X. a new beginning

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October 24th, 2023

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" James asked, when the car came to a stop at Stark's driveway. There was few more already parked around.

Katya huffed and rolled her eyes. "We've talked about this a million times. Yes, I'm sure."


"But Tony said he wants everyone to come. That means you too." she assured as the three of them stepped out of the car.

"This is so not Tony." Natasha assessed, looking at the house that was also Katya's home for over four years.

"I know, right? But you'll get-"

She wanted to say that she'll get used to this, at this point she couldn't imagine Tony in the heart of a city or in a grand mansion. Somehow the middle of nowhere suited him more in her eyes. But then the door burst open and Morgan ran out, jumping off the steps, straight into Katya's awaiting arms. She scooped her up, twirling around and getting a giggle from her.

"I missed you." Morgan said, clinging to her neck.

"You did? But I called." Katya reminded and noticed Pepper on the porch, keeping an eye out for her daughter. Katya nodded, letting her now it was okay. With a smile, Potts disappeared back inside.

"I know. But you weren't here." she added with a pout.

"It was as long when I left for school."

"No, it wasn't!" the girl argued as Katya set her down. "It was five days for school, now you weren't here for twelve!"

"Okay, I'm sorry. I'll do better. Forgive me?"

Morgan pretened to be deep in thought, forehead scrunched, arms crossed and everything, before she grinned and nodded eagerly.

"I want you to meet someone, okay?" Katya turned and stepped aside, so the girl could see Natasha and James better. They were waiting by the car. She took Morgan's hand and they walked closer. "Remember when I told you about my parents?"

The girl nodded hesitantly, moving closer to Katya. She frowned, stopped and let go of Morgan's hand. She put her own hands on her hips. "Morgan Harlow Stark, are you shy?"

She shook her head, immediately getting more determined. Just like that, Katya know the usual Morgan was back. Confident, but sweet and totally adorable, defetniely not your usual four year old. In the mean time Natasha approached them and crouched to get on the girl's level. She extended a hand to her.

"Hi. I'm Natasha."

"I know!" Morgan said proudly, shaking her hand. "Katya told me! She's my big sister. I like your hair."

"You do?"

She nodded. "And that's her dad! Your name is James." she walked past Natasha, who stood up, and approached Barnes. "She said you have a metal arm, can I see?"

James looked at Katya first, surprised and a bit confused. She shrugged, and smiled at how direct Morgan was. Natasha smiled encouragingly. He looked back at his hand, clad in black glove. They both tried to convince him not to wear it, because most of the people already knew about the arm and if someone didn't, they wouldn't really care. What's a metal arm in the world with multiple alien attacks?

After another short moment of hesitation, he crouched down and started to pull the glove off. Morgan's jaw fell, as soon as the first plates of his hand were revealed.

"It's so cool! And so pretty!" she exclaimed, brushing her fingers over the black metal.

"You think?" one corner of James' mouth turned upwards.

Morgan nodded. "Can I tell you a secret?"

"If you want to."

Morgan stood on her tiptoes to reach his ear and whispered something. Whatever it was, it made him smile and even chuckle.

"Barnes, stop gossiping with my daughter." Tony said, standing on the porch. James stood up immediately. "Relax, Robot Boy, I'm kidding. Come on inside." he nodded at the door. Katya hugged him tightly. Natasha also got a brief hug and James got a hand shake. "I don't bite." he reminded once again, ushering Morgan inside and then letting the guests in first.

"No, you don't. You swallow whole." Katya joked in answer.


Pepper stepped out of the kitchen to greet them too. Katya offered to help her, but she refused, and send her to the living room, to the rest of the guest. The space was already crowded and there was maybe a half of who was supposed to come. Rhodey and Steve sat on a couch with Sam perched on the edge, discussing something. Thor was talking to Wanda, Hope and some other woman that Katya didn't recognize but suspected it could the Janet van Dyne. Bruce, Scott and Hank Pym were outside, setting up a quantum tunnel, preparing to put back the Stones.

Soon after they started mingling with the rest, catching up on the past week that has passed since the battle, a sudden thud and whoosh outside informed about arrival of a jet, meaning either the Guardians or the Wakandans.

