Chapter 0: Meeting Her

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The Art of Divination

The Art of Divination

Where was it? He ran his fingers through his black locks. A frustrated sigh escaped his lips. His dark chocolate eyes were searching the textbook of the subject he never valued. He had wasted thirty precious minutes of his life in searching the worthless book for his assignment. He wanted to find his ancestry, and instead, he was stuck with that stupid subject.

A fifteen-year-old Slytherin knew his way around that library, but he never took a peek in that department. However, no matter what, he was not going to ruin his image of a star student. He looked down at the emblem that was pinned to his chest. He smiled proudly. Tom Riddle was a Prefect of the Slytherin house, a house of noble Salazar himself.

He turned around almost going to another section; when his eyes landed on a copy of the book he desired. It was in front of some girl. Her back was facing him. She was busy writing something on parchment. Quite furiously. The book was open, but its distance from her made it look unattended. Probably she was in his year, not like he cared. Maybe she was from his fan club. It was no secret that he was fancied by all hormonal, teenager, stupid girls in the Hogwarts. He scrunched his straight pale nose. If he asked her nicely, maybe, she will give that book to him. After all, he was not in a mood to use the imperious curse on a fellow student. To be honest, he was not in the position since it was still broad daylight, and the place happened to be their library.

He went around her and stood expectantly in front of her. Her dark midnight bangs were hiding her face. He cleared his throat. The girl still looked caught up in her writing. Either that or she was simply pretending him. Was she ignoring him on purpose? Tom narrowed his eyes at her in suspicion. He decided to take his chance and snatch that book away. If she was this busy, then perhaps she might not even notice that her book disappeared. His hand reached out for the book. Before his hand could grab it, however, a pale hand was placed on it.

"I am sorry, but I am using this book," the girl hushed. Her voice was small, just like her. Her posture did not change in slightest.

If she knew he was there, why did she ignore him in the first place?

"Look, I have an assignment. This is the last copy of this book," Tom said. He faked a polite tone.

"I am about to complete my essay, you can borrow it once I am done," the girl said, still giving him the cold shoulder.

Now, Tom was frustrated. This girl was pushing his boundaries. She was not even bothering to look at him. He wanted to shout at her, scold her. Who did she think she was dealing with? Did she not know that no one could ignore him.

"Who are you?" he whispered-yelled.

"I don't think you will be interested in knowing me," she replied, in her cold manner.

"Maybe you don't know me. I am Tom Riddle, the fifth year Prefect of this school," Tom hissed, no longer bothering to keep his facade.

"I know who you are," she replied.

"Don't you have manners to look at the person when you talk to him?" he hissed through gritted teeth. His fists clenched by his side.

"Yes, I do," she continued, "I am just a little busy at the moment."

Now, she had done it. She succeeded in riling him up.

"Look at me," he ordered, and she followed. She looked up at him. First time in their short conversation, Tom took in her appearance. Her pale face had some freckles. A deep frown was marring her face that was framed with black hairs. She was quite an average looking girl, nothing special, but Tom was caught off guard when he looked into her eyes.

At first, he thought that they were deep blue, even bluer than the deep oceans. However, on looking closer, he realized they were a stunning shade of violet. Though hidden behind those circular spectacles, they were glistening like freshly watered Zinnia flowers. Tom was taken aback by their beauty. It was like he lost his ability to talk for a few moments.

Confused by his behaviour, the girl returned back to her writing.

Composing himself, Tom muttered, "Do you seriously think that I won't be interested in knowing the name of the girl whose eyes are this unusual?"

And at that moment, the girl realized the biggest mistake she ever made.


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