Someone Talks to Him About His Feelings For You

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These are set at various points in the story, some drawing it forward and some in the past, so I'll make a note of when this occurs for each story :)


Set: On the way to Mirkwood, having just left Beorn's homestead; continuing the story.

Fili and Kili have approached their uncle tonight and pulled him aside 'for a little chat', then promptly proceed with asking probing questions about what he thinks of you. 

"Don't you think she's beautiful?" 

"Isn't she brave?" 

"How much are you attracted to her on a scale from one to ten?" 

"Why do you think she sacrificed her eye for you?" 

"ENOUGH!" Thorin cries, uncomfortably caught off guard by their interrogation, "I care not to answer your foolish questions." And with that, he hurries away and finds a spot at the edge of camp to be alone with his thoughts. At first, he grumbles to himself about his nephews' ridiculous meddling, but soon enough, his mind turns to their last question, asked by Fili, and he begins to ponder: why did you leap forward to save him then, knowing well that you were putting yourself in grave danger?

The Effect on Him (TEOH): He's begun to question something about you that you might not even realize yourself...


Set: On the way to the homestead of Gandalf's potential ally (Beorn) after the shocking fight against Azog the Defiler on the mountainside cliff; continuing the story.

Kili decides it's about time he spoke to his brother about how he (Fili) feels for you, and so draws him aside right after supper while you are helping Oin and Bofur set up shelter for the night. 

"Quite a lady, isn't she?" Kili teases and Fili chuckles as he discerns the purpose of this conversation. 

"Yes, indeed." His younger brother scans him up and down, his smirk fading into a soft smile as he realizes: 

"You love her, don't you?" Fili gazes across the glade with a soft smile, the breeze tousling your hair and the fading firelight giving your skin a warm glow. 

"Yes, I do," he admits, his heart skipping a beat as he says it, and Kili gives a whoop of excitement. You look over and they both casually wave with unusually large smiles. You raise your hand in return before kneeling and looking back at your work to knock a peg in the ground. 

"Oh, this is wonderful, brother! Thorin will surely approve, she's Balin's granddaughter, after all, we'll just ask him when we get the chance, and I'd find it impossible to believe if she says she doesn't feel the same for you in return, and-" As he goes on and on, Fili just stares at you fondly, hoping desperately that you do, indeed, love him as he loves you.

TEOH: Now that Fili really considers it, his brother is right. Everything needed for a smooth relationship is right there already, he just needs to know the final piece for certain; that would be you saying, directly to him, 'I love you, Fili'.


Set: On the way to Erebor after Smaug's defeat, right before the crumpled front gates, continuing the story.

Fili motions for you, Bofur, and Oin to head in before him and Kili, and the three of you do so with waves and smiles of relief at finally making it to Erebor. Fili turns to his brother with a grim expression and proceeds to reveal his worries about Thorin distrusting you so much he may even kick you out of the Mountain. Kili admits he's fearing this too but has decided that if such an instance happens, he's going too. Fili winces and places a hand on his shoulder, searching for the right way to put this. 

"Kili- if Thorin makes Tirnethêl go, he'll keep you in at all costs. He wasn't himself in Laketown, under the shadow of the Mountain, and I expect he's only grown worse while within its halls. I'll stand by you however you choose, you know that-" 

"I do, and I thank you well for it, brother." 

"-but I can feel something is not right when it comes to Tirnethêl." 

Kili opens his mouth to protest, but Fili quickly finishes, amending his meaning, "It is not herself, but the tension of Thorin and an elf at odds- and especially with Tirnethêl, he will be unreasonable." 

"Why is it especially with her?" Kili sounds a bit put off, but his face soon pales as a booming shout comes from not far within the Mountain: 

"WHY IS THERE AN ELF IN MY EREBOR?!" Kili rushes inside, Fili close behind as he replies impatiently, "It is because you love her, of course," shaking his head as they sprint toward the source of the angry cry.

TEOH: He's scared, to be entirely honest, of what's to come next for the mountain's wealth, about his uncle's unstable state, and of course, for what's about to happen to you, courtesy of Thorin.


Set: At Beorn's homestead, right after a lovely and large (and vegan) breakfast; before the current time.

"So, Master Baggins, how do you fare this fine morning?" Kili asks Bilbo in a suspiciously cheery manner as he appears at the hobbit's left side, his brother on the right. 

"I suppose I am doing well-" 

"Sit down with us for a moment, will you?" Fili tugs on Bilbo's arm and down the trio go, sitting close together on the front stoop of Beorn's home. Bilbo feels a bit trapped and asks, flustered, what the dwarven brothers want from him. 

"Merely the answer to a question."

"An important question." 