To say the past week has been hectic, would be an understatement of the year. If before the world was in shambles, now it was submerged in pure chaos with almost four billion people brought back to life. Most of those who fought, didn't have even a day off as they went straight to work right after the battle. Helping wherever they could as first conflicts already started to arise, someone had to put down the fire in the media and help was just simply needed everywhere.

But there were happy moments too. Celebrations, parties, reunions. Moments of peace were brief, but they were so worth it.

Just like the one Katya, Natasha and James had when they went home, convinced by Rhodey who, together with Steve, quickly took over controling the aftermath of the battle, that it was okay for them to leave. Strange and other sorcererss from Kamar Taj were helping with taking people home, opening portals for everyone to wherever they wanted to go. Katya asked to take them to Brooklyn. The only inconvenience was that she had to pick her own lock, the keys long lost somewhere in the debris.

But once inside, they got almost a whole day of peace. Katya didn't into details about the last five years then, only told Natasha and James about the most important parts. How Tony took her in, how she became a big sister to Morgan. Reuniting with Melina and then her sacrifice on Vormir. Natasha took it better than she expected, but Katya had her suspicion that it was the shock talking and it would take a moment to settle in.

She had good news for them too, like Becca. James on the other hand, was much more emotional about the revelation. The fact that she was still alive itself, but also that Katya found her and didn't let her be alone. She called her then and visited her twice in the past week. James hadn't yet. He wanted to wait for the dust to settle just a little bit. Another part of Becca's family was restored to life too, he didn't want to get in the middle of that.

They got cleaned up, ate something and talked for hours, doing their best to ignore the pinch of awkwardness. The same thing accompanied James and Katya during their first days together in Wakanda. Back then he wasn't quite sure how to interact with a teen, now she was an adult and the problem was the same but not only for him. It was for Natasha too.

There were many parts of Katya that they still recognized. She was still their little girl, their zvezdochka, only a bit taller. But obviously she changed too, it would be impossible not to. Grew up, matured. And there where things that were completely new to them. Mannerisms, the way she spoke, even moved, overall demeanor. Influence of the five not the easiest years that had passed in their absence.

Even after that few hours both James and Natasha could say with full confidence that they were proud of what she became. The woman she grew to be, even if still a young one. What previously came off as stubbornness and a bit of recklessness, now was pure confidence. She knew her worth, knew her qualities, how to use them and wasn't afraid to do so. She did what she wanted to, what she yelled at Natasha during their fight just before the battle of Wakanda. She embraced who she was made to be and became even bigger than that. Much more.

The pride was for their daughter, but what came behind it was respect. For her power and strength. And then there was the grief. That they weren't there to witness it in person. That they missed such a crucial part of her life. As proud as they were, as strongly they grieved for the girl they saw last, even if she was right next to them.

There wasn't anything Katya wanted more than to be able to show them everything, even the smallest details, so they could catch up, to get to know the current version of her and every experience that shaped her that way. But that was impossible, unfortunately. So she used the best alternative she could think off.

Maybe she couldn't show them. But she could let them inside her head. Show them her thoughts. Through the journals she filled, page by page over the years. After all, every word she ever wrote was addressed to them. And since then, every free moment they had, they read. Sometimes in silence, separate or together, James peeking over Natasha's shoulder, impatient to get his turn. Sometimes one of them read out loud, but that was usually when Katya herself wasn't around. It felt awkward for some reason, hearing it like that.

The peace didn't last long as soon they were called for help all around. Accidents were common, many people were left without homes, legal stuff was a mess and every hand was useful. But at the end of every day, they met back at the apartment. No one ever suggested going back to Wakanda, it was a closed chapter. The only matter still involving Africa, was Liho and Alpine. Getting a hold of anyone who could help them with getting the cats back was almost impossible so Katya reached out to the Princess herself. Shuri assured that someone will check and as soon as it was possible, they would be reunited.

