Chapter 1

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"Jason!" I cried, diving out of the way as fire flew over my head. I saw him, hiding behind a burning desk. I grabbed his hand and we ran. There was a massive roar and things behind us were smashed and thrown in all different directions. We were closing in on a massive glass wall. Through the wall, I could see the Dream Catcher.

"Jump!" I ordered Jason. He covered his face with his arm and I grabbed him, crashing through the window. I landed hard on my back and helped Jason to his feet.

"Kayla? Are you okay? What happened back there?" A voice asked as I got to my feet. I brushed ash and rubble off my pants and shirt as the Dream Catcher sped away from the burning building. I put away my sword in the sheath on my back and looked at the person who had spoken.

"Sorry, Tyler. We ran into another dragon. Those things are rather nasty." I said, running my fingers through my long hair. The smoke and ash left smudges in my blonde hair. It was time for a haircut.

"You should be more careful." Tyler scolded.

I shrugged and took Jason's hand again. I led him inside the Dream Catcher. Perhaps I should explain what the Dream Catcher is. It is pretty much a massive airship. It's where all the refuges live. We walked down the hallways, pushing past people before they could question our whereabouts. I slipped into my room and shut the door behind Jason. I turned him around to face me. I put my hand under his chin so he had to look at me.

"You okay? You burnt anywhere?" I questioned. He shook his head.

"I'm fine. You need to care for your cut, though." He said, pointing to my shoulder. My shirt had been ripped open and a claw mark stretched from my shoulder to mid chest.

"You should see the other guy." I said, slipping my sword strap off my shoulder. Jason smiled slightly.

"I'll get the first aid kit." He said, running into the bathroom. He reached on his tippy-toes to open the cabinet and grab the first aid kit. I sat on the bed, pulling off my shirt. Jason came out of the bathroom and set to work cleaning the cut. When he was done, he dutifully wrapped it up. I smiled at him and pulled my shirt back on.

"Thanks, buddy. You sure you're okay?" I asked again. He rolled his eyes.

"Yes, Kayla. I'm fine! Stop babying me!" He groaned. I smirked and grabbed his arm. I pulled him into a head-lock and rubbed his head with my fist.

"Gah!" He exclaimed.

"You said to stop babying you! I'm just doing what you asked!" I laughed innocently. He wriggled his head away and fell onto the bed beside me, laughing. He was stopped short, though, by alarms. The room flashed red and I was on my feet in an instant. I threw my sword around my shoulders and cocked my gun. I opened the door and peeked out. Everyone was running to the top deck.

"Stay here and stay hidden. Got your knife?" I asked him. He nodded and pulled out his hunting knife. I nodded.

"Good. Now hide!" I said. Then I raced down the hallway, the door shutting behind me. I ran up the stairs and into the fresh air. I grabbed Tyler's arm as he raced by.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"It's Pegasus." He said. A few years ago, I would have laughed. But now, even leprechauns and fairies were dangerous. I followed him to the bridge of the Dream Catcher. Everyone had their eyes and guns trained on the sky. A group of people were holding a net. It was growing dark, making it hard to see.

"Smart, this one. Attacking at night." Tyler admitted. I just nodded. There was a blur of white and I, along with everyone around me, were thrown backwards. The Dream Catcher pitched every which way as the driver tried to keep it steady. You would think that we would be prepared for the Myths (that's what we call them), seeing as there are stories written about them, but most of those stories got it wrong. Take Pegasus for instance. He is more than just a flying horse. There was a loud neigh and suddenly, with a sound like thunder, Pegasus was onboard the Dream Catcher. We shot at him, but he flapped his wings and the bullets were blown back towards us. Most of us dived out of the way, but some were hit.

"THROW THE NETS!" Someone shouted. Nets were thrown as well as rope with a metal ball on either ends. Pegasus leapt into the air, avoiding the ball and rope and a few of the nets. But one throw was lucky and got him from behind. He nose dived onto the ship with a loud crash. Pegasus whined and thrashed, trying to spread his wings. Someone went to sedate him and got a face-full of hoof. Another got knocked over by his tail.

"We can't get near him! He's going to get away again!" Someone shouted. I put down my gun and grabbed a sedative from my belt. Not taking my eyes off of Pegasus's electric blue eyes, I slowly approached, one hand out.

"Kayla..." Tyler began. Someone shushed him. I crouched low, my hand almost touching Pegasus's nose. He snorted and kicked his leg and I stopped moving.

"There's nothing else you can do." I whispered. He let out an angry huff and let me touch his nose. One thing nobody ever told you about Pegasus was that when someone is touching him, he can talk to them through telepathy. It's pretty cool, actually.

