V. liho

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They spent the next hours making up for the time they lost over the last seven years. Talking, reminiscing, joking even. Well, mostly Natasha did. James listened, chiming in occasionally when he remembered something she mentioned. It helped him piece a few more things together. When he talked about their time together, she was patching up the blank spaces but there weren't a lot of them. He really remembered her well. Better than she expected him to, despite what he said before.

Then Natasha told him more about her life outside of The Red Room. About S.H.I.E.L.D, about the Avengers, and Katya, the less pleasant details. She was hesitant at first, but Barnes insisted. So she told him about her abilities. The only remaining, visible traces of Hydra's doings. About her visions, how the serum is affecting her, and the so-called survival mode, when she changes drastically the second she senses danger, just like she did in Budapest, and adapts to the situation, depending on the danger's source. Natasha also mentioned her outstanding math and language skills. James even suggested a few more Katya might know, based on what they put inside him.

Romanoff also told him about her most dangerous ability, which wasn't exactly a skill, more of a trait and the only one Avengers didn't get to see at the Barton farm. It wasn't dangerous to other people. Technically it could somehow make her even stronger, resistant, and durable, but above all, it was a danger to herself.

Katya was unable to feel physical pain. Pain may sometimes be irritating but it has an extremely important task - informing that something is wrong. Hydra messed with her nervous system and pain receptors, taking away her body's fundamental way of warning about danger. Katya getting seriously hurt or sick while living a normal child's life, thanks to her durability, immunity to most illnesses, and healing factor was very unlikely, after all, she could take second story fall without a scratch, but they still kept a close eye on her, by having her checked out every few months by someone trusted.

Natasha also mentioned that Steve was the only person that knew about his connection to Katya and he that was looking for him ever since New York, but since he didn't find him in over a year, Rogers showing up unexpectedly on his doorstep as Romanoff did, was rather unlikely. She might've also given him purposely a little outdated information to make it a little harder, but knowing how James felt about him now, or rather how he didn't, she didn't regret misleading him.

Barnes told Natasha about his previous hideouts before he decided to stay in Romania for a while longer. He was mostly in Europe, apart from a few days in Mexico just after escaping. Then it was a month in England, a few weeks in Norway, another month and a half in Poland, before stopping for a few days in Hungary and finally settling in Romania. He was in the middle of talking about leaving Norway when he got cut off by a loud rumble coming from Natasha's stomach.

May be trained and enhanced, or both, but they still had to eat. Since the fridge was rather empty, Natasha somehow convinced James that her going to a nearby grocery store and making them dinner wasn't such a bad idea. It wasn't easy, but he didn't have a reasonable answer when she asked when was the last time he had a real meal.

Romanoff was never the best cook but she knew enough to make something more than edible and don't set anything on fire. Laura taught her some easy and useful recipes. Not often she had a chance to use them - she wasn't a big fan of cooking and did it only when no one else was volunteering.

On her way back from the store she stopped by one of S.H.I.E.L.D's old safe houses where she was staying. She had no idea when she was about to spend the next night but grabbed some necessities just in case, so she wouldn't have to make this little trip again. They still had a lot to talk about and Natasha had no idea when she'll see him again. She wanted to make use of every minute she could spend close to him.

James offered to help when she got back with the groceries in one hand and her bag thrown over the other shoulder. She accepted the offer and they both got to work. It reminded Natasha about the times when they were being sent on missions together and often got to spend some time just like that, pretending to be normal.

Their biggest chance to have a taste of a normal life, what could've been if they were just ordinary people was one undercover mission when they posed as newlyweds to get closer to a woman who got under Hydra's skin and then take her out after doing the same with her husband, just to add to the revenge. It didn't take long, the mission was much shorter than they excepted it to be. They succeeded after a bit over a week. They were supposed to pretend to be married, to be in love. Pretending was never as easy as it was then.

"I told you it would be worth it." Natasha put down a fork on an empty plate.

Barnes swallowed. "You didn't have to do this for me."

"First, you already said that four times." she reminded and arched a brow at him. "Second, who told you I did that for you? I was hungry and felt like sharing."

He lowered his gaze and shook his head trying to surpass a smile.

"And third, you're welcome." she smiled softly and let her eyes follow his movements as he stood up and picked up the dirty dishes. He put them in the sink.

Romanoff stood up and stretched her arms over her head until she heard a satisfying click of her joints. But then her ears caught something else. She tilted her head slightly trying to find the source of the sound and ended up by the fire escape door.