And she kept her promise. When the Wakandans arrived, she waved Katya outside, where two carriers where waiting. Black ball of fluff in one, defenitely not a fan of being contained and a white one in the other, looking as comfortable as ever. Her squeal of happiness as she reached to take Liho out, drew Natasha out of the house and she greeted their pets too. James trailed behind her and even if pretending to be annoyed because he tought he would be finally free, Katya didn't miss his little smirk when Alpine nuzzled against his neck.

Then they went back inside and continued mingling with the others. Natasha weaved between people with usual for her ease, the five year long temporary death didn't change anything. James followed wherever she went, feeling awkward and out of place, despite a ton of reassurance. Morgan remained glued to Katya's side most of the time, dragging her aside to play with the kitties for another while.

"How are you?" she asked Tony, stepping aside for a moment, keeping an eye out for Morgan and Liho.

"Me? I'm great. Why wouldn't I be?" he arched an eyebrow, leaning on a doorframe with crossed arms.

"You know well what I mean." she playfully punched him in the arm. Tony didn't budge, only looked around, pretending he didn't hear her. "Talk or I'm gonna ask Pepper." Katya warned, talking a step toward the kitchen.

"Okay, okay, not need for threats." he caught her by the arm and pulled back. "I really am fine, I swear."

"No faiting?"

"No, just headaches and I'm losing track of my thoughts sometimes but Big Green says it should pass soon. And I'm still not a Hulk 2.0 so you can't stop worrying. "

Even if Tony found a loophole to do the snap, while dividing the energy and not take the whole hit, it still affected him since it was his mind that controled the suits. It was risky as hell, he admitted later that he had no idea if it would work at all, but still seemed better than taking the Stones directly on himself.

For the first two days, he repeatedly kept losing consciousness, usually for short periods of time, no more than a few minutes. The longest one was almost an hour long, and together with a high fever, his state terrified everyone. Aside from that Tony was also extremely tired, barely ate anything. He was often disoriented and dizzy, kept losing track of his thoughts and forgetting small things.

But now he looked better. He didn't seem any thinner than he did when Katya saw him last. He was standing and walking around most of the time and few days ago it didn't seem possible.

"I'm glad you're okay." she admitted truthfully, smiling at him.

"What about you, Snow Queen?" he chuckled when Morgan tripped over her own legs after Alpine escaped her grasp. "Any breakthroughs?"

Katya shrugged. "Nothing new. Bruce still has the one and only theory as he did last week and Wanda seconded it."

Tony's first guess, after the Stones reacted to her seemed to be the best one. They took it as an explanation for her precognitive skills - Hydra getting their hands on the Tesserect, meaning the Space Stone. Something similar happened to Wanda. The Mind Stone awoke her powers, so why wouldn't another one grant Katya with them?

When it came to the sudden freezing abilities, that hadn't showcased themselves ever since the battle, Bruce managed to form a scientific theory after poking and prodding her for a while. Given his previous experience with the serum, and comparing it with Steve and James he discovered some differences and the only explanation for them that he could find was a spontaneous mutation, or evolution, triggered by the cryostasis James was kept in for years. According to Banner it could be a sort of defense system, against the cold, that James passed down to Katya and that mutated further in her, since he had no powers. Hearing about it for the first time, she remembered that her body temperature used to be a bit lower than it should be, about two degrees. Now it was even lower and she still was completely fine.

That, together with the Infinity Stones, first the Space, then the Soul, could become something more, just like the newfound abilities, that didn't even surprised anyone that much. They've all seen much weirder things.

In the meantime, more guests arrived. The Guardians, now complete. Rocket didn't even make it over the threshold and already made Katya promise they'll play some cards later because he wanted to show off his skills. Peter made it too, accompanied by Aunt May, followed by Nick Fury and Maria Hill. Surprisingly Carol came with them and not straight from space. Then the Bartons showed, and as soon as Katya noticed them, she ran out just as Morgan did for her.

They also needed a moment to recognize her, which made Clint snort. Laura approached her first, while Cooper and Lila kept looking at her and between each other, even more confused Nate clinged to his sister's legs.

"It's so good to see you." Laura said, embracing her. She still looked at her the same, like when she was that little girl she took in with no hesitation. "How you've grown."

