Sneak Peek at New Book

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A/N: So I finally decided to watch Netflix's most famous show right now, Squid Game! And this character was my favorite and I have seen no one write on him. If people like this then I'll continue writing more chapters, so here's a sneak peek at a part of this book.


I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling, I groaned and tried blocking out the bright lights. "Where am I?" I slowly sat up and found myself dressed in a green track suit, I heard mumbling and saw about 200 or more people here with me. I don't remember...oh right, I got into a van and these men in strange masks and red jumpsuit.

There was a large screen far from us up on the wall and a iron door being the only entrance and exit here. I touched my cheek and remembered the little game I had to play, I received a couple of hard slaps. A man told me I could earn a lot of money do I accepted and now I'm here.

Instrumental music continued to play so I jumped down and ran my hands to smoove my messy hair. "Hey, you okay?" I glared at the guy who asked me that. I simply waved my hand and walked past him and an old man.

"Hey, Sang-woo!" I wave my hand at the tall stoic man and see his face always with a frown. He was always the brightest of us friends. "Mr. University guy" I used to tease him a lot with that nickname.

"Didn't expect to see you here, thought you were still in the U.S." I forced a smile and patted his shoulder, all he did was continue to frown and adjusted his glasses.

"What are you doing here?" He asked instead.

"I need money, it's an urgent matter." I decided to not give him more information. Sang-woo nodded I saw his other friend coming.

I decided to quickly step away and heard both men talking behind my back. People rounded in a circle and I noticed a girl being beaten up by a guy, how come no one is defending her?! I hate bullies.

Without a second thought when he was distracted by the girl I moved quick and landed s punch on his face. The man fell back just a bit but got back on his feet and glared at me.

"You okay?" I asked looking at the girl who had a bit of blood on her lip.

"Who the hell do you think you are?!" The man gripped my jacket and turned me to face him.

"That is one ugly tattoo you have there, awful placement and choice might I say." I laughed. He got ready to punch me as well but someone pushed him away from me making me fall to the floor.

"Don't touch her!" I looked up and saw him again. "What do you think you're doing touching women like that, huh?" I rolled my eyes when the guy crawled over and began grabbing the girl who was hurt. Asking her where his money went.

"Who do you think you are?" The tattoo guy asked pushing him apart.

"My name's Seong Gi-Hun. I live in Ssangmun- dong."

"Ssandmun-dong shit. This little bitch and I weren't done talking." The tattoo guy kept glaring at the other.

"I understand but this woman and I need to talk urgently."

They stopped talking when the same previous men who abducted us came into the room. Everything got silent real quick. Some of the masked men had different shapes on. Triangles. Squares or Circles.

"I would like to extend a heartfelt welcome to you all. Everyone here will participate in six different games for six days. Those who win all six games will receive a handsomely reward. You are all in financial ruins so that's why you all accepted to be here."

"You called and volunteered to participate of your own free will. I'll give you one last chance, Will you all go live your old depressing lives or Will you seize this last opportunity."

"We will disclose by the end of the game how much money you'll be winning."

After a couple of more questions we signed s form and I got in line and was behind Sang-Woo and his friend Seong Gi-Hun.

"Just my luck." I mutter and stuffed my hands into my pockets and glared at the man in front of me. But I had to say the stairway and colors here are beautiful.

"I'm sure the games will be easy, child's play even." I mutter to myself and see Sang-Woo glance at down me.

I stood in the line and watched Gi-Hun step ahead to take his picture taken.

"Look into the camera. Smile."

I scoffed when he gave out a wide smile, "So stupid." It was my turn so I stepped up front and continued to frown even after my picture was taken.

"Why the long face, Arisu? You always looked great with a smile!" Gi-Hun kept glancing back at me while we continued to walk the set of stairs.

"You don't shut up do you?" I annoyingly asked him. His smiled faded a bit but he continued being cheerful.

"It never hurts to show your happiness even in touch situations." I said nothing and continued to walk close by him until some gates were opened and we were in a sort of field.

Gi-Hun hurried when he spotted Sang-Woo again. I rolled my eyes and followed close by.

"Please stand by the white line and wait for instructions."

Soon enough the green gates behind us all closed and they began to introduce the game. "What's with that ugly looking doll?" I scoffed at the giant weird looking doll by a tree just ahead of us all.

"You will be playing Red Light, Green Light. If your movements are detected, you'll be eliminated."

Are they serious? This will be a piece of cake. I stepped behind the line and took my position to get ready to run.

"Those players without being eliminated within the five minute playtime will win the round. With that being said, let the game begin. The doll turned itself around and the countdown began.

"Green Light."

Some of us on the front began to hurry until I was one of the first and- "Red Light." I instantly stopped and so did a blonde guy next to me.

"Player 324. Eliminated."

A loud shot was heard. I slowly glanced over and saw him fall to the floor. "Was that a gunshot?" I asked myself.

"Green Light."

I looked and my blood ran cold, "That's b-blood." I said to a guy who started getting close to him. I knelt down and covered my head, I began to shake and then another gunshot was heard when "Red Light" was announced.

Several more gunshots began to fire all around, everyone began to scream and run away. I did my best to stay still and not look back.

The PA began to announce the rules again once the gunshots stopped. "Green Light!" I couldn't move. I kept covering my head and continued to tremble. If I move any further I'll get shot.

"Gi-Hun, Arisu. You can't continue staying here or you'll lose. The doll can sense movements. You won't lose if your behind someone."

"Green Light...Red Light!" The doll was being quicker now. Now everyone was walking past me quickly.

"The timer." Sang-Woo mouthed at us. The timer was now 2 minutes and 13 seconds.

"Green Light." I jumped and gasped when someone grabbed my shoulders and got me up on my feet.

"Stay behind me." Gi-Hun was also shaking, like all of us scared. He grabbed my hand tight and got me to stand close to him. For once I wasn't opposing on his request.

"Green Light!" He held my close and I quickly followed him and stopped. The guy we were behind got shot and blood got splattered on our faces. I shrieked when I felt someone grab our ankles....

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