VII. don't give me hope

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October 10th, 2023

I'm getting you back. You're coming back. Well, not officially yet but looks like time travel is possible. I should be surprised but at this point, I think I've seen everything. It turned out that Scott Lang, the Ant-Man, wasn't dusted. He got stuck in the quantum realm, and now he got out and claims that time passes differently there and he has a theory that we can use this to go back in time. We could undo what Thanos did. But first, we need someone a bit smarter so we, me, Steve, and Scott, are going to talk with Tony, I'm writing in the car. Oh my god. 

He said no. Tony said he won't even try. I have no idea what am I supposed to say, write, or even feel. I was on the other side of the porch, playing with Morgan while they talked. I heard every word. And each one was like a fucking knife to my gut. He even had the audacity to call me, alongside Morgan, his second chance.

The only thing I know is that as of right now, I can't even look at him. If it wasn't for Morgan and I promised her that I'd stay for the night and for tomorrow, since she pulled the 'I won't speak English' card again and the fact that I didn't come home last weekend, I would leave and wouldn't show up there for another month at least.

October 12th, 2023

Was silent treatment childish? Probably. Did it hurt to see Morgan's confusion and Pepper trying her best not to get involved, while clearly being hurt and understanding both sides? Sure it did. But it was the only thing Katya could think of to avoid losing it completely, any time she looked at Tony.

While Scott and Steve went to look for Bruce and ask him for help, Katya stayed behind, despite how bad it hurt. She managed to keep her composure for the whole day, for Morgan's sake. The weather was nice so they spent most of the time outside and during meals Katya changed her usual spot for the opposite end of the table. Morgan followed suit, begging Pepper to switch places with her so she could sit next to her.

"Katya, wait," Tony asked when she got up after finishing her dinner and put the plate in the dishwasher. Then she headed straight for the stairs.

She shook her head and didn't stop even when his footsteps followed her to her room. She grabbed her backpack with the intention to pack all the things she brought for that day but Tony snatched it from her hand. Katya glared at him. He answered the same way. He stepped back when she reached for the bag.

"Give it back."

"Oh, now you're talking?" he arched an eyebrow. Katya scoffed and tried retaking the bag. Tony dodged her hand. "Can we just talk? Like adults?"

"You've said enough yesterday. I think I have it all, thank you very much."

When the third attempt failed, she gave up and tried to walk past him, but he shut the door right in front of her nose.

"You're not leaving until we talk." Tony said, with his hand still flat on the door.

"Let me out or I'll start screaming."

"And how's that supposed to help you?"

Katya scoffed and took a step back, opening her arms. "What do you want from me? A compliment? On how poetic it was, what you said to Steve and Scott?" she asked, referring to the conversation she overheard the day earlier and that still echoed through her head. "I hate to break it to you, but you were only partially right. Morgan is your second chance. Not me."

"No, you're too. You know you're like a-"

"Don't you dare call me your daughter." she warned, her voice sharp. Tony's face fell. "I was someones daughter. I had a family. I had parents. I had friends. And I lost every single one of them. You have your second chance. I never got mine, until now and you just took it from me."

"I can't risk it. I can't lose this. Not Pepper, Morgan, not you."

"You can't lose what's not yours!" she yelled. Tony took a step back, his arm fell to his side.

Katya reached under the case of her phone and took out a photograph. She pushed it into his hands.

"I'm theirs! Look at them! I'm their daughter!" he glanced at the photograph. Taken by a lake, younger Katya grinning from ear to ear, squished between Natasha and Barnes. "You got your second chance. You got your family. Where's mine?"

"Katya, I've lost people too. Peter, I lost Natasha too, I..."

"She was mine! She's my mum, you have no right! You don't get to use her against me!" Tony looked away when tears started pooling in Katya's eyes, and her voice cracked. "Look at me, goddammit! Is it hard? Hard to see me like that? Good!" she let out a dry chuckle, feeling the warm trickle on her cheek.