"Yes, exactly that." The hobbit shifts, rocking back and forth as he fidgets with his hands on his knees. 

"Well, what is it?" 

"How do you feel about Aili?" Bilbo's cheeks flush a little as his gaze immediately crosses the flower-infested yard to land on you as you play a lively game of tug-of-war with a fraying rope with one of Beorn's younger lupine friends.

"She- she's a- a nice person?" he volunteers, more of a question than a statement, and Kili sighs as he and his brother frown in disappointment. 


"And- and I think she's very, erm, brave." 


"Oh, I don't know what you want to hear, Kili, leave my thoughts be! Good morning!" Bilbo makes to leave, cross at the unwelcome interrogation, but his questioners again pull him down to sit between them. 

"Bilbo, you see, Aili sent us to ask you." Bilbo's heart skips a beat and he pauses, his nose scrunching up for an instant as he considers this. 

"And it's likely she'll come after us with a war hammer if she knew we were telling you this..." 

"Telling me what?" 

Fili and Kili share a glance and then the former replies cautiously, "She wants us to find out if you fancy her." 

Bilbo is so stunned for a moment, he can't find the words to respond, rendered utterly speechless as his mind whirls as he tries to fathom why you want to know what he feels for you. 

Kili adds, "As in, love," as if to obviously clarify to the dumbstruck Bilbo, who finally snaps out of this thoughts and starts to sputter, his words coming out thick and fast. 

"Yes, yes, I know- I just- I wasn't expecting- oh, but why- Aili? Love? Yes- yes, I think I do." 

Kili leaps up with a triumphant cheer and Fili slaps Bilbo on the back as he grins at the hobbit, quite knocking the breath out of him. You stand up quickly from where you're now patting the ears of a rabbit and gaze wide-eyed at your brothers as they hurry toward you with broad grins, Bilbo staring after them with pink cheeks and a lump in his throat.

TEOH: He's fairly certain, judging by Fili and Kili's reactions, that his confession has positive meaning for you, but he's anxious that assuming the best will only lead him to disappointment.


Set: Two mornings before the orc attack that takes Boromir's life and divides the Fellowship onto two paths; soon after You Connect For a Moment.

Frodo has to stand on his tiptoes and then jump to reach Legolas' shoulder, a motion that makes him feel exceptionally short, but one he nonetheless carries out to reach the elf prince's attention. 

"If you don't mind, I'd like to talk with you for a moment." Legolas nods courteously and tilts his head to indicate he is listening as he falls back to walk in step with Frodo. The hobbit murmurs to Samwise to do him a favor and keep you unaware of this discussion, and of course, his loyal friend goes to do so as he begins the conversation, "I need to know a few things about you. Yes- yes, I need to know these details- for Firiel's sake." Legolas frowns, a bit concerned at what that could imply, but doesn't interrupt. 

"My question is this: if I were to disappear at any point and Firiel was not with me, would you look after her while I was away?" 

The elf's eyes widen just the slightest at the query, that of which seems a little silly to him, and replies with the answer so obvious to him immediately, "Of course I would do so. I aim to look after her even now, while you are here." 

Frodo considers this, kicking a pebble across the path with his left foot, then crosses his arms and asks, "Will you, even through thick and thin?" "No matter the enemy," Legolas promises in the affirmative. 

"If she falls ill, or wounded?" 

"I will care for her until she is well once more." 

"If her life is in peril?" 

"Then I will give mine instead, with no hesitation, and I will make entirely certain my sacrifice would ensure her survival." Frodo rocks on his heels as the Fellowship takes a water break, pondering for a few seconds before firing, "And when- not if, we both know it's bound to happen someday -she should fall in love?" 

Legolas' posture visibly stiffens and a smirk flashes across Frodo's face as the elf being questioned replies coolly, "I will support her wholly if the man is good, but if he is not, I will keep him from her at all costs." 

Frodo sighs, apparently satisfied, but then pauses and asks one final question, his gaze now more curious than as serious as it's been the last few minutes, "What if you should fall in love with her?" Legolas' heart gives a shudder as he hesitates, thinking for a moment. 

"Then I would seek her love return, but if I would not find it, I would respect her entirely and look after her as fiercely as I would did she return my love." 

Frodo gives a sharp nod, states calmly, "Right then. You have my permission to court Firiel once you both open your eyes," then simply walks away.

TEOH: He is considerably baffled by Frodo' unexpected inquiries, but nonetheless is glad of earning his approval to love you- considering the same, could that ever be? He starts to wonder, hope beginning to rise from Frodo's sort of 'hint hint' just then...


Set: A few weeks after the events of You Connect For a Moment.

