Who Does NOT Ship You? (Before Confessions)

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So basically just the opposite of the last one so yeh :)
Oh, and how these are set is a bit different, so I'll make a note for that for each.

Thorin: Set: Right after He Defends You and from then on.

Azog the Defiler has a new addition to his 'to-kill' list- and yep, it's you. His orcish brain can't fathom why you would leap to save Thorin Oakenshield like that. The only explanation he can think of- and when he does, he shudders with disgust -is love. Naturally, he despises any idea of romance, especially having to do with Oakenshield, because if love means you'll leap to save him again, Azog wants you two to stay as far apart as possible. His current plan has changed a little: now, he schemes, he'll kill you first, making Oakenshield watch, then gift his dwarven enemy a slow, painful death. This scheming makes him smile in the way only wicked creatures can, without an ounce of joy in their faces. How chilling...

Fili: Set: Pretty much any time after you meet and from then on.

It's kind of sweet how not a single person who knows you and Fili doesn't ship you (as in, everyone is either for the ship or doesn't care much about it). The closest thing you've ever gotten is an offhand comment from Dwalin when he was very drunk, a statement he apologized for the next day, once sober. I mean, what reason would anyone have? Balin and Dwalin (your grandfather and grand-uncle, respectively), would love for you to marry into royalty. And they'd certainly appreciate you having children and carrying on their bloodline, hint hint. And Thorin has no qualms to speak of, for you're a dwarvess of good blood and mettle, what more could he want for his heir? The rest of the Company hasn't had much to say about you two, but when they do, it's always positive (except that one aforementioned incident). And so, you see, there is exactly no one who does not ship you and Fili.

(so hurry up and get married ahEM)

Kili: Set: Pretty much any time after you meet, but eventually this changes.

Surprise, surprise, the person who most eagerly loathes any blossoming romance between you and Kili is his uncle Thorin Oakenshield. He despises your race for not aiding his people in their time of need and dislikes you in particular because of, ironically and frustratingly, how you released the Company from their imprisonment in Mirkwood. Oh, and his nephew has fallen in love with you, and that just really pushes his buttons. The list goes on and on and gets pettier and pettier as it goes.

Bilbo: Set: Before the scene in He Defends You, pretty much just at the beginning of the quest before Bilbo saves Thorin and they become friends.

Your uncle, Thorin Oakenshield, isn't the most accepting of men (of any race) even befriending you, his niece, so it's not very surprising to you that he's suspicious and grumpy most always towards Bilbo. You're sure, however, that eventually he'll warm up to the hobbit and accept your unusual friendship.

Legolas: Set: Pretty much any time after you meet, but eventually this changes.

Frodo has always been fairly overprotective of you (despite him being the younger sibling), and so you're unsurprised by his suspicious opinions of Legolas and the way your brother tries to 'protect' you by keeping you and your ellon friend apart as much as he can. It's annoying, for sure, but you know he only has good intentions and so, for now, you tolerate his interferences in your life and personal relationships.

Thranduil: Set: Pretty much any time after you meet and from then on.

There are only a few who despise the rumors of a relationship between you and Thranduil: the ladies of low nobility who we (pardon the fourth-wall breakage) would call ahem 'gold-diggers'. These few ladies are desperate to gain the king's affections in order to become queen and get on with all the wealth and power that comes with that marriage. Unluckily for them, however, Thranduil is entirely uninterested in their scheming. Ha.

Lindir: Set: Pretty much any time after you meet and from then on.

Interestingly enough, when you and Arwen were just young ellyns braiding summer grasses through each other's hair and running about the palace on youthful feet, your sister expressed her disdain for your father's current adviser's son, who was about fifty years your senior (read: not that much in human lifespans). She thought he wouldn't make a good husband merely because he was shy, but you had protested, thinking her reasoning flimsy at best. She had eventually relented the argument to you and now, many years later, you look back on that memory and tease Arwen about it when she makes a hint at how much she ships you and Lindir. It's an excellent, ironic defense and you don't intend to give it up until she remembers the part of that time when you objected in Lindir's favor and begins using that against you instead of vice versa.

