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"You running away from your problems is just funny."

"Daniela..." Dream warned as the girl continued, his fingers gripping onto Mr. De Luca's forearm wrapped around his neck. He was simply trying to stop the girl from getting killed the more she continued to bicker. "Calm down."


"Wow, being Dream's bitch, huh?" Mr. De Luca teased, groaning in pain when Dream tilted his head back with such force he hit the man in nose. If would've been a great chance to escape, but the older man simply laughed and wiped the blood away from his nose, still holding Dream in a tight headlock. "Haha, you're funny. You're very funny."

"Daniela..." Dream looked at her and she looked back at him, eyeing the body of Mr. V beside them. He was, thankfully, breathing. "I'm sorry for everything."

Daniela waved him off. "I forgive you, Dream. But, the one who is the problem is this bitch here," she looked at Dolores who was shocked at her words, "who is withholding a grudge."

"My feelings are justified!" Dolores exclaimed, hands shaking with anger as her eyebrows furrowed together. "He killed my son and husband."

"Listen to me," Daniela spoke in a loud tone. "You are so fucking stupid trying to poison me. That isn't right for you to do just because you don't want me to be killed by someone you don't like. I have been the safest in this house until you tried to kill me and until you brought this old fuck in this house.

You were always a mother to me. Now you're dead to me. I saw you as a parental figure after my mom left and after my dad wasn't home some days. You fed me, you cheered me up when I came back from school crying because kids bullied me. But you let your own fucking judgment get the best of you instead of talking to Dream. He would've listened."

"He kept you locked in your room," Dolores explained. "He killed people in the White Room until the white walls were nothing but red. I never asked you to see me as a mother or anything—"

"You never asked me, but I saw you as one!" Daniela shouted as if her words weren't getting stuck in her head. "Goddammit, Dolores. I see now that you are just a plain asshole that needed to go to therapy since day one."

"Shut up."

"Do not tell me to be quiet when I am telling the truth," the girl continued, angry tears streaming down her face. She pointed at Dream. "In his own ways, he took care of me more than you ever did. While you were away doing the stupid shit you were doing with him," she pointed at Mr. De Luca, "Dream actually made me feel safe for once without having to look over my shoulder every second. It was hard in the beginning, my father basically sent me to him and he was a major dickhead, but he made sure I ate, I was well, and everyone here is nice. I have no parents, no friends, but I have a new father figure, my grandmothers who should've been my mother figures, and new people who are willing to die for me."

"Are you going to die for them?" Dolores asked.

Daniela scoffed. "No, pendeja, I'm not. I finally got what I deserved in my life and for once I'm going to be selfish. I'm not going to die because you were a bitch who sided with the worst person in the world and tried to kill me. After I buried your son and your husband, after I was the shoulder you cried on... you betrayed me."

Dolores withheld no sort of remorse and Daniela sighed, shaking her head, before she reached down in the slit of her dress, and reached for a gun.

Dolores hadn't even processed what had happened, but Daniela immediately shot her by her collarbone and leg, leaving her to fall on the ground, bleeding out.

Dream, on the other hand, felt the blade in the sleeve of his jacket and took it out, stabbing Mr. De Luca on the leg, and hitting his face with his elbow. It didn't stop him, though, from taking the gum away from the older man, shooting him in the same wound, and then shooting him in the head.

"Fucking finally," Mr. V groaned, staying on the floor while taking out his bulletproof vest designed by George. He laid there for a sec as Daniela and Dream embraced, both shaking from nerves.


A voice piped in and they heard the door open and footsteps. They looked up to see Sapnap and George on the doorway, looking at the bloody scene with their men behind them.

"How did they know?" Daniela furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. Dream gestured towards the corner of the desk he had previously touched, revealing a button that signaled to George there was an issue in said room. "Thank you."

"Nick!" Another voice screamed and everyone glanced at the person who yelled the name. They came to see Ms. Lenard running towards Mr. V body on the floor, making sure he was okay. "Are you bleeding?"

