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as the day went by, the classes were really boring. nari was in history period and couldn't help but release a heavy sigh while she watched the scenery through the window. that was the time where she often let her mind take her away and imagine some impossible scenarios in her life. she was soon brought back to reality when someone whispered her name.

she quickly turned around and found yoongi staring at her with a confused look. "gwenchana?" yoongi's low voice sent shivers down nari's spine, she quickly nodded, indicating yoongi that everything was alright.

"arasseo... look, i was thinking that maybe we should exchange phone numbers... after all we're working in this project together and it'll be easier to keep in touch., you know? just in case... i don't know." yoongi spoke as he scratched the back of his head, a slight shrug trying to indicate he was asking for her number in a cool way. not at all he wanted to look needy on her eyes. 

that was his excuse for getting her phone number. he has never been a applied student and he didn't really care about that project, he just wanted to know more about nari and he thought a nice way was taking her phone number.

nari nodded as she thought it made sense what he said and it was perfectly normal to exchange phone numbers with your class partner. yoongi handed her his phone which she noticed had a black plain phone case. she didn't know what she was expecting, but this definitely matched his personality.

she typed her number and handed his phone back. yoongi took the phone from her hands and typed something, a few seconds later her phone began to vibrate on her pocket, she pulled it out and smiled at yoongi's text.

+1234567890: i see you :)

she couldn't help but release a small giggle as she read yoongi's text. she never imagined he would be a guy who used emoji or faces, she thought min yoongi was too tough for that. "i'll save yours too." she said as she saved yoongi's number under the name of min yoongie. a few seconds later a phone vibrated and this time it was yoongi's. he smiled widely as he read the answered text.

narinie: i know, now i can see you too :P

nari had typed back. yoongi couldn't help but smile at the girl's answer. he thought she was so cute.

"so we're up for today's afternoon right?" he asked her as he pulled his phone back on his pocket. nari nodded eagerly. she had been planning their reunion since a couple of days now. she was excited about bringing someone else than keiko to her house. she wanted to bring the boys before but she hasn't found a good excuse to invite them.

since nari and yoongi had to work for the school's science project, it was most likely that she'd bring him to her house. she had called his parents to ask for permission and they gladly accepted.

"i'll see you later yoongi-ssi." nari said as she bid her goodbye. that day they only had two classes, that allowed nari to return home earlier. she wanted to prepare everything so when yoongi came, he'd feel comfortable around.

"annyeong." park sunhee greeted nari as she grabbed her backpack and coat.

"how was your day agasshi?" she asked sweetly as she followed nari to her room.

"it was fine, thanks for asking ahjumma." she said going inside her bathroom to take a quick shower.

"is your friend coming?" park sunhee asked as she gathered some clothing items that were scattered around her room to put them on the basket.

"ne, he's coming at 5:00 p.m." nari answered from the bathroom.

"arasseo, i'll bring these clothes to wash." park sunhee said as she collected the dirty clothes on the basket. closing the door behind her and smiling widely. it was exciting for the woman knowing the little agasshi was bringing a boy home.

nari took a quick shower and put on a pair of shorts and an over sized baby pink sweater. she combed her hair and put on a pair of white socks. she went quickly downstairs and right into the kitchen. she found park sunhee doing the dishes.

"ahjumma i want to make these." she said showing park sunhee some snacks she had pinned on her pinterest app on her tablet. she nodded as she read the ingredients.

"ne, we have everything you need." she said nodding and smiling. nari felt happy about that, it was the first time she was bringing someone to her house besides keiko and she wanted to be a good host.

"can you help me to pick up the ingredients? i don't know where you keep them." nari honestly said. she loved cooking but park sunhee always insisted on doing it by herself, she claimed it was her work after all so every time nari was hungry, she'd come downstairs and grab something form the fridge because if she insisted on prepare something, park sunhee would say she'd do it for her.

park sunhee always prepared sweets and healthy snacks for the girl so she could be healthy and satisfied every time she wanted to bite something. nari was thankful about that but she wished sometimes that park sunhee would let her cook something by herself.

"here." she said as she gathered all the ingredients on the table, nari checked them all and nodded.

"kamsahamnida ahjumma, you can go now." she said sweetly but park sunhee narrowed her eyes, clearly in disapproval.

"ani, i am preparing these." she said making nari laugh on her seat. she thought sunhee was so cute when she narrowed her eyes.

"ani ahjumma, i am doing it myself. please?" sari said with puppy eyes. the girl's charms were beyond compare and just because it was nari's first time bringing a friend other than keiko to the house, park sunhee finally agreed .

"yah... only because i have plenty laundry to do." she said complaining. in the reality, she didn't have any laundry to do, she just wanted to give nari some space to cook by herself.

a few hours passed and nari finally was done with the cooking. she had prepared caramel popcorn, sesame potato chips, cinnamon sugar sticks and a pink lemonade. she admired her work and smiled widely, it all looked so good.

