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School was over but since Nari missed a few classes she had to take extra exams in order to get her degree in the ceremony. She had studied thoroughly the past week and today was her last exam so she was nervous but happy at the same time. Once Kim Hee-jun dropped her in the school she noticed there were a few students around who were in her same situation, fortunately Keiko was one of them since she missed a few classes when she traveled to Japan with her parents.

"Nari-yah!" She exclaimed when she noticed Nari coming inside the building. Nari definitely looked like she's been through a lot, she wondered if he slept enough hours during this stressful week since she was a bit pale.

"Keiko-yah how are you?" Nari sweetly asked. Keiko eyed her friend from head to toe and noticed she looked a bit messy.

"Yah Nari what's wrong with you? Have you sleep enough hours?" Keiko asked narrowing her eyes. Truth be told Nari hasn't sleep much, between studying and thinking about Eunwoo she barely had find time to sleep.

"Ani... I've been studying a lot." She admitted only half of the true since she knew if she mentioned Eunwoo, her friend will scold her for skipping hours of sleep over boys.

"Aish you need to sleep more Nari-yah and eat healthy stuff... Thanks god today is our last exam, we'll be free in a couple of hours!" Keiko exclaimed dancing, Nari chuckled and shook her head. They both made their way to the classroom and soon the teacher arrived. There were around five or six students more so Nari wasn't as nervous as she thought she'd be. After a couple of hours she finished her exam and delivered it to the teacher. She noticed Keiko was stilff struggling with it and secretly she wished for her friend to get a good score.

She walked out of the classroom and texted Kim Hee-jun to pick her up since she was done for today but while she waited, she thought about looking around in case she sees one of the boys. She looked for them in the usual places where they hang out, in the park, the backyard, the library but they weren't there.

A feeling of uneasiness filled her heart as she walked slowly towards the entrance and soon the white Audi arrived. She swallowed hard and looked once more back at the school behind her. She was done with her high school years, in a couple of weeks was her ceremony of graduation and next she'd be an universtarian.


Nari grabbed her phone and checked the boys' chat. It had been inactive since a couple of days now, she wondered if they were all busy to even talk on the group so she decided to write something and try out.

Nari: Guys, where are you all?

She waited a couple of minutes but no one replied. She frowned as she stood from her bed and sat on the desk with her legs crossed. She went through the contacts and looked for Eunwoo's number and wrote him a text.

Nari: Cha Eunwoo... Where are you? I am worried about you all.

She hit sent and left her phone on the table but her eyes were glued to it. She wondered why they wouldn't answer her?

The clock marked 5:00 p.m so since she was free for the rest of the day she thought about visiting some of the places where they usually hang out in their free time. She grabbed a pair of jeans and a white sweater and white sneakers and did her way downstairs.

"Ahjussi... I am going out by myself." She said with a tender smile. Kim Hee-jun was sitting in the kitchen talking with Park Sun-Hee drinking coffee. He quickly stood and shook his head.

"Ani agasshi... I'll take you." He insisted but Nari shook her head.

"Ani ani... I'll take the bus. Please, I want to do it." Her big brown eyes were persuasive and the man and woman looked at each other before returning their eyes to the young girl in front of them, he finally nodded.

"But call me if you need anything Nari-ssi." He insisted and she nodded not before flashing a wide smile to the both of them. She was happy about the fact she was growing up now and a few years ago they wouldn't have agreed to her going by herself on the bus but now she was older and things were different.

She took the bus and sat on a free seat on the back, next to the window since it provided her a good look of the city. She loved sitting next to the windows in her car because she could see the people around, their actions and expressions. She loved seeing the people smiling and running, or couple with their hands entwined.

The afternoon was quite fresh when Nari found herself walking around the Han River. The view was lovely and she smiled as she leaned on the rail. She looked around, looking for the six pretty faces but they weren't there. She grabbed her phone and checked it in case they'd answer her texts but inbox was empty.

She sighed and pulled it back to her pocket and returned her eyes to the River. She walked around it, looking around and then after realizing they weren't there she thought about going to the other places they usually hang out. She visited the coffee shop and the arcade room but they weren't there either. The library and movie theater were close to this places but they were nowhere to be found, lastly she decided to visit the bay.

She walked around and saw the ocean that looked a bit dark now since it was night. She felt her stomach grumbling and looked around, several food trucks were around the place and the smells were bringing her closer to the food. She approached one who looked slightly familiar and walked to the small queue.