She looked at James and pointed at the door. "Do you have a cat?"


"Because I hear something meowing behind your door."

Bucky groaned before answering. He joined her by the door and reached for the doorknob. "I fed it once and now it's coming here every evening."

He opened the door slightly and a black cat peeked inside, sliding only its head inside. The tip of its left ear was missing. It looked around, first meeting Natasha's amused eyes, then James' which were slightly more annoyed. The cat let out a loud mew before strutting inside with its tail straight up. It stopped in the middle of the room and examined its surroundings before turning back and sitting down near the kitchen table. Then once again, loud meowing filled the space.

"Maybe you don't have a cat, but this guy for sure has you." Romanoff chuckled and approached the animal.

She stopped maybe a foot away, crouched down, and extended her hand to it, giving it a chance to sniff her. The cat cocked its head first before standing up and coming closer. It put its nose closer to Natasha's hand and after a moment it was already rubbing itself against her legs.

"When I tried to pet it, it hissed at me even though I fed it."

He came closer and looked down at the cat. It hissed again when he reached to pet it.

"See?" he huffed and backed away.

"Find her something to eat, maybe she'll like you more."

"She?" Barnes started rummaging through the groceries Natasha brought earlier.

"We would've noticed if it was a tomcat." she stood up. The cat complained loudly about the lack of affection. "Besides, it doesn't like men, of course, it's a she."

James snorted before placing a bunch of meat scraps on a small plate in front of the animal. He was supposed to throw that away, but might as well make use of it. The cat eyed him carefully before leaving Natasha's side and starting to eat eagerly. It didn't hiss.

"She needs a name" Romanoff suggested from the couch. She was sitting backward, her legs crossed and head propped on joined hands resting at the backrest.

"No, she doesn't." James leaned on the counter. "It's not my cat."

"Yes, it is. She chose you."




"How about Liho?"

"I don't need more bad luck in my life."

"You defied the odds so many times I wouldn't be surprised if she turned out to be a lucky charm."

Barnes rolled his eyes at her before plopping down on the couch. Natasha turned so they were facing the same way, leaving the cat behind them. Romanoff leaned to the side and rested her head on James' shoulder. It felt so good to be able to do that. So natural, like they had been spending all their evenings like that and not this being their first day together in seven years. A knife to the throat was long forgotten. She caught herself wishing that they will have this one day. She'll help him.

Natasha let her mind wander. Imagining what it would be like. In her dream life. they weren't hiding, no one was on the run. They would take care of that somehow, get both of them pardoned for everything they've done over the years. Katya would of course be with them. They would get their own place. Maybe an apartment. But not in the city center. Or a house on the edge of a smaller town, close to woods or a lake, or both.

Natasha would still go on missions, but smaller ones, not the highest-risk ones. She had to. She would go crazy if she had nothing to do and also couldn't imagine herself working any standard job. James would probably spend some time at home, enjoying getting a grip on his own life back. But he would get back in the field eventually. He wasn't the house-husband type.

It would be nice if Katya could go to school normally. Maybe she should let someone take a look at her, and try and get control over her vision so she could be an even more normal kid. They would drive her to school and pick her up. And she would be one of these cool kids because they would give her lifts on a motorcycle.

"Nat." subtle poking at her arm brought her back to reality. "Your phone."

She sat up on the couch and looked around. She didn't even remember when she left it. After a moment she noticed it by the stove, partly covered by a kitchen towel that muffled its vibrations. Barnes heard it only because of his enhanced hearing.

"Again?" she muttered when she saw Barton's name on the screen. She accepted the call. "Did something happen?"

"Not exactly." the archer answered with a sigh. "But Katya had a vision and she's refusing to tell anyone about it. She was insisting I call you. I texted before, but you didn't answer."

Natasha's brows furrowed. "Wait." She took the phone away from her ear and pulled down the notification panel. There was a message from Clint. It was almost identical to what he just said. "Can you pass her the phone?"

She heard some murmurs, then steps and a door closing.

"Hi, mama."  Barnes immediately perked up after recognizing the girl's voice. He stood up in the meantime and picked up the dish on which he fed Liho, who was now circling his legs, despite his displeasure.

"Hi, sweetie. I heard you want to tell me what you saw?"

"Yeah, I just had to go back to my room."

Natasha was confused. What on earth could she see that she was acting so secretive?

"It's weird, but I think I saw my dad."

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