Lord Elrond has arranged an excursion to Eryn Galen and meet with Thranduil to discuss the states of each's kingdom- or, at least, that's part of it. In truth, the kind of Imladris has grown impatient with the stalling relationship between you and Thranduil and so intends to advise him upon the matter (aka persuade him to confess to you). Once the talk of trade, borders, legislature, and giant arachnids is over and you have left the council room to see to other matters, Elrond shoots a look at Thranduil which clearly reads as 'just-tell-her-you-nervous-fool' and the latter stiffens, smoothing down his robes as a distraction. 

Eventually, he replies into the quiet air, "I do not know what you are implying," and Elrond smirks and ruefully shakes his head. 

"I have seen a possible future as of late, Thranduil, concerning you and Silevel."

Elrond goes on to describe what he's seen, elaborating on the scenes he's envisioned in quick succession, "I saw you standing before Silevel, your hands clasped with hers as you asked for her hand in marriage and she replied with an overjoyed 'yes'. I saw your wedding day, the moment she was crowned your queen, the first time you held your son." 

Thranduil suddenly rises, his hands slamming surprisingly loud on the table before him as he questions, his voice thick as he tries to mask the emotions coursing through him, "This future- how are the chances of it ever being true?" 

Elrond crosses his arms and leans back in his chair, responding coolly, "They are low, if you do not speak to her of your feelings soon. Yet, if you do..." 

He trails off and Thranduil finishes for him, "We could have a life together." And with that, he majestically sweeps out of the council room to collect his thoughts in peace, leaving behind a jovial and satisfied Elrond.

TEOH: He's caught between fear of forever losing you should he reveal his love and you not return it and a fierce desire to just do it no matter the result, fueled by Elrond's predictions and a hope that's been lying dormant for a long while. And now, he begins to concoct a plan, one that will require just the right moment and a willingness to throw caution to the wind.


Set: A day or two after You Connect For a Moment.

Arwen has managed to track down and corner Lindir this morning as he tries to head to the library and 'coincidentally bump into you' there, bringing with her a determination to help the ship sail and a boatload (see what I did? hehe) of inquiries. 

"Remember when you saved Roquenis on the ice last Winter? Why is that you blush when someone says her name in relation to you? How do you intend to ask her to court you? What-" Lindir slips under her arm and steps back with wide eyes and, as she mentioned, pink cheeks. 

"Ask Roquenis to- to court me? No- oh, no, I would- I would-" He coughs, unable to make himself lie and say he wouldn't do so, and ends up finishing with some excuse about Elrond never allowing it. Arwen beams and contradicts him, insisting that her and your father would actually be delighted if such a thing were to happen. 

Lindir opens his mouth to spit out his fears of rejection, but she doesn't let him and states with a grand smile, "Roquenis adores you, Lindir, can you not see that?" She shakes her head, clucks her tongue, and leaves him standing there with red cheeks and his heart all pitter-patter, stunned frozen at her words about your potential affections towards him.

TEOH: This is the first day he'll miss meeting you 'by chance' in the library, but he really needs time to collect his thoughts. It would take him no small amount of courage to confess his love to you, he knows, and starting now, he's determined to find that bravery within himself before this year is up.


Set: On the last day of your aunt, uncle, and nieces' visit to Imladris.

Elrond has just exited his quarters this morning when he is accosted by your aunt and uncle as he turns the corner. He disguises how startled he is with a polite half-bow and a courteous hello- but he receives no cordial greeting in return. They ask to talk with him a moment, he agrees, worried at their frowns and stiff posture, and follows them to a nearby patio with a small table. All three find a seat and your aunt and uncle immediately begin what is obviously a well-practiced speech. 

It starts something like, "We need to discuss the affairs of our niece, concerning you and her welfare..." and goes on to detail sternly how they strongly disapprove of the clear affections you and he have for each other, that you growing up among elves was bad enough and now seeing you fall for one is worse, that you will bring shame to your lineage if this goes on any longer, and blah blah more lecturing that, quite frankly, astonishes Elrond.

It's a good half-hour before he can find the nerve and right moment to interrupt and explain that you and he have no romantic connection at all. Your aunt and uncle, embarrassed at wrongly assuming these things but too prideful to admit their mistake, leave promptly with a huff from your uncle and a "Well, as long as you don't return Tiram's foolish feelings," from your aunt. Elrond remains on the patio for another few minutes to father his thoughts and force his heart to stop erratically skipping every time he pictures you and him in a relationship.

TEOH: He's beginning to seriously wonder how you feel toward him: is your friendliness stemming from a place of platonic or romantic affection? Your aunt and uncle seem to believe the latter, and your aunt's parting words seemed especially revealing, but he isn't so sure he can trust them all too much about the matters of your heart, something of which only you can communicate to him.


