trailing the other down to my crotch.

"What have I told you about cussing, little one? What was that, the third time since we've gotten home? I might just have to put you over my knee for that.." He warned.

Daddy lets me get away with cussing, usually, but sometimes he likes to use it as an excuse to spank me. Not that I mind at all- I think it's pretty sexy. Just another reason to dominate the hell out of me; go for it.

"Mm, is that s'possed'ta scare me, Daddy?" I mused, moaning softly when he started palming me. "Fuck," I whined, just to get a rise out of him. I might have a little bit of a hand fetish, but come on.. hands are great.. Especially Daddy's. He's got pretty big hands, and his tattoos make them even sexier. I definitely have a hand fetish. Sue me.

"It should. Keep it up and I'll make sure you can't sit properly for a week," He warned, nibbling at my neck.

I stifled a moan, fussing with the buttons of his shirt. "But Daddy," I said as sweetly as possible. "You're just so sexy, I can't help it," I said with a pout.

He smirked a bit, pulling my jeans off easily. "Oh right, I forgot how much of a whore you can be." He teased me. If anyone else said something like that, it probably would have upset me. But I'm so comfortable with him.. It didn't bother me at all.

I leaned up to kiss his jaw, unbuttoning his shirt and pushing it off of his shoulders. "Can I have a kiss?" I asked, and Daddy was quick to comply, kissing me again. I kissed right back,  dragging my nails down his back lightly  before undoing his jeans and trying to get them down.

Daddy chuckled and got his jeans off, slipping my t-shirt off and kissing my collarbone. "You're so handsome," He told me. I was probably blushing like an idiot, but it's fine. "I want to fuck you so hard you can't walk a proper line," He mumbled as he kissed me again.

"Do it, then," I purred, kissing back.

Daddy is always so careful. He makes sure I'm the one to give the okay before we actually fuck- and I really appreciate it. I like that he wants to make sure I'm comfortable- it doesn't matter how horny we are or how kinky we're feeling; he always makes sure it's okay first.

I love him so much..

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