Chapter 28- Back To School

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┌── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┐

September 28th

└── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┘

A few days later, Marinette laid in her bed staring up at the ceiling. It was almost 6 in the morning, so if she wanted to shower before school she would have to get up soon. Her heart raced as the events of the past few days ran through her mind.

Adrien had shown her an impressive amount of kindness that left her wanting more. Not once did she feel uncomfortable when she was with him (except when he had to help her after she fell in the shower). This was a big improvement. Just a few months ago, she struggled to be in a group with him, let alone just the two of them-but this time...she felt completely at ease.

The only things that worried her at the moment were going back to school. And...Tikki.

Marinette missed Tikki more than anything else, but there was nothing she could do while stuck at the Agreste mansion sick. But now that she was finally off bedrest, she had planned to head over to Master Fu's place for leafs on her kwami.

Her miraculous.

Nobody else's.

Rolling onto her right side and squeezing her eyes closed again, she felt her nerves flare at the thought of going back to school. Her phone laid on the small desk next to her bed and lit up every 2 seconds. Each time the blue light reflected in her eyes, her mind got hazy and anxiety ate at her insides. What could be going on in the fantastic and ridiculous world of social media?

Hesitantly, she picked up the phone and latched her fingers around it. It's better to check now then later, right?


She connected the dots to unlock her phone and watched as a picture of her and Alya appeared, along with her apps and games- all with red notifications on them. The first thing she did was go into her text messages. Scrolling up, she clicked the most recent one...

A text from Alya.

Slowly, she started reading at the last message she'd sent her best friend's way.

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

9~22~18 [9:14 AM] ❥ Mari ❀ : i love u talk to u soon.

9~22~18 [10:05 AM] ♥ Alya ツ : hey hun, how's it going??

You read this at 3:15 PM.

--------------- [11:48 AM] ---------------

[1] Missed call from '♥ Alya ツ'

9~22~18 [11:49 AM] ♥ Alya ツ : sorry if i'm bugging you, but you haven't answered and i need to know deets! also... Juleka texted!!

You read this at 3:15 PM.

--------------- [2:35 PM] ---------------

9~22~18 [2:35 PM] ♥ Alya ツ : you shoulda had lunch by now. you still aren't responding. what's going on?

You read this at 3:15 PM.

--------------- [3:17 PM] ---------------

9~22~18 [3:17 PM] ♥ Alya ツ : I know you read this! Mari... what's going on?

You read this 3:17 PM.

--------------- [4:18 PM] ---------------

[3] Missed calls from ♥ Alya ツ

9~22~18 [4:18 PM] ♥ Alya ツ : there's been akuma attack near you!! are you okay???

You read this now.

--------------- [5:59 PM] ---------------

9~22~18 [5:59 PM] ♥ Alya ツ : I'm so sorry, Mari. I wish I could have done more, but I couldn't.

You read this now.

--------------- [8:19 PM] ---------------

9~22~18 [8:19 PM] ♥ Alya ツ : i'm sorry. i'm a horrible friend. and person.

You read this now.

---- [9~23~18] ----

--------------- [5:06 AM] ---------------

9~23~18 [5:06 AM] ♥ Alya ツ : please be okay, marinette. please. i'm sorry. i'm so fucking sorry. im sorry.

You read this now.

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

Marinette stopped reading her messages as a small tear fell onto the phone. Surprised, she wiped her face. Several things stunned her. For one, how did someone get into her phone and read Alya's messages? She never saw any of them! Also... she'd... she'd worried all of her friends. If her family had found out, they would have caught the next plane back and flown to be with her. She was so clumsy and useless. All she did was provoke Brielle and provoked Empathie even more. If she was just a little more like Ladybug...

No. She was Ladybug. No matter what happened that day, she did what she could. It took a lot of strength just to admit that to herself. The feelings she had been keeping bottled up were too strong and it scared her for a second when the thought of being akumatized popped into her head. She wouldn't cry. Never again would this happen.

The dark-haired girl shakily switched positions to lift the phone up to her face. She began to text.

---- [9~28~18] ----

--------------- [6:06 AM] ---------------

9~28~18 [6:06 AM] ❥ Mari ❀: I'm sorry for worrying you so much that day, Alya. I love you so much and you know that! I'm sorry I didnt respond either. I lost my phone while I was there. I think the person that read your messages was the one who stole my phone. Would like to investigtate, but have neither the time nor energy. I'm coming back to school today. Nervous as hell but i'll be okay. I'm going to go shower and look really pretty today. see you soon, okay? i promise this time.

Marinette went to climb out of bed, placing the phone down. Immediately, it buzzed.

9~28~18 [6:07 AM] ♥ Alya ツ : Mari!!! It's okay, i wasn't that worried lol. i mean, i was really worried but thats besides the point!! you're okay so yay! anyways, i'll see you at school for sure. make sure you wake that hunk of yours up... i heard from Nino he was up real late texting because he was worried about you... remember to wake him up before Nathalie so you can talk before classes begin!!!