Set: About a week before Boromir dies.

Boromir has called Gimli to help him bind the tents up this morning, and despite his less-than-ideal attitude lately, the dwarf takes the higher road and heads over, taking note of how Boromor holds his chin today, lower than usual. The Steward's son dances about with subjects for a few minutes before admitting that although he initially didn't appreciate you or Gimli much at the start of the quest, he's grown to like both of you. He apologizes for the disdain he's thrown at both of you and asks if the dwarf will pass on the message to you (he will)- and oh, he also reveals that he ships you and Gimli very much.

TEOH: He's glad at Boromir's apology, flustered at the shipping part, and now distracted by wondering- certainly not for the first time -if you and he as a couple would work.


Set: The evening after You Connect For a Moment.

Merry steals a glance at your sleeping form, only laying a few yards to his left, and subtly admires the curve of your face, the way a little whisp of hair rests across one cheek, the peaceful expression upon your face. He startles when someone gives him a hearty nudge and a soft whistle. 

"Admiring your future wife, Merry?" teases Pippin, who has been shipping you and his best friend since day one. 

Merry huffs a breath, pretending to be annoyed, but can't resist the smile creeping onto his face as he replies quietly, "I certainly hope so." Pippin's jaw drops. 

"Really?" A wide smile grows on his face, changing from a mischievous look to a sincere and adoring grin. "You really want to marry her one day?" Merry blushes as his gaze again roves over your serene self. 

"Yes, Pip. I really do want to marry Kif one day." 

Pippin makes an 'aww' noise as Boromir (who's been eavesdropping) leans over and claims, smirking, "I will be named the best man, of course," which leads to a silly, lighthearted fight on whether he or Pippin will be given that honor.

TEOH: He just chuckles at his friends' antics and drifts into his thoughts, wondering entirely seriously if you accepting a proposal of marriage from him could ever be a possibility.


Set: The evening after the day during which A Random Moment of Dialogue Concerning You and Your Love Interest occurs.

After a long discussion with Gandalf and Pippin about their adventures so far, you have retired to bed, leaving the other two standing in the chilly nighttime breeze on the balcony of the hobbit's room. The wizard suddenly turns to his short companion and offers this advice: 

"You won't earn more than a smile or two from the lady Lothuial if you do not offer her knowledge of your affections, Peregrin Took." 


"Hmm?" Gandalf just stares down at the now-flustered Pippin, the serene smile on his old face not wavering even in the slightest. 

"I- I s'pose I won't," the hobbit agrees cautiously, and the wizened old wizard 'hrmph's and gives Pippin a strong pat on the shoulder before leaving him to ponder the advice.

TEOH: Gandalf is right, he realizes once he's able to discern what the wizard's words mean, he'd better find the courage to show you how he feels before it's too late- there's no telling where this looming, inevitable battle for control of Minas Tirith will leave you both.


Set: A few days after the events of You Connect For a Moment.

Sam is trekking his way down a crumbling hill of mashed-up boulders and sharp stones when Gollum leaps in his way and growls. 

"Oh, move it you-" At Frodo's look, he sighs and says instead, "Move, Sméagol."

Another look. 


The creepy fellow does so with a suspiciously-polite sweep of the hand and bounds over to walk- well, shuffle, really -alongside Sam. 

"What do you want?" 

"Sméagol wants to see the pretty hobbit, yes, yes." Sam stops in his tracks. 

"You keep your slimy hands of 'er, you-" 

His threat is cut off by Sméagol yelping defiantly, "Oh no, no, no, Sméagol would never! Sméagol knows how the fat hobbit sees the pretty hobbit." 

"Oh, really?" Sam's fists are curled up, but he forces them to relax when you shoot a glance back, beckoning for the two stragglers to keep up. 

Sam starts walking again, hands now gripping the straps of his pack as a way to steady the tension in his body. 

"Yes, yes, Sméagol knows. The fat hobbit sees the pretty hobbit like we sees the precious- precious- Gollum- Gollum-" Sméagol coughs away the disturbance in his mind, shaking away his Gollum self, as Sam wrinkles up his nose. 

"I do not!" He receives a chuckle in reply, a taunting one, not of the sinister variety he's come to expect from that untrustworthy being. 

"Yes, the fat hobbit does, it does! Love, love, love, love, precious, love, it does!" And just with that, Frodo calls for Sméagol the way one would call to a pet dog, and the fish-loving creature scampers ahead to obey. You step aside, wincing as he passes, and shoot a look of 'I-don't-trust-that-slimeball' to Sam, pausing to let him catch up to you.

