Confessions ~ Bilbo

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"He's leaving."

You look up from your pack, half-full on your bed. Surprise flickers across your gaze. Already? You were sure he'd stay until at least this evening. Though, you realize, he would rather leave before the feast, wouldn't he? He's not one for large social events, and you don't blame him for not wanting to celebrate so soon after Thorin's death. Just the passing thought of your uncle puts a pain in your chest, and you place your journal carefully into a pocket as you nod, acknowledging that you heard Ori. His footsteps fade down the hall and you sink onto your bed, leaning your elbows on your knees and running your hands through your hair.

It is time for you to make your choice.

Erebor is no home to you. You've known that from the moment you set foot inside the mountain. Unlike your brethren, you'd rather live above ground, somewhere small enough to feel homely. All this kingdom ever felt like to you was a reminder of your people's painful past. Your brothers do not share this opinion, to your relief, and are ready to begin rebuilding. You spoke with them last evening, amid many tears for both your uncle and the shared knowledge that you would be leaving them soon. They respect your decision and have wished you luck in your journey, wherever it may take you.

"And," Fili added with a teasing smile, though his eyes still watered, "if you and Bilbo should ever wed, we'd better be invited."

You laughed softly, rolling your eyes at your eldest brother, and Kili patted your arm.

"Come back to visit every year," he urged, "bring Bilbo, too."

You raised an eyebrow at both your brothers. "How are you so certain he and I will be together?"

They both smiled knowingly.

"Trust us-"

"-you will be."

Now, as you make your way through the halls one last time, the rest of your belongings hurriedly stuffed into your pack, you haphazardly buckle up your sword belt and check to make sure the blade is still in its sheath. Reassured by its presence, you continue on, trying not to think of all the battles you've fought with this same trusty sword. The room you have been staying in, the walls half-blackened with the soot of Smaug's greedy flame, is now behind you for good. You will no longer wake in the middle of the night to dreams of the wicked worm's desolation in these halls and be further dismayed by the clear evidence of that event, and that is a reassuring thought.

"Do you have all your things, sister?"

You nod to Fili. Your brothers join you now as you head for the broken gate. Balin has promised to stall Bilbo long enough for everyone to come say goodbye, reports Kili, and as you walk, the rest of the Company joins you. From an onlooker's perspective, one might even think this is the same formation Thorin led in the charge from Erebor shortly before his death. Only it isn't Thorin Oakenshield at the head of the group, it's you, and no battle abounds; there is but peace. The sunlight flickers through the gaps in what remains of the stone barricade. You remember vividly the sound of the bell as it broke through, followed by the battle cries of your friends and family. The air is still, however, as you approach.

Balin stands out of sight, but you can hear his voice. Bilbo has one foot on the makeshift bridge across the river, the other on a patch of grass on this side of the bank. He holds his walking stick and clutches the straps of his pack, a familiar posture, and as he sees you, his eyes light up for a moment. He takes a step forward as you keep walking toward him. Balin has trailed off in whatever he was saying to the hobbit, and you notice in the back of your mind that the footsteps of all those walking with you have halted. This is not their moment, you all know it, it is yours and Bilbo's.


You let your bag slip from your grasp to the ground, ignoring the quiet thud it makes on impact, and wrap your arms around Bilbo. It's a bit difficult to hug him with his own large pack, and he promptly puts it down, along with his walking stick, so he can return the embrace. You place a quick kiss on his cheek as you blink back tears.

"Did you really think I'd let you leave without me?" you mutter to him as you lean back, and though he looks surprised, his expression soon fades into relief.

"I wanted to ask you to go with me..."

"So ask."

He reaches for your hand, and you let him take it gladly. Your fingers intertwine and he looks down at them for a moment, a tender smile appearing on his lips.

"Come home with me?"

You squeeze his hand and step forward, leaning your forehead against his as he takes your other hand in his gentle grasp, too.


He lets out his breath, having been holding it in, and you tilt your head just a little, but it's enough for Bilbo to catch your eye, then glance to your lips and back up.

So you kiss him.