"Please don't sedate me! I don't care if you cage me, just please don't sedate me!" He whined. I opened my hand and let the sedative drop. It rolled to the edge of the ship and fell over. Someone handed me a bridle. I moved to put it on Pegasus, but he pulled back.

"Would you rather me sedate you?" I asked, giving him a stern look. He snorted again and let me put the bridle on him. Once it was secure, I pulled the net off of him and helped him to his feet. I pulled on the bridle, making Pegasus keep his head down.

"Don't even think about flying away." I snapped. He shook his head, his white hair flipping from side to side. I led him below to the cages. I pushed him in one of them and slammed the door behind him. He hoofed the metal floor angrily and thunder rumbled outside. He head butt the cage, making me fall over. I slapped the cage with the rope and Pegasus whined angrily. I closed the door to the cage room, softening the sound of hoof against metal. Thunder was in a constant rumble outside. I sighed, threw the rope to the side, and went back into me and Jason's room. I knocked on the door twice before walking in.

"We're good." I said. His head poked out from under the bed and he looked at me.

"What was it this time?" He asked, laying his head in his hands, still halfway under the bed.

"Pegasus." I replied, putting my gun on safety and setting it on the bedside counter. I sat on the bed and leaned my head over the side, my hair hanging on the floor.

"Really? Was he cool? What did he do? What happened? Tell me everything!" He said, crawling out from under the bed. He jumped up next to me and I pulled myself into a sitting position, taking a minute to let the blood flow back to the rest of my body. I pulled my sword out of it's sheath and began cleaning it while I talked.

"Well, it's dark, you know, so you'd think a white horse would be easy to see, right?" I began. He nodded his head, crossing his legs.

"Wrong," I said, "Pegasus is as fast as lightning and strong as thunder. His electric eyes see straight into your soul. Bullets aren't any good, cause with a flap of his wings they are speeding back towards you. Ropes and nets don't work, he is too quick. His swift ariel maneuverability makes him a hard target for any gunner. When he lands, the ground shakes like an earth quake. If that isn't enough, he fights dirty. Kicking in every direction, bitting, head-butting, even his tail is a deadly weapon." Jason's eyes were wide and his mouth was hanging slightly open.

"How did you catch him?" He asked. I stopped cleaning my sword and just stared at the blade for a second. How had I caught him? I didn't really think about it, I just did it. I looked at Jason and smiled.

"We got lucky. We threw too many nets at once and he was caught by one. He is terrified of sedatives, so once someone got close enough to touch him, he begged us not to sedate him. We didn't, and now he's locked up. He's causing this storm, though." I said, glaring out the porthole like window.

"Were is Pegasus now?" Jason asked after a while, catching me off guard.

"Locked up, like I said before." I said evasively. Jason made a face.

"I thought Pegasus was good." He said. I pushed myself off he bed and walked into the bathroom.

"Apparently not." I said. He sat, gazing at the wall while I changed into a tank top and sweat pants. I stuck my head under the faucet and ran the cool water.

"If all the bad Myths are real, surely the good ones are real too." He said. I turned the water off, not sure if I had heard him correctly.

"What?" I asked, wrapping a towel around my wet hair. I leaned against the door frame and looked at him.

"I mean, surely they aren't all bad, right?" He asked, looking at me.

"Get ready for bed, Jason. It's late." I said. Jason looked like he was going to protest, but I turned away from him and finished drying my hair. I made room for Jason at the sink so he could brush his teeth. I shook my hair out as Jason changed, then ran a wash cloth under the warm water. I picked Jason up with a small grunt and set him on the counter. I washed his hands and face with the wash cloth, hesitating only a second on the scar that had just barely missed his eye, stretching from temple to nose. I blinked away memories of that night and continued cleaning his face. When I was done, I kissed him on the forehead, right in the middle, like Mom used to do. He slid off the counter, gave me a hug, then got into bed. I looked at my own face in the mirror. Covered in scratches, tanned from being out in the sun for so long, but eyes, slightly pointed nose, small cheekbones, dimple on the left cheek, I resembled my Mom so much, it made the pain fresh every time I looked in the mirror. My Mom had had long blonde hair like mine, which was all the more reason to get it cut. To wipe away the memories. I turned off the lights and slid into bed next to Jason who was already sound asleep. I ran my fingers through his thick brown hair. I couldn't let memories haunt me. Not when I had to take care of Jason. I had to make sure he doesn't suffer the same fate as Mom.

"Whatever happens," I whispered, hoping Mom could hear me, "I promise I will protect Jason. I will get that Myth before it gets him. I promise." Then, blinking the tears out of my eyes, I curled up and fell asleep.

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