CH 29

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Those who want me to update my other stories dm me. I won't updated the others cause no one is reading them. So yea, u wan it, just ask it.😗

Not proof read!

We were in the chamber, as usual prince Jimin who sat there reading his book while I was lighting the lamps in the chamber. It was quiet and soothing, no worries in my mind. Just as I finish my work, a call came from the other side of the chamber. My eyes move to prince Jimin who looked at me with confusion. It was only dusk and it was unusual for anyone to even interrupt his highness, leaving us in suspicion. With uneasy feeling in my gut, my figure approached the door, but before I attend the door, the door flung open falling on me. Rushing foot steps leaving my side. I pushed away all the doors from me and sprung on my feet to find the rooms dark and the dusk light being the only source of light. My eyes moved immediately moved to the prince and find him being getting beaten while he struggled to get away from them. My reflex unfolded. I pounce on one and pull him punching him in his face, he stumbled back and rush to pull the another from hurting the prince. But before that could happen, I was pulled and faced the one I punched. He pulled out his sword and gashed on my body.

My lids pulled up with fright and worry. My eyes checked the surrounding and realized that it was only a dream. A sigh of relief left my lips but a heaviness appeared on my lap. I look down and find Prince Jimin sleeping on my lap holding my waist while I was sitting taking, leaning on the bed post. His long smooth hair fallen on his face. My hands moved them and I caressed them. His puffy eyes had dark circles darker than last time. Dry tears on his chubby cheeks. "Was this the same person who always enraged at my actions at times?" My fingers caressed his face as wondering. Carefully I moved his wrapped hands aside and placed his head on the pillow and tip toe from the chamber.

"What happened yesterday?" I asked myself not recollecting anything. My hands pushed opened the door to find Seohyun still sleeping on her bed. I looked at the sun rising and picked my necessities to head to bath house. "Seohyun, it is dawn. Get up." I called her, she stirred in her sleep and I walk out of the room. "I want to atone for my sins." He said looking fiercely at me. "I want you to run away as far as you can but only after you assassinate me." A flash came out of nowhere. My steps halt. "His highness asked me that and then I fell asleep?" I asked myself. For some reason the moment I opened my eyes, my mood felt different as though being irritated with something.

It was like a lightening bolt, the scenes that took place in that chamber appeared.

I pushed him and stepped back, astound to hear such phrase. 'Your highness." I gasped. "Y/n, please." He begged me with those pathetic and eager eyes waiting to meet his end. It was as though someone pulled me and took my control of my body, 'I will take care, sleep dear.' I heard a sweet voice behind my mind. I lost my senses as if someone put me to sleep.

"Who was that?" I gasped. "That voice, sweet and soothing one." I spoke subconsciously as I continued my steps. After the routine, I headed back to my room. Seohyun was not seen, I took my time in drying my hair, combing them, being lost in my own world, trying to recollect what happened last night. "You are unique, prince." I uttered subconsciously. It was in a strike I collected myself and repeated what I said. "You are unique, prince." The words were confusing. "Why would I say something like that?" I wondered. Just then the door opened taking my attention. "You are late." I heard her voice. The irritation rosslightly making me roll my eyes and turn to her. My eyes nonchalantly wandered at her actions. "When did you come last night?" She asked, as she tied her shoes. "I came after a little while." I replied and went back to tying my hair.

She spared a glance at me, "It will be his majesty's birthday tomorrow. We have to prepare so much and you are still combing your hair." She nagged at me while she ran around the room to comb her hair, searching for her socks, etc. "The queen has told us to assist other maids as well." She spoke. "Well, I would not be able to. Prince will be in need. If I am not there he might make a fuzz, after all you barely come to attend him these days." I replied. Her actions pause. "Are you telling me that you are going to defy her highness?" Her voice threatened. "I was not appointed by his majesty to be a maid for the queen. I am here to attend the prince." I spared a glare to her. She became quiet knowing the upper hand I had.

"I have been noticing that you visit the prince at the middle of night at times." She spared a glance to me, which I happen to notice. Yet I chose to ignore it and continued my work. Why care now? You did not have the dare to come and check on me with what I was going through. Stop acting as if you care, Seohyun. I grabbed my socks and sat on my bed to wear it. "I hope you are not doing any improper things to the prince." I looked at her. Our eyes met and she had some message in them which she was not conveying the proper way. This had that irritaion reach it's peak. It was as though I would lash on her anytime soon, composing myself left a far call. "You will have to face different consequences later." I turned deaf ears to it and tied my shoes. "Do you hear me?" She pulled my right arm as I walked by her. "Yes, I do." I spoke pretty firm to her and walked away.

"Your highness?" I called him. I walk in to find him still sleeping. My hand rose and caressed his head. "Your highness, it morning." My voice called him politely. First, his face scrunched, then his body stirred. "Wake up your highness." He sat up rubbing his puffy and sore eyes. "I am tired." He spoke in his rough sleepy voice. "You must wake up, a beautiful day waiting ahead for you." I folded the blanket and keep it in on the edge of the bed. "It's you?!" His small startled voice asked. A chuckle escaped my lips looking at his startled self. "Y/n, thank you for last night. I feel at ease." He smiled looking at his hanbok. I bowed to him.

"The eunuch is the one to wake me." He asked me, standing up from his bed and stretching. Just then a voice came and the door opened revealing the eunuch. "The eunuch is late."  Prince teased the eunuch. "You are early, your highness." He replied giving in to the prince with a chuckle and bowed.

"I shall be heading then." Prince Jimin took a glance at me before heading out followed by his eunuch and the rest of the party to the royal bathhouse while I stood there bowed.

I ran out to the kitchen to have my morning breakfast. Mrs. Younji gave me my breakfast. Once all the royal meals were prepared I took his highness's to his room. He had returned by then. As soon as he sat down, I placed the meal table and placed his tray.

Unlike usual he was enjoying his meal. All happy and smiley. I bowed and walked to the storage to find a mask for his highness. But before I could reach there, someone covered my eyes with a cloth, pushed another in my throat. I struggled to free and soon found my hands bound.



Hey guys,
I'm sorry for the delay. 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
My computer broke two weeks before, my cousin stays with me so my phone at times was with her to finish her notes and very last I was worried abt my results for a week before today. 😭😭😭😭

Luckily i passed with flying colours, thanks to everyone in this world.

Thank you for your patience.

Hope all are safe, have a good day ahead.

With Love,

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