"It's good to see you too, and congratulations."

Laura smiled, squeezed her arm and stepped away, making space for her kids.

"I promise I'm still the same Katya, I'm just taller-" she said, but at the same time Lila run up to her, throwing her arms around her neck. "So you did miss me."

"Of course I did!" Lila assured. "It's just so weird, like we used to be almost the same age and now..."

"You'll get used to it." Katya smiled, returning the hug and then tilting her head at Cooper. He kept looking at her a bit unsure. "What?"

"You're older than me now. I'm not the oldest anymore, it's not fair." he approached her and hugged her too, but not as tightly as Lila did.

"You definitely never acted like the oldest one." Clint teased, reaching to tousle his hair as he and Laura walked past them, but the boy ducked his hand.

"And your taller than me? Come on!" Cooper complained, his hand hoovering over Katya's head. She swatted it away with a laugh.

"Hi, Nate." Katya addressed the youngest Barton. He looked at her hesitantly, rocking on his feet, playing with the hem of his shirt between his fingers. It's been a while even by his measurements since they saw each other. "Remember me?"

"Come on, you remember Katya, right?" Lila tried to help him but he only started to look even more shy.

"Do you still like cats?" Katya asked instead, remembering how obsessed he used to be, babbling everytime she called and dragging two plushies wherever he went. Suddenly his eyes lit up and he nodded eagerly. "There are two inside. You want to see?" the boy nodded again and accepted her outstretched hand.

Lila and Cooper trailed after them as Katya led Nate to where Morgan played with Alpine, Liho lurking in the corner. She introduced him to the cats and then to the girl. Then she joined the rest of the guests.

During her greetings with the Bartons one last guests made it, making it impossible to walk two steps without bumping into someone. But it was a good crowd. It was great to know it was like that because they won. Because they all made it and could now squeeze all together in not the biggest house.

Well, almost all of them.

She felt Melina's absence, probably the most of them all. She knew her best over the last few years. The version of her Natasha remembered was also different. She didn't expect the rest to grieve her. They either didn't know her at all or knew her for a few days, aside from Tony who got to meet her once before, but still, knew her barely.

Somehow they managed to fit about forty people inside the living room and arranged the furniture in a way that allowed few additional tables and a bunch of chairs, so they could all have a dinner together. A celebration. Aside from the amount of guests, it was small, in a way, private almost. Media didn't know about the gathering and that was the main goal. Everything that concerned the Battle of Earth was now the main focus all around the world, and everything they all wanted was just a moment of peace. A moment to take it all in, to let the weight of it all settle.

The six original Avengers were never extremely close. They wouldn't call themselves family. Friends, colleagues, associates, even enemies for a short while. Sometimes they liked each other, then tolerated, or couldn't stand the other people. But this, this meeting somehow felt right. Entwining together so many different people and separate stories, to make something grand, something to remember for ages. A happy ending to a tragic but a beautiful story.

A scratch of a chair against the floor as Tony pushed it back, standing up, caught Katya's attention. She sat close to him, by the table in the middle. There was only Morgan on her right between them. Natasha was on her left.

"If you all could spare a minute, I would be glad." Tony said as the clatter of cutlery quieted down, together with many conversations as all heads turned in his direction. It's only been a while since everyone sat down. Katya noticed that he seemed lost in thought ever since. Maybe he was trying to decide wheter he should do it. Just before he stood up, she also noticed Pepper's nod at him, accompanied by an encouraging smile. "I know the food is more important, but I promise I'll be quick."

"So we saved the world, again." a few chuckles scattered around the room could be heard. "But we all know this is not the end. This..." Tony gesterued around, spinning his finger, trying to find the right word but gave up eventually. "This is going to have its consequences. It already does. It's gonna trail after all of us for a while. Then shi- Something will happen again, but hopefully we'll get at least a few months long break. Everyone seems to have a beef with Earth, but let's worry about that later, right?"

Few nods here and there, Katya caught Tony's gaze above Morgan's head and smiled at him. He clicked his tongue and swallowed.