Nari was looking at the menu when the person in front of her turned around and looked at her. Their eyes met and she recognized Yoongi. They both smiled awkwardly as he scratched the back of his head. "Nari... Annyeong."

"Annyeong Yoongi-yah... I -" She started but she didn't know what to say. She didn't want to admit she was looking for her friends since she thought maybe Yoongi will ask more about them and maybe even offer to help her look for them. She knew the boys wouldn't like this so she shook her thoughts and looked back at Yoongi.

"I was hungry." She was between a nervous laugh. Yoongi nodded and smiled but his smiled faded away when he noticed Nari looked a bit paler than before. He leaned closer to her and looked into her eyes.

"Yah... Have you been eating well?" He narrowed his eyes but Nari opened hers. How come everyone asked her that lately?

"Ne... Well... Not that much. I was studying hard for the exams so I missed a few meals." Yoongi shook his head in disapproval.

"We can't let that happen - He shook his head and turned around when he realized it was his turn - order something healthy, tonight is my treat." He said inviting Nari to stand next to him. She smiled and nodded.

He looked at her fragile expression and he couldn't help but feel worried about her. She looked a bit skinnier and paler than before, he wondered if it was true what she said about skipping some meals due to her studying.

After they finished eating, Yoongi offered to walk Nari back home so she agreed. "So what were you doing out without ahjussi?"

Nari swallowed hard and thought quickly about an excuse, she shrugged. "I just wanted to walk around the city and eat something out." She said and Yoongi nodded.

He was sure she had hidden intentions and that she was keeping it away from him but he didn't want to inquire to the point where he made her feel uncomfortable, so he shook his thoughts away and smiled once they reached her house.

"We're here." He said and she nodded as she looked at her big house.

"Nari... Next time you want to walk around and eat something out... Just, give me a call okay? I can come with you." He said smiling.

Nari knew he was telling the truth. She knew he still had feeling towards her but hers had changed. They've talked after the school dance and she was honest with Yoongi. She said her feeling had changed and he accepted it with his heart broken he nodded and walked away from her the next day when he visited her house to ask her why she left that way the night before.

The bittersweet memory of having Nari on his arms the night of the school dance popped into his head as he watched Nari in front of him. He knew she didn't have the same feelings towards him but he was a man before everything and he accepted it.

"Ne Yoongi-yah. Thanks for walking me home. Have a good night." She said bowing.

After she bid her goodbye she did her way inside the house. She greeted Kim Hee-jun and Park Sun-Hee and made quickly her way to the room. She walked inside and sat at the edge of the bed with her phone between her hands. The picture they took on the pool she had it as her background. They were smiling in the picture and Eunwoo was looking at her.

The corner of her lips lifted as she caressed the screen of her phone. She jumped when she heard some knocks on her window. She pulled her phone down and quickly walked towards the window. She found Eunwoo's face and their eyes met, she felt shivers down her spine. She rushed to open the window and he walked inside the room, closing the window behind him.

"Cha Eunwoo." She pronounced his name like it was her favorite word. Eunwoo's heart stopped for a second before he smiled.

It was so healthy hearing his name being pronounced by Nari's lips and sweet voice. He secretly wished to hear it forever. "Where have you been!?" Nari exclaimed concerned. Eunwoo opened his eyes widely and took a step back.

"What was doing Min Yoongi here?" He asked ignoring Nari's question. She narrowed her eyes at the thought of Eunwoo being on the street waiting for her and witnessing Yoongi walking her back home.

"Ani... It's nothing. He walked me home." She said moving her hands. It worried Nari what Eunwoo thought of her, but he loved her so much to be mad at her. He pressed his lips together trying to smile at her.

"But... I wrote you messages and to the boys, I looked for you in the usual places where you hang out, you weren't there... Any of you." She said taking a step towards him. Eunwoo blinked several times as he felt his heart shrinking.

"Ne? I... I lost my phone, I am sorry Nari-yah." He said scratching the back of his head. Nari frowned when he swallowed hard and looked at her with a worried look on his face.

"Nari... I came here because... There's something I need to tell you." He said in almost a whisper. Nari's legs began to tremble as she felt her hands sweating.

"What is it? Where have you been, all of you?" She asked as she felt the concern growing inside her heart and a dull pain growin in her chest. Eunwoo swallowed hard but remained silent.

