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"If I ever see my dad again, I'm going to smack the shit out of him. I don't care. Now I'm here and I bet that I'm not even aloud outside."

Daniela paced around in the room the next day, though, she felt like she couldn't complain much since the room she was staying in was very big for her and Dolores. There was also a large bathroom with a big closet that had her gaping at it. Yes, her father was rich, but did people really expect her to live with him?

After her mom left, her grandmothers fought hard to get custody over her. She was about 16 when she left her father's—at the meantime they lived in an apartment—and she had only returned to his enormous house to pay him a short visit since she missed Dolores and, she wanted to see the pictures of her mom.

"Calm down, Daniela," Dolores softly spoke, passing the girl the snacks she had packed, knowing that the girl would get upset. "It's going to be okay, okay? Maybe it won't be as bad compared to your fathers."

"You're right,," Daniela sighed, sitting down on the edge of the bed while placing her hand on top of the older woman's hand, which was resting on her shoulder. "I just have to call grandma and tell her I'm okay. My vacation is going to be extended."

Daniela took another sigh and grabbed her phone, calling her grandmother and her wife. She waited nervously as she heard the phone ringing and smiled in relief as she heard the familiar voice.


"Grandma," Daniela breathed out.

"Hey! How's it going?"

"It's going great," Daniela easily lied, nervously biting her lower lip as she tried to maintain a steady tone. "Um, I'm going to stay here for a bit with Dad. He's been busy but I made a couple of friends and I really want to get to know them. I just wanted to tell you, though, so you won't worry."

"Well, have fun!" Her grandma, Lucia, exclaimed. "Just know that if one of those friends end up being little jerks, your other grandma is gonna have fun dealing with them."

"I hate children, teenagers and young adults!" Daniel chuckled at hearing her other grandma, Guadalupe, in the background, exclaim. "Don't put me near them."

"Your granddaughter is a young adult," Lucia snickered at her wife's words and Guadalupe scoffed.

"Yeah, bug shes an exception," she said. "She knows she's my favorite."

"Thank you, abuela," Daniela smiled. "Anyway, I'll call you soon, okay?"

"Okay. Love you!"

"Love you both."

Hanging up, Daniela fell back, plopping on the comfortable bed; she'll admit it was comfortable. She sighed and shook her head, grabbing an apple slice and chewing on it.

"Do you think your dad's going to get the money?" Dolores asked the girl who thought about it before shaking her head, knowing what type of man her father was.

"He doesn't have money," she said. "I saw his mail on his desk when I went looking for him and he's basically broke. Doesn't have much. The money for the things he stole, he wasted it on prostitutes."

"How do you know?"

"It's him," Daniela snorted. "Remember how Mom said he cheated on her with prostitutes?"

"Yes," Dolores breathed out, now remembering. "I do miss your mom. She was a nice lady and so amazing, I just wish she would've taken you with her so you wouldn't have to go through this now. But..."

"She did the right thing either way," Daniela shrugged, not phased about the fact that her mom basically left her alone with her dad. "She knew I was in your care. She trusted—"

"Dream wants to see you."

Daniela looked up at George who held the door open, his eyes covered by his glasses. She sighed and stood up, not before glaring at him.

"Don't touch or talk to her," she sternly said, gesturing to the woman sitting on the edge of the bed still. George nodded and gestured for her to continue walking, which she did.

They walked down the stairs and Daniela walked into the office of the dirty-blonde, keeping a stoic expression. She fixed her jacket and yelped when Sapnap grabbed her phone from her back pocket.

"Did you need something?" She asked, crossing her arms as she watched George put away her phone. She eyed Dream and made eye contact with him. "Or am I wasting my time here?"

"You have a mouth on you," Sapnap snorted, receiving a nudge from George who shook his head. Dream glanced at his friends.

"Leave us," Dream looked away from them, his eyes still set on the girl. Sapnap and George listened and Daniela went to sit on the chair she sat on the day before, nervously playing with her fingers while trying to maintain calm. "You're not allowed to use your phone."

"I'm not even surprised," Daniela rolled her eyes, looking out the big window overshadowed by a bunch of leaves. "I just want my phone so I can call my grandmas because they won't be happy if I don't respond to them. Then, my grandmas get paranoid and start looking for me. You don't want them to know I'm here, do you?"

Dream stayed quiet. She was smart, he had to admit. She wasn't dumb, he could see and notice that. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose with his ring-clad fingers.

"You'll get your phone back," Daniela smiled but watched throughly as Dream got up and kneeled in front of her, gripping her chin between his fingers. "But I don't want to see you calling anyone else other than your grandmas. Got it? Or else, Dolores, was her name, right? Won't be here long."

Daniela glared at him and nodded in understanding. She didn't want Dolores to go anywhere. She couldn't be be the reason why her mother figure got kicked out. She had to be more careful and made sure to not disobey such simple rules. For all Dream could've done is take her phone away and give zero fucks. But, he gave it back to her, he was kind enough to understand she needed someone.

"Is that it?" Daniela asked.

"Yes," Dream nodded. "Leave."

"You know, you should start saying that in a nicer manner," Dream glanced at her. He didn't give a shit about what she said, so he simply walked away, glancing at his work. He gestured at the door George—he passed the phone—opened without looking up.

"See yourself out."



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