TEOH: As much as he hates to agree with Gollum, Sam knows that he loves you- he has for a long time -but it frightens him that if his affections are so obvious to Gollum/Sméagol, how clear are they to you? And if you have noticed, then why haven't you said anything? He's not sure what to think...


Set: After the Fellbeast attack on Faramir's troops, when you, Frodo, Sam, and Sméagol are being held captive by said Steward's son and his men.

Frodo stumbles out of hiding and directly into Faramir's path as Sam goes to see if you're alright on the other side of the courtyard ruins. The Ringbearer sees your pale face and unsettled expression and immediately moves to go to you, to hold you in his arms until you're able to smile at him again- but an extended hand halts him. 

Faramir, observing Frodo's concerned gaze at you, remarks stiffly though not unkindly, "You care for her." 

"More than anyone or anything." 

The Steward of Gondor's second-born son tilts his head, thoughts indiscernible, and asks, his guards approaching to surround the pair, "More than the Ring?" 

Frodo scoffs and answers truthfully, barely even needing to think about it, "If I can destroy it, then I will be able to spend all my life with her in peace." He turns an imploring gaze up at Faramir, adding after a moment, "Surely you understand that? If you don't let us go, you won't have much longer to spend with the ones you love." Faramir just blinks, pondering for a long few seconds, then suddenly waves for three of his men to bring you and Sam over, as well as Sméagol. Frodo quickly hurries to meet you as soon as you step past Faramir and you slip your hand into his gentle, comforting grip, taking a moment to continue to mentally recover from the distress caused to you by the Fellbeast's shrieks. 

"Be on your way, Master hobbits and elf," Faramir commands, but as you offer a smile of thanks, one of the soldiers behind him gives a surprised shout.

"If you let them go, your life is forfeit!"

You, Frodo, and Sam all tense up and you squeeze Frodo's hand with worry- and then you watch as a grim smile appears on Faramir's face. 

"Then it is forfeit." You release the breath you hadn't even realized you were holding in and cordially offer a half-bow to Faramir before following your hobbit friends on your way out of these ruins and on to continue your perilous journey toward Mordor and Mount Doom.

TEOH: The reasoning he offered to Faramir about your priceless value to him has been stewing in his mind for a while, but saying out loud has made it so much more real- and as he now leads the way into the wilderness, all he can think about is how much he is truly, immensely, and frighteningly in love with you.


Set: During a night's sleep in the hospital of the palace. (A/N: prepare for some tear-jerking moments here, folks)

After being badly wounded in the hopeless siege to take back Osgiliath from the swarms of orcs that have overrun it, Faramir has been drifting in and out of consciousness as he lays in a lumpy hospital bed. He is in pain, yes, but he's been able to bear it because every time he opens his eyes, you are always nearby, either watching over him like an angel or aiding a healer who's caring for another patient. When he finally is able to drift into a normal slumber, he is pulled into a dream. A peaceful forest setting surrounds him, with trees as tall as Minas Tirith's tallest towers all around, their branches only beginning to sprout peculiarly high above the ground. Faramir wears no shoes in this moment and so can feel the soil, coarse yet at the same time soft, brushing his toes as he wanders, free of any physical pain for the time being.

"My brother."

Faramir spins around, eyes wide, to see Boromir standing behind, just as he last saw him, well and whole and boasting a dashingly-scruffy beard. The sons of the Steward step toward each other, then break into a brief run as they rush into each other's arms, exchanging a fierce hug. 

Faramir chokes back tears as he steps back, greeting his deceased brother with words of sorrowful gladness, "It is good to see your face, even if only in a dream." Boromir smiles and pats his younger brother on the shoulder. 

"And the same to you. Come, we mustn't linger- we have something important to discuss." 

"Is this really you, returning from the beyond, or..?" Faramir doesn't want to go on, afraid that he might be only imagining this entire encounter, and is relieved when Boromir shakes his head and replies, smiling, "Yes, it is me, whether you like it or not." The ginger of the pair chuckles and nudges the darker-haired fellow and they begin to stroll through the tranquil forest as birds chatter merrily around them and a distant river ambles along noisily. 

"I have been watching over you, Faramir. For a few days, I was afraid our father would send you to an early grave with me- but instead, he is here and you are still alive." Boromir gives a small chuckle and a smirk, diving into the main point of what he wants to discuss, "And thank the Valar for that, for you would have a difficult time pursuing Èalryth's love otherwise." Faramir pauses for a long beat, but Boromir does not, and so the former has to speed-walk to catch up.

"How did you-", but the latter cuts him off. 

"As I said, I have been watching over you. Your affections for that Rohirric princess are astoundingly obvious- except, it appears, to Èalryth herself."