Elrond: Set: During your aunt, uncle, and cousins' visit to Imladris. Timeline-wise, this continues on the current story.

In stark contrast to your cousins' enthusiastic shipping of you and Elrond, their parents, your aunt and uncle, are very much against even the slightest notion of the idea. They are firm believers in love only being between a lady and a man of the same species, something you have always disagreed with and argued with them on. Love is love, you are sure, no matter if between a woman and a man, two women, two men, two people who do not label themselves as a certain gender, and any other combination of the sort, and you hold firm to your stance on that race does not matter either. And so, as of now, while their daughters gossip about you and Elrond, tensions are quickly rising between you and your aunt and uncle...

Gimli: Set: Pretty much any time after you meet, though this instance happens only once and you hear nothing more from him on the matter.

Amusingly, your new friend and fellow member of the Fellowship, Legolas, Crown Prince of Eryn Galen, has expressed to you that he's not sure if responding positively to Gimli's affections is a good idea. When you question him why, he goes quiet and will say no more. You wonder, as he walks away after an abrupt excuse, if he sees something in Gimli you do not (possible), he doesn't think romance is appropriate on a quest such as this (reasonable), he's a little jealous (hmm), he's just stirring up a bit of trouble (unlikely), he's prejudiced against inter-race relationships (also unlikely)- wait a moment. A smirk grows on your face as you watch Legolas strike up a conversation with Aragorn farther up the trail. Could he be a little jealous? Not of Gimli, though, you know your new friend doesn't see you like that, he's told you so- therefore, he must be a little jealous of you. Hmm...

Merry: Set: After the Fellowship is formed and you have started out on your questTimeline-wise, this continues on the current story, but you hear nothing more on the matter from him going forward.

Funny enough, your fellow dwarf and member of the Fellowship of the Ring has pulled you aside this night to deliver his opinion on Merry to you. Apparently, he's caught wind of the hobbit's possible affections toward you, as you also have recently, and wants you to know what he thinks in his infinite dwarven wisdom. He sits you down and explains, dead serious, that he doesn't think it's the best idea for you and Merry to have a relationship merely because he's shorter than you. To that logic, you can't help but laugh and point out that by such reasoning, he and a certain blond elf aren't a good match either! You then proceed to stand and leave him red-faced and spluttering as you walk away to go help set up the campfire, chuckling and shaking your head to yourself.

Pippin: Set: Pretty soon after you meetTimeline-wise, this continues on the current story and will play an important part in the tale going forward.

Your father, Denethor II, reigning Steward of Gondor, being the paranoid fool he is, has ordered Peregrin Took not to speak to you anymore. You, outraged by his meddling in your friendships for the hundredth time, are having none of it and storm to the throne room and confront your father in front of Pippin himself. You somehow manage to convince him to take a proverbial chill pill and revoke the command, though only on one condition- that any and all conversations between you and Pippin may be about things related to his duties. You depart his presence disgruntled and steaming; there's no way you'll adhere to that rule and, judging by the wink Pippin gives you as he opens the door for you to leave, neither will he.

Sam: Set: Pretty much any time after you meet and from then on.

Not applicable. Just not. Need I say more?

Frodo: Set: Before He Defends You, the day before you and the Fellowship leave Imladris. Timeline-wise, this will play an important part in the tale going forward.

Your father, Thranduil, king of Eryn Galen and despiser of inter-race romance, has heard of your quest and your diverse group of companions. Naturally, he's sent a long, long letter warning you to beware of the all the menfolk (aka literally all the rest of the Fellowship) and to not, to never let yourself fall in love with any hobbit, Dúnedain, man, elf not of noble blood, and especially dwarf that crosses your path. He's been preaching this to you ever since you reached maturity and so, as usual, you roll your eyes and ignore the strict 'advice', your mind drifting (ironically) to thoughts of Frodo Baggins as you let your father's letter, along with his bogus views on love, smolder in the fireplace of your room here in Imladris. Ah, what a pleasant day it is outside, perhaps you'll take a stroll in the magnificent gardens they have here later...

