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During the whole trip to Busan Nari didn't mention her friends again. She acted normal and tried to fulfill her parent's wishes. If they asked her to eat, she'd eat. If they asked her to take a shower, she'd take the shower and so on.

The boys had texted her several times and right now on their way back to Goyang they were texting again. After being absent from the chat for over a week they finally texted back now. She opened the chat and read the texts.

Jinjin: Yah Nari why won't you answer? You're being really rude towards us.

Sanha: I am seriously heart broken Nari-yah

Moonbin: Are you with Min Yoongi? Is that why you're ignoring us?

Rocky: He ain't a better friend that us. We care about you.

MJ: Nari-yah I know they're all annoying but please answer me at least, I am the brains here

Jinjin: Shut up hyung.

Rocky: I am the talent

Sanha has sent a voice note *Sanha chuckles*

Eunwoo: All of you stop right now

Nari looked down at her phone screen and sighed locking her phone and pulling it back into her bag. She didn't want to talk to them right now, she was confused.


"We're here." Min Solji said to her daughter who had fallen asleep in the car. She opened her eyes and recognized the house's façade. She nodded and did her way out of car.

She missed her brother already, they had spent a nice Christmas break but he had to stay back in Busan since he was starting classes in three days.

Nari grabbed her suitcase and dragged it all the way to her room. She opened the door and sighed at the view. It was all cleaned up and everything was perfectly organized, not at all as she left it. She thought Park Sun-Hee must have cleaned it while she was gone.

She left the suitcase next to the door and removed her scarf and coat and thre them on the chair and looked around for her manga. She found it organized on one of the drawer's desk. She looked at it and smiled. The work was great and the drawings and illustrations were really pretty, sometimes she couldn't believe she had done it by herself.

The clothes she was wearing were now on the basket of dirty clothes. Nari grabbed a white plain sweater and a pair of pajama pants and put them on. She turned on the lava lamp and the room looked with a familiar pink atmosphere again. She smiled and lay in bed.

She thought about her friends. About Yoongi and Keiko, they have sent her texts and calls during the Christmas break and she had answered them but not the boys' texts. She was hurt and also confused. She was awakened from her thoughts when she heard the familiar knocks on her window. She opened her eyes widely and stood from the bed and walked slowly towards the window.

She saw Eunwoo's face on the other side of the glass. He was knelt on the ceiling and his hands were trying to open the window. Nari approached slowly the window and looked at him. He looked handsome, as always. She could tell he was wearing a black and white striped sweater with a denim jacket.

Was he really here?

"Nari-yah!" She noticed Eunwoo's lips moving, pronouncing her name. She walked slowly towards him and tilted her head. She lifted her hand and placed it on the white wooden surface of the window. Eunwoo looked down at the bolt and pointed at it. Nari's eyes followed his command and finally opened the window for him.

"Yah Nari I was freezing outside." He said walking inside and closing quickly the window quickly behind him.

"Cha Eunwoo." She pronounced his name as if it was the very first time. Eunwoo felt shaking chills down his body and swallowed hard.

"That's me." He said raising his hands. Nari looked down and sighed.

"What are you doing here?" She asked turning around and walking away from him. Eunwoo felt his heart breaking a bit, the treatment Nari was giving him wasn't proper from her.

"I came because this is getting out of hand. Why do you ignore our messages?"

"Just like you ignored me? The day you left me Cha Eunwoo?" Nari asked. He felt afraid of her right now. Her eyes were dull, no sparks like last time.

He looked down and sighed. "Mianhae. I know you're mad at me, I don't have a good excuse. Please forgive me." His words made Nari's heart to beat faster.

He was so charming even if he had done something stupid again. She remained silent as she looked up and her eyes met Eunwoo's. "How did you - She started but her voice cracked.

There was that question that had been eating her alive for the past week. Eunwoo opened his eyes widely and tilted his head. "You want to ask something? Please go ahead." He insisted taking a step towards her but Nari looked at him a bit doubtful and took one step back away from him.