"As I said, this is not the end. If anything, it's a new beginning. To something better, I hope. You know I'm not the sentimental type but I tend to learn my lessons, whether is from my mistakes or others. And over the years, no offense, we all, myself included, made our fair share of them. I don't know everyone here personally, so I'm mostly talking to the ones I had a chance to get to know. And for what it's worth, I want to thank you. That despite all the mistakes and differences, we still ended up here. Together. I hope that we can become something more. So we can be there, if they need us."

"We're missing some people, I know. Vision." he looked over to Wanda, who smiled sadly and lowered her gaze. "Melina." Katya felt Natasha's hand squeeze hers under the table. "Gamora." Nebula seemed surprised when Tony's gaze shifted over to her. He mentioned it for her.

He lifted his glass and everyone followed suit. There wasn't any alcohol, at least not yet, but it didn't made the toast any less significant.

"Now onto the second part, a happier one, I think." Tony cleared his throat and continued. "Everyone here deserves a thank you, a huge one. But some I want to thank specifically. Barton. Alright, I can do first names today. Clint, and Thor. For coming back when we needed you. Scott, for making us even think about time travel. Bruce, for doing the snap and bringing everyone back. Steve, for once again being the leader and keeping our ass- keeping us motivated. Ratchet- I mean Rocket, and Nebula, for all the technical help and space stuff. Like you said, I'm only a genius on Earth. Katya." Tony paused and smiled at her. She returned it. "For talking some sense into me and for trusting me. Then, and five years ago. And finally, the most important one, without whom nothing of the past three weeks would happen." he exhaled. Katya frowned when she noticed that he was already starting to giggle at his own incoming joke. "That one rat that let Scott out of the quantum realm."

"You sure I can't do this?" Katya said, eyeing the briefcase holding the Infinity Stones.

"No, you're not getting close to this ever again." Tony said, shutting it close before she could reach for the them.

"Relax, I'm not gonna steal them." she held her arms up in defensive gesture.

"Better safe than sorry, you don't need anymore superpowers." he said, handing the case to Steve. "Remember, you're putting them exactly where you got them from, you know what he said." Tony pointed at Bruce.

"This is serious, we don't want him opening a bunch of nasty alternative realties."

"Yeah, yeah." Tony swayed his hand.

Rogers climbed the stand of the quantum tunnel and picked up Mjolnir. Katya stepped back, joining James and Natasha. They watched the scene quietly, her with arms crossed across her chest, him with one arm around her back, the other deep in his pocket. Katya suspected they were there mostly because she went outside and they still had trouble leaving her side. The more she thought about it, the weirder it got. It should be the other way around. She should be glued to them. But she still wasn't used to having them back, she kept forgetting.

"How long is this gonna take?" Sam asked.

"For him as long as he needs, for us five seconds" Bruce explained. Steve nodded at him, silently saying he was ready. "Going quantum in three, two, one..."

With a whoosh and a flash, he was suddenly gone. It still amazed Katya to see it, while at the same time being almost impossible to wrap her mind around it, even if she time traveled herself a week before.

"And returning in five, four, three, two, one." Banner counted, and with another flash, Steve was back, exactly in the same place he was before. Only with a shield in his hand, instead of the briefcase. "Welcome back."

"Any trouble?" Tony asked, as the quantum suit disappeared.

"None at all. Almost seem too easy."

"Don't jinx it." Katya called out from the distance. His face fell when he looked over to her. He didn't have to say anything. "It's alright."

She didn't need Rogers to explain, she could already see that what she asked him for didn't work. An everlasting exchange. Even returning the Soul Stone didn't bring Melina back. Katya looked over to Natasha. She tried to hide it but she knew her mother well enough to notice the sadness. They talked about Melina a bit more a few days earlier. Natasha opened up, the grief finally got to her. She seemed surprised by it, but it didn't make her tears any less real. Katya wasn't sure which version she grieved. The one that gave her the only taste of what motherly love was like, almost three decades ago? The one she reunited with, while having no other option? Or maybe the one she never really got the chance to know, the one that cleaned up the Red Room mess for seven years and that Katya got to know? Or maybe all of them.

