chapter 4

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I'm getting a lot of votes and comments for my stories! :D Here's another chapter and I hope you like it. Sorry if you guys don't. I'm trying to work on 4 or 5 stories right now and it's stressful.

Natsumi’s pov


I woke up in my bed the chairman gave me. I’m so glad I get to have my own room. I don’t like other company. I hate that I have to wear a uniform. Why can’t I just wear my normal clothes? Stupid chairman. I did my morning routine and walked out my door. Zero stood leaning against the wall waiting for me.

“I thought I’d come and walk you to your room. We are in the same class after all.”

I smiled. “Or do you just want to protect me from the boys that are in the room?”


A small laugh escaped my lips.

“Still the same protective brother I see.”

“You’re still the same goofy sister.”

My expression changed a second later. Once I stood beside him I spoke, “I may look the same Zero but trust me, I have changed.”

“You sound like you’re feeling better today.” he said trying to change the subject.

“I guess it’s because I haven’t seen those stupid vampires.”

The rest of the time we didn’t say anything. It was a peaceful silence. After I left Yuki last night I calmed down a little. I know Zero was just missing me and I got upset. Even if I don’t say anything to him he realizes I’m sorry. We’ve always been that close, it doesn’t matter if something splits us up. We walked through a door and I saw the class room. It looked like a college class. The desk were lined up like it. We came through the back so no one noticed me.

“You can come sit by me.”

I nodded. We both walked to two empty seats.

“Don’t you think people might think we’re dating?” I whispered.

“Who cares. It’s not like we are.”

I shrugged. “True.”

Although I couldn’t help hear all the rumors spreading about me. It was really irking me. Luckily the teacher came in making them shut up.

“Settle down class. It’s time to begin. But first I’d like to say we have a new student. Please come up here miss.”

Everyone’s eyes turned to me. I stood up from my desk and walked down to the teacher.

“Please state your name.”

I gave a big smile. “My names Natsumi. I’m so happy to meet you all.”  

“You may take your seat Natsumi.”

I sighed. I got back up to my chair and sat down.

“Well that was pleasant.” I said sarcastically. “All the guys had hearts in their eyes when I spoke. It’s weird right Zero?”

He didn’t answer. I turned my head to him and saw he was asleep. I sighed. He gets really tired doing patrol.

It was almost time for the school day to end when the teacher went up to Yuki who was also sleeping. He couldn’t get her to wake up. Her neighbor whispered something in her ear and she shot up smiling.

“Time to chow down.”

I smirked at the comment.

“Napping again? Honestly Yuki, between you and Zero….the disciplinary committee must be quite exhausting for you.”


Yuki looked back at me and Zero, mostly Zero since he was asleep.

“No, It’s alright. I can handle it.” Yuki replied.

“You both will stay for detention. Everyone class is over.”

I patted Zero’s head and left. He needs his sleep right before patrol. Otherwise he won’t be able to stay awake if something happens. But maybe he’ll be able to since I’m on the disciplinary committee now.

I walked around the place exploring a little. Some of the kids from the class came up to me asking if Zero and I were going out. Once it got to the 5th time I was starting to get pissed off. I need somewhere to hide. What looked to be a stable was on my right. The first thing I saw in it was my brother. He was lying in the hay asleep. A white horse stared at me. I petted the horses head. This one doesn’t look very friendly to others.

The horse lowered its head and nudged my brother. He was slowly waking up still not aware I was here.

“What is it Lily?”

“Ah ha I found you! Natsumi why are you here? It’s almost time for the night students to go to class and a lot of the day class students are already at the gate.”

“Fine we’ll be right there. Just give us a second.” Zero grumbled.

“Natsumi please make sure he comes with you.” Yuki left after that.

“What are you doing here? I would’ve noticed you if Lily hollered.”

“She must sense we’re related somehow. I was hiding from our classmates. They won’t leave me alone cause they think we’re together. It’s annoying.”

“Well beat it I’m trying to sleep before I have to do night patrol.”

“Aren’t you coming to the gate and what kind of talk is that to your dear sister you missed so much.”