"What about me, Tony? What makes you worthy of having a family? Why do you deserve this, but no one else does? What makes you better than half of the world?"

Katya grabbed the backpack they fought over earlier and that Tony dropped when she started yelling. She started stuffing it with her belongings. He didn't interrupt her, not even once. Deciding she was done, Katya dropped into the bed and took a deep, shaky breath. She pinched the bridge of her nose and turned to Tony. He didn't move an inch, just watched her in silence.

"Almost every person that ever cared about me is gone." Katya began. She was speaking quietly, but clearly. She lifted her hand and started pointing to her fingers as she talked. "My mum and my dad. Laura, Lila, Cooper, Nate. Clint, even though he survived and god knows where he is now. Do you want me to keep going? Because there's more!" once again, she threw her arms open, while looking Tony straight in the eyes. "There's Yelena, and Shuri, my friends from Wakanda. Even my fucking cats! Everyone is gone! Everyone I have left I can count on my fingers. That's Melina, Pepper, Morgan, and Becca."

Tony was the first to break the eye contact. He finally moved and took a step back. He swallowed and clenched his jaw. Katya grabbed her backpack and threw it over her shoulder. She opened the door but hesitated with her hand on the knob. She turned back to Tony.

"Five years ago, after Wakanda. I was alone. I had no one. I wanted to disappear, I didn't want to live, I had no one to live for." Katya said calmly. "And then you showed up. You said I'll be fine and that you'll help me. And I believed you. Every fucking word you ever said. You made me feel hope, for a little while. And yesterday was the first time in these five years I felt it again. Not grief, not frustration, not acceptance. Hope. I don't know why you took me in. If you were worried it would look bad if you left me alone, after everyone else backed out, making you my only option, or maybe if you felt like you had a debt or wanted to redeem yourself, beats me. But guess what? This is now. I'm not that kid any longer. I grew up. I'm not your problem anymore. You don't have to pretend to care."

With that, she left the room and ran down the stairs. She was glad she didn't notice Pepper or Morgan anywhere. It wasn't their fault, she didn't blame them for anything and for that reason didn't want to pull them into this. It was between her and Tony.

Katya was throwing her leg over her motorcycle's seat when she noticed him on the porch. She scoffed.

"Katya-" he walked down the steps.

"Don't bother." she turned on the engine and the machine came to life with a roar. "I don't want your pity."

"I'll do it."

Her eyes snapped to his face, thinking she misheard. Tony approached her and put his hand on the handlebars like it could stop her.

"You're right," he said and handed her the photo she forced into his hand earlier. Katya accepted it. "I'll try again. Come on, let's go inside."

Tony changed his mind. He's currently trying to figure out time travel. It sounds and feels even more surreal to watch him work. I'm glad he's trying, but we're still barely talking after that argument we had earlier. Actually, it wasn't even an argument. I just yelled at him and I'm starting to feel really bad about it. I didn't mean half of the things that I said to him. I know that he cares about me, that he always meant well. And the only person I can blame now is myself. I got my hopes up. But at the same time, it feels so good to finally have some hope.

But what if this doesn't work out? What if something goes wrong? I made him do this, I forced him. If this goes sideways, if something happens to Tony I wou

Holy shit. He did it. I just witnessed the discovery of time travel. Oh my god.

October 13th, 2023

Tony and I came to the compound a while ago. Steve, Scott, and Bruce are here, they already did some trials with time travel but apparently, Scott turned into a baby and I heard Tony talk about some paradox or something.

We're waiting for Rocket and Nebula, then we'll start planning. Someone will go after Thor, I think I'll grill Rhodey about Clint's whereabouts when he gets here. This is getting serious. I mean Tony even gave Steve his shield back.

When we were leaving, Morgan threw a tantrum, she wanted to go with us. I told her it's only a few days top, and we'll be back soon, maybe with some company. I promised. God, let this work out like we want it to.

