Used to Be Mine-Judgement

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  Over the next 2 weeks, Mira was a guest of the queen while York's trial was being planned and he was under house arrest in Mira's small house. She was scared the day of the trial, and her tense body posture and quick breathing revealed her apprehensive terror to Queen Frigga, who surprised the servants in the room by hugging Mira and promising her everything would be alright soon. The princes Thor and Loki were in the large room at the time as well, and they reacted discordantly. Thor looked arrogant as always, but also surprised by his mother's compassion toward a near stranger, while Loki simply smiled calmly at the exchange. When York saw Mira enter the courtyard where the rial was being held, he lunged and tackled her to the stone ground, screaming and physically attacking her. Guards were quick to pull him off her and restrain the violent man, but Mira stayed where she was, whimpering and curled in a ball, for an extra minute. When Queen Frigga helped her to stand, she said quietly, "When will this nightmare end?" The queen hugged her again and replied assurances of 'soon'. Little did Mira know, Prince Loki had heard her strained plea and was disturbed by the crumpled emotional state she was in, all caused by the man now being held down in a chair at the front of the courtyard, still glaring fiercely at Mira. He decided to watch her carefully during the trial, now curious about her life. He knew of the charges against York, yet this was the first time he had seen the abuse happen. This man must be mentally disturbed to attack her in broad daylight with witnesses at his own public trial, the god of mischief thought as he sat down beside his mother, who looked anxious about the event. Mira was forced to sit up front, very close to York, which made her visibly even more scared. The trial was short and simple, the jury (Queen Frigga, King Odin, and Heimdall) ruling quickly in favor of Mira. York was now officially guilty of assault, abuse, and attempted murder (Mira had revealed at the start that he had attacked her twice with a knife, stabbing her, and she showed the scars to prove it) and would serve a life-long imprisonment for his terrible crimes. At the verdict, York broke free of the guards' hold and lunged again at Mira, screaming murderous intent, but Loki instinctively created a magic barrier between the two to protect the frightened young woman until the man was re-apprehended and taken away. Mira looked up at the royal seats, caught Loki's eye, and mouthed 'Thank you'. The god of mischief nodded and disappeared the barrier. After the trial, Queen Frigga wished Mira well and sent her back to her home with a satchel of food. The young woman turned the corner of the lane to her house and froze. A group of obviously drunk men, who she recognized as some of York's 'friends', stood before a burning building, chanting York's name and "Revenge!" while waving flaming torches. Mira dropped the satchel, realizing it was her home on fire, and it clattering to the ground and caught the attention of a few of the drunk men. "Get her!" one screamed and they all turned and charged at Mira, who smartly ran away as fast as she could. She sprinted toward her metalsmith workshop, where she had a handful of weapons to defend herself with.  

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