chapter 22

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\kenzie POV/
I nodded, of course I need to know what's going on and Why everyone is acting so weird! "Well," Felix began. "I used to live here. I was, in fact, friends with those two sick demons. But now, I've learned my lesson. One day, they became angered at me. I never knew why. They began haunting me, their actions making me lose my sanity. I tried to tell people out in town, but that obviously was a bad idea. They all thought I was crazy. Which, in the end, I was. I wrote those journals and tried to learn more about Dark and Anti. They were always mad, never wanting to listen to me or anything. I was damn sick of it! Then, I moved out, leaving my journal behind on accident." Felix sighed. "They're evil. They could turn on you in a second. Of course, they're demons, and demons tend to do those types of things. They have the properties of ghosts, so haunting you would just be a living nightmare." I thought for a bit, "what r you going to do with the journal now?" I asked. "I was here to just get it back," Felix replied. "Now... I might do something else rather than burn it. But that doesn't matter. Tell me, how have Dark and Anti been acting around you lately?" I sighed, "they have been acting nice to me lately, I mean when I first moved in anti was annoyed at me for some reason but he stopped after I helped him out with something. Dark was nice too, but today anti punched a guy in the face because the guy wouldn't leave me alone and blood was coming out of the guys nose....I saw antis pupils shrink like a cat and dark told him to not to do it. I didn't know what dark meant by that so I ignored it, anti was still mad that him and dark got into an argument....anti punched dark in the face.....I could see darks eyes become all black and his lip was bleeding black...then he grabbed anti by the throat and almost choked him until I stopped him." I explained, I then walked over my bed and sat down and started kicking my feet out. I could see Felix looking at the cut on my foot. "They're very violent," Felix said to me. "I'm not surprised that they were acting like this-I swear to god, Dark!" "Fine, fine!" Dark snapped, leaving. Felix faced me. "Did they give you that cut?" he asked. I shook my head, "no, anti dropped a glass cup the second night I was here and I cut my foot." I said looking at Felix. "Oh." was all Felix said. Then, he sighed. "You clearly see them as friends. But they're lying to you. The way they mentally tortured me... it was suicidal. Don't ever get on their bad sides. These two can be extremely sensitive." I nodded, "I try not to and today when dark was about to choke anti I told dark to stop and he dropped anti and left the room. He look like he wanted to say or do something but he didn't" I said softly. I could feel a hand on my shoulder, I knew it was anti but Felix gave anti a glare but anti didn't notice. "I see. Well, if you want to stay their friends, then stay off that bad side, or you'll go insane... like me." Felix said quietly. He looked away awkwardly, then picked up his journal. My curiosity got the best of me, "what is their weakness by the way?" I asked curiously, I felt anti jump and let go of me.

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