October 14th, 2023

I'm in Tokyo. I'm going after Clint. I did as I planned, I got Rhodes to help me narrow down the area. Suspicious amount of killings in Yakuza ranks. No bullets, just clean cuts and arrows. Must be Clint. I have no idea who I'll find, but I've waited long enough. I'll go out soon, it's getting dark, and from what I gathered, he should soon strike again. Wish me luck.

The heavy rain effectively drowned out the sound of Katya's footsteps she made on the steep roof. Perched on the extended edge, she could see inside the building across the alley. The swiftly moving figures of the Yakuza were followed by what one could take for no more than a shadow, but Katya knew who hid under that hood and mask. Part of her didn't want to believe it, but she watched the glass shatter, she heard the bullets, she saw the blurry movement of an arrow.

Katya caught the name of the man who seemed to be his main goal - Akihiko. He jumped from one building to another. Another man fell, his throat slit, as Clint, or rather Ronin as he was known now, followed his goal, unbothered by another victim. Soon they both landed on the road, the Yakuza, clearly injured, leaned on his katana.

"Why are you doing this?" Akihiko turned to him and drew his sword. "We never did anything to you."

"You survived." he sounded so different speaking Japanese. She didn't even know before that he knew the language. "Half of the planet didn't" he dropped the sheath to the ground. "They got Thanos, you get me."

Oh, Uncle Clint, went through Katya's mind as the swords clashed the sound echoing through the rain, the blades reflecting the bright light of the nearby neons. They kept talking, for a moment Ronin stilled with a weapon pointed straight at the Yakuza's throat. The next hit made sparks fly, and Katya caught a glimpse of his face, or rather his eyes. No more than a split second, he was moving too fast, she had never seen him like that. And it was enough to make her heart ache, but she did her best to push the feeling away and not let the concern betray her presence on the roof.

Akikiho charged at Ronin but he easily sidestepped him and cut his throat open with one smooth movement. So smooth she almost missed it.

Katya was tempted to close her eyes, to stop looking when he approached the begging man, leaning further and further back with fear and weakness as life fled his body.

"What I want, you can't give me."

And then he executed the man, driving the sword through his chest. He didn't even flinch. Neither did Katya. Instead, she stood up and watched him wipe the blood off with his sleeve.

"You really don't like modern-day weapons, don't you?"

He looked around the alley, but by the time he looked up, she was already jumping off the roof. She landed on bent legs, almost a crouch. For a moment she thought about landing like Natasha used to. The poser pose, as Yelena called it. Katya stood in the shadow, also hooded. She expected that he wouldn't recognize her at first so when he raised the sword again, it didn't surprise her either.

"Who are you?"

"Has it really been that long, uncle Clint?" she asked, taking a step and slowly reaching to pull off her hood. With the heavy rain, it took seconds for the white strands of her hair to stick to her face.

"Katya...?" it wasn't more than a mutter, barely a confused whisper. But he lowered the weapon and uncovered his face. "You shouldn't be here."

"Neither should you." Katya remarked. "What, this is all I get after five years?"

"I've got a job to do." he avoided her gaze but at the same time seemed like he really wanted to get a good look at her.

She scoffed. If it surprised him, he didn't let it show. She took another step closer. "Is that what you're calling this? Killing all these people wasn't gonna bring your family back. But we found something that might."

Katya pressed her hands deeper into her pockets. She was now close enough to realize they were almost the same height. The last time she saw him in person, while saying goodbye before he left to aid Natasha in Germany, she barely reached over his shoulder. Clint looked at her, finally for a bit longer. His expression didn't match what she saw minutes ago. She didn't see a determined, cold-blooded assassin, but a tired and hopeless man. Husband without a wife. Father without children.

"Don't." his voice was shaking, even with just one word.

"Don't what?"

"Don't give me hope."

"You gave me hope fifteen years ago." Katya smiled gently. "I think it's about time I return the favor." she extended a hand to him. She felt cold raindrops prick on her skin. "I should've done that sooner."