Faramir sighs and admits, "I love her. Yes, I love her more than I've loved anyone before- and frankly, it's frightening. I have known her for so little time and yet I long to spend the rest of my life with her." He goes on to describe every little thing he loves about you as his brother listens patiently, the sun in the sky mysteriously never moving from its position at midday. 

"I always looked up to you for advice," Faramir concludes, "and now is no exception. What do you propose I do?" Boromir glances skyward as he sits down on a log by the riverbank, where the pair have found themselves wandering to. 

"It is clear to me the way she feels for you." He pauses. 

"And?" Boromir grins, stalling for a few seconds more before replying to his hopeful brother, 

"And she certainly feels something powerful for you in the manner of love." Faramir lets out a relieved sigh and Boromir nudges his arm, his gaze again straying toward the cloudless, ever-noon sky.

"I do not have much time left with you now, my brother." Faramir's posture droops, the smile at the hope of your reciprocated love falling with despair.

"It seems so short- too short of a time." 

Boromir nods sadly and stands, his brother doing the same as he replies, "Yes... And as for Èalryth- this may sound like every fairytale Mother told us as boys, but follow what your heart leads you to do." They share one last hug as the sun rapidly begins to descend, the shadows of the trees lengthening with every second, and a single tear of grief falls down Faramir's cheek. And as Boromir steps back, he offers a warm, affectionate smile and these final, aching words of parting: 

"Father says he is sorry for everything and that he loves you." Faramir chokes up, but manages to respond, just before he slips out of the dream and back into consciousness, 

"Tell him I forgive him."

TEOH: He has a plan now, and it's like this: As soon as he's able to speak well and at least sit up fine, he'll confess all his love to you. And then, if all goes well, he'll bide his time until he can walk and kneel, and then he thinks he'll ask you the big one: would you be willing to become his wife once this world is at peace again?


Set: On the trail, about two weeks before You Connect For a Moment.

Merry and Pippin have seen the clear and mutual dislike between you and Boromir, but they, unlike everyone else in the Fellowship, are certain the quiet hostility is overdramatic and must be disguising something- 'something' as in secret, passionate, undying love. They've decided to interrogate Boromir on this fine, brisk day and so sidle up on either side of him on the path. The Steward of Gondor's son initially smiles at both, as he is generally fond of them, but as they begin to fire off questions, he grows uncomfortable and defensive. 

"Firstly, Master Took, I have never wondered what it would be like to kiss Levim and-" Pippin interrupts and Boromir's cheeks flush pink for a moment or two as he replies indignantly, "-and no, I will not be considering it henceforth! And Master Brandybuck, as for your assumption that Levim secretly adores me and vice versa, well, shame on you for thinking such a thing! You cannot read her thoughts nor mine, so keep your misled assertions to yourself!" 

Merry gives a frustrated huff and responds surprisingly sternly, "No, shame on you, Boromir, for being so stubborn! And thinking about it, shame on Levim, too! She certainly isn't helping this whole mess of a boiling pot!" And with that, he turns on his heel and backtracks to walk beside Samwise. 

Pippin raises his eyebrows and shrugs, then follows Merry with a, "He's probably right, you know," and a look of 'you-should-know-better' as Boromir shakes his head at their 'foolishness' and excessively grumbles to himself about why all their speculations are wrong.

TEOH: It's not that he dislikes the idea of you and him in a relationship- he's actually seriously thought about it before -it's his pride and how you act towards him that influences how he outwardly acts towards you. Your reasons, although unbeknownst to him, are exactly the same- neither of you realize it, but it's a circle with no end, and it seems like only Merry and Pippin see it and want to put a stop to it in all directions.


Set: At various points leading up to You Connect For a Moment.

First, it was Legolas who inquired about Aragorn's feelings toward the elf's aunt (you). Then Pippin approached the Dúnedain, soon followed by Merry and then, surprisingly, Boromir. Gandalf was next, and after him was Frodo, Sam, Pippin again, Legolas again, and now Gimli- all at different times and places. It all must be coincidental, Aragorn thinks half-heartedly as he politely brushes off Gimli's questions. But if so, are his feelings so obvious? Because if they are, that lack of control over his own private emotions frightens him.

TEOH: It's mostly just irritating how often these inquisitions are being made, but beneath that annoyance, he realizes that each time someone talks to him about you, he can't help but feel a rush of hope and affection. He's beginning to think of you as the person he wants to spend the rest of his life with- and those thoughts scare him with all their possibilities. He isn't sure what to do at this point...


Set: The morning before you come to say goodbye for the last time.

