Polka Dot Skirts, Penny Loafers & A Penguin

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Today would've been like any other day. Except Matilda was late. I know Matilda and being late is something she simply doesn't do.

So I pace the precinct. "Ed?" I keep pacing. "Ed?" And pacing. "Ed!" I snap out of it and see Jim and Harvey looking at me from their desks. "Y--yes?" I straighten my jacket and go to them.

"Yes, Detective?" I ask. "Do you have our results?" Harvey asks. "Ah, yes. But first, what does a fire truck, a moose and priest have in com-"

"Nygma, I don't have time for these damn riddles, just give us the results." Harvey snaps at me. I keep my cool and show them my notes.

"Right, anyways. From the murders that's been happening for the past three months. I've come to the conclusion that the killer is a woman."

Jim frowns at my notes. "How do you figure?" I smile when he asks me that. "From the patterns, she cuts with a pair of scissors."

"I thought the murder weapon used to mutilate and  kill the victims was a knife." Jim comments. I shake my head. "If you look closely the cut wound is a bit wide. Like a pair of scissors. Which upon entry opened. Also all the killings have been to males. Not to sound sexist, but this woman, may have had issues with a male figure in her life. Or female figure made her hate the opposite sex. Either way, the kills may look messy but they were neatly made."

"Any more on this prism killer?" I laugh at that. "I see what you did there, you named her that because she carved colors in her victim hea-" I see Matilda walk in and I just walk away from Jim and Harvey.

"Mat-Matilda?" I call for her and she simply walks into the lady's room. I stop right outside the door and look around and see no one was by the door so I go inside, and cover my eyes.

"Matilda? Matilda, I know you're in here." I hear humming. "Edward?" I hear her voice and hear her walk out of one of the stalls.

I move my hand and look down at her little red head. When she looks up, her eyes looked vacant. "Matilda what's wrong?" She shrugs and it's like I'm talking to a zombie.

"New, medication. I don't like it. Makes me feel...sluggish."

"New medication? What did your doctor prescribe?" She reaches into her bag and takes out a large bottle of pills. I take it from her and read the name. "This is for children who are diagnosed with ADHD. And you don't have that. Why would she give this to you?" She shrugs and takes the pills back. "I don't know, but I'm not stuttering, and I don't hear her voice. Want a coffee?" I take her arm and grab her chin so she looks at me.

"Don't take any more of these. You don't have ADHD." She blinks and I swear it's like I'm talking to a wall.


"No more. In fact your doctor needs to be fired. What if she gave you the wrong thing and you had an allergic reaction to it?"

"This keeps her away. I can think, besides, Doctor Connor, says I need to stay focused on something, I just don't know what."

"I know you're not allowed to work on cases. But how about you help me with the Prism murders? I need some help on this killer. I can't seem to find a reason why, she's carving colors in the victims foreheads." Matilda chuckles then clears her throat.

"Sorry, it's the medication. But I'd love to help." I smile at her and hear the door open behind us. "Nygma! Get out!" One of the female officers scream. I run out with Matilda following behind.

The medication was wearing off a bit but I could tell she was in a zombie like state still.

I snap my fingers in front of her and she starting to react a bit faster. "Stop that." She frowns and I sigh.

"These are the photos of the victims. All males, ranging from the ages of 20-35. All different races, body types. But all of them have the color red or black carved into their foreheads. Why those colors?" I tap my chin and look over at Matilda.

"Any thoughts?" She looks at the pictures and glares at each one. "Bad men, all nasty, all sinners..."

"What?" Matilda looks up at me and was about to speak but we hear gun fire. "Stay right here. Okay?" She nods and I start to leave.

"Wh...Wh...where are you going?" She asks as she holds onto my arm. "I'll be right back. Matilda. Just stay here." I kiss her cheek and leave the room.

More gun fire erupts and I hear yelling and screaming. I peek around the corner and see two large men dragging one of the detectives.

I slink down the hallway and see a crazed maniac holding a gun in the air.

"I'm so glad all of you are--" He fires off his gun shooting Officer Montoya in the head. "Women just don't know how to be quiet, am I right fellas?" He gives a boastful laugh. "Like I was staying..." I hear a scream and turn to see Lee and Kristen being dragged off.

I don't hesitate, I simply tackle the man down. "You little punk!" He hits me in the gut and I gasp from the pain.

"Don't be a hero, ladies and gentlemen! We just want your ti--" The next thing I know a single shot fires and then the whole room goes off.

Kristen was clinging to me and what seemed like hours, had went by and it was silent.

It took a second to move, but as the smoke cleared we can see some were dead but a good majority of the bad guys were also dead or in handcuffs.

Kristen gets up and she hugs me. "Thank you, Mr. Nygma. You saved my life."

"It was no big deal." She leans up and gives me a kiss on the cheek. I blush hard and then remember. "Matilda..."

I take off running down the hall and go back to the small office where I last left her. When I open the door she was kneeling.

"Matilda, we can g..." She gets up and turns to me. She had splattered blood on her face.

"Is that...your blood?" I ask her. She brings her hand to her face. "No, it's his." I look down and see a large thug laying there with a pool of blood surrounding him.

"Oh dear god." I see the word BLACK carved into his forehead. "What...what did you do to him, Matilda?"

She looks down at her hands and I see a pair of bloody scissors. "The medication wore off."

"Matilda!" I snap. She bows her head and her hands shake. When she looks up, she was glaring at me. "He was a very bad man. He touched me and said that he'll cut my pretty face up if I screamed..." She looked down at the man and smirks.

"...so I beat him to it."