Clint met her eyes again before his gaze fell to her hand. Unsure, he reached for it. As soon as their fingers touched, Katya grasped it firmly. She noticed the corner of his mouth twitch, almost like he wanted to smile but couldn't fight the strength to do so.

They didn't talk much, there was mostly silence between them, aside from Clint saying that he had to grab some things and then Katya shortly explaining that Tony casually discovered time travel two days earlier. Barton seemed unsure, not exactly comfortable in her presence, but she didn't ask. Maybe later.

First, they went to Clint's hideout. Or rather he went, Katya waited outside as he reemerged dressed in civilian clothes, no weapon in sight. And then they headed straight to the quinjet that was waiting for them. She came alone, deciding it was the better option, safer. Tony wasn't a fan of it, but she pulled the adult card on him and he gave up, knowing it's pointless to lose time for arguments.

"Where did you learn how to pilot this thing?" Clint asked, taking her by surprise, when she got into the pilot's seat, leaving the passenger's one for him.

"I've learned quite a lot of things over the past few years, you know." Katya said, getting ready for take off. She noticed he gave a small nod. Maybe she was coming off too harsh. After all, it's been a while, he remembered her as a rather cheery teen. "From Melina."

"Natasha's Melina?" Barton frowned.

"The very same," she confirmed as the jet ascended and sped up, ready to take them back to the States. "She'll be helping us, actually."

Before she left for Tokyo, Katya asked Tony if Melina could be of use. She was quite smart too and they needed all the help they could get. So when Stark said to go for it, she contacted her, explained the situation and all Melina said was to give her a few hours.

"Where were you, all these years?" Clint asked quietly, almost like he hoped she wouldn't hear him.

"First, I think it should be me asking this question. Second, where did you think I was?"

He shrugged and didn't meet her eyes. "I'm sorry, kid, I-"

"That's not why I'm asking. Tony took me in, I lived with him for over four years." Katya explained "I'm not fishing for apologies, you don't owe me anything, I don't blame you. I'm just curious. Did you know my mom was gone?"

"I figured when I couldn't reach her."

"And what about me? I tried reaching you. For weeks."

"It's... God, it's kinda hard to explain. I'm afraid you won't believe me. Could we talk about this later?"

Katya looked away from the control panels and glanced at Clint, arching an eyebrow. "My best friend is a space-traveling raccoon and we're about to try out time travel to undo what an mad titan did. I don't think there's something I wouldn't believe at this point. But suit yourself."

"You know, when I first saw you today I thought..."

"That I was Natasha?" she finished. "Been there, done that. Steve told me this last week, then Scott took me for her when we first met, Tony says it at least once a month. Right, Tony. I have to let him know I'm alive." she activated the message panel and recorded a quick voice one.

"You really lived with him?"

"Yup, he let me share a pen with his alpaca."


"Yeah, his name's Gerald."

Clint frowned.

Katya snorted. "I'm just kidding. I had my own room, I went to school, and he basically raised me. I even graduated high school and I'm going to university now, can you believe it?" Clint smiled but it didn't reach his eyes. "And I got a little sister, so it wasn't that bad."


"Mhm, Tony and Pepper have a daughter, Morgan," she explained. "She sees me as her big sister."

"Wow." he shook his head, trying to piece everything together. "You've changed."

"I didn't change, I just grew up."

Clint didn't say anything for the rest of their travel. The silence was a bit uncomfortable at first, but Katya got used to it eventually. She wasn't surprised he was quiet. She also didn't plan on talking this much. But it was the best way of covering her feelings, everything that she felt towards Barton and wasn't ready to discuss yet. Maybe it was the five years she spent under one roof with Tony. She took a page out of his book. Using talking, humor and sarcasm as a defense mechanism, a mask.

There was the relief that Clint was alright, in a way, and that he agreed to go with her. The anger for the five years with no contact and giving up on her. Compassion for him, for losing his family and all the things he did, while driven by grief that must have been tearing him apart. The gratitude that despite everything, now he was next to her. Hope, that maybe there's a chance for him to be Uncle Clint again. Fear, of what was about to come.

