A new friendship has begun...

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Wednesday afternoon

All lessons finally ended. Krisz finally reached the next level of socializing, he wasn't that shy boy anymore like at the beginning. He even made some friends, but it was differently at Szymon. He totally could thank everything to him, he even could learn polish faster and faster. Once on the afternoon, he asked him. They still had one lesson though.
- Hey, wanna hang out after school?
- Hm? Oh, alright, we can, just we can't stay outside for so long.
- I know, it'll be just a few hours.
Christopher smiled at him and patted his back. Their ways had to get separated becasue they had different lesson for the last one. After that, they left the university. Christopher once pulled out a pack of Cigarettes.
- Do you smoke?
- No, just rarely, but I'll accept one.
The older boy pulled out one stick, from the pack, when Chris handed it to him. He had an own lighter and lit it. Chris did the same movements. He usually smoked after school. They were walking down on the street.
- Should we go to the nearest park? There's a cool house where we can chill out. - Szymon asked exhaling the smoke. Actually he wanted to introduce somebody to him. The other boy nodded to it. After 10 minutes, they arrived to the park. As soon they found the house, that Szymon was talking about. In the house, a girl was waiting for them. She was holding a cup of warm coffee.
- Hello you both! - She waved at them smiling. She stood up from her chair and went to them. She hugged Szymon, after releasing him, she looked at the hungarian dude.
- Let me guess, you are the new boy, no? - to it, Christopher nodded, and reached his hand out to introduce himself.
- My name is Kornelia Dudziak. - The girl smiled shaking hands with him.
- Mine is Mezei Christopher. It was nice to meet you.- He smiled too. Soon they all sat down at the table, where Kornelia was waiting for them. They were talking like for 2 long hours. Once the young woman interrupted them, by saying the reason she has to go. She stood up from the table and left them alone.
- So, how long have you been friends? - Krisz asked curiously.
- Since we were little kids. - Szymon laughed a bit. - She still has the face of her childhood face.
- Well, to be honest you both could be a great couple.
Szymon went silent. "Great couple." Well Chris is very wrong but he couldn't talk about his sexuality. He did not want to.
- Uhm, no, we're just friends, not more.
- Oh- sorry, if I offended you or something? - He was looking at him.
- No, it's fine. Some people said the same. - He immediately changed the topic. - Huh, we slowly should go because few days ago I almost stayed outside for too long.
As soon they both left the house, getting their way seperated.

Later that night.

Krisztofer was talking with his girlfriend on Facetime. Soon she told him that she wants to talk about something serious but in the chat. He didn't know what's going on yet but nodded to it only. They hung up the call and opened Messenger.
"Hey, so um maybe you'll be very mad or sad."
"Why? What happened."
Chris was worried. 'What does she want?'
"Well, since we had to get separate and..."
"And what?"
"I can't do this anymore, you're in Poland and I am here in Hungary. We're like 700 kilometres away! I can't stay together with you!"
This really hit him. She wants to break up? Why? He was caring and loving her a lot.
"What?! Why?! Becasue I went away a bit further? Why is that a big problem!"
"Please listen. I feel so alone, even though when we talk. But it's a fucking screen. I am sorry but we should break up. You will find a girl there and I'll find a boy here."
"Okay break up with me. Come on say it out."
He threw his phone away not even waiting for the response. He began to swear in his native language. He managed to get up from the bed and slowly opened the chat. It was that what he expected. He felt warm tears running down on his face. He didn't feel weakness. He only felt his heart breaking into ten million pieces. That 3 year they spent together, and the girl broke everything. He was looking at his gallery. There was a separate album for the moments they spent together. He did not have the power to delete them, so he decided to just hide it. It was dumb from him to throw the phone because the screen kinda broke with a few longer lines. He decided to cry himself into sleeping. He did not succeed after a hour, so he picked his phone up. He saw that Szymon is online. What is he doing at this late time?
"Hey." He messaged to him, hoping he'll answer.
"Oh hey, what are you doing so late?"
"I would ask the same. So do you have a little time to talk?"
"Yeah, I didn't plan to sleep anyway."
"I know this wouldn't be your business but"
"But what?"
"My girlfriend broke up with me a hour ago."
"Oh my- why??"
"Well because of the fucking distance! She literally fucked this 3 years away because of that damn distance."
Szymon did not know what to write, he wasn't an expert in relationship.
"Dude I am very sorry."
"Not your fault."
"Um, I don't really want to say any dumb things but this wasn't too nice from her."
"I know. I really hate the fact this happened."
"I think you should release this for this night. Drink water please and try to sleep."
"Alright I'll try."
"Good night!"
"Good night to you too."
As soon they both went offline after this.

To be continued...

Ah yes im sorry for not writing. I had too much to do like I still have a damn contest I just literally wanna die over it aaa. Damn I'll try to write a part by every week fick. Anyways I hope you liked this one-

1040 words

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