"I tried too, you know." Bruce said, approaching them. "When I snapped my fingers, I tried to bring her back. I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault." Katya assured. "Looks like Red Skull was telling the truth."

"Never took him for an honest guy." James muttered on her left.

"First time for everything." she shrugged.

"When I came back..." Natasha said, so quietly that Katya thought she misheard her. "I was exactly in the same position, the place where I disappeared, and you, you fell on you face, because you were falling down when you got dusted." she turned to James. He nodded, but seemed confused, his eyebrows scrunched.

"What are you thinking, Nat?" Bruce asked.

"She didn't die here. Melina. She died in space, on..."

"Vormir." Katya finished. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"What if you did bring her back?" Natasha looked at Bruce and then at Katya "Since most of the people came back to exactly where they were before."

"Did you just try to bring her back? Or to a specific place?" Katya clarified.

"Just bring her back, I guess?" Banner shrugged, looking between them, unsure.

Katya's eyes snapped to Natasha. Confused James looked between them. They got similar looks from Tony, Sam and Steve.

"ROCKET!" Katya yelled, taking off in search of the raccoon, the Guardian being the first way of getting to space she could think of.

Vormir didn't look any more welcoming than it did when Katya first set her foot on it's surface. Deserted, the greyish sand, rocks and scattered pools of water. Substitute of a sun, still in eclipse, eerie on the purple sky.

"Well, what do you think?" she asked, looking at Natasha over her shoulder.

Natasha gave a one sided shrug and tilted her head, judging the view. "I've seen uglier things."

"You sure you don't want my help?" Rocket called from inside of the spaceship.

"Nah, we'll be fine." Katya assured. "And we're going over..." she turned around, trying to localise the mountain. "There."

"You sure?" Natasha asked, as they started walking. She had a bag thrown over her shoulder.

They weren't sure what state Melina could be in if they find her, so they came prepared. Neither of them said it out loud, but they both had their doubts if they would even find her alive. Maybe it would be just her body. They went together, only the two of them as it seemed most fitting. James offered to join them, but eventually they decided he should stay. Vormir didn't seem to be the right place or time to meet her.

"It's where she... died." Katya shrugged. "And based on our theory, that's were she should be."

"But it's been a week. She could've moved." Natasha suggested.

"So what, do we yell for her?"

"I mean this place is supposed to be dead, so we could try."

"Yeah, but I would rather not check if there's anything making sure it stays dead."

This time they landed closer to the mountain than they did the first time, so the hike was also much shorter. What Katya now knew was ash, was falling more heavily, resembling snow more than ever. The host remained the same, didn't manage to surprise anyone. Katya knew and already warned Natasha.

"Natasha, daughter of Ivan. Ekaterina, daughter-"

"Yeah, yeah, save it." Katya cut him off. "I was here nine years ago, with another woman. Is she here?"

"I remember." Red Skull said. Natasha backed away, eyeing him unsure with a hand placed on the holster on her thigh. "It was an everlasting exchange."

"Was it thought? Can one stone overpower the rest?" Katya questioned.

"Katya!" Natasha called out, standing over the edge. The girl walked over to her, leaving the Guardian of the Soul Stone alone. "There's something down there. Here." she pointed to the shape close to the wall.

"How do we get down safely?" Katya asked the Red Skull.

"However you would in any other place like that. Without sacrifice, it's just a cliff."

"Do we rappel down?" she turned back to her mom.

"No way we would have enough rope for this." Natasha shook her head.

"Long way down it is." Katya decided, scanning the surroundings, looking for a pathway down.

Together they found a way quickly, a rather narrow path but it seemed to lead to their destination, only was much longer than they expected.

"If you told me few years ago I would be climbing a mountain in space, I would've laughed." Natasha shook her head when they took a break somewhere about three quarters of a way down.

"Really? You've never done that before?" Katya joked. "I feel like a pro at this point."

Once again, the humor served as a mask to hide her fear. They saw the shape at the bottom even better now, it seemed small and if it was a person, if it was Melina, she must have been sitting hunched over. So she must have moved. There was no way she would've ended up in this position after the fall.