October 15th, 2023

We're back at the Compound. Melina's here too, I could hear her and Tony bickering at the door already. I have to tell him that she was known as Iron Maiden, I'm sure his reaction will be priceless.

The trial round is already done, Clint volunteered as a tribute. They sent him back to his house before the Blip and he came back with a baseball glove so we know it works. But he was screaming for Lila when he got back. It broke my heart.

When it comes to the less grim things, he has a mohawk now. Clint. A mohawk. And tattoos. A full sleeve on his left arm. You're gonna see it soon. And I take it as a sign, I've been thinking about tattoos for quite some time now. When this is all over, it's gonna be the first thing I'll do.

We were supposed to talk later and since Steve decided we're taking a break, I'm currently waiting for Clint by the lake. But when I was leaving, I overheard Tony. I didn't see him but I think he was recording a goodbye message. Just in case, or whatever but... He can't ever use it. I won't let that happen. I have to remain the only person who heard a piece of that. Whatever it takes.

"And if the night is burning, I will cover my eyes, for if the dark returns..." Katya stopped singing abruptly, hearing footsteps behind herself.

"Don't mind me." Clint assured, sitting down on the edge of the bridge, just next to Katya.

She smiled and shook her head. She set the guitar aside, the movement causing another accidental sound when she let go of the strings.

"Maybe later, for old times sake." Katya suggested. Clint nodded, gazing into the distance over the lake at the back of the Compound. Silence lingered between them for a while. "Penny for your thoughts?"

"I'm wondering what happened to that little girl I saw few years ago."

"I got rid of her, she was boring." Katya shrugged. That wasn't exactly the truth. She missed the younger version of herself. Her childhood, even if it was anything but ordinary. "What about you? The man I saw last would never look like... that."

"Like what?" Clint frowned.

"You know well what I mean."

Barton chuckled. His gaze fell back to his hands, clasped on his lap.

"You got rid of someone, and for me it was the opposite."

Katya pulled her bent leg closer to her chest and looked at him questioningly.

"First time it happened was maybe a week after Laura..." Clint swallowed. "I just wanted to get away, I didn't care where, didn't know what I would do. I ran away. I think I made it to Mexico when one day I woke up and realized it's been a week. At first I didn't remember anything, then it started coming back. First kills. I stayed in hiding when I was myself, but then I lost another day, woke up with the mohawk, then three days, two weeks... Soon the tattoos came. I even made some of them myself, kind of." he let out a dry chuckle "Sometimes it doesn't even feel like it's been five years. We share most memories, but still, it gets hazy."

"So... Ronin?" Katya made sure. Clint shrugged. "He's what, other personality?"

"You could say that." he sighed. "He's not that different. Prefers swords over arrows. He cares about Laura and the kids, loves them. I still felt the grief, all that pain, but he just turned that into anger. Vengeance. He's not exactly moral. I mean, he's the assassin, so..."

"I get it." Katya assured "And you said it had happened before?"

"Before I met Laura, before I even joined S.H.I.E.L.D, it was my normal. Until I settled down. Then it just stopped. He disappeared one day and didn't show up until five years ago."

"So all that killings, the gangs, cartels... That wasn't you?"

"Mostly. But it doesn't work like that. He's still me. Sometimes when I woke back up, I just went with it. Finished what he started. We're both killers, Katya. He just enjoys it more."

"When I found you, which version was that?"

"Ronin. It switched when I recognized you."

"You said you went with it sometimes. So the other times, what did you do?"

"Stayed in hiding. Changed places. I usually can tell when the switch's about to happen."

"So that's why you were going off the radar. Why Rhodey couldn't find you sometimes." Katya realized and Clint frowned.

"He was looking for me?"

"Looking for you?" her eyebrows raised. "I made him track you all the time. Always knew where you were. Well, most of the time."

