Seven Select Strengths of Yours

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- Motivating others

- Writing (specifically in the fashion of a memoir)

- Stealth

- Keeping your head in times when all others have lost theirs

- Loyalty

- Patience

- Wicked good at darts


- Composing poetry

- Wayfinding

- Leadership

- Seeing all sides of a story

- Resolute in mind and body

- Crafting jewelry

- Needing to hear something only once to understand it


- Predicting the weather

- Being in the right place at the right time

- Tracking

- Using medicinal herbs

- Crafting music boxes

- Very, very rarely gets sick

- By some cosmic stroke of luck, you're incredible at time management


- Keen eyes

- Locating any place perfectly without using a map

- Empathy

- Coming up with nicknames

- Making up songs; making up situational lyrics to previously-known tunes

- Daydreaming while focused

- Always reliable


- Rapidly reading but still absorbing all the important info

- Following instructions perfectly

- Best pouty face

- Can control what happens in your dreams

- Pretty much impervious to heat (climate-wise)

- Describing your memories in such a way that you're always able to evoke the emotions you want from the person you're telling them to

- Learning unfamiliar languages quickly and well


- Sword skills are on point (see what I did there?)

- Fleet-footed

- Knowing, like, all the history. Alllll of it.

- Fighting in battle while wearing heels (holy crap wow)

- Assumes the best, prepares for the worst

- Singing

- Focusing on one thing for a long amount of time


- Playing the harp

- Deciphering ancient runes and glyphs from most early languages

- Prophetic dreams (in which you can sometimes visit other people's dreams)

- Finding all the crap your friends/family have 'lost' within two minutes of being asked to help

- Zest for life

- A cat whisperer

- Really good at not breaking extremely fragile stuff


- Fishing

- Unnecessary exposition

- Reading the stars

- Can tell if any wild plant is safe to eat or poisonous

- Often senses danger before anyone else nearby

- Excellent hearing

- Strong integrity


- Can cook pretty much anything

- Receiving various quotes from history tomes you've read word for word

- Charm

- Accurately judging the time and distance to get somewhere

- "That Smolder"

- Endurance

- Very good at self-disclipline


- Whittling

- Sailing

- Starting fires (intentionally)

- Making clocks

- Photographic memory (I know they don't have photography but this is probably still a thing)

- Making things explode (again, only intentionally)

- Juggling


- Strong moral compass

- Jigging (by that I mean the dance)

- Can make a suitable meal out of almost anything edible

- Nurse/Healer skills

- You can look good in anything (literally anything)

- Carpentry

- Can easily draw often-hidden connections between things, which can provide valuable insight


- Can always find the bright side

- Caring for kids of any age

- Knowing just the right thing to say

- Remembering the most random but useful information

- You have the best frickin' smile (don't deny it you do)

- Neat but not OCD

- Gardening/growing things


- Making Lembas (long-lasting and filling elvish bread)

- Your bow and arrow skills are pretty fly (hehe)

- A light sleeper, so you're always subconsciously on alert

- Ambidextrous

- An incredibly good climber, you instinctively know exactly where and where not to step)

- Offers second chances almost always

- Pretty much impervious to cold (climate-wise)


- A horse whisperer

- Soooo good at comforting literally anyone

- Embellishing cloth

- Knowing the exact names for every shade on the color spectrum

- Values family and friends a whole lot

- Somehow always very clean in body

- Painting


- Forging weapons

- Quick wit

- Flirting very well and effectively

- Strong willpower

- Designing architecture

- A dog whisperer

- Able to fix, like, everything (materialistic)


- A bird whisperer

- You have an uncanny knack for seeing through lies

- Thinking ahead/planning for all plausible outcomes

- Balance (both in your life/schedule and physically)

- You know a bit of magic

- Just, like, sooo wise

- Storytelling (verbally)


- Plays the fiddle

- Swimming

- Weaving

- Making tapestries

- Knowing exactly what presents to get people on every occasion

- Ability to make the best of a less-than-ideal situation

- Strong negotiation skills


- Comedy

- Imagination

- Creativity

- A strong affinity with deer

- Politeness

- A very fast runner (nyoom)

- Imitation of voices and ventriloquy


- Origami

- Sketching

- Archery

- Kindness who all (except to those who explicitly don't deserve it)

- Persuasion (you and your silver tongue are going places, darling)

- Tying knots

- Excellent at troubleshooting


- Dancing

- Playing the bagpipes

- Luck

- A regular old fashionista

- An adept lock-picker

- Selling stuff/bargaining (basically you'd make a great shopkeeper)

- Can recall just about anything you've ever known from your memory banks if you want to

Up next: You Connect For a Moment

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