Just A Lighthearted Moment

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"I have seen terrible things, Amaranth, and sometimes I wonder if there is still good left in this world. And then I look at you and I believe there is again."

- Thorin to you one night when you are having a deep, meaningful conversation


"Could I ask something of you?"

"Of course."

"When I die, would you remember me fondly?"

"I would never think of you otherwise."

- You to Fili in a moment where you feel a horrid impending sense of distant doom


"What are you thinking of, with that smile on your face?"

"You, lovely, always you."

- You to Kili when you see him smiling for the first time all week, then him replying in a typical flirtatious manner- only you are saddened when you see his heart is only half in it


"Could you hold this for me, please?"

"That- that's your hand, Aili."

"I know."

- You, offering your hand to hold Bilbo's, then him blushing as he points out the obvious, and finally you, smirking as you respond that you did, in fact, mean the flirtatious gesture


"Just one day more. And then one more. That is what I say when I feel like giving up. Each step toward that mountain is one more step back to him and home."

- You to your brother Frodo, relating to him what- and who -you dream of returning to after you destroy the One Ring; by 'home' you mean both the Shire and the warmth you feel when you are around Legolas


"You're the one who's been sending me the flowers every morning?"

"I hope you are not disappointed-"

"I'm not, no, on the contrary- I'm delighted."

- You when Thranduil shows up at your door one morning with a lovely bouquet of flowers, the same kind you've been receiving every day this week and your favorite kind, then him frowning slightly as he responds, and then you take the flowers with a smile and a hug, cutting him off slightly


"You have such a wonderful smile, Lindir. I mean that in all earnest."

- You to Lindir, who then blushes and glances down at the book in his hands in a poor attempt to hide the grin spreading across his face


"I- I'm so special, I outlasted the moon!"

"Did you get any sleep at all last night?"

"Ah... no."

"Go to bed, Tiram. I'll make sure no one disturbs you. Sleep."

- You to Elrond when he finds you still hunched over the same notes and diagrams you were studying twelve hours ago- yesterday; he furrows his brow as he replies in a worried manner, then you respond, blinking deliriously, in the negative to his question, and then he ushers you out of your study and into your adjacent bedroom, shaking his head fondly as he directs you to get some sleep


"I trust you Gimli. If that much wasn't apparent by now, there's no hope you'll see deeper."

- You to Gimli, then the second sentence muttered to yourself- little do you know, he overhears


"What is it? Do I have something on my face?"

"No, you're just too attractive for me not to stare."

- Merry when he catches you watching him across the campfire at dinner, then you smoothly replying with a wink


"What are you doing?"

"Tempting fate by evading my father's cronies again. Care to join me?"


- Pippin when you appear in a hurry beside him in a side corridor, then you pausing to reply and offer your hand for him to take if he agrees- which, of course, he does


"I've got you, alright? You don't have to be afraid anymore. I'm here, Nellie. I've got you."

- Sam after he wakes you from a terrible nightmare and you curl up in his arms, trembling


"I'm only tired, Frodo."

"No, Osbiel, you are more than tired, that much is clear to me, and that is alright. If there is anything you need, anything at all, I will give it to you."

"... I need a hug."

"Come here, then, and a hug you'll get."

- Your reply to Frodo's worried gaze one evening, then him reassuring you the weariness you feel is alright and hugging you when you request


"Aren't you tired of it, Faramir? The pain, the bloodshed, the darkness?"

"If I wasn't, I'd be the worst of fools. And yet, a part of me fears its end- this war brought us together, I wouldn't be able to hear it should what comes next tear us apart."

- You to Faramir, staring out the window of his chambers and trying not to cry as you sit beside his bed, then him, leaning over to hug you from the side as he speaks; in that moment, you both feel your heartbeats fall into sync and are reassured


"And to think- you could hardly stand me when we first met!"

"Oh, darling that has barely changed."

- Boromir teasing you after you admit you've grown fond of his company, then you jesting right back, causing you both to fall into merry laughter


"Remember, Aewenian, there is still hope. I know this is said too much in times of little strife, but right now, I can see the light, and no other word invokes courage so well as 'hope', save for 'love'."

- Aragorn to you after you confide in him about your fears concerning the One Ring and this dark war; you then lean your head on his shoulder as your fingers entwine with his in a peaceful silence


"You promised to catch me!"

"Well, watching you land so delicately in the mud was too amusing an opportunity to pass up."

"Hardy-har-har. Do you at least have a-"

"-towel? Here."

- A memory of yours and Bard's childhood, when you went on a hike after a rainstorm and you'd hopped off a short ledge after Bard promised to catch you- which he didn't, and you fell chest-first into a mud puddle; at least he'd packed a towel or two in preparation muddy encounters; after this, you continued the hike and ended up seeing a marvelous double rainbow- a lovely memory it is, for both of you


"Tell me a story."

"A story? What kind of story?"

"A story about love, with a happy ending- but something unlike a typical fairytale."

"I'll do my best. Many years, there was a young ellon..."

- You asking Haldir for a story one sleepy summer morning, then him telling a tale that sounds strangely familiar and relatable, yet the ending interests you the most- it is a 'happily ever after' moment, and one you just now realize you'd adore to spend with a certain elf


"Oh! I- I'm sorry- and before you ask, no, I wasn't staring at you, I was lost in thoughts of... horsemanship-ly things."

"No worries- I'm sure you were."

- You bumbling a bit for an excuse to be caught checking Éomer by the man himself, then him smirking and brushing it off- but not without a wink


"I'm sorry."

"I know."

"I really am-"

"I know, Bofur, and that is what's truly important."

- Bofur when he approaches you a short time after the events of He Gets Jealous, visibly shaken, and then you softening and reassuring him that you've already forgiven him for his (disappointing) jealousy

Up next: A Moment In Which You Demonstrate One of Your Strengths #1

Chapter cover image is "Morgoth VS Ungoliant" by u/phaserunner on Reddit.

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