Clint went silent for a moment. "I'm sorry, Katya. I really am, I should've come back for you-"

She silenced him by putting a hand on his shoulder and giving it a squeeze.

"It's okay. I told you before, I don't blame you. You lost your family."

"You did too. You're family too."

"Turns out I have a much bigger family than I thought."

"I'm glad you do, but I'm still sorry. I failed you, kid. Nat trusted me with you for years. I should've stepped up, not Stark. To be honest, I'm still surprised that he did."

"Apology accepted." Katya said, just to give Clint a peace of mind. She didn't see it as neccessary. "Tony's not that bad. I mean, he's dad now. A great one."

Barton's face fell. "You know, when it happened..." he started but trailed off. "Laura was pregnant. We're celebrating, we just told the kids."

"I know." Katya admitted, taking him by surprise. She leaned back, supporting herself on outstretched arms. "I kinda broke into your house, about two years ago. Found the ultrasound picture. I'm sorry."

"It was supposed to be twins."

"It's gonna be twins." she corrected. "This will work. You'll have them back. All five of them."

"Please don't get my hopes up."

"Too late." Katya chuckled and finally got a smile out of Clint too. "You know, I can see the future, right?"


"I could, maybe, try and see the gender of the twins? I saw Morgan before she was born so..." she offered. "I mean if you want me to, of course."

Clint took a moment to think. "Go for it."

Katya grinned and lay down, with her arms crossed under her head and closed her eyes. She focused on Laura, on the ultrasound she saw. At first she saw nothing but black. Sounds came first. Laugh. Echoing giggles of kids and a distant nursery rhyme. Laura's voice. Then it flashed, blindingly, like if she opened her eyes and looked straight into a lamp.

There was a decorative letter above the crib. A pink R. Another flash and suddenly there was Laura with a baby on her hip, dressed in light pink onesie and with a tiny ponytail on top of her head.

"Where's your sister? Where did she go?" Laura talked to the baby in high pitched voice and reached inside the crib. She pulled a blanket away, revealing another baby that started giggling. Their onesie was identical.

"Congratulations." Katya said, opening her eyes when the vision faded out. "They're girls."

"Both?" Clint's eyed widened. "Wow." he puffed out his cheeks and blew out slowly as the first shock washed over him. Then he grinned and let out a small laugh.

"And there was a "R" on the wall, so I'm guessing there's also at least one picked out name?" Katya sat back up and crossed her legs.

"Rory. Ever since Nate was born Laura kept saying that if we ever have another, it's gonna be Rory. And if it would be a girl, we also had a second name picked."

"Care to share?"

Instead of answering, Clint poked Katya in the arm. "What?"


"Me what?"

Barton rolled his eyes. "You're the second name. Rory Ekaterina."

"No, you didn't." she immediately got emotional.

"Not yet."

"But you will." Katya smiled, reasurringly. "Since I saw it, we know it's going to work. It's certain." her smile faded for a moment when she realized the weight of her words and then came back even wider. "Oh my god. It's going to work!" she pulled Clint into a hug that he returned eagerly, even if surprised by the unchanged level of trust Katya still had for him.

"The aether, firstly, is not a stone..." Thor started and Katya already knew it was going to take a while.

"Oh my god." she said after a moment. She wasn't really listening, it was hard to keep up with him. Every head turned into her direction.

"What? Did you saw something?" Melina asked.

"No, no, no." Katya shook her head. "I just realized Thor is Lighting McQueen."

"Lighting?" the god repeated, unsure.

Tony and Clint groaned. Steve rolled his eyes. Scott frowned.

"No, but seriously! A confident guy, screws up and ends up in a foreign land, makes new friends, falls in love and completely changes his values? That's the same story!"

"You're spending too much time with Morgan." Tony assessed.


"No more Cars for you." he pointed at her and Katya slumped back in her chair for a moment before jumping right back on her legs. "Okay, I need a break. Anyone hungry?"

