Your Canon Relatives (If Any)

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Thorin: Bilbo is your cousin on your father's side

Fili: Balin is your maternal grandfather and Dwalin is your grand-uncle

Kili: Your entire family is dead; no canon relatives

Bilbo: Fili and Kili are your brothers, Thorin is your uncle, and Dís is your mother

Legolas: Frodo is your younger brother and Bilbo is your uncle (cousin, truly, but he's much more like an uncle to you anyway)

Thranduil: Your father was his best friend and advisor; no canon relatives

Lindir: You are Elrond's youngest daughter (and second oldest child), and your siblings are Arwen, Elladan, and Elrohir

Elrond: No canon relatives

Gimli: Aragorn is your older brother

Merry: Your granduncles were Oin and Gloin

Pippin: Your father is Denethor II and your brothers (both older) are Faramir and Boromir

Sam: You are Pippin's older sister

Frodo: Legolas is your older brother and Thranduil your father

Faramir: Théoden is your uncle, Éowyn your younger twin sister and Éomer your older brother

Boromir: Gimli is distantly related to you- something like your fourth cousin or whatnot, neither you nor he is entirely sure of it

Aragorn: Thranduil is your older brother and Legolas is your nephew

Bard: No canon relatives

Haldir: Your parents are Galadriel and Celeborn, Elrond is your brother-in-law, Arwen your niece, and Elrohir and Elladan are your nephews

Éomer: Samwise is your younger brother

Bofur: Your brothers are Ori, Nori, and Dori

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