It's not often that Tilda, Sigrid, and Bain are so quiet at the breakfast table, and today, they're suspiciously wordless, glancing at each other with knowing looks. Bard puts down his slice of bread before he's even taken three bites and leans his elbows on the table, clasping his hands in front of his chin. 

"Care to tell me what you three are plotting this morning?" Sigrid and Bain share a cautious gaze and the former opens her mouth to speak, but Tilda jumps to the chance first, asking excitedly, 

"When is Janne going to be our new mother?" Bard, who is taking a sip of water at the moment, chokes on it and has to cough for a few seconds before he can respond with an honest, nervous reply: 

"Well, that was- erm- certainly a surprising question, darling. Where did you get this idea that Janne- that Janne would be your stepmother?"

Bain awkwardly takes another piece of bread and starts to slather on the watery butter-like spread almost every family in Laketown has due to their distance from any proper farms. 

Sigrid speaks up, "It's only, that, well, with Mother gone so long, we thought maybe..." 

Bard abruptly stands up and says quickly, "It's best you forget that fantasy before any of you start to believe it." Tilda's chin quivers and Bard winces, leaning down to hug her as he adds, his tone calmer, "I don't mean to upset you, Tilda, but I don't want you to assume things that are unlikely." 

She nods sadly, but Bain's eyes lit up and he crows, "Da, you only said 'unlikely', not impossible!" He looks to his sisters. "There's still hope!" 

Bard pauses from where he's reaching for his jacket and asks, surprised once more, "You children... want Janne to be your stepmother?" 

"Yes!" is the general consensus, and the father of the three deciders sits back down to consider this new information. 

"It's clear to us all how Janne loves you-" 

"-she probably always has, even when you married Ma-" 

"-but we're not sure what you think of it-" Bard suddenly rises again and Bain and Sigrid (the ones just speaking) go silent as Tilda merrily takes another bite of bread. 

"That's enough, please." 

"But, Da-" 

"Sigrid, Bain, you don't know what you're meddling about, and now you've led Tilda to believe your fancies too." He shakes his head, incredulous. 

"Bain, would you run down to Percy for today's cargo pass?" 

"Yes, Da." Bain leaves, sharing a disappointed glance with Sigrid and Tilda as he slips on his coat and opens the front door. "Tilda, would you tidy this up? Sigrid, would you get the coals in the fireplace burning again?" Bard's daughters echo their brother's "Yes, Da" and go to begin their tasks as the bargeman himself heads down to the dock beneath the house to check the skipper's condition and collect his thoughts.

TEOH: He's kind of shocked at how firmly all three of his kids believe that you love him and have for so long- he doesn't want to think too much about their claims, because the more he does, the more they make sense. And just as he's rebraiding the mainmast rope for the third time, Sigrid calls him upstairs because you are here (of course you arrive just after that discussion) and apparently really need to speak with him. 

(A/N: And this is where it leads into You Connect For a Moment.)


Set: The evening after you and Haldir's fun (and flirty) elkback ride through the woods of Lothlorien during You Connect For a Moment.

You bade Haldir a warm goodnight before you head into your chambers to retire to bed with your thoughts, and he leans into the hug you offer, then bows as you slip away, shutting the door softly behind you. Haldir steps back, giving a sigh of wonderment as a wide smile spreads across his face. Today was incredible: it was just you and him, riding through the great forest on a warm, sunny day, talking about things of all manners and even- to his greatest thrill -flirting, and a fair amount of it, too! A cough comes from his right and he turns to see Galadriel beckoning him over from the end of the hallway. He dutifully walks over and bows cordially before following your regal mother far down the winding paths of the open-air palace to her wondrous mirror, where Celeborn awaits them.

"We know how you love our daughter and we support your affections entirely," begins Galadriel, but she pauses, waiting for a word of gratitude. Haldir immediately delivers this in a few sentences and she then goes on to ask, "Your venture this day was a fair one, was it not?" 

Haldir smiles and replies gladly to the half-rhetorical question, "It was grander than I had expected." 

Galadriel also begins to smile as she listens to his mind and remarks, "Míresgal teased you with words of affection," causing Celeborn to choke on the sip of wine he's just taken. 

"She flirted with you?" your father questions Haldir, genuinely astonished by what he's hearing, and the ellon with which you had, indeed, flirted offers a chuckle. 

"I was surprised as well, my lord, though my delight quickly overcame my befuddlement." Galadriel nods a few times, musing, her smile benign and thoughtful, and then gestures to her mirror of water and light. 

"Look within," she commands and Haldir steps up to the basin, leaning forward to see the shimmering surface...

TEOH: What Haldir sees in the mirror, I (the author, breaking the 4th wall) will not relate just yet, but let it be known that it fills him with hope and sets the embers of his love for you fully alight.


