chapter 20

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Thank yall for read this... i could use comments and votes. .... but i will update more often because Thanksgiving is coming up.... so i have time.

Chapter 20

I woke a second time. Rudolph snuggled close to me. His cold arms around my waist.  I heard the camera click. I looked up. Rudolph's arms held tight and he rubbed his head on my shoulder. I relaxed back down....

I heard the clicking again and Rudolph did to because all of the sudden i heard a scream. Rudolph feel off of the couch. It was very funny.

I heard laughing. I was Crystal and Amanda in he coner of the room. They were taking pictures. I looked up and saw Tony and Gregory with the another camera. Chris and Anna were no where to be seen.

"Where is the blondes?" I questioned.

Gregory looked nervous. "I thought you knew where they were....?"

Rudolph jumped up. He jumped up onto the coffee table. He sniffed the air. The other vampires did and Tony sniffed even if he sucked at smelling.

"Rooky!" He called out.

The vampires raced around like crazy people. Tony was put on the ground. The humans came to me and sat down on thd couch.

"We have to find them!" Gregory screamed

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