A Little Kid?

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The next morning, Cole woke up and decided to check up on Jay to make sure he was okay. He gently knocked on his door, in case Jay was still asleep, and waited for a response. When he didn't get one, Cole slowly opened the door and saw no one in the room.

'He's probably already at breakfast.' Cole thought, the left the room, closing the door on the way out. Unaware that someone was in the room, watching him.

When Cole walked downstairs, he heard voices in the dining room. He walked in and saw Nya, Misako, Kai, and Lloyd talking. He guessed that Zane was probably in the kitchen making breakfast. Yet, no sign of Jay.

"Guys, have you seen Jay?" Cole asked the others, getting a little worried.

"No, I thought he was still sleeping." Kai said as he texted Skylor on his phone.

"He wasn't in his room, I thought he might be down here." Cole said, getting more worried.

The others looked at each other with worried faces. Then, Lloyd said, "Maybe some of us should check his room again before we all go into panic mode, just to be on the safe side."

Cole nodded and he, Nya, and Lloyd went up to Jay's room, while Kai, Zane, and Misako stayed downstairs.

Once they were in Jay's room, they began to search around for any sign of their beloved blue ninja. That's when they noticed one other thing: Mr. Cuddlywump was missing too.

Just when they were about to search the rest of the temple, they heard a small squeak under the bed. They gave a confused looked at each other. What could possibly be under the bed that would squeak?

Lloyd stepped close to the bed and slowly looked under it. But before he could say what was under it, a bolt of lightning shot out from under the bed and hit Lloyd in the chest.

Lloyd went flying across the room, right into Cole and Nya, which caused all of them to end up in the hallway. Then the door slammed shut as they heard a young boy yell, "Go away!"

They all shared a confused look before Cole asked, "What just happened?"

"I'm not sure, but I think Jay got turned into a kid." Nya said, picking herself off the ground.

"Well, lets go tell the others." Lloyd said and the three of them headed back to the kitchen. When they got there, they explained everything that just happened.

"So... Jay was turned into a kid?" Kai asked, not believing his friends.

"I know I sounds hard to believe, but it's true." Nya said.

"Why would Clouse turn Jay into a kid?" Lloyd asked as he rubbed his chest, specifically the spot where Jay had hit him with lightning.

None of them had an answer. They all thought about it, but none of them could come up with a logical reason why Clouse would turn Jay, or any of them for that matter, into a kid. It didn't make any sense.

"Let's worry about the reason later." Cole said. "Right now, I'm more curious on why Jay still has his elemental powers."

"Yeah, why does he still have his powers?" Kai asked no one in particular. "When we turned into kids, we couldn't even do Spinjitzu."

"I may have an answer for that." Misako said, finally speaking up. "Elemental Masters can actually activate their powers at a young age. But their powers are mostly connected to their emotions and are very unstable."

"So Jay was most likely feeling scared of you three when you entered his room." Zane said to Nya, Lloyd, and Cole, put it all together.

"Okay, but what do we do now?" Nya asked them. "We can't just leave him in his bedroom."

"And we won't." Lloyd said. "We need to calm Jay down and make him see we're not a threat to him." The ninja all nodded and went off to Jay's room to calm him down.

The ninja entered to room and slowly approached the bed. Cole bent down to look under it, and found nothing.

"He's not here." Cole said, standing back up.

"Where could he have gone?" Nya asked in a very worried voice.

Zane scanned to room and said, "My scanners tell me there is another heat signature in the closet. So he's most likely in there."

The ninja all looked over at the closet door. It was slightly open. Nya slowly walked over to it and looked inside.

Inside the closet was basically a miniature version of Jay. He had the same auburn hair, sapphire blue eyes, which at the moment were filled with tears, and even a small slash through his eyebrow. He was sated on the closet floor and tightly clutching Mr. Cuddlywump. He was trembling in fear.

"Please don't hurt me!" Jay pleated, tightened his grip on Mr. Cuddlywump, and squeezed his eyes shut with more tears streaming out of them.

Nya felt her heart break a little. She hated seeing her boyfriend so scared, even if he was a kid. She bent down to his level and smiled at him. Then she said, "It's okay Jay, we're not going to hurt you."

Jay opened his eyes, which were red and puffy from all his crying, and said, "You're not?"

"Of course not." Nya said, running one of her hands through his auburn hair.

"Where are my mommy and daddy?" Jay asked, loosening his grip on Mr. Cuddlywump.

Nya had to think quick. "I'm a friend of your parents, and they asked me to watch for a few days." Nya lied.

"Okay." Jay said quietly. Nya offered her hand to Jay and he took it. She lead him out of the closet and into his bedroom with the other ninja.

"Jay, this is Cole, Lloyd, Zane, and my brother, Kai." Nya said, pointing to each ninja as she said their names.

"Hey," Jay said and awkwardly waved at them.

"Hey Jay." Cole said, walking over to him. Jay hid behind Nya, scared by the other ninja. Cole felt a little hurt that his best friend didn't even want to be near him.

"It's okay." Nya told Jay. "Cole's not going to hurt you." Jay slowly got out from behind Nya and looked at him. Cole gave him a smile which Jay returned.

"Perhaps we should go downstairs for breakfast." Zane said.

"Okay." Jay said, still holding onto Nya's hand. The ninja all left Jay's room and went back to the kitchen for breakfast. Completely unaware of what trouble one little kid would cause.

Hey guys, sorry I couldn't come up with a better reason for why Jay still had his powers. I really hope you guys like the story. 😉

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