"nari-yah it smells amazing!" park sunhee complimented her as she walked into the kitchen. nari turned around and smiled at her.

"can you please try these and tell me if they're delicious?" she asked innocently. she trusted on her words. park sunhee noticed the girl's eagerness so she nodded and rushed to try every dish. they were delicious indeed and she couldn't help but feel proud of the girl.

"they're all delicious, i am sure your friend is going to like them." park sunhee honestly complimented the girl.

nari flashed a smile before checking her clock. "he'll be here any minute." she said rushing outside the kitchen. she went upstairs and grabbed all her science books and notebooks, along with her pencil case and brought them downstairs with her tablet too. she went to the big white living room and placed all the items on the table. she checked her phone when suddenly beeped and read the text.

min yongie: i am outside 

her eyes widened at the sudden arrival, she hoped he would take a few minutes more but the boy was already outside, he was a punctual guy. rushing through the halls, she ran towards the entrance and opened the door to find yoongi leaning on the door frame with his backpack hanging on his left shoulder as always. that was the first time she had seen him in normal clothes and it was exactly what she expected. he was wearing all black, a black hoodie with tight black jeans and black boots. he looked pretty nice and nari couldn't help but think that he looked way more handsome in normal clothes.

"am i late?" his voice brought her back to reality. she shook her head and stepped away to invite him in.

"a-ani oppa - she giggled after calling him oppa for the first time. yoongi's heart skipped a beat after hearing the oppa word coming from nari's sweet lips. "kaja." she said with a sweet voice. yoongi nodded and walked inside. he eyed the place around him, trying to push away the fluttering fresh feelings after being called oppa for the first time by nari.

she led him through the hall and he admitted her house was way bigger than he imagined. he knew nari was wealthy but didn't know how much and he was definitely surprised. he was a simple guy, coming from a working class family so he wasn't used to that amount of luxury. he tried to hide his surprise at how beautiful and big her house was.

"this way." she said as she pointed the way. nari invited him into the big white living room. his eyes opened widely when he noticed the furniture and the decorations inside. he couldn't help but wonder how much all of that had cost.

"i... i brought everything i had on science books and i have my tablet here just in case." she said shaking slightly her tablet. he chuckled at the girl's cuteness.

"please, seat." she said pointing at the black futons as she sat on one of them around the table. he nodded and sat as he pulled his backpack besides him. nari opened the books and the notes that she had taken in classes.

"so... what do you suggest we should work with?" yoongi asked as he surprised her looking at him. he had his head tilted aside and his eyes narrowed. he couldn't believe how simple and humble she looked at school and how different she looked in here too.

"i... i think maybe we should work with the botanical projects they suggested?" nari said as she opened her notebook to check her notes.

he did the same as he opened his notebook too, he hadn't take many notes but the teacher had said they could work with either electrical, botanical, physics, maths or chemistry projects because that was for the science fair. he didn't like that much the science fair, he liked math but he loved plants more, since he was a kid, so he thought that maybe working with the botanical part was a good idea.

"i like it. maybe... we should mix the project with something we both like." he said smiling. nari thought about it and it sounded like a good idea.

"something like what?" she asked placing her hands under her chin. yoongi bit his lip as he tried to contain himself from explode due to nari's cute gestures.

"what do you like?" he asked curiously, trying to focus on the subject but he admitted nari was really distracting.

she started thinking about stuff she liked. "well... i like drawing." she started and he nodded. he appreciated art but he was a terrible artist.

"i also like cooking and music-

"there it is!" he jumped on his seat like a 5 year old. nari tilted her head as she looked at him with confusion.

"music... i love music too. maybe we should try to find some music/botanical projects that we could try." he said as he grabbed nari's tablet that was on top of the table. he unlocked it and his heart warmed when he saw a picture of a kitten on the background. he thought if nari could get more cute?

"here! look – he said handing nari the tablet – how music affects the plants growth." he said smiling widely as he waited for nari's reaction, when she smiled widely he did too. he was proud that apparently his idea was of her liking.

"i think this project would be so interesting." she said nodding as she kept reading the website's info.

"i do too." his eyes were fixed on her instead, as she read the info on the website, he kept looking at her and couldn't help but think how come that she doesn't have a boyfriend? are all the boys in her school blind?

"i like it. we should work with this." she said as she surprised him this time staring. their eyes met and nari blushed for a second and giggled her embarrassment away. she put the tablet back on the table and grabbed her notebook.

"we should take notes and write the theoretical part right now so we can show it to the teacher the next class." she said, yoongi nodded in agreement.,

they started working and yoongi, after all the attempts he made, he finally focused on working next to nari. the first thing he noticed was how soft nari's skin looked, it had a pinky-milky tone and her cheeks would blushed now and then, he couldn't help but wonder if it was because of his presence there. he also noticed how good she smelled, he didn't know what was the smell but she smelled like cupcakes and ice cream.

