Who Ships You? (Before Confessions)

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A/N: Timeline-wise, this could be set really any time amidst each's story, so I'll put a note before to say about when that happens. So yeah. Hope you like!

Thorin: Set: Right after He Defends You, way before confessions.

Fili and Kili very much ship you and Thorin. They are both fans of 'hate-to-love' stories, and despite you and Thorin having more of a 'gruff-disapproval-to-begrudging-allies' relationship so far, the brothers are confident that you two will fall in love eventually. Why else would you save him from Azog at the cost of your eye otherwise? There has to be something there, Fili and Kili believe, even if neither you nor Thorin sees it yet.

Fili: Set: Pretty much any time after you meet, but before confessions.

Unsurprisingly, Kili is the one who is the most involved in getting you and his brother to admit your feelings for each other. Ori, Balin, and Bofur are all invested in your budding relationship to varying degrees as well, and occasionally will help Kili with his little schemes- such as the time he allllmost had Fili accidentally catch a glimpse of you nude- more on that embarrassing moment later.

Kili: Set: Pretty much any time after you meet, but before confessions.

 Interestingly, the person who ships you and Kili the most is Legolas, your best friend for the longest time and the closest thing you have to family. He, despite his initial dislike of Kili for trespassing in Mirkwood along with the rest of the Company of Thorin Oakenshield, can clearly see the connection between you two and encourages it to grow, believing that finally finding love will be good for you in many ways. Well, unless Kili breaks your heart in any fashion, then Legolas would be after him with a taut bowstring and no mercy.

Bilbo: Set: Pretty much any time after you meet, but before confessions.

Fili and Kili, your older brothers, are very obvious with their hopes of you and Bilbo falling in love one day. Their teasing is often annoying, but sometimes it can be sweet. Until they recently mentioned it, you had never considered what you and Bilbo's children could look like, but now, well...

Legolas: Set: Pretty much any time after you meet, but before confessions.

To many of your companions' surprise, Aragorn has been secretly shipping you and Legolas since the day you and his princely friend first met. He knows what it's like to love someone of another race and so is very supportive of any possible romance between you, a hobbit, and he, an elf. Aragorn is subtle, however, and has been helping you and Legolas to grow closer little by little each day. He's rather proud of himself for his sly meddling, especially of the fact that neither you nor Legolas has noticed yet.

Thranduil: Set: Pretty much any time after you meet, but before confessions.

There are many servants, members of the royal guard, nobles of the kingdom, and even plenty of common folk who keep close tabs on the relationship between you and Thranduil. There have been rumors, bets, and even an impure joke that goes along the lines of 'why, if I was as close to him/her/them as the king is to Silevel, I might as well call him/her/them my advisor!', but despite all this swirling about, you and Thranduil have been curiously oblivious. But then, just yesterday, when you stumbled on the steps to the gardens and Thranduil tenderly caught you, you both noticed a nearby guard grinning as another handed him a few coins. The exchange clearly yhad something to do with you and Thranduil- but why?

Lindir: Set: Pretty much any time after you meet, but before confessions.

Your sister Arwen was the first to pick up on the budding feelings between you and Lindir, and now she will. Not. Stop. Asking you about it. She insists on knowing every detail of the latest interactions between you and your father's adviser, then proceeds to dissect it all until she inevitably comes up with one more reason why you and he are perfectly suited for each other. It's pretty impressive how many points she's come up with so far... Impressive and, quite possibly, convincing.

Elrond: Set: A week or so after He Defends You, before confessions.

Your aunt, uncle, and their two young daughters (the only family you have left) have come to visit you at your new lodgings in the palace of Imladris for a summer weekend. Your cousins are excited and in awe of the lovely valley kingdom and your important position in the court, but most of all, they are swooning over Lord Elrond. You think it very amusing that your cousins, barely even old enough to know what romance is, are cooing over how handsome they think he is as they ready for bed the first night of their stay. 

You're not prepared, however, for them to ask you if you think Elrond is handsome- and you become so flustered all you can reply is a defensive, "Well, yes, but, erm, but remember, he's certainly a few centuries at least older than you two, so stop the gossiping, if you would." To your chagrin, that affirmation is all they need to begin teasing you about how you toootalllyy love him and that he toootalllyy loves you, because that's just how simple love is in their young minds. Oh dear, it looks like you're in for a long three days...

Gimli: (Note: Sorry but I made Boromir kind of a grumpy jerk for this story :/ Apologies to all the Boromir stans reading this, but I promise he'll become way better soon.)

Set: A short time after you meet, before confessions.

Boromir, in a ridiculous, roundabout way, has decided to openly ship you and Gimli. His proclaimed logic behind this decision is that he thinks you and Gimli are equally annoying and so 'boom', perfect match, though secretly he's noticed how Gimli constantly admires you from afar and thinks it's very sweet. Wait, Boromir admitting he's wrong, that you and Gimli aren't half-bad? His pride won't allow him to do that, well, at least not just yet...

Merry: Set: A short time after you meet, before confessions.