The girl laughed at her best friend's message and flushed as she sent a quick response.

9~28~18 [6:07 AM] ❥ Mari ❀: whatever you say, alya. lol

A light knock made Marinette jump slightly and she had to clear her throat to speak.

"Come in!"

The door opened slightly and Aria snuck in, a small smile on her face.

"Good morning, Marinette. How are you feeling?"

Marinette forced a smile onto her face to show she was brave... even if she didn't quite feel like it.

"Perfect." She said, the comment making Aria smile even bigger.

"Great! You don't have to get up quite yet... but if you wanted to shower, I have a few warm towels ready for you and I did your laundry!"

The teenager hopped out of bed and approached Aria with a warm smile. Usaully, in the past few days, if she were to hop out of bed as she did, she'd be overwhelmed with chills and possibly start coughing harshly. This time, she was able to stand perfectly fine.

"I really do feel better. And thank you, I will use these for sure."

Marinette grabbed the towels and made her way to her closet. Choosing a cute new outfit she had yet to wear, she took a deep breath and made her way to the doorway, in which was still occupied by Aria. The girl smiled and pulled her long black braid to the side, twisting it nervously.

"Are you okay?" Marinette asked kindly. She raised her eyebrows.

"Y-Yes, I just had a question for you, Ms. Dupain-Cheng-"

Marinette stopped.

Again with the formal name calling!

"What is it, Aria?"

"Do you think... I could..." She placed her hands over her face and turned red. "I really really really want to do your hair! It's my dream to do hair and I think your hair is gorgeous and I'd love to do it on your first day back! But it's okay if you don't want me to, just please... if you can think about it? Oh what am I saying.. I'm sorry that's so rude of me, I'll just go-"

Marinette giggled before allowing herself to burst into a chain of hysterics. Aria was so flustered over offering something so kind that Marinette, the usual nervous wreck of the two was stunned at this behavior.

"Of course you can! All you have to do is ask! You know, I'd love to have you do my hair! I always wear pigtails because it's super easy and I'm horrible at hair...and my mother doesn't really have the time nor patience. The only person that really ever does my hair for me is Alya, and she gets frustrated if one hair is out of every time she does, she starts over about a dozen times out of frustration..."

Noticing she was rambling on, Marinette trailer off, clearing her throat and nodding resolutely.

"Of course you can."

Aria's face lit up and she slapped her hands together. "Oh thank you thank you!"

Marinette chuckled again and slid past the maid on her way to the bathroom. "No problem. I'll let you know when I'm done."

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

When she was finished, Marinette made her way to her room in a towel. She was reluctant to both stay in the bathroom too long, and to walk around half naked, but it didn't bother her since she knew Adrien was asleep and Gabriel rarely came in this part of the house.

Pulling on her outfit, a floral and poka-dotted dress, and securing her hair into a ponytail, she called out for Aria after remembering her promise.

"Aria!" She half yelled half whispered down the hall.

The sound of frantic footsteps sounded and an out of breath woman made her way up the stairs. She leaned on her knees for support.

"I-I'm here..." She huffed.

Marinette chuckled. "Excited?"

"Oh yes!" Her eyes lit up, and for a second, Marinette thought Aria was a bit like little Manon when she recieved ice cream.

"Well.. you can do it however you like. Now hurry up!"

"Okay!" Aria said, smiling.

The teenager sat in her desk chair and turned it around so the back of it was in front of her body. Aria lightly pulled at the hairtie and removed it, wrapping it around her wrist.

"Okay.. so no preference?"

Marinette shook her head. "Well, this is the outfit I'm wearing, so you can just choose from that, I guess."

Aria examined her from the back very quick, before parting Marinette's hair to the side.


.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

As Aria pulled the ribbon she'd taken from the desk and tied it around the ponytail holder, Marinette was stunned to see the finished product. Her hair was pulled into a neat french braid that twined around the side of her head, resting on her right shoulder. She hadn't noticed how long her hair had actually gotten. It looked gorgeous.

"D-Do you like it?" Aria nervously asked, tapping her foot as Marinette examined herself in the bedroom mirror.

Swivelling around on the balls of her feet, she looked up at Aria with a beaming grin.

"It's gorgeous! I look great!"

Aria smiled softly as she took in the excitement in Marinette's blue eyes. "Oh it was nothing..." She blushed, brushing nonexistent dust herself off. The ruffles of her maid-like outfit were already secure, but still, the woman seemed as if there was something else she wanted to do.

"Do you want to...maybe do my makeup too?"

Aria paused, glancing up at the younger girl before nodding shyly. Marinette fished out the supplies she'd brought along, laying them out in the counter for Aria's discerning eye. As she worked on laying the base on the bluenette's pale skin, her mouth twisted in concentration.

"Are you alright?" Marinette asked quietly, focusing hard on not smiling so as not to mess up Aria's careful application.

Aria smiled widely, but anyone with a brain could tell it was only half real, like her mind was a million miles away.

"Yes, I just... I don't get this chance very often. I only have brothers. I always wanted a little sister."

