Prologue: Disappearance of D.

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I have been fangirling this book for ages! An Assassin's Creed: Syndicate book. Where Jacob is the main lead. That doesn't seem like a disaster waiting to happen... Anyhow, let us start. It went down like a trailer in my head... sorry. 



Jacob's POV.

Flashback. Before IT happen.

The light reflected perfectly on her porcelain skin. She was wearing a sleeveless dress a red cloak lingers on her shoulder's blades. We were in my quarters. I was leaning on my desk while she was facing the door. Her walls were down while we were in the protection of solitude. No one else but us in my cart. She came to see me, and I am willing to help; however, I hardly can read Lady Rosaliana. Since I have become a Gang Leader. I have spent much deserve time with my Mystery Girl. It's blooming for me, but she asks me for something I can't refuse her.

"How many months will you --". A deep breath was taken as I try to figure what's her game. I know very well Rosaliana always has a back plan. Always.

"Is that worry, Mr. Frye?". I blink once glancing back to my hands. I caress the odd-looking coin she gave me, "If I don't do that for you, I don't believe you'll do it. Somebody has to watch over you". She softly chuckles looking back at me from the corner of my eyes I saw it. It lingers on her lips longer than I have ever seen it before. Rosaliana points at the coin, "That coin is special, Jacob".

"Special? ha! You sound like Evie and her search for the Pieces of Eden". I blurt out chuckling at her weird behavior. Rosaliana keeps the smile on her lips, "I mean it. It'll show you what you want the most". I roll my eyes caressing the coin with one finger.

"Right. Is it like magic?".

"No. It's one of my favorite pieces. It's very valuable". I glance upholding the coin within my hands. Rosaliana looks straight at my room door, "Now, what do you want?".

"I'll leave London in your hands, Jacob. I can't stay". A sharp pain came stumbling in my chest as I glance up at Rosaliana, "can't stay? Why? Who's after you??". I abruptly lean off my desk walking to Rosaliana. She sighs heavily, "No one. I need to do this Jacob just watch over London".


"Promises me?".


"Thank you".

That's all I remember as I let her slipped from my fingers... She was there so quick so safe. I could have done that.

End of Flashlight.


A lot of things running through my head. I wanted to be there. I abruptly open the cart door. Emotions that I couldn't think off rush through me. My rooks told me what happens; however, I piece everything together too late. I can't explain how, but I just know that it was so soon. This explains everything. Everything. Her behavior. Her emotions. Her eyes. Her secrets.

One Question remains within all the ruins of the wreckage...

Where the fuck is Rosaliana??

What do you think?

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