Chapter 40

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Special thanks to co95431 and vampiresa28 for being so supportive.

This chapter is unedited. Please let me know my mistakes.


With her folded arms acting as a pillow as she laid near the black lake, Alexa was relaxing. Her eyes closed automatically as she enjoyed her calm and quiet surroundings. Finally, it was over. She couldn't believe that she had survived through her fifth year in a single piece.

She heard a distant sound of cheers. Of course, everyone was happy. They had, after all, finished their O.W.Ls. A small smile graced her lips. She was so content. Her mind playing the counselling session she attended not long back.


"Miss. Winters, you are the next," Fat Friar announced.

Alexa stood up from her seat. She took a deep breath to calm herself down. She felt a warm palm placed on the back of her right hand that was rested on the desk in front of her. She turned her head and her eyes got connected with encouraging eyes of her best friend, Logan McLaggen.

"Good Luck!" He muttered.

"Thanks," she replied before she crossed the distance between her desk and office of her house head.

"May I come in, sir?" She asked as she stood outside Professor Beery's office.

"Yes. Please come in Ms Winters," Herbert Beery chirped, "and have a seat."

She went inside and did as she was told carefully. She was trying hard to save herself from embarrassment.

Her professor looked through her academic records for quite some time and folded them neatly in front of him. Without looking at her he asked, "Well Alexa, tell me what do you plan to do in your future?"



"I want to work in Alchemy Professor," she confessed. "Astronomy has fascinated me for as long as I remember."

The plant master looked at his house member instantly. His eyes gave away his surprise.

"That's magnificent my dear," he continued, "Very few of us have an interest in the subject as complicated as Alchemy anymore. Headmaster Dippet allows Alchemy in the final two years of our school."

Alexa smiled to herself. She was happy that her teacher was taking her seriously.

"Though, I must say that you need a lot of work to be able to get considered for this subject," he muttered. "You are already good at Astronomy, but that won't be enough. You need to work on other subjects like Transformation magic and Philosophy. And not to forget Potions. You are weak in the course. You must know that Potion-making is pivotal for an Alchemist."

Alexa nodded her head. "I know Professor."

"Professor Slughorn had told me once that he had appointed you a tutor for his subject, is that true?" He asked.

"It is," she affirmed. "Tom Riddle tutors me."

"Then that is a very good thing, Ms Winters." Herbert beamed. "If he is your tutor, then you won't have to worry about anything. Follow his guidelines carefully. Your lover is an amazing Potion-maker."

Alexa looked at her professor. Her eyes widened as her lips parted in disbelief. Her body stiffened. Every single feature was screaming how shocked she was.

"Don't look at me like that." Her professor chuckled. "Words travel fast around this school."

Turning into a deep shade of tomato she left the office as soon as she could.

*Flashback Ends*

Alexa ignored the last part of their conversation deliberately. She was happy that she had taken advice from her house-head. Her Potion exam was tough but she had done her best. In her heart, she knew this was all because of that annoying git. He had clarified her countless misconceptions, and to be honest If not for him she would have failed in her O.W.L.s. Still, she was angry with him kissing her and her traitor body for responding so willingly to him. She shook her head to clear it from thinking about him. She wanted to enjoy her time peacefully.


Her eyes opened immediately. She looked around to see it was Logan who had dropped his bag with a lot more force than required.

She glared at him for interrupting her solitude so harshly.

In response, Logan glared back at her. "What? It is for not waiting for me after we finished our exam." He huffed folding his arms in front of him like a five-year-old.

Alexa looked at him guiltily. "I am sorry Logan. I thought you were going with Zabini and others."

"It is okay, snow. I understand," Logan replied. His frown easing a little. "I want to ask you a favour."

The sudden change in the flow of their discussion grabbed Alexa's attention faster than he anticipated.

"Willyougotothe-" He mumbled too fast for Alexa to decipher.

"Will you please repeat?" She requested. Her eyebrows furrowed as her ears failed to gather a single bit of what he had said.

Logan took a breath to calm himself down. "Please come with me to Slughorn's dinner tonight." He repeated slowly and clearly. He held in his breath as his eyes looked at her pleadingly.

"As in your escort?" She asked. Her eyes widened in disbelief.

"Not necessarily." Logan shook his head. "We can go together as friends you know."

"Why don't you ask someone else?" She asked him.

"I just received the invitation. And no girl will agree to be the last minute arrangement. You are my best friend, so please say yes. You are like my last option."

"Wow! That makes me feel so special." Every syllable she spoke was dripping with sarcasm.

"Helga! I swear it sounded better in my mind," Logan swore. "I am so sorry for how it came out Snow. I know how uncomfortable it might be for you to go with me when you are already taken, but -"

"Whoa! Stop right there," Alexa interrupted. "Tom and I are not together."

"Of course you are not," he replied. This time it was his turn to use sarcasm. "But I really don't have any choice. If I showed up alone that potion freak will make me do dishes." He gave her those irresistible puppy eyes, that held so much hope.

Alexa looked away from him. "F-Fine I will come with you."

She knew this was a bad decision.

She cursed her potion master for arranging those stupid dinners.

She cursed her giving into nature.

She cursed Logan's puppy eyes.

He indeed was telling the truth when he claimed that his puppy eyes never failed him.


Finally, the fifth year is going to end soon. I hope you liked this chapter.

The last sentence is in reference to chapter 5.

Anyway, what do you think Tom's reaction should be?

Please vote and share the story if you want to read more because it will motivate me in writing more.

Thank you all!!!

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