Ace x Eva part 2

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I am so sorry everyone

If you're not satisfied, here's a meme

Now onto the oneshot

           Ace headed to the park, the rain was pouring. Thunder could be heard but the atmosphere was peaceful. He felt his stomach churn. He missed the feeling of Eva's aura. It felt like a warm cup of coffee that soothes your throat as you take a sip from it.

          Ace gripped onto his umbrella tightly. He pulled his sleeve up to look at his watch. 10:46 pm. He sighed. He felt a huge weight in his chest. It was guilt. He knew he was stupid to leave Eva so coldly. Especially since he had just kissed her. He stared at the ground as he walked.

          Then he saw a pair of muddy boots on the ground, stopping as he looked up to see a soaking Katherine. Her eyeliner was all over her face, sliding down her cheeks. She was hugging herself, shivering and crying when she met eyes with Ace.

          He eyed her with a stoned face. He tried so hard not to feel bad. Not after all she has done to him.

          "Ace, please, I'm sorry... can you ever forgive m-?"

          "Let's take this somewhere dry, shall we?" He said, handing her the umbrella and taking off his coat. He wrapped it around her then grabbed the umbrella back. He hated her, sure, but he's not cold-hearted.

          He walked her to her place, the directions imprinted in his mind. Katherine was silent the entire time, but she felt butterflies in her stomach. Ace, you adorable idiot. You haven't changed.

          Finally, they made it to her house. They stood in front of the door. But just as Katherine was about to grab her keys, she heard the doorknob click. She turned to look and saw the key in his hand. "You... kept the key?"

          "Obviously, but it's not what you're thinking. I just didn't want a key to go to waste. Besides, I could use it just in case I realize that I forgot something here," he replied, looking away.

          They entered her house. It was dark and lonely, cold and roaming with a sad aura. Katherine turned the lights on as Ace closed the door behind them. He looked back to take a look at the place.

          Ace made them coffee, apparently being familiar with the place. He had been living here for a while before he and Kath broke up. They talked for a while in the living room. Katherine told him how she felt ever since he left her. Ace listened but not too intently.

          "Ace, I need you..." she said out of nowhere. Then Ace looked into her eyes. They were genuine with sorrow and promise.

         "I know I treated you horribly in the past, but believe me I've changed! And I changed just for you because I love you..." she said pathetically, putting her hand on his knee and giving him a sad look. He sighed.

         "Let's start over, Ace. A fresh new start," Kath smiled, laying her hands on his cheeks and crying softly. He looked away for a moment. But then he held her hand.

         Ace was making his way to the lab, scanning the streets to see a sign of Eva racing to the alleyway. But there was nothing. There weren't even any pedestrians that would block Eva's way. The city was kinda lonely. He sighed, arriving at the alleyway and lifted up the WANTED poster, revealing the ID scanner. He scanned his ID, the little light above the scanner glowing green.

         He was brought down with the elevator, leaning against the glass walls of the elevator as he thought about last night. He didn't think everything would escalate so quickly, especially with Eva. He had a horrible feeling in his gut, but he shrugged it off. Just as the elevator came to a complete stop and he was brought down to ground floor of the lab.

         He still couldn't believe he worked in a secret lab below the earth's surface where no one would be allowed to enter except him, Eva, Dr. Dreadlocker and Mr. Ponder. Although no one really knew about his job there and he wasn't being paid at all, he was still full of pride.

        "Eva! You here?" He stepped out the elevator, making his way to her office. Once he realized it was empty, Dreadlocker passed by. He scoffed. "She's not here. She said she wouldn't be able to make it today."

        "In fact, when she called me she sounded like a lost child and thought I was working in a pizza place. She has lost her mind!" Dreadlocker laughed, walking away as he mumbled. "Y'know, this might be the first time I actually felt bad for her."

       "Dr. Dreadlocker!" Ace called, running up to him. "I'm sorry to b the bearer of bad news but can I PLEASE check on Eva," he pleaded, seeing him sigh with frustration.

       "Fine, knock yourself out. But only because I'm having this huge headache," he rubbed his temple, barely noticing the bright smile on Ace's face. Ace thanked him and started racing to her place.

        Ace arrived at the apartment building where Eva lived, deciding to run up the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator. Once he reached her floor, he walked up to her apartment door and froze. He tried writing himself a mental script, deciding what he should say to her.

        Maybe something casual? No, not in a situation like this. Maybe something with a smooth one-liner would make her laugh. Nah, too cheesy. Maybe an apology? Yeah, that'd probably be a good way to start out a conversation.

        Ace stood there, biting his index finger and pacing back and forth. Somehow, he just couldn't think straightly. He felt his mind going everywhere, he was anxious. He sighed and smacked his head against the door, shutting his eyes tightly and almost giving up.

        "Hello?" A voice from inside the room called. It sounded broken, weak and soft. Once he heard her voice, he smiled weakly. He turned around to lean against the door with his arms crossed. He looked down, smirking slightly. He cleared his throat. "Would you like a free sample of our fresh pizza, ma'am?"

       He heard quick footsteps running to the door. He didn't have enough time to get up from the door so once Eva opened up, Ace almost fell to the floor. Luckily he was able to keep himself up. He stood there awkwardly, glancing to see Eva wearing a large hoodie, her hair tied up in a messy bun, just the way Ace liked it. He thought it looked cute on her.

         Eva stood there silently, eyeing him and almost shedding a few tears. Ace stood up straight, looking down at her and feeling so horrible to see her in this state.

          "Sorry, turns out the pizza man didn't have any free samples and just wanted to give you a hu-" he mumbled and out of nowhere Eva hugged him tightly, cutting him off and leaning her head on his chest. She couldn't help but hear his heartbeat.

          Ace looked down at her and quickly hugged her back. He squeezed her tightly, leaning his head on hers and keeping her close like it was the end of the world.

        After a minute of hugging, they pulled away, laughing like two dumb idiots who share inside jokes.


And that's all folks

I went too far and decided to give you guys a break because ya'll are amazing and don't deserve to be spammed with thousands of words so

I hope you liked this

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