"I'm fine, Emily," Mr. V waved her off, smiling at her like he has done so many times. "Don't worry about me. I'm a strong man."

"Strong man, my ass," Ms. Lenard rolled her eyes, eyeing the way bruises littered his skin from the gunshots he had received. It felt like only a single gunshot, but Mr. De Luca really shot him thrice or fourth times. "Let's get you some ice and tea."

"But the party just started."

"Shut up."

"Only those two would be a perfect match," Daniela mumbled dreamily as she smiled at the retreating couple. Finally, Ms. Lenard showed some interest after rejecting him a couple of months ago. "But, we," she turned to loon at Dream with a glare, "need to talk."

Dream could only gulp and Sapnap and George simultaneously chuckled at his expression, other mob bosses coming in to have their men get rid of the blood and the bodies. Dolores had now passed away and as much as Daniela wanted to cry, she wouldn't cry for a woman she gave her all to just for that woman to kill her.

Don't get her wrong, Daniela wouldn't be heartless to say her feelings weren't valid. She understood her anger and where it came from. She would feel anger, too, if a man killed her husband and son and had her daughter, or someone close to her, get close to that killer. She understands. But how Dolores handled the situation, that's when she disagrees.

"You killed my mom?" Daniela immediately questioned Dream as they went into a bathroom nearby, away from everyone who could be lurking. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't know she was your mom," Dream named off. "Ivan just dropped her to my office and said she was abusing or kidnapping children. I didn't know Daniela. I would've told you from the start."

"Was she..." She sighed as she struggled to get words out. "Did my mom suffer...?"

"No," Daniela let out a sigh of relief at Dream's answer, but be continued. "She didn't suffer because I didn't kill her."

The world seemed to stop and Daniela looked at him. He softly smiled at her, shaking his head.

"Your mom was left alone in my office," Dream continued his story. "My men had prepared the White Room while I stayed with her. She told me everything about her abusive husband and her child at home. I had assumed she was just a woman Ivan had picked up on the street because he had done that before. I never knew she was your mom... I let her go. I gave her money, and I threatened my men I was going to kill them if they ever said anything."

"Where is she?"

"I'll take you to her tomorrow," Dream swore. "I have kept tabs on her sometimes or make sure she's okay."

"Is she?" Daniela asked with a sparkle in her eye as she was about to cry again, such emotions surrounding her.

"You have to see by yourself. I can't speak for her," Dream told her and she nodded. He smiled at her and hugged her, the two of them staring at themselves in the mirror. "I do have strong feelings for you by the way, before I forget to mention it."

"I know, I was making subtle hints," Daniela smirked at him. He raised an eyebrow and she smiled. "The classic "zip me up" worked wonders."

Dream rolled his eyes with a smile on his face, forgetting that he hadn't been wearing a mask. Before they could leave the bathroom, Daniela stopped him.

"Can I?"

Dream knew what she was referring to and nodded, feeling her hands place themselves on his face. There, he stood with a smile on his face as she kissed him, separating and staring at him.

"Your scar isn't anything to be ashamed of," she mumbled as if they were sharing secrets. "If anything, it would make people more scared of you."

"I'd rather you being the only person—apart from those close to me—to have seen my face," he answered. "I trust you. I'll keep the mask on not because I'm insecure, but because I like keeping the secrecy of my face to the woman in front of me."

"Shut up, you charmer."

They both chuckled and left the bathroom, but Dream still wondered. "Did you open the letter your mom wrote to you?"

Daniela nodded. "I was also pissed at Dolores because... she slept with my dad and that's why my dad hired her."

Dream's mouth fell open. "You're kidding."

"Nope, it's just the truth. There was evidence inside."

"What the fuck? That's crazy!"

"Very indeed. So, in conclusion, never trust nannies. And fuck Dolores."

"Fuck her indeed."


...one more chapter...


Tell me what you want to see
before this book officially finishes 🥲

Also, I'm totally not waiting
for some type of art so I can
fully visualize some scenes...
please artists 😖

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