Chapter 37

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Looking outside that transparent yet enchanted window, light blue eyes were focused on nothing in particular.

The actions he had taken and the reasons behind them were keeping his old yet sharp mind occupied. Some of the past memories were filling in the holes he had in the chaos of those two. He still remembered that day like it happened the day before.

The young boy of fourteen was standing in the room. His eyes were looking at the man who was almost three centuries his senior. They reflected the pain that pierced his heart. His shoulders were slumped. He was thankful for his legs to hold him as his mind processed the helpless situation he was in.

"B-but this is my h-home, h-headmaster." He stuttered. Tears were gathered on the brim of his eyes.

"As this is for others." The balding man replied. In contrast to the posture of that young fellow, his voice was full of authority, while his face lacked any emotion. "Including me."

The man who had dedicated years servicing the place which housed the future wizards showed no mercy to the boy whom he considered one of his best pupil, not a very long time back. Who knew time could be this cruel? Yet again, it was no secret that it was not very fair to all human beings always.

The boy looked up from his feet. His deep blue eyes landed on the only other candidate that was present in the room. They were looking at him pleadingly. Silent tears left his eyes, leaving behind their trails. Each of whose acted like a piercing knife to the gentle heart of a newly joined professor of that school. It was heartbreaking to see a young man so defeated and helpless. It was impossible for the latter to hold that gaze longer.

Hence, he turned his eyes to the most authoritative figure in the office.

"Headmaster - "

"Not now." The said figure exclaimed. Then he turned his attention back on the boy and commanded. "You will leave Hogwarts by train tomorrow. Pack your things tonight itself. Understood?"

The boy took in a deep breath. And nodded his head. His eyes once again finding a hollow interest in the pair of muddy shoes which he owned. Without daring to look at the place he called his heaven for one last time, he left the place as fast as his tired feet could carry him.

Once making sure that the boy was at safe distance, the headmaster of that ancient school exhaled deeply. His shoulders slumped as well. The face which was stern throughout this exchange unmasked itself to reveal his true emotions.

"Was it really necessary, headmaster?"

The said man turned in the direction of the only other member who shared this office with him from time to time.

"It hurts me too. Don't even think for one second that it was easy for me," He replied, "but I must do what is right."

"It was not exactly right." The latter commented. His voice had a little edge.

"And what do you suggest was right then?" The former mocked.

"We could have made some special arrangements for him. We could have kept him isolated for that particular day of every month." The latter replied again.

"Yeah? And risk the safety of other students? No thanks." The former continued "People send their children to this school believing that they are in good hands. I can't risk their lives like this."

"Was he not your pupil too, headmaster?" said the vice headmaster of that castle. "Was he not your responsibility as well? Doesn't his future concern you?"

"Yes, he was. And I can't express how sad I am to make this decision. Losing a bright student like him is a great loss, but I will never allow a werewolf to wander around my home freely." His voice sharpened.

"But headmaster -"

"Not a single word more, Albus." Headmaster Dippet turned his back to the man he trusted the most. "You may go now."

It was clearly an end of discussion. Albus Dumbledore knew his colleague himself was very disappointed. He knew the stoic exterior the latter wore did nothing to freeze the warmth that was caged within. He also knew that Dippet loved his school and pupil too much. Knowing there was no way out of this deadlock, he left the office. His mind still contemplating the events that took place.

A shiver ran down his body when the face of that defenceless boy crossed his mind once again. The face which acted as both a reminder and an inspiration in his life. A reminder of the injustice to the boy and an inspiration to help people like him as far as he could. A newly replenished determination shined those brilliant blue eyes. He knew he was hiding certain things from the man who trusted no one but him, but he was doing the things right this time. It was not like he was lying to the former, he was just not telling him the complete truth. His mind was telling him that it was better this way. Alexa was his responsibility. It's the least he could do after what had happened all those years ago.

A knock sounded on the door, informing him of the arrival of the person who was a reason behind his visit to Hog's head in the first place. He commanded the person to come inside.

"Good morning Professor." A frail female voice spoke.

Without turning around, Dumbledore replied, "Good morning Martha."

"Heads." She said suddenly.

A smile graced his lips when he hard that single word.

"Very good." He turned around and his eyes landed on a woman in her seventies. "You came here discretely, am I correct?"

The woman smiled in reply. "Correct as always Albus."

"He heard what I wanted him to hear?" Dumbledore asked again.

"Not a word more or less." The woman replied.

Albus nodded his head and allowed the woman to leave.

Once alone, he smiled again. He knew his certain pupil would not leave a single chance on eavesdropping something. He knew the curiosity that young wizard held for anything that had an ounce of magic so he made sure what he heard was safe. After all, he had no intention of losing another good student. A little act of manipulation never ceased to help him.

He placed his hand in the pocket of his cloak and fished out a small enchanted piece of an hour-glass. His eyes gazed at the little magical device that he collected from his not-so-favourite-yet-a-very-promising pupil, otherwise known as Tom Riddle. His capabilities amazed him. Him being parselmouth made him a mystery. The pupil was dedicated, intelligent, yet very fake and disturbing. That was the reason why he made sure to pair up Anthony and him as partners in their first year of Hogwarts. He knew Tom needed some light in his dark life, and Avery made the best choice.

Tom's lack of attention towards the opposite sex made the transfiguration master question his sexuality. Hence, when Alexa caught his attention it was another surprise for him. Of course the intense and sometimes murderous gazes Tom directed in her direction not so discretely, were proof enough for his theory.

"To be young and feel love's keen sting."


I hope you liked this chapter. Well yeah! So this chapter was in Dumbledore's P.O.V.

Fact #1: I tried to show why Dumbledore was taking so much risk for Alexa in this chapter. I always wondered why he allowed Remus Lupin in Hogwarts and wanted to include his that side in the story. It inspired me in writing something.

Fact #2: For those who missed, the ladies mentioned in chapter 34 were actually Dumbledore's spies. And whatever Tom heard was preplanned by our lovely professor.

The boy mentioned in this chapter is going to be important.

Please vote and share this story, if you want to read more, because it will inspire me to write more.

Thank you all!!!

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