Set: Only a few hours after you decide to not go back to the Shire and Éomer formally makes you a Rider of Rohan

Éomer has been waiting all afternoon, ever since the news broke that you are staying, to be approached with protests- and when he looks up from a sheaf of letters as his tent flap is pushed open, he perceives a premonition that now is that time. He stands, placing the letters to various Riders from their families onto his makeshift desk as Malkus and his goons saunter in. 

"Can I help you?" Éomer asks, polite but still sure to use the less-commital 'can I help' rather than 'may I help'. 

Malkus crosses his arms and replies gruffly, "You're the boss, ain't you?" Cue laughter that cuts out abruptly as Éomer glances sharply at the other men. 

"Cut to the chase, Malkus. What are you upset over now?" 

"That puny little girl you're lettin' stay with us, that's what!" Cries of agreement, again swiftly silenced by a look from Éomer. "She can't even wield a proper sword! She's like a stunted child, and she's not even nice to look at, so I-" 

"-we!-" chimes in a foolishly brave Holdren. 

"-don't see what the point is!" Éomer is silent for a moment, then calls for two of his strongest, most loyal men. Malkus' meager following (only five) shift nervously on their feet as said men enter the tent. 

"Malkus, you have brought enough ill will and distrust to these good but foolish men who follow you as such. It is high time you leave. Go to Gondor, there is likely to be work even for a scoundrel such as you there. From here on out, you are not welcome with the Riders of Rohan." And with that, Éomer sends Malkus on his way, escorted out by the astonishingly-buff soldiers aforementioned. 

"If any of you would be so destitute of mind as to join him, go now." After a moment's hesitation, Holdren, who's essentially Malkus' right-hand-man, scampers off. The four remaining men just awkwardly stand as they are by the tent flap for an excruciatingly-long silence until Éomer dismisses them to turn over the latrine pits and dig new ones, then the leader of the Riders himself sits down again to resume sorting the letters for each of his men.

TEOH: What an insolent prick- thank the Valar Malkus will be out of everyone's hair now. And Holdren too, that's a bonus. The insults about you being 'not nice to look at' and 'a stunted child' really got Éomer's blood boiling, it still is now. How dare someone speak about you that way! Then he pauses, holding an envelope extended above the desk. But why is he so offended by the comments? They're not even directed at him, and it's not as if he fancies- wait a moment...


Set: The evening after the events of You Connect For a Moment.

Bofur hasn't been able to talk to you all day since your sweet little chat this morning, and just as he starts to head over to you and offer to help you gather firewood, Bilbo Baggins beats him to it and Fili and Kili grab each of his arms and spin him around in a 180° turn. 

"Come with us, dear Bofur, won't you?" commands Kili with a secretive smirk. 

The dwarf being ushered along sighs before replying wryly, "It looks as if I don't have a choice." 

"Nope!" cheerfully replies Fili as he and his brother lead Bofur over to the rest of the Company- excluding Gandalf -who are standing in a suspiciously-neat semicircle. Bofur is made to stand before them all, Fili and Kili join the crowd, and then: the barrage of inquiries and advice begins. 

At first, the fellow who's being spoken to so much all at once has no clue whatsoever what's going on, but it's not long before he starts to catch on and his cheeks flush pink as he stutters to answer all his friends' questions at once. Thorin shushes the others when he sees Bofur's uncharacteristically shy and anxious expression. 

"We all wish to know, Bofur, why you have not yet asked Dhamir to court you." 

"Well, you see, I-" 

"Surely she'll say yes!" Murmurs of agreement all around at Nori's words as Bofur sighs. 

He takes a pause before responding, sounding almost sad, "It isn't so simple as that, laddie."

"But you're clearly her One!" 

"And she's yours, no doubt!" 

"That isn't so clear as you think-" 

"And what about all those times you've comforted her after a nightmare? Surely they must mean something to her." 

"Aye, and think of 'er-"

"Enough!" Bofur takes a step away from the interrogation, shaking his head in distress. "I'm scared of saying anything about it to her, alright? Is that what yeh wanted to know? I've never loved anyone as I love her, and it's frightening!" A moment of silence commences as the other dwarves look at him in surprise. Bofur rocks back and forth on his feet four times before giving a huff and declaring, "And that's all there is to say on the matter!" He hurries away to unpack supper or something, anything that will grant him space and time to tend to his fraying nerves.

TEOH: He just needs a few minutes to collect himself, that's all. It's not like he's been secretly panicking over this for weeks and saying it out loud to so many others has pushed him into a state of tense anxiety, no, no, he's fine, he's just fine.

Up next: How Embarrassing

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