A Random Moment of Dialogue Concerning You and Your Love Interest

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A/N: Just a little something I thought I'd put in here. 


"It happens that punching an arrogant elf king in the face does not earn one any favors." 

-You to Thorin after being imprisoned in Mirkwood


"I will readily admit that I never learned to dance. Care to teach me?" 

-You to Fili at a moment of festivities at an inn along the quest


"You didn't really think I'd leave you?" 

"No, he didn't."

-You to Kili after escaping Mirkwood, then Fili chiming in with a smirk


"If we make it out of this madness alive, would you ever bring me to see the Shire?" 

"Why, yes, of course." 

-You to Bilbo as you converse at a spare moment in Erebor, then Bilbo replying in the affirmative with a tender smile 


"I think I'm falling in love with that elf, and there is nothing you can do to stop my heart." 

-You, finally confronting your brother (Frodo) about his attempts to keep you and Legolas apart


"-and there's been a conference of the wizards about the stirrings in the far South and an embassy from Lothlorien has come bearing gifts and good tidings and you've been summoned to a meeting this evening with yet another noble family looking for you to court their daughter and-" 

"Silevel, Silevel, please, take a moment for breath." 

-You, reporting to Thranduil about all the things he needs to know for today, then he, interrupting with a gentle smile and an order to take a break for a minute and catch your breath


"My father is growing keen as of late to see Arwen or I wed- are you alright?" 

-You, talking to Lindir during a stroll down the riverbank, then cutting yourself off with concern as his face suddenly goes white as a sheet


"You see, I like the stars because I know when they'll come and go. They are predictable yet fierce. With the living, all the safety that comes with consistency fades and leaves only the wild ways of the world's whim." 

-You to Elrond in a moment of philosophy


"-and then, the lad goes careening across the bar, covered in ale suds and a look of befuddlement so grand it makes me shout with laughter to this day!" 

-You, telling a story from your youth to Gimli and the hobbits of the Fellowship, the tale sending them all reeling with laughter- especially Gimli


"I'll let you in on a little secret: I've always wanted to ride a dragon." "You- you what!?"

-You, eyes sparkling mischievously, to Merry, your statement quite astonishing him


"He's gone mad. There is no father left in his eyes, can't you see?" 

-You to Pippin as you both watch your father glowering at Faramir. Denethor II's eyes are narrowed and filled with the mad corruption of fear as he tells his only remaining son he wishes Boromir was alive instead, your hearts both sinking at the sight


"Sam... Where's the sun?" 

-You to Sam after waking one morning (close to Mordor) to find the sky darker than it should be, no sun in sight. For once unable to think of a comforting response, Sam can only wrap his arms around you in a tight hug


"-and yet, the most interesting thing about hobbits is their feet. No other race has feet so tough they needn't wear shoes, not even orcs." 

"Ah, yes, but what about their preference toward living below the ground? Wouldn't you call that peculiar?" 

"True, true. And what say you regarding that pipeweed they grow..." 

-You and Legolas having an earnest discussion on the charming oddities of hobbits, so deep in conversation neither of you realizes that Frodo is walking behind you and listening, hoping to hear you drop something like 'and that's exactly why they are my type' into the conversation


"I miss my family." 

"As do I." 

-You to Faramir, thinking of your sister, brother, and uncle in Rohan, then his reply makes your heart ache for his lack of fatherly affection, his mother's passing, and his brother's recent death; you pull him into a fierce hug, one he accepts gladly, burying his head into your shoulder


"You think him handsome, just admit it." 

"Come on, Levim-" 

"Certainly not!"

-Merry and Pippin teasing you about the antagonism between you and Boromir (which they believe is hiding your affections towards him- spoiler alert, it kinda is), to which you respond with overly-forceful denial; you later add a bit of defensive teasing to sidetrack the conversation, insisting they are 'quite delusional' (not pictured)


"Well, from time to time, even the toughest of warriors- such as myself -require a hug." 

-You to Aragorn after having a terrible nightmare and seeking comfort; he, of course, complies and wraps you gently in his arms (while trying not to smirk at your phrasing)


"When will you become our new mother? I'm getting impatient." 

-Tilda, Bard's youngest, catching you off-guard one morning, leaving you pink-cheeked, at a loss for words, and not knowing that Bard overheard his daughter and, surprised, has frozen in his tracks in the hall


"As I'm sure you know, marriage has never been something I desire to partake in within my time- but lately, I have changed my mind. After all, is marriage to the right person not one of life's grand adventures? And as you also must know-" 

"You love adventures." 

-You to Haldir about your newly-changed (and decided by only you, no outer contributing factors) opinion on marriage, then he finishes your words as a wide smile appears on his face at all the doors that have just been flung open by your words


"Ten gold pieces Rowena wins." 

"You're on." 

-Two of Éomer's soldiers watching you and their captain spar (after a few extensive lessons on sword-fighting, given to you by Éomer himself)- and would you look at that, the rookie (you) wins by a hair


"He calls you friend, yet keeps you closer than all others." 

"Do you truly think it could mean something?" 


-Fili, then you, then Fili, your friend offering you hope that perhaps Bofur's attraction to you is not limited to friendship

Up next: A Smile For You

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