Used to Be Mine-Character Stats

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Name: Mira

Age: 29

Job: Employed performer for the royal family

Love: Loki Laufeyson

Alliance: Neutral, supports the royal family but disagrees with Thor's ideals of war for pleasure

Personality: Quiet, compassionate, musical (has a beautiful singing voice, plays piano very well), thoughtful, a bit of a pessimist, very lonely, appears insensitive on the outside to hide her inner loneliness, sadness, and fear.

Looks: Slightly prettier than a mortal (she is Asgardian, after all), pale white skin, perfect teeth, strawberry-blonde hair (wavy, 3/4 down back, usually left loose and curled), deep brown eyes (flecks of gold and black), average Asgardian height, lean.

Backstory: Really long, so it's in the next chapter :) Also, it's kinda confusing the way the whole backstory is written, but in the chapter labeled "Healing Begins", the real plot part of the fanfic starts. And if you wanna skip that, the song part begins in "Winter's Ball".

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