"How did you know wh - where I was in Busan?" She asked. This thought had been popping in her head since that night. She never told them about where she was going and even less she gave them her brother's address in Busan.

Eunwoo felt nervousness growing inside and he finally after a few awkward seconds he shook his head and chuckled. "Aish... Jinjin is very good with electronic stuff and computers, he figured it out." He said scratching the back of his head but Nari wasn't fully convinced.

"He put a gps on your phone the other day and you didn't notice." Eunwoo said smiling nervously. "We just wanted to see if you were okay." He added.

Nari looked down and nodded. "But yah why did you slam the door like that in our face? It was hurtful you know? Sanha's nose almost broke." He said and Nari smiled genuinely for the first time. She wasn't happy about hurting Sanha but she imagined the situation and recognized it was funny in her head.

"I asked Jinjin to track you down. I needed to know where you were all the time. Mianhae Nari-yah." He said bowing. Nari's heart warmed up at Eunwoo's words and she chose to believe in him.

"You can just ask, there's no need of that." She said taking a step towards him and he smiled nodding. "Ne. I know... I'll ask next time."

Nari nodded and turned around walking away from Eunwoo. He eyed around and noticed his green jacket laying on one of the chairs near the walk-in closet, he smiled at the thought of Nari having it. Even if he wanted the jacket back, he wouldn't ask for it, because he liked knowing that Nari had it.

"Are you mad at us? At me?" Eunwoo asked. She sighed and turned to look at him. Somehow he thought Nari had changed lately, she was still shy and not that much talkative but she was more bold now in some ways.

"Ne. You speak about Yoongi ditching me the other day and you're no different Cha Eunwoo." She said crossing her arms on her chest. Eunwoo's heart was in pain in that moment, he knew he deserved it.

He nodded. "Ne. You're right." Blinking twice, he looked away to control himself from crying. He just wanted to talk to Nari, to ask her if she felt the same way about him, after all he had confessed before but judging by Nari's behavior tonight, he knew it wasn't a good night to ask it.

"I just came to apologize again. It seems like it's the only thing I do lately." Eunwoo whispered the last part but Nari caught it.

"It's okay Cha Eunwoo... Thank you for coming all this way to apologize, I accept you apology." She said smiling tenderly. It was true Nari was hurt but she couldn't feel hate towards Eunwoo nor the boys, after all they were her friends.

He nodded and walked towards the windown not without turning around and looking into Nari's eyes. "You're wearing the ring." His eyes went down to Nari's fingers.

She froze in her place and looked down at her hand. She had been playing with the silvery ring the whole night. "Ne." She simply said and Eunwoo smiled tenderly and nodded quickly.

"Good night Nari-yah." He simply said and climbed out of the window, out of her room.


The Christmas break was over and it was time for Nari to return to school. She had missed a few exams before the Christmas break so she had to take extra exams now in order to pursue the high school degree.

She was looking at the white ceiling wondering if this remaining months of school were going to be exciting for her. She now had friends but she wondered if they'd keep their word on meeting her family and other friends. It made her feel sad inside that they'd run away everytime.

The deafening sound of the alarm didn't even disturbed Nari, she was used to by now. She'd be awake everytime it rang, so she just rolled to the other side of the bed and stopped the alarm. With a heavy sigh she stood from the bed and began to her daily rutine.

After she bid her goodbye to Kim Hee-Jun she made her way inside the school. She didn't even bother to look around, she just went straight into her classroom since she didn't want to talk to anybody. It was weird being back in school after these couple of weeks. She wondered if people in her classroom noticed the times she skipped class.

"Nari-yah!" Keiko's familiar voice resounded on the classroom. Nari who was sitting on the back of the classroom with her eyes lost in the book in front of her, looked up to see Keiko with a wide smile, walking towards her.

"Keiko-yah." Nari said greeting her. She was happy to see her friend was good and healthy, but she didn't want to give any explanations right now.

"Omo how are you? I went to your house several times before going to Japan, but the last ones Park Sun-Hee told me you were in Busan... Did you visit oppa? How is Namha doing?"

