Chapter 12

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Sitting on a wooden desk, Tom was trying hard - very hard - not to burst out in the laughter. Alexa was terrible. No wonder she caused so many accidents in their potions' class. He could easily see why Slughorn was afraid of her.

At the moment, he was going through the answer sheet he had given her to complete. Though Tom was after her secrets, it didn't mean he would not help her to survive through potions. He was now her tutor and it was his responsibility to help her to pass in that subject. After all, his reputation was at stake.

From the other side of the desk, Alexa was looking anywhere but him. She was trying to make sure the part of the library they were in was secluded. She didn't want to get caught with the most desirable pupil of their age, and the attention that would come with it. She didn't even want to be there in the first place, but she had no choice. Slughorn had given Tom a calendar to note down her presence.

Though she was not going to admit this ever, she was grateful to him. No matter how illegal the way was, Tom had ensured that her secret was hidden from an over-friendly professor. And he was helping her with her studies. Apparently, he wanted to gauge her level in the subject, before starting the session. For this reason, he had given her the sample question set beforehand.

After completing the inspection, Tom folded the paper and place it neatly in front of him.

"Well Ms Winters, to say you have stunned me will be an understatement." Alexa looked at him "I guess I can say safely that you are potion illiterate." Tom said his lips curved in an actual smile. Alexa turned pink in embarrassment.

"Let's start with level zero," Tom said.


After two hours, Tom finally announced that she was dismissed. After ten, she stopped counting her misconceptions. Truthfully, she enjoyed his tutoring more than Slughorn's classes. Unlike the latter, the former focused more on the facts. His knowledge was remarkable. First, he would note down a potion in his beautiful cursive writing. Then he would tell her the history behind its name. Then after explaining its ingredients, he would prompt her to guess its uses. He even knew the science behind each step and each ingredient. The sincerity on his face when he was talking about every step was impressive. Now she understood, the reason behind his stardom. He indeed was the finest.

"I expect a very detailed essay on draught of sleep. You will have two days Ms Winters," he informed in a stern voice, leaving no place for an argument.

She nodded her head in response. He called her Ms Winters throughout their session. She was so used to him calling her sweetheart and fireball, that it almost felt weird. Maybe her confusion was clear or he was just good reading her, he snapped his fingers in front of her,

"Are you still missing something, Ms Winters?" he asked.

"It is just - Ah! never-mind," she mumbled. She started gathering her books. She wanted to complete her DADA assignment after her dinner.

"What is it?" he urged her again.

"Nothing and thank you for helping me," she replied, and turned around only for him to grab her hand and pulled her into him.

"It isn't 'nothing'. Tell me unless you want us to get caught by Madam Pince in this compromising situation," he whispered in her ear from behind.

"It's just that you did not call me sweetheart or fireball today," she hushed. Her usually pale cheeks tainted with pink colour.

The smile graced his lips. "What? Are you missing my nicknames already?" He teased her again.

"Wh-What? No of course not." She said shaking her head rapidly to prove her point. Her almost pink bangs were hitting Tom in the face, forcing him to inhale their scent. The scent reminded him of fresh coconuts. "It's just a little weird."

"Is that so?" he continued, "we are in public right now Ms Winters. Those endearments are for our private moments." His whispers made her shudder. Her reactions never failed to amuse him. They made him feel powerful, dominant. Since his childhood, Tom always liked to be in control.

But he was not satisfied, he wanted to tease her more, so he brought his lips toward her right cheek and brushed them slightly. It was just for five seconds, but it was enough to stun her.

"And you are welcome," he whispered. He released her, turned around and without looking back he left. She was frozen right there in the library for god knows how long.


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