"what do you have there?" she asked leaning over yoongi notes. he cleared his throat and looked down to the notes on his notebook.

"if you play music for the plant, will it affect the way it grows? do plants best respond to a particular genre of music? purchase three plants of the same species and place them in separate rooms. you can also build three soundproof boxes to fit the plants. then select two different music genres like classic and rock and locate the two cd players. leave a plant in a room or box without music. play a different genre of music for each of the remaining plants. take care of all the plants according to the instructions. after a week, observe and record the condition of each plant. are there factors other than music that could have affected the outcome of your experiment? is it possible that the music you played affected how well or poorly you cared for the plant rather than the plant itself?" yoongi read and quickly looked at nari as he waited for her approval, she smiled widely and nodded.

"good job. i think it sounds perfect." she said and he smiled.

"i like this project. for some reason i thought it would be boring." he said laughing as he closed his notebook. nari looked down and felt disappointed, she thought he was realizing how boring she was but yoongi was quick to notice the girl's face falling.

"i mean... only because science is not my favorite subject but i like plants and music so this is fun. also you're a nice partner." he said flashing a genuine smile which caused nari to smile as well.

"shall we take a break to eat some snacks?" nari asked as she quickly stood from the futon. yoongi looked at her from the ground and nodded. he wasn't expecting to be given any kind of treat from her so when she returned with a tray and inside were a few bowls with different snacks, he couldn't help but feel a bit shy but also glad about the treat she had prepared for him. he also noticed two big glasses of a drink that had the same color as nari's sweater.

"i hope you enjoy this, i don't know what you like so... i prepared a few things." nari said sitting next to him on the futons. yoongi looked at the tray in front of him, he didn't know what kind of snacks they were but they smelled amazing.

he grabbed one of the sesame potato chips and took a bite. nari eyed him carefully as she eagerly expected a reaction from him. cooking was something she loved and even though keiko had come many times to her house, she had never cooked for her before, so this was the second time she'd cook something for a friend, the first time was eunwoo's birthday cake.

"this is delicious! what is it?" yoongi asked smiling with his eyes since his mouth was full of chips now. nari chuckled at the cute view.

"sesame potato chips, and these are caramel popcorn, and these are cinnamon sugar sticks and pink lemonade." nari said pointing to each bowl and finally to their glasses. yoongi felt something taking over his body, he was pretty sure it was happiness. for a moment he felt weird since he wasn't used to feel this way but on the other hand he was welcoming it. never ever a girl had prepared something like that for him, only his mom and his mom didn't not count.

"aren't you allergic to any of these ingredients? i forgot to ask first." nari nervously asked but yoongi only shook his head.

"whoa... to be honest... i am impressed, these are all really delicious." he said taking a sip of the pink lemonade and pointing at the bowls in front of him.

"why pink though?" he asked raising the glass. nari felt her cheeks burning, she hated to admit it.

"it's just my favorite color." she shyly said. yoongi chuckled as he totally saw that coming, nari seemed the type of girl who liked pink.

"i see. i am still impressed, gomawo nari for these delicious snacks." he said bowing his head. he really liked all of the snacks that hari prepared and even though he's picky about eating, he finished them all with the help of nari, because he really enjoyed them.

"i am glad you liked them- nari started but soon stopped when her phone beeped and that caught her attention. yoongi followed her eyes and his eyes landed on the phone screen. from where he was he could managed to see that she has gotten some texts.

nari swallowed hard and grabbed her phone and opened the texts. it was from eunwoo's birthday party group.

sanha has changed "eunwoo's birthday party" to "sanha is the new korean prince"

Moonbin: Stop it Sanha, it's not funny. IT WAS A JOKE.

Sanha: sounds fake but okay

Moonbin added Eunwoo to the group

Moonbin: I am sorry to lied to you but this group was made for planning your surprise birthday party

Sanha: He actually said he'd never add you here because you're annoying hyung


Eunwoo: Are you all serious?

MJ: Come on you're the most quiet in the group

Sanha: After me

MJ: *chuckles and dies because of all the lies*


MJ: are you alive?

Sanha: duh yes

MJ: then no, I am not alright

Moonbin: Guys enough, are you all up to get some pizza today? Nari what about you?

Rocky: yeah nari come with us

Eunwoo: Ne

Jinjin: I am in


MJ: I am not going

Rocky: Hyung stop it, Sanha is part of the group too

MJ: ...

Sanha: hehe inyoface

MJ: I swear to god Yoon Sanha...

Nari: I can't go guys, I am doing homework right now, sorry. Maybe next time.

Jinjin: Homework? It's Friday.