After initial hesitation, all hands were raised. "Great." Katya clasped her hands and disappeared inside the kitchen, where she kept humming 'Life is a Highway'.

"Quill said he stole the power stone from Morag..." Rocket said, pacing around the table. when they resumed planning.

"Hey, watch out." Katya warned, pushing her plate away so he wouldn't step on it.

"Don't be such a baby." Rocket continued walking unbothered.

"I'm a baby?"

"A crybaby." the raccoon teased.

"Trash panda."

"Oh, you take that back."

"Alright, Ratchet, queen Elsa, enough." Tony interrupted.

"Stay out of it, Tin Man."


Rocket turned to Tony and started to walk toward him, but suddenly slipped and fell of the table, taking a plate with him. It clattered to the floor, breaking in half. Stark burst out laughing, Steve shook his head but didn't hide his smile. Clint found himself some empty space and banged his head on the table. Katya looked above him at Melina, who gave a little shrug and smirk. Seemed like despite being quiet most of the time, if not bickering with Tony, she was fitting just right in.

"Thanos found the Soul Stone on Vormir..." Nebula took the stage which was the middle of the room.

"What is Vormir?" Melina asked, not looking away from her notes.

"Dominion of death at the very center of celestial existance. It's where Thanos murdered my sister."

"Well, this just got dark. Not it." Katya clicked her tongue and earned a look from Tony.

Some time later, it was already getting dark when Katya approached the long table on which Stark lay. Bruce was next to him but on the floor. She kicked the furniture to get Tony's attention. "Move over."

When he made her some space, she climbed on top of it and lay on her back. She placed a bag of chips on her chest but Tony quickly snatched it for himself.

Katya glared at him, then sighed and rolled her eyes. "Okay, that Time Stone guy."

"Doctor Strange."

"What kind of doctor was he, anyway?" she wanted to know.

"Ear-nose-throath meets rabbit-from-hat."

Tony and Bruce started bickering over his residence, while Katya started thinking. And when all the puzzles clicked in place, she started laughing. Suddenly it was the only sound in the room, the earlier quarrel cut short.

"What's so funny?" Tony turned to her.

"It's just that you two have like twenty PhD's together, I'm a freaking artist in the making, probably on the verge of getting kicked out of the university, and you didn't figure it out. I did. God, I think this is the most satisfying moment of my life." Katya sat up and moved to the edge of the table. She jumped off and turned to face them.

"Figured out what?" Bruce asked, pushing himself up and leaning on his elbow.

"If you pick the right year, there are three stones in New York. You're welcome. I'll go tell the rest."

October 16th, 2023

It's middle of the night, I think everyone's asleep by now. I can't sleep. If this works out like it's supposed to, I'm gonna see you today probably. It's a matter of hours. The Time Heist is planned, we located all the stones, we picked the time. Tony has to finish the gauntlet to put the Stones in and then we're doing it. God.

I'll tell you about the Stones. I'll kill some time and maybe I'll get tired enough to fall asleep.

Thor's going to 2014 Asgard to get the Reality Stone and Rocket's going with him. They need to be sneaky so he's going to take care of that part. Rhodey and Nebula are probably the most unexpected pairing, but they're getting the Power Stone from Morag. A space trip, gotta say I'm jealous. Then we have another space trip for Clint and Melina. They can bond over you, Mama, while getting the Soul Stone.

And I'll be joining Tony, Steve, Scott and Bruce in 2012 New York to get Time, Mind and Space Stone. Melina brought photostatic veils, thinking they could be useful and looks like they really will be. I'm supposed to put one on and take your face. I'm not sure how I feel about it, but I'll do what I have to.

Just a few more hours. See you soon.

Scratch that, new plan. It's morning, we were going over it all once again and Tony decided there's no way your evil twin (did he just assume I'm the evil one?) would ever slide, so I'm switching places with Clint. He's going to New York instead, I'm going to Vormir with Melina. A space trip for me after all. That's a long way from the Red Room, isn't it? 

time to place vormir bets 🤭

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