Faramir: Set: Pretty much any time after you meet and from then on.

To be frank, Faramir's father has despised you ever since you first went after his son to comfort him after Denethor II's own harsh words. You irritate him vastly, you, with your hope and compassion and bravery and intelligence and- oh, just ugh! He can't stand your kindness and so he is highly suspicious of you. He'd have you locked up in the dungeons ASAP if Faramir wasn't so protective of you, that's how much he dislikes and distrusts you. Maybe when this whole end-of-the-world thing is over, you'll leave Gondor and finally give him some peace (spoiler- you won't, but he'll certainly leave you alone).

Boromir: Set: Pretty much any time after you meet- until a soon-to-come portion of your story, when all of this changes for the better.

Now let's see, who's the most against a relationship between you and Boromir? Oh, right- you and him! Although deep down inside, you'd both love for that to happen, but the disdain you've shown for each other so far has created a dismal cycle of animosity and doubt between you two.

Aragorn: Set: Pretty much any time after you meet and from then on.

Ha! As if! Did you even read the Who Ships You section of this tale? (oh, just teasing, darlings) But really- there's not a single soul who doesn't ship you and Aragorn and that's all there is to say about it.

Bard: Set: Right after He Defends You and from then on. Timeline-wise, this will play an important part in the tale going forward.
(Author's warning: some sensitive language and plot ahead- this gets dark pretty quick.)

Remember Specs? That nasty fellow who drunkenly leered at you a short while ago? Well, it's your (un)lucky day, because he's a bitter alcoholic and doesn't easily forgive his failed harassments. In the past few days, he's been spreading rumors- read: vicious lies -all throughout Laketown about you and Bard having a secret, torrid affair. Bard isn't much affected by this and neither are his children, which you're glad of, but the nasty looks, thrown manure, and scornful 'whore-lady!'s and other painful names thrown your way are really affecting you. If it doesn't let up, all this abuse, you're sure you'll end up leaving Laketown, no matter your loyalty to Bard and his children.

Haldir: Set: At pretty much any point in this tale before confessions.
(A/N: Just realized that this might not have a big part in the story later, but I'll keep it in here in case inspiration strikes or something.)

There are a few select members of the guard of Lothlorien who recently, despite Haldir's clear claim to your heart (should you ever realize your affections toward him), stubbornly and obnoxiously pursue you. At first, it was just the naive rookies who took shots at you, but now it's a few of the more seasoned guards, aiming to win your hand in marriage and gain all the power and wealth that comes from wedding a princess. Obviously, this does not go over well with Haldir, not with you or your parents, and the four of you have planned a conference to decide what to do with these power-hungry fools. Would banishment be an appropriate punishment, or simply removal from their high-up positions in the guard? You, for one, are rooting for the former- that's just how stalker-esque these persistent ellons have become.

Éomer: Set: Right after He Defends You and from then on. Timeline-wise, this continues on the current story and will play an important part in the tale going forward.

Malkus. Recognize the name? Yeah, that's the bothersome fellow who, with his buddies, harassed you last evening. Apparently, he's made it his mission to keep you and Éomer as far apart as possible as a sort of payback for being humiliated by you and his captain yesterday. Understandably, you and Éomer are highly unamused and your rescuer-from-half-trolls finds a moment to confide in you that he's just about ready to send that man off to Gondor and finally be rid of his ridiculousness- and to that, you say, "Good riddance!"

Bofur: Set: Pretty much any time after you meet, but eventually this changes.

As mentioned in the previous section of this story, there is only one member of the Company of Thorin Oakenshield who does not enthusiastically ship you and Bofur. He, none other than Gandalf the Grey, merely tolerates your budding romance, thinking it unwise for love to interfere with the Company's quest. However, he knows that there's no point in delaying the inevitable, and so he's consigned himself to stand by and observe with a wary gaze.

Up next: A Random Moment of Dialogue Concerning You and Your Love Interest

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