Kili lets out a whistle while Fili gives a cheer, and your younger companions join in while the older few watch on with benign smiles. Bilbo runs his hand through your hair and you grin into the kiss, accidentally breaking it. You steal a few more pecks on his lips before he slips his arm round your waist and pulls you into a deep kiss, nearly knocking the breath out of you. You drape your arms around his neck and return the kiss, your heart fluttering about in your chest. Soon enough, you've got to break apart for air and you notice, laughing softly, that Bilbo's cheeks have turned crimson.

"It's about time!" calls Fili, but his teasing is well-meaning and you don't mind it. Your smile wavers as you think about how much you'll miss your brothers, and Bilbo brushes his thumb across your cheek.

"Let's say our goodbyes, then."

You step back, giving a single nod, and turn back to the Company. These are the dwarves you've known your whole life, and after spending the journey of a lifetime with them for one year, it's time you made your own way home. Your memories of the Shire, though you only stayed there a brief time, are pleasant ones, and you have little doubt that with Bilbo at your side, you'll feel at home quite quickly. With each your companions, you share a hug and a few words. A few shed tears for your and Bilbo's departure. Balin's goodbye comes third to last, and his eyes are wet as he presses something into your hand.

"For the road."

You open your fist and look down, also tearing up as you see he has given you Thorin's ring. It has the Durin crest upon it. You slip it onto your ring finger, and it feels loose- your uncle always had bigger hands than you -so you try your pointer finger, and find it fits perfectly. You hug Balin tight, trying not to cry. He has always been like a grandfather to you, one of the best people you've ever known. You know you'll miss him (along with your brothers) the most. Then it is time to bid your family farewell. You regret not being around to see your mother once more, but you are sure in time, she will find her way to the Shire, or you will come back to Erebor once she has arrived and settled in.

"Aili..." Kili has no words, for once. He draws you into a tight hug, and your tears finally begin to fall onto his shoulder. After a long, long moment, he kisses your forehead, squeezes your hand, and wipes away your tears, stepping back. You know it pains him just as much as you to say goodbye, yet similarly, you both understand this is what's best for you. Kili has always supported you, and he's not about to change that now, even though it sorrows him greatly to see you go.

Now Fili steps forward. You lean into his hug as well, closing your eyes. It was not all that long ago he was teaching you how to fight for the first time, how to braid your hair, how to dance. He's always been your teacher in the ways of the world, especially when Thorin didn't have time to show you these things, and you'll miss his advice and comfort terribly. For his part, as much as he's wanted to protect you his whole life, he knows it is high time to let you make your own choices and embrace your independence, so when you take a step back, he merely nods, wiping away a tear, and grasps your hands in his own one last time.

Then it is time to go. Gandalf has appeared on the other side of the bridge, waiting with two horses and a pony, leaning on his staff. It seems he knew you would be coming along, hence the third steed. With final waves, words of farewell, and the like, you turn away from the Company of Thorin Oakenshield, finally disbanded in the success of your mission but never truly remiss in bond, and move toward the bridge, scooping up your bag on the way. One foot after the other, you begin to walk across. Bilbo, after retrieving his walking stick and pack, doubles his pace to catch up to you and takes your hand. You smile at him and he does the same right back, and together, you look forward to the future, hand-in-hand.

YCIOH: You've known for some time that you love him, and simply enough, you're quite glad to know he returns your feelings. Neither of you said it out loud back on the bridge, but as you continue your travels back to the Shire, you both say it now and again, and before long, you're saying, "Goodnight, love," and "Mhmm, love you" as casually as anything. It's a delightful feeling, to be in love and loved in return, you're discovering, and the little things are really what matter. You miss your brothers, your mother, and the Company, of course, but you're on your way home now, with him, and that's more than enough.

HCIOY: He couldn't wish for a better outcome of his feelings for you. Here you are, coming back to the Shire with him, kissing him and sleeping beside him and telling him you love him. Of course, he's doing all these things too, but it's so much more special when you do it first. He's been trying to assuage your bouts of sadness that come about when you're thinking of the last year, and he's discovered if he just sits with you, holding you in his arms, you feel better a lot quicker. It warms his heart to know he brings you comfort and joy like that, and he hopes to the high heavens he'll be able to hold you close for decades to come.

Up next: Confessions ~ Legolas

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