"He asked for you." Nari said and with these words she wideneded her eyes and sat slowly in the desk that was in front of Nari's. After a few seconds of Keiko travelling to dreamland, thinking about how Namha's cute lips must have pronounced her name, she turned to her friend and giggled. She soon forgot what she was about to ask Nari or even the reason why she was mad.

"Jinjja? Is he taller now? Did you tell him I dyed my hair red?" Keiko blurted out several questions at the same time which made Nari chuckled for the first time in that day.

"Ne. I told him and he smiled and yes he's taller now and his apartment is really pretty." Nari said and Keiko sighed heavily. She was in love with Namha since she met him three years ago for the first time, she thought he was the cutest man alive.

"Aish... If only I was older." She mumbled and Nari laughed. Soon the teacher and the rest of the students arrived and the class started. Yoongi did his way inside the classroom and his eyes looked for Nari, once he found her he breathed out in relief.

"Class dismissed." The teacher said and now it was lunch break. Yoongi has been reviewing the lines on his head, how is he going to ask Nari but the time was here, she was coming his way since he was standing in front of the door.

She stopped walking and smiled at him bowing. "Annyeong Min Yoongi." Nari said with a tender smile. He felt his knees going weak and cursed mentally at the fact that he always thought he was tough enough to yield into girl's charms.

"Annyeong Nari - He started but soon Keiko popped behind Nari so he cleared his throat - Can we talk, alone for a second?" He asked. Nari turned around and looked at Keiko. Keiko looked at both and then sighed.

"Fine..." She said rolling her eyes but then sending a thumb up to Yoongi. Inside she wished Nari and Yoongi were together as before.

"Ne. What is it Yoongi-yah?" Nari asked while she held her books wrapped around her arms. Yoongi looked down at her and smiled. She looked super cute.

"I... I was wondering - he began as he scratched the back of his neck - if you had a date to the school ball dance?" He said proud of himself for not stammering.

Nari widened her eyes in surprise since she didn't even remember that ball dance. She sighed and chuckled nervously. "Omo... I almost forgot about it." She said looking down but then up to Yoongi. His eyes were expectant over Nari's answer.

She thought about Eunwoo and how he visited a few nights ago, the time he came to apologize to her for leaving her like that, but he didn't mention the ball dance. She was sure if he assisted this school and he was such a good student he'd now long ago, but he didn't invite her.

She remembered how he confessed to her but she thought maybe his feelings changed during those weeks. She looked up at Yoongi and noticed his eyes looked concern but also lovingly staring at her so she smiled. "Ani, I don't have a date yet."

"Would you like to come with me?" He asked biting his lip. Nari noticed how nervous he was over asking this question. She couldn't help but wonder if he had invited girls to ball dances before.

"I'd like to Yoongi-yah." Yoongi breathed out in relief and then smiled with his whole face. Nari couldn't help but think how cute and adorable he looked while smiling with his whole face, showing his teeth, it warmed her heart.

"Say no more. It's next week, Saturday so I'll pick you up at 7:00 p.m?" Nari knew how far he lived from her house and she also knew he didn't had a car so she shook her head.

"Ani. Let's meet here at that hour." Nari said. Yoongi tilted his head but he didn't want to reject Nari's idea so he finally gave in and nodded in agreement.

"Ne. I can't wait." He said flashing a charming smile. Nari felt her heart warm in that moment. She soon remembered the things she like about Yoongi and his smile was always one of those things.

"Hungry?" He asked and she nodded. "Let's meet Keiko then." He said nodding while showing the way back to the dining room.


"Im Nari!" She heard a familiar voice while being on the school gardens. She turned around and saw some of the boys walking towards her. She noticed MJ narrowing his eyes. She widened her eyes and closed the book she was reading.

"What do you think you're doing!?" Moonbin exclaimed crossing his arms on his chest.

"Yah! Explain.." Sanha said imitating Moonbin.