Rocky: Exactly my point.

Nari: I am working on a science school project and I have my classmate here, we're nowhere near to finish, sorry guys.

Eunwoo: A classmate?

Sanha: hyung chill

Moonbin: omg

Rocky: savage

Nari: What do you mean?

Eunwoo: Nothing. I can't go out today.

Moonbin: Yah seriously?

Nari had her eyes locked on the screen and she couldn't help but wonder why Eunwoo suddenly changed his mind about going out with the boys. She was taken aback when Yoongi cleared his throat.

"Is everything okay?" He asked narrowing his eyes. He noticed how Nari's facial expressions changed once she opened the texts. He couldn't help but ask if it was a boy who was texting her? If maybe she had a boyfriend and she lied to him? Or maybe she has a beau.

"Yeah sure. It's nothing. Let's keep working." She said and he nodded. After the texts the mood felt a bit gloomy to Yoongi. He tried to make a few jokes but he was really bad at it and Nari didn't laugh so eventually he drop it and kept working.

"I think we're done for today. We should get the plants next week to start with the project." Nari said and Yoongi nodded.

"We should." He said standing from the futons as he collected his stuff and put them back on the backpack. They were surprised by Park Sun Hee, she entered the white living room and bowed to the both of them.

"Oh Ahjumma, this is Min Yoongi." Nari said as she introduced her friend to Park Sun Hee. She walked towards them and smiled at the boy. He didn't look exactly how she pictured him. She thought it would be some more like Keiko or even Nari, the boy in front of her looked really different from the two girls. He was wearing black clothes and he looked like he could kill someone even if he was wearing glasses.

"Yoongi this is Park Sun Hee, our maid." Nari said with a sweet smile. Yoongi looked at Nari and then at Park Sun Hee, he bowed to the woman and smiled. Park Sun Hee's confused face made Nari chuckled. She wasn't expecting the boy to smile like that at her, in fact, she couldn't believe a guy with his looks could have such a sweet smile.

"Are you two hungry? It's dinner time. You've been studying for so long." Park Sun Hee said. Nari turned to look at Yoongi who was confused.

"Uhh... Were you leaving? Perhaps would you like to stay and have dinner with us?" Nari asked Yoongi. He opened his eyes in surprise. He wasn't expecting to be invited to stay over dinner but he loved the idea.

"I'd love to." He quickly spoke, avoiding the stammering that was forming at the back of his throat. Park Sun Hee and Nari smiled widely.

"Okay. I'll call you when dinner is served." She said as she bowed and disappeared through the door. He pulled his backpack back to the floor and sat on this couches this time, next to Nari.

"I didn't know you had a maid." He said a bit surprised. Nari turned to look at him. She couldn't help but wonder what kind of life Min Yoongi has. She wasn't good at figuring out people's lives and now that he came to her house and saw her life, she was wondering how was his.

"She's more than a maid, she's my nana." She said with a tender smile. "She just insists to be called our maid, I don't know why." Nari added. Yoongi nodded in agreement. He understood.

He came from a working class family and her grandmother was a maid before. He knew about it because she had told him and also his mom had talked to him about it. "My grandmother was a maid too, she worked several years for a Kim family." He said.

Nari opened her eyes in surprise. She wasn't expecting the boy to share such a personal things, but she was happy that he did in some way.

"It's a noble job." Nari said smiling tenderly. Yoongi knew the girl was sweet and kind and that she meant what she said.

"Where are your parents anyways?" He asked crossing his arms on his chest. Nari looked down.

"They're not here right now. My mother is in Seoul working and my father is abroad, in Germany, working as well." Nari said and looked back at Yoongi. He had his eyebrows furrowed. He was trying to figure out in which sector did they worked, but soon his questions were answered by Nari herself.

"Uhh... My mother is a neurosurgeon and one of the country's top so she's away most of the time, she does surgeries in other districts and sometimes even in other countries." Nari said fixing the hem of her sweater.

Yoongi was impressed with Nari's words, he had his eyes fixed on her as she kept talking.

"My father is a famous lawyer, he works with big companies and most of the time he's abroad working in cases." She said. Yoongi blinked twice as he now understood why the Im family was so wealthy, with such a successful careers, they must have lots of money.

"I see... Do you have any siblings?" He asked genuinely, Nari nodded and smiled at the thought of her brother.

"I do have an older brother, my oppa... But he lives in Busan, he goes there to the university. He studies psychology. He'll come to visit soon." Nari cheerfully said.

Yoongi smiled at her and opened her mouth to say something but he was interrupted by Park Sun Hee's yelling, inviting them to come to the dining room to have dinner.


Hey guys, this is whoa really long right? Almost 4,000 words lmao. I had to include my BTS' first bias aka Min Yoongi. I hope you enjoy this chapter, we have plenty drama coming in the future.


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