“Like I said I need sleep for night patrol and as long as you don’t go anywhere I’ll start acting like my normal self around you. That’s what you wanted right, for us to be back to the way things were right?”

A smirk played on my lips. “Yeah, exactly like that. So since we’re going back to like everything was…..” I tipped a bucket over and hay spilled out covering Zero’s head. “….I see no problem in doing stuff like this to you. Bye!”

I ran out of the stable before he could yell at me. But before I left I saw a smile on his face. I’m glad the tension between us has lifted. When I saw him for the first time in over 4 years, I knew there was going to be something different between us. I think everything’s going to be fine now.

“Natsumi, help me out!”

While I was in my thoughts I must’ve walked my way over to the night class gates. Yuki was trying to hold back as many girls she can. I went over to her group and put my arms in front.

“Please girls try to stay calm.”

They kept pushing on my arms. I’m about to punch some of these girls. A thought came into my head. I smirked. This is going to be fun.

A few tears streaked my face. I tried wiping the tears but they kept pouring out. A lot of the girls came over to me, including Yuki.

“Ah what’s wrong Natsumi?” a girl asked.

“I’m just trying to do my job but…..none of you girls won’t listen to me. It’s like you don’t care about my feelings.”

“No! We do. We’ll calm down Natsumi.”

“Yeah we promise.”

All the girls nodded. I turned around and gave a devious smirk. Yuki came over and sighed.

“Good job. That really helped.”

“Hey what can I say? I have a knack for acting.”

Some girls were still wild so we had to keep our arms up. It was a little scary how devoted some fan girls were.

“Hey where’s Zero?” Yuki asked.

“I told him just to rest and that I would help you. He looked really tired.” It’s the least I could do since I kind of dumped hay on him.

The doors began to open to the moon dorm and the girls screamed. Guess my act wasn’t enough. I had to go over to the other side to back up the girls.

“Girls please stop pushing. I’m trying to be nice to you.”

“Oh, well it sounds like you do have a nice side after all.” 

A pair of arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me to someone’s chest. I instantly turned my head to glare at Aido. He was smiling back at me.

“Did you miss me Natsumi?” he began to squeeze me tighter.

I couldn’t get out of his grip. My hands were stuck where they were because of his arms.

“Let me go Aido.” I demanded.

“But you smell….delicious.” he whispered the last word in my ear.

His face nuzzled my neck. That was taking it to the extremes. I picked my foot up and kicked him in the shin.


His arms dropped my body. I got out of his embrace and glared at him.

“Next time you do that, it’ll be much worse than just a kick to the knee.”

I walked back over to the crowd of girl, who were glaring at me for the moment. I then heard a huge smack.

I turned my head back around to see Zero punching Aido.

“If you ever touch Natsumi again. I will make sure you are dead.”

Aido wiped the mark on his face and stood up.

“She’s not yours Zero. From what I’ve heard she’s single. That means you can’t say anything.”

Damn that vampire hearing. He was probably listening when I was telling one of those girls I wasn’t dating Zero.

“Yes I do. Now stay away from her.”

He walked over to me and put his arm around my shoulder.

“Let’s get back to watching the girls.”

I glanced back at the night class. They were going to the classrooms.

“You didn’t have to do that. I was handling it on my own.”

“I don’t care. That vampire needed a good punch.”

I chuckled. “You’re right.”

“You idiot!”

Zero suddenly let go of my shoulder. I looked to see Yuki punching him.

“Why did you do that?! He was just trying to help me!”

Zero began pushing her back.

“Shut up! You were fawning over that Kaname Kuran of yours.”

I couldn’t help but let my laughter come out. This was too funny. They act like they’re a married couple. It makes me hope Zero will have someone besides me.

“What’re you talking about?” I asked.

“Those girls pushed me down and Kaname-sempai was helping me up. Then Zero over here rudely grabbed Kaname’s hand from touching my shoulder and told him to leave.”

“Hey he had to go to class. Besides, that guy deserved it.”

“C’mon guys we got to get to patrol.” I said.




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