Nari swallowed hard and began to think what they were talking about this time. "Aish don't look at us like that, you know what we're talking about!" Rocky exclaimed.

"I don't know." Nari said shrugging.The boys groaned in frustration.

"How can you accept going to the ball dance with Min Yoongi? Do you know he has a nickname? They called him Suga on his old school!" Moonbin exclaimed moving his arms around.

"Yeah what does that tell you? About a guy whose called Suga?" MJ asked moving his feet.

"That's not because he likes honey and sweets!" Sanha exclaimed and the other three boys looked at him in and frowned.

"It's better if you keep quiet okay?" MJ said and Sanha swallowed hard and nodded quickly.

"Aish boys hajima! He's nice and he invited me when no one did it." She said. Those words hurt the boys' feelings. They thought Eunwoo would inviter her by now but apparently he didn't do it.

"Are you saying... Eunwoo hyung didn't invite you?" Rocky asked shocked. Nari opened her eyes widely and stood from the bench she was sitting.

"He didn't." She said blinking several times. Was he going to invite her? Why he didn't?

The boys looked at each other and cleared their throats. "Anyways that's not excuse. You could have come with any of us." Moonbin said.

Nari couldn't stop thinking about Eunwoo and they admitting he was going to invite her but now it was too late, she was going to the dance ball with Yoongi. "That's very sweet of you guys - she said looking down to her skirt - but I have a date already, but thanks anyway." She said grabbing her book and walking away from them.

She felt like crying and she wanted to do it alone not in front of them. They dind't catched the hint so they followed her around. "Aish Nari-yah cancel your date with Min Yoongi, he doesn't care about you!" Sanha insisted.

"Ne you can come with any of us, we'll make a draw." MJ said but she stopped walking and quickly turned to them. They noticed her eyes looked redder now and a bit glassy.

"Ani stop with this! I am going with Min Yoongi and you should be accepting it by now!" Nari exclaimed, probably her voice sounded higher than she expected to. A pair of dark eyes were staring at her. She didn't noticed when she came inside the building but they were now in the middle of a hall and Eunwoo was standing in the doot next to her. He watched the whole scene and listened to her words.

Nari slowly turned to look at him and embarrassment flooded her face. He had his fists clenched around the door's frame but he tried to look cool. He cleared his throat and smiled at Nari and then turned to the boys. "What are you doing?" He asked them in a serious tone.

"Nothing, we're just trying to convince Nari to come to the school dance ball with one of us instead of that Yoongi guy." Moonbin said. Eunwoo closed his eyes and groaned internally at his friend's behavior.

"Bin-ah hajima, all of you!" He exclaimed the last three words. They all looked at each other a bit ashamed. Eunwoo blinked twice as his eyes were wide opened, giving them judging looks.

"If she decided to go with Yoongi then you need to respect that." He added. Nari looked at Eunwoo but he refused to look back at her. It was too painful for him admitting this just right now.

Nari felt her heart breaking as tears formed in her eyes, she bite her lip to stop herself from crying in front of them. She bowed and looked away. "Kamsahamnida."

They saw Nari walking away and they all turned to look at their tall friend who was still on the door. Eunwoo's face was looking down, his heart was beating faster as he tried to calm over this scene he just created.

"Yah why would you say that?" Moonbin complained but Eunwoo didn't say anything, he just clenched his fists and did his way out of the hallway, away from them. He hated himself right now because he had to fake it was okay for him that Nari goes with Yoongi to the school dance ball when inside he was burning with jealousy and anger.

He hated the fact that Yoongi invited her and hated the fact that she agreed, only because he was a coward, he knew he couldn't take her even if he wanted it with all his heart. He noticed how his hatred clouded his mind and heart and after several hours thinking about it he let it go. He breathed out and closed his eyes. He knew Nari deserved to go to the last school dance ball since it was their graduation and since he couldn't be with her, beside her, taking her hand, he understood he needed to accept the fate.


A/N: Annyeong! We're really close to the end, only a few chapters left. I hope you enjoy this story.


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