He suddenly out of nowhere pulled a notebook from his back, on his hands was the notebook where Nari had drawn the manga project. Nari's heart stopped for a minute as her eyes traveled from Eunwoo's eyes down to his hands where the notebook was. She felt how the time stopped for a second as her head felt like she was being pulled under water.

"You stopped drawing us." Eunwoo's words made Nari's eyes, that were stuck on the notebook that he was holding, widened. She took a step backwards slowly as she toured her eyes from the notebook to the mirror that was on the wall. She saw her reflection staring at her with scared widened eyes, trembling knees and messy hair. She noticed how her eyes were bigger and filled with tears now. Then she traveled her eyes in the mirror in the space in front of her where Eunwoo was, but there was nothing.

She blinked twice as she widened her eyes even more, taking a step towards the mirror she stopped when she looked at the mirror and then back at Eunwoo, she confirmed he didn't have a reflection on the mirror.

Eunwoo followed her eyes and looked towards the mirror and saw only Nari's reflection. His eyes widened as he felt an intense pain on his chest.

Nari turned to look at Eunwoo who had dropped the notebook to the floor now and pulled his hand to his heart. She noticed his eyes were filled with tears and saw his lips moving as he said something that wasn't audible enough.

Nari's heart stopped when she noticed Eunwoo's body fading away right in front of her eyes. He extended his hand to touch Nari but just when he was about to touch her he disappeared.

Nari stodd motionless in the middle of her room, looking in the place where Eunwoo was a second ago. His eyes were filled with terror and it looked like he was screaming something to her but she couldn't hear him. She looked down to her hands and notice she was trembling.

There was confusion and shock on Nari's mind. She them remembered Keiko's words the day she showed her the manga.

"My favorite character is Yoon Sanha for sure, I mean he's not one of the lead characters but his personality definitely matches mine"

"I think I'd like to date him if he was real."

"If he was real..." Nari found herself whispering in shock.

She grabbed the notebook from the floor and opened it. The first drawing was familiar, it was Sanha, she examined in detail the drawing of Sanha. He was making faces and there was a pool in the background. She frowned and her mind suddenly couldn't understand a thing when she looked at the rest of the boys in the drawing.

The same picture on her phone.

She looked for her phone and unlocked it but when she looked at the screen there was a picture of a kitten. She widened her eyes as she felt nervousness growing inside her heart. She went through the pictures but all the picture they've taken were gone. The picture on the pool and the ones they took on the fair.

Her heart was breaking at the moment, thinking about how confused she was. She turned around and went to her walk-in closet looking for Sanha's cap but it wasn't there. Nari felt her insides twitching when she saw the hanger where Eunwoo's green jacket was, empty now. Soon the tears began to fall as her heart raced. She walked outside of the room and looked for Eunwoo's note on her nightstand but it wasn't there.


All of the things she had that belonged to them or were given by them to her at some point were gone. A big cloud on top of Nari's head menaced to cloud her senses. She grabbed her phone and went to the whatsapp group but soon she realized it wasn't there either.

She left her phone next to her as she sat slowly on the bed, she looked down at her hands and began cry harder when she realized the ring that Eunwoo had given her was gone too. Everything she cared about, everything she shared with them, it was all gone, as if the earth had swallow them forever. The tears began to blurry her vision but she noticed a folder on her desk that attracted her attention. She stood from the bed and walked slowly towards the desk, she stopped when she was in front of the folder.

It was the folder where she kept all the drawings she made every time she dreamt about someone or something. Her fingers brushed the corners as she pulled one to open it. Her heart stopped when she saw Eunwoo's face drawn in a piece of paper but she felt shivers down her spine when she checked the date on the footer, it was from 8 years ago.

Her legs betrayed her and she fell onto the floor. Her heart was completely broken and her eyes were red from all the crying. She noticed how all the papers inside the folder had fallen around her onto the floor. Eunwoo's face fell right into her hand and she cried harder as she extended her free hand to look for her phone.

After a few beeps she heard the voice and breathed out in relief. Between desperate cries she managed to talk.

"Eomma... I need help."


A/N: Guys what do you think of this chapter? Is really sad isn't it? I've been listening to several sad songs while I wrote this and cried a bit. This is our final chapter but I'll post the epilogue explaining better for those who didn't understand this chapter. I hope you enjoyed this fanfic as much as I enjoyed writing it.

If you're new here and you like GOT7 and BTS, I invite you to read my other two fanfics "TORN" and "RAIN" This last one is still on going but I hope to finish it over the Christmas break.

Thanks for all the readings.


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