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He is Ajál, brother of Dícle.

Currently his objective is to find his sister, who seems to be the only one he really remember.

Frustration was visible on the young male face, as he glanced over a map of Rolian. Most, call it the land on which all are free , or Rolian, which means freedom in Protori, language of the witches.

She could be anywhere, the summon, Amara said, who is to know where she is in the world?

In the dreams if been having there are people that are familiar, but still unknown. I've been staying by the east coast for a week, that's long enough try and find a lead on my sister, gather supplies, and rest since I won't stop traveling again for a couple months at least.

Sighing, I closed the map and rubbed my palms together, trying to calm myself before I explode.

We need to calm down and think for a moment, Amara said. He was being truthful.

If I was my sister, where would I go? I think she hates confined spaces, so inside a building someplace is out, she would be outside, somewhere.

But WHERE?? The world is a forest, nature dominates everywhere.

She could be in danger and constantly on the run and I've been no where she has been, or hiding from some crazy person, she could be in a dungeon on some Alphas territory getting beaten every day, she could be-

My train of thought was broken by a rustle outside of my campground. I grabbed my weapon and headed towards the sound.

Amara growled, Put the sword down, I smell something familiar. I looked around cautiously not dropping my guard.

Scanning around I slowly walked toward the start of the forest. I see a girl leaning against a tree for support about 20 yards in the forest just right from me. I could smell and see the blood dripping from her arm. Her black hair was in her face blocking her from my sight. She looked up and made eye contact with me. Her eyes were the same as mine, a sea green with small specks if gold.

She seemed to mouth something then her eyes rolled to the back of her head. I caught her before she hit the ground and looked at her face. Her face looked like mine, only smaller. I picked her up gently and walked back to my tent quickly to treat her wounds.

I knew who she was and so did my summon, and that made me strangely happy. All I wanted to do was prance around in circles shouting as if my feet were on fire, but I could not. She's hurt and needs me now, I can be happy when she wakes up healthy, then we can celebrate us finally finding each other.

But I was shaking, whether it be from happiness or anger I don't know. She was hurt badly and seemed to not have eaten for a few days. Her temperature was extremely low and a few of her ribs were cracked. Her arm was broken and swelled up, her breathing was ragged and slow. She looked as if she was tortured. That made me angry.

Be calm. She's with us now, Amara said, We found her again and nothing will harm her as long as we are around.

After an hour of healing her up, I set her down on my sleeping bag and watched her sleep. She looked calm and as if she was having a good dream. The sound of my sisters calm breath and the wind outside was all I could hear.

At last I allowed myself a smile.

I found you at last, my beloved sister.

When I fell down from my 2 days run and swim to New York from the Reaper pack I was having the same dream I always had only this time only the boy and me were tied up.

The boy smiled and looked at me through the fire burning us,

'I found you at last, my beloved sister.'

As we continued to burn, he smiled at me, as though he wasn't on fire.

Then for the first time, the dream started to change, slowly shifting, we were in a forest with glowing light.

There were two thrones one made of glowing water, the other made of dark fire. My brother was seated beside me in the throne made of the dark fire, that seemed to have a evil, and deadly aura to it. He was dressed in old Greek armor that seemed brand new. Vibrant red clashed with gold. A cape that seemed to be made of living shadows surrounded him.

The throne I was seated on had a vibe of something that I can't but into words. Imagine being trapped somewhere with no sun, or warmth. Then all you see light for the first time . You feel the warm rays of the sun and a soft breeze. You smell everything outside, the pine and the grass.

That feeling you get when you drink a glass of refreshing water after not having anything to drink for two days.

In the winter on a cold day when your all snuggled up in a blanket by a fire inside. Drinking something warm, a comforting feeling knowing that the snow outside can't get to you.

Like if you forgot how to breath and air was forced into your lungs you felt refreshed. That chill you get when you jump into a cold lake, or the ocean.

Looking down, I saw that I was wearing a Greek war tunic, that was a simple white and gold with a cape that almost seemed to be alive in its own way. It moved, breathed, and I could feel it do that.

I felt powerful. So powerful it was as if I could destroy the world with a flick of my finger.

The one who changed the dream, or at least i think he did, grabbed my hand, shaking me out of thought, he looked at me while I looked at him.

His hand held mine in a reassuring grasp that made me calm and made me not feel so alone.

'Now we can find the others, Sis, together.' He smiled at me, full of joy, I smiled back.

The boy who was the first I ever saw in my dreams, was my brother. I could feel something when I saw him the first time. It was my blood reacting to being near family. True family.

That's the first thing I remember about someone from my dreams, now I'm one step closer to finding out who I really am, and who they are.

I have a older twin brother, and his name is Ajal, one of the Lost Ones.

1122 words

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