Marinette stopped and looked at the girl. She hadn't noticed before, but the bags under the maid's eyes were a clear indication of her new friend's exhaustion. It was hard to understand why a beautiful and talented girl like her would work so hard for a man like Gabriel Agreste. Marinette wanted to tell her to talk to Gabriel. If he were to see this talent, maybe he'd find a better job for the girl? It made sense now that she knew her a little better- Aria was obviously in some financial trouble. She was obviously old enough to go to school as well as get a job as a stylist. She should do what she wants to do!

Gabriel must pay well.

The blue-haired girl let out a sigh. "I always wanted a sibling too. But now I have quite a few people in my life that I treasure like family."

Aria nodded, suddenly avoiding eye contact.

Grabbing onto her hands, Marinette pressured the woman to look her in the eye.

"You can do my hair and makeup whenever you want. I promise that I'll do what I can to help you... I don't understand everything, but I'm sure it must be hard. You always wanted a little sister, and I've always wanted a sibling, so maybe...maybe you could think of me like family, too."

Aria was stunned at the kindness of the girl before her. She had never seen a personality like this before. But when she looked at Marinette, it was almost as if there was a light glowing out of her. What's more, she had the feeling this was only the beginning. Getting to know Marinette might make her life better, the same way it had for Adrien.

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

Adrien had been staring at his ring for the last 15 minutes, buried under his covers and avoiding any light that shone through his blinds. More then anything, he wanted to hear his kwami's annoying voice again. But still, the ring was Frozen, and there was no sign of Plagg coming out.

Am I supposed to give it back? Maybe Master Fu can help Plagg?

He had only met the man twice, yet he trusted him wholeheartedly. Maybe it was Plagg's bond with the old Master.

Maybe he should go see Master Fu after school today.

Yeah. I'll do that.

He knew the way the turtle, Wayzz, had shown him before. So he must visit as soon as possible. The issue had to be solved-

He heard his door open. Adrien tensed as the squeaking came to a stop. Nathalie was there to wake him. Again. Yet he didn't want to go to school today. He wanted to stay with Marinette. Convince her to give it the rest of the week... but knowing his blue-haired friend, she was just too stubborn.

Someone made their way to the bed and Adrien bit his lip.

Please just go away.

But they did not, they just grew closer and closer to him. He could see the light through his comforter get blocked by the person's shadow. He slowly sighed and removed his face from the covers.

"Hello, Natha-"

But it was not Nathalie.

"Oh, I'm s-sorry, Adrien!" Marinette backed up, stunned that he was awake all this time. She'd been hoping to catch him while he was asleep.

Okay. Maybe that's a little creepy to say that way.

She felt bad for waking him up.

"I-I'm sorry!" She said again, shaking her hands in the air awkwardly.

Adrien stared at her with wide eyes. She was... she was...


He felt his heart skip a beat.


Like a drum.

Why was he feeling like this just by seeing her face?

She wore her hair differently, in a sense that made her blue eyes stand out even more. The dress she wore confused him for a different reason entirely-

"U-Uh... M-Marinette?"

The girl straightened and hugged herself, cupping her elbows.


Adrien sat up, leaning towards her to get a better view of her outfit. He turned red and looked away.

"You... You..."


"You look..."

Marinette's heart skipped a beat as she noticed the boys eyes. He was looking right at her. Not around her. Not behind her.

At her.

"I... what?"

Adrien stopped himself before he could say it. He refused to say anything more. Did friends say that they thought the other looked breathtaking? Did they say that the other made their heart skip a beat when they saw them? He'd have to ask Nino.

"N-Nothing. I like your outfit though."

Just tell her how gorgeous she is! That's what Plagg would say.

But Adrien's throat felt tight, his eyes wide. He could not say that to Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

"T-Thanks..." She muttered her heels clicking as she no longer felt the need to tiptoe away.

"Let's go... it's almost time for breakfast. Nathalie would probably have woken you up in 10 minutes."

Adrien started as he realised he hadn't worn a shirt to bed, rubbing his bare chest.

"O-Okay.. I'll be there in a minute."

Marinette smiled at him awkwardly and closed the door behind her, sighing as the tension she felt release.

Oh my god, I saw Adrien's abs!

But that wasn't the only thing on her mind... what was he going to say? He stopped.

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

A/N: So... Dreamers, thank you for reading. I'm on vacation right now. Florida! Whoo! So, I'm literally at the airport currently... I wanted to post a chapter before I left. I'll try and post another in the next few days... if I have enough time. If I do not, please understand! But what do you think about this chapter? And do you think if both Adrien and Marinette are planning to go see Master Fu it will cause some issues? Hm... Anyways, more to come. It's a bit short but whatever. See ya!

Song Choice: Impossible by Shontelle
Now that Adrien's appearing to have caught feelings, maybe it's not so impossible after all.

Word Count: 3018

Editor note: sorry for the duplicate update, I was scanning through after publishing and noticed a few errors I'd missed.

Bug Out!

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