Merry has admitted to his fellow hobbits in the Fellowship of his strong feelings for you, and all of the responses he's gotten are positive and encouraging. Sam has told him that you'd be 'a splendid couple', Frodo has advised that you're 'worth going for', and Pippin has whooped with joy and made Merry promise to let him be his best man at your wedding. You, not as oblivious as the hobbits may think, know somewhat of these conversations and they always bring a smile to your face and hope to your heart.

Pippin: Set: A short time after you meet, before confessions.

Your brother Faramir has been on the lookout for a suitable suitor for you for a long while, and as of now, he's satisfied to give his approval to Peregrin Took. He thinks that the hobbit is brave, kind, unafraid to show his emotions, compassionate, and although he seems a bit foolish for swearing loyalty to his mentally-unstable father, the pros of his personality exceed that one mistake (so far). Faramir has blatantly told you of his impression of Pippin, a declaration that left you blushing and flustered, but you are certainly glad to have his seal of approval. And now, to determine how Pippin feels toward you- you're keeping your fingers crossed for love.

Sam: Set: Any time after you and your fellow hobbits set out from the Shire, but before confessions.

For the longest time, the entire Shire has been shipping you and Sam! Ever since you matured into adulthood, it's been nonstop murmurs and knowing grins, giggles and nonchalant questioning, bets and even long debates amidst your fellow hobbitses on the topic of your 'ever-stalling romance. It certainly was a nuisance, but perhaps now that you've left the Shire, you'll be left in peace- oh, wait, Merry and Pippin are on this quest with you. Well, there goes any hope of a break!

Frodo: Set: A short time after you meet, but before confessions.

Legolas, as well as being your elder brother, is your closest confidant and adviser. What he says, you take to heart, and vice versa. You also tend to think alike, so when one morning you draw him aside to discuss your growing feelings for Frodo, he's expecting it. To your relief, he gladly endorses your affections and pledges to help you discern how Frodo feels for you and to subtly get you and the handsome hobbit to grow closer. You thank him with a wide smile and a hug, and he simply grins back and replies that he is just doing his duty as a good brother.

Faramir: Set: A short time after you meet, but before confessions.

Gandalf, who tends to meddle in the personal affairs of everyone around him, has observed the growing connection between you and Faramir and, of course, now he can't seem to stop blithely advising you on how to best 'attract' the Steward of Gondor's youngest son. It's not that you don't appreciate his frequently-misguided wisdom (some of it has come in handy, after all), but still, you often wish he'd keep himself out of the romance of your life. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like that'll be happening any time soon...

Boromir: Set: A short time after you meet, but before confessions.

You think that anyone who ships you and Boromir must be ill of the mind- and if that's so, then Peregrin Took and Meriadoc Brandybuck are willing to be put in the loony bin! They think that underneath all your near-constant quarreling, you and Boromir are secretly and madly in love but will not easily admit to it due to your and his pride. There's no way they're right, though, you assert to them often. Yes, no way, not at all, certainly! (A/N: ahEM suuuuuure)

Aragorn: Set: Pretty much any time after you meet, but before confessions.

Literally anyone who has seen you and Aragorn interact ships you. All the rest of the Fellowship? They ship you. Elrond and Lindir? They ship you. That random guard you pass briefly in Rohan at one random, irrelevant point in the story? He ships you. The orc whose head you're about to sever off in a battle one eventual day? Even that horrid creature ships you. Thing is, you haven't noticed- but Aragorn certainly has, and he has no clue on how to deal with 'all of this madness', as he calls it.

Bard: Set: Within the last five months of your story, before confessions.

In a fairly surprising happenstance, Bard's three children are who ship you and their father the most. Even Tilda, the youngest, has decreed to both you and Bard (on separate occasions and not in the presence of the other) that she would really like you to be a new mother to her and her siblings. Sigrid and Bain agree, but have said so more subtly and are more likely than their sister to tease you and Bard about the friendship that could blossom into love someday (someday soon would be preferable to them- and, though they don't know this, it would be favorable to you as well).

Haldir: Set: Pretty much any time after you meet, but before confessions.

The announcements of your parents, Galadriel and Celeborn, openly shipping you and Haldir have gone on for so long that you've more-or-less accepted them as normal by now. On the other side of the coin, Haldir has been oh-so-grateful of their support of his secret affections for you, but even they cannot make your heart decide to love him. Therefore, for now (and the past century or so), it can only be an age of wait-and-see. But perhaps he won't have to wait much longer...

Éomer: Set: Within the time that you are with the Riders, but before confessions.

As of right now, due to the lack of canon characters traveling with you, Éomer, and the wrongfully-banished Rohirrim in his troops, there is no one who may be listed as shipping you and Éomer. However, it can be assured that was Éowyn here, she would definitely be all for a round of 'Ship-Her-Brother-And-You'.

Bofur: Set: Pretty much any time after you meet, but before confessions.

It can be safely said that everyone in the Company of Thorin Oakenshield ships you and Bofur. It's clear to all your companions that you are each other's Ones, and it's only a matter of time before you get together. (There is, however, one kind-of member of the group who is grouchily against any relationship between you two, but that's something to mention another time.)

Up next: Who Does NOT Ship You? (Before Confessions)

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