Who Secretly Fancies You?

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A/N: Just a little something I thought would be cute to add in, so here goes :)
These also could be set at any time in each's story, except for a few which I've made note of.

Thorin: Every member of the Company admires you in some way, but none are foolish enough to let themselves admit a crush on you. Thorin would, family, like-family, or otherwise, shun them just the same.

Fili: Thranduil, the egotistic, dwarf-despising king of Mirkwood, of all people, has discovered a small warmth in his heart for you. Of course, he's buried it deep in his mind and would rather die than admit it, but the feelings are, nevertheless, still there.

Kili: Fili has admitted to both you and his brother that he has a bit of a crush on you, but he would never try to break the love between you two. He respects you both all too much and wouldn't even contemplate betraying his brother in any way.

Bilbo: Bofur has grown fond of you over the course of this great journey, but has put his meager crush aside to focus instead on affectionately teasing you and Bilbo.

Legolas: Éomer has yet to truly get to know you, yet he has found himself wondering after you often. Suspecting Legolas' affections for you, and possibly yours in return, he has decided it's best if he stays quiet and just lets this crush fade with time.

Thranduil: Lindir, as Lord Elrond's long-time adviser, has met with you many times in the name of diplomacy and kingdom-ly friendship throughout the last few centuries, and he's developed a rather strong crush on you in that time. It's not really love, he believes, only fleeting feelings... but these feelings have lasted for almost thirty years. Then again, a hundred years is a blink in the life of an elf, so perhaps they will fade (eventually).

Lindir: (Note: This is set as it is in the book, where the Company stays in Imladris for two weeks.) Kili doesn't really care for the flutter in his stomach whenever you are near, nor does he appreciate the way you can stay on his mind for hours, no matter how much he tries to chase thoughts of you away. It's not that he doesn't like you- you're a fine lady -but it distresses him to feel such unattainable affections. They're certain to fade soon, he assures himself, yes, once the Company leaves Rivendell- but until then, he still has to cope with these feelings.

Elrond: (Note: This is set as it is in the book, where the Company stays in Imladris for two weeks.) The mighty Thorin Oakenshield has no time for measly crushes- and therefore, no time for you. He ignores the rushing of his heart whenever you're around, and in that way, ignores you. He's got a home to take back, after all, he doesn't have any time or patience for a silly little crush!

Gimli: Boromir has a tiny, little, itsy-bitsy crush on you, but openly grumbles about you and Gimli too much to say anything. Of course, why would he? He's made it seem like he really dislikes you, and it's just a minuscule, super-small, totally-not-tremendous crush on you.

Merry: Gimli knows to appreciate female dwarves, for they are rare, and your personality is quite endearing as well- most likely the factors contributing to his fairly small crush on you. He believes that he could steal you out from under Meriadoc's nose if he wanted, but he knows it's an absurd idea and so has said not a word of his meager feelings.

Pippin: Merry thinks it's only logical for him to have a crush on the person his best friend adores, and that's his stalwart reasoning to himself for having a not-so-small, not-so-subtle crush on you.

Sam: A crush isn't really what this should be called, but Gollum seems to be infatuated with you. Both sides of him, Sméagol and Gollum, appear to care for you as a true friend, the closest thing he'll ever feel to love. 

Frodo: Elrond cares deeply for you, a bit more than as just a close friend would, but he keeps these emotions hidden completely due to respect for Frodo and his more-important duties as ruler of Imladris.

Faramir: Pippin was quickly enamored with you when you first met and has held a steadfast, strong, and very-secret crush on you ever since.

Boromir: Aragorn isn't a man who gets crushes- except on you, it seems. It's just a small flame, but you truly are something special to the rightful king of Gondor.

Aragorn: Frodo envies your close companionship with Aragorn and sometimes wishes you loved him instead- but it's not like he has a profound crush on you, oh no, absolutely not...

Bard: (Note: This is set quite a bit farther into the future of this story- I'll put exactly where once I get to writing that part.) Legolas has found himself quite suddenly stricken with a strong crush on you as of late. He is determined to play it cool, though you should come to expect an elf who's always got your back if you should ever need it.

Haldir: It's rather amusing to you (yet highly annoying to Haldir) to hear of new trainees of the guard innocently gaining an interest in you. These little crushes never go anywhere, so it's all fine, except for that time one of the youngest trainees flat-out proposed to you out of the blue, and right in front of Haldir, no less! It's a memory for you to laugh at merrily as Haldir reluctantly chuckles along, only fabricating amusement for your sake.

Éomer: (Note: This comes into play later than most of the others in this tale- oh and also Grima's going to come back after the war so that's a thrill to look forward to.) Grima Wormtongue: a slimy, creepy name for a slimy, creepy rat of a man. Unfortunately for you, he seems to have taken his sights off of Éowyn (good!) and refocused them on you (not good...). Eugh.

Bofur: Poor, sweet Bilbo Baggins has a small, very secret crush on you- he'll never tell a soul, for fear of invoking the grievances of the typically-mild-mannered Bofur.

Up next: Who Ships You? (Before Confessions)

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