Bruce did bring her back at some point.

The question was if she was still alive.

"I'm scared." Katya found the courage to admit it.

"Me too." Natasha smiled sadly. It faded quickly. "Come on, we're almost there."

She wasn't sure how much longer did it take them to get to the bottom of the cliff. Could've been a dozen minutes, could've been almost an hour. For some reason time seemed to pass differently here. Maybe it was due to the situation on the sky, so different than the one they used to see.

Suddenly Katya stopped mid-step "Do you hear that?"

"Hear what?" Natasha frowned.

Katya clicked her tongue. She kept forgetting that her hearing was a bit better than usual person's. "I swear I hear humming. And I know this song."

There were almost there. There was only one more turn in front of them, a edge of a wall separating them. Katya was the first to come from around it.

And there was Melina. Her back pressed against the wall, one knee pulled closer to her chest, other leg straight forward. Her eyes were closed but snapped open, when Katya bumped a rock with her foot. She frowned, like as if she was unsure what she was looking at. It wasn't surprising. She was alone for over a week, stranded in another galaxy. Her senses could've started playing tricks on her.

"Katya?" she muttered, her voice was weak and raspy.

Katya smiled and nodded, having trouble surpassing her grin. She felt tears prick in her eyes. "And I have company."

She stepped aside, letting Natasha first. Even from her spot, she could hear Melina's gasp as Natasha approached her and quickly stopped from standing up. It was obvious she was weak, visible that she lost some weight. Katya noticed how much strength it took when she reached to embrace Natasha.

"I'm sorry." Romanoff said, hugging the only mother figure she ever had in her life. "I'm sorry I ever called you a coward."

As they reunited, Katya contacted Rocket to let him know where they were so he could move the ship closer. No point of walking or carrying Melina if he could just fly a little bit further.

When Natasha stepped away, not hiding her tears, Katya took her place and embraced Melina took. "We did it. We won. All thanks to you."

"But what happened, detka? Why am I back?"

"Does it matter?" Katya reached for a water bottle they brought. She opened it and handed it to Melina. Rocket didn't waste any second. Soon Natasha called out to them, letting them know their ride was waiting.

"Where are we going?"



everything comes to an end. 

an era came to an end here with this chapter. just like endgame closed the infinity saga in mcu, this chapter closes it in this work.

but it's not the end!


yes, there will be more of our little ex assasin family. it will be set in late 2024, and it will be a full-blown fanfiction, without parts like all it was till now (since the different parts initially started as one shots, we're saying goodbye to that.) 

i'm not sure if i'll keep posting it here or if i'll create separate book - you can let me know what you think.

I can't tell you much about what's to come, because I haven't started writing yet, ans because of that I won't start posting earlier than next year.

I still have a shit ton of planning to do, I only have a overall idea with a few details but there will be fluff, there will be angst, self-discovery, throwbacks, some promises will be fulfilled. if i don't screw this up, you may shed some tears, but don't worry i have some tooth rooting fluff planned too.

if I were to sum it up in one sentence it would be black widow meets catws and gotg 3 minus the space with a possible pinch of slavic mythology.

i hope you'll stay and wait for me, but don't worry i won't leave you waiting with completely nothing! i have a few ideas for au's, some of you actually gave me even more ideas, so before there will be more, there will be some what if's answered, like katya going to vormir with clint instead, natasha not being dusted, maybe a christmas special and something a bit bigger like villain katya au, but no promises, i'll see how that plays out.

also, you can stop by my ao3! (xeretein) I post one shots there, mostly winterwidow, there's also one black widow what if.

with that, i want to thank all of you for every view, every minute spent reading, every vote and especially every comment left under my work, it means the world. while starting take on the world, (which was supposed to be an short one shot) last december, i never thought I would write more than 200k words and get over 45k views across two platforms.

from the bottom of my heart, thank you ❤️

if there's anything i left unanswered, anything you would like to see in the upcoming part or maybe you're just curious about something, let me know! i'll see what I can do and i'll do my best to include it all.

you can also come say hi on tiktok - @/ereteinx and message me here any time you'd like.

till the next time,
marta :)

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