She looked terrifying so I made sure to keep her calm. "Why did you carve that color in his head. She cocks her head at me.

"Isn't it obvious? He's bad, and black means bad." She walks back over to him and leans down letting her fingers swipe his blood.

She starts humming twinkle twinkle little star and drawing symbols. I swallow hard.

"Matilda, are you-" She raises her bloody finger to her lips.

"Shhh, I have to send the bad man to the bad place now." She turn back and continues to draw the symbols.


"Wh...wh...why did you do that? Why di...did you let him see?" She yawns. "Oh please, Tilly. He was bound to find out. Now the skeleton's dropped out of the bag."

I hear footsteps and I still. Edward came back, closing the door behind himself. "The body is disposed of. You don't have to worry about that."

"See, he isn't worried..."

I glare at her from across the room and then look at the polka dots on my skirt. "Matilda, I'm sorry I yelled at you."

He kneels down in front of me but I avoid his face. "Matilda, look at me." He says gently. I look up and bite my lip.

"S...s...see? Sh...she's n...n...not all sex and games. She...sh...sh...sh-" I growl and go to slap my head but he snatches my hand.

"No, no hitting yourself."

"I...n...n..n ahhh!" I try to snatch away from him to hit my head but he snatches me into his arms, so my arms are pinned."

"Go! L...l...le..let! Go!"

"Stop It Matilda! No more hitting! Stop it!" He holds me tight and I start to see the room go blurry. I hit my head against his chest and cry.

"Shhh, I know. I know." He coos me and kisses the top of my head.

"I...I don't wan...want...want to talk like th...this." He rocks me. "I know. And I'll help you. I'll help you. Just no more hitting yourself. Okay?" He looks down and takes off my glasses.

"You're so smart, and beautiful. And I promise to help you, but you have to promise not to hit yourself. Got that?" I nod.

"O...kay." He moves my hair out of my face and behind my ear. "Good girl." When he says that my body relaxes.

"I'm a good girl?"

"Yes, yes you are-" His phone rings and he looks at the screen. He looks a bit annoyed but answers it.

"Yes?" He holds up a finger to me and I nod. He moves away from me and continues his conversation.

"He thinks you're a good girl, let's keep it that way..." I agree with her and see a spot of blood on my penny loafers. I lick my thumb and lean down to wipe it off.

"Matilda?" I hear him calling my name and I look up to see him holding his hand out to me. So I take it. "Y...yes?"

"I have some business to take care of, and was wondering if you would like to accompany me?"

"O...o...of course. Do I ha...ha...have to talk?"

"No my dear. I'll make sure. And no one will laugh. I won't allow it." I see that dark spark in his eye and I feel safe.

As we're in the car, I hear Edward clear his throat. "Matilda?"

"Ye...yes Edward?" I answer. "Why black or red? Why carve either of those colors?" I play with the window and let it roll down then back up.

"I...I don't know. Th...those col...col...colors just pop up wh...when I see people..." I think remember something.

"B...but I see green when I see you sometimes. Which n...n...never happened before."

"Is green good?" I nod and roll up the window. "Yes."

We pull up to a shady looking night club. I read it and it's reads: OSWALD'S CLUB

Edward parks the car and he gets out, walks over to my side, and opens the door for me. He takes my hand and we walk up to the club doors.

As we walk inside of the dark club. I see a single figure standing there with his back to us. "I knew you'd co--who is this?" The man looks right at me and he looks like a...

"P..p...penguin." I whisper to myself. "This is Matilda, she's my girlfriend, Oswald. What business do we have?" He gives me a small glare but when smiles at Edward.

"I don't like him...he's looking at us like we're a piece of shit, Tilly darling...."

Edward lets my hand go for a moment and he has a brief word with his Penguin looking friend. "...I'll be right back then. Matilda, don't go too far. I'll be right back." Edward strokes my cheek and leaves me alone with Oswald.

Oswald takes out a bottle and pours himself a glass. "Th..this place is n...n...nice." He takes a drink and sighs.

After he looks at me. "What does Ed see in a thing like you?" He says with a glare.

"You're gonna let him talk to us that way? What would mother and father think? What would Beth-Anne think?"

I take my glasses off and tuck them in my pocket. "Do you believe in fate, Oswald?"

"Only my close friends call me Oswald, madam."

"Any ways, Ossie. I believe in fate. Actually the three fates...." I hold up three fingers. "Clotho spun the "thread" of human fate..." I point to the next finger.

"...Lachesis dispensed it..."

I hold up my index finger and smile. "...And Atropos cut the thread. She was my favorite. Because it was said she used a pair of golden scissors. To determine an individual's moment of death. I like to think I could be like her."

"A myth?" He spat. "A legend. Tell me if I'm wrong, but every child knows Greek mythology, they teach it in school. They learn about the gods and their offspring. They are legendary."

"Are you done? Because this story is boring me to piec-"

"I have a peculiar skill, Ossie. I see two particular colors in people. Red or black. I see a black ring around your neck and quite frankly the only thing stopping me from cutting your string short is I don't have a pair of scissors handy. But I may settle for that bottle. Yes, I'm sure it can slice you just right..."

"Are you threatening me?" I laugh and take the bottle from him and take a long swig from it. "No, I'm telling you that it's your lucky day, now if you excuse me." I get up and see Edward coming back.

"Read-" I pull Edward forward by his jacket and kiss him, making sure I take my time. When I move back I stare into his eyes.

"I'm ready." He glances at Oswald and then back at me. "Tilly?" I wink at him and take his arm leaning against him.

"See you around Ossie." I throw over my shoulder.

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