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[!Bad Boy Louis¡ AU]

"But he's still cute"
You say to your best friends Ben and Jade.

"Yeah but you had a crush on him even before he changed to a bad boy"
Ben said.

"Ben stop it.I hate this word."
You mumble.

"But it's true!
He was a very nice boy.
So carrying and nice to everyone.
And then he changed after the summer holidays.
He was like a completely different person!"
Jade said to you.

"Just be careful what you do.
Don't let him play-"
Jade started but you interrupt her.

"Jade!Just because I think he's cute it doesn't mean that I'll start a relationship with him.
I know he's playing with girls.
And i don't want this."

"Good girl"
Ben laugh.


You're sitting in your English class and you can tell that your teacher is annoyed because of the sassy comments of Louis.
Yes he's in the same class and he's sitting only one row behind you.
The teacher told you that you'll make a project with a partner she'll choose.

I don't pay attention until she said my name.
"Y/N Y/L/N and Louis Tomlinson."

Oh God!

This can't be true!

The lesson ended and you wanted to go out of the room but someone pull you away.

"Listen.We're doing the project at my place and we start tomorrow!"
With that he's leaving but before this he's giving you a piece of paper with his address and a time in it.

This could be fun...


On the next day after school you're on your way to Louis.

You knock and a woman opens the door.
"Hello ehm...I'm Y/N Y/L/N.
I'm doing a project with Louis Tomlinson."
You shyly say to her.

"Oh yeah Louis told me.
Come In dear"
She nicely say and let you in.

"Louis is in his room.
Just go up the stairs and then the second door on the left."
She smiles at you and you thank her becaus go up the stairs.

As you arrived at the door and knock.
"Come in!"
He shouts from inside and you enter the room.

You slightly smile at him and he smiles back at you.
Well that's new.

"Sit down"
He says and is pointing on the place beside him on the bed.

"Want to start?"
He ask after you sat down and you nod.

Then you started with the project.


This was almost a month ago.
Louis and you worked perfectly together and became friends.

A lot of people think it's weird because you're the good girl and he's the 'bad boy'.
But you've got to know his other side.
The side he haven't showed in years.

Around you he's the funny and nice Louis.
You can almost say that he's one of your best friends.
Even Jade and Ben started to accept him.
But in school he's with his friends most if the time.

Right now we have lunch and Jade,Ben and I are sitting on a table together and eating.
Then I feel a arm wrapping around you.
"What are you doing this Friday?"
Louis ask you.

"Nothing much.
I'm alone at home.

"Ok Friday at 7pm.
I'll pick you up.
Wear something nice!"

He stood up and walk away.

"Did Louis just ask you out?"
Jade ask.

"I think so"


Today's the day.
Today you are having a date with Louis.

Since it's a bit cold outside you're wearing a long sleeved shirt and a simple black jeans.

Then you're hearing a knock on the door.
You go down and open it.

Louis is standing infront of you.
He's wearing a black shirt,jeans and shoes.
His hair is styled up what looks extremely hot.

"You look beautiful Y/N"
He smiles.

"You look very handsome yourself"
You admit.

"May we?"
He ask and you nod then you start to walk.


After the date he walked you home.

"Did you like the evening?"
Louis ask.

"Yeah I did like it.
Thank you Louis"
You smile at him.

"No problem love"
He says as he stopped walking.
You arrived at your house and he hugged you.
After he gave you a kiss on the cheek you said goodbye and you went inside.


"How was your date?"
Ben ask you on the next Monday.

"It was amazing.
We we're in the park and just talked and made fun."

"Well for you it's enough"
Ben laughed.

"Wow thank you Ben"
You laughed as well.

Only Jade is quit.
"Jade what's wrong?"
You ask her.

"Are you sure your date was 'amazing'?"
She ask you.

"Yes it was.Why?Jade you're acting weird the while day so what's wrong?"
You ask her.

"Well don't freak out...but..."
She looks at something  behind you.
You turn around and feel the pain in your chest.

Louis sitting with his boys,and Eleanor Calder the school bitch on his lap.
(A/N: No hate against Eleanor I really love her!)

You know you two aren't together or something but you have to ad it that you start to love him.
So he kinda played with you.


"Y/N!Y/N for God's sake now stop walking!"
Louis shouts behind you as you didn't look back and just continue walking.

As you arrived at your house you have to search your keys,what means you have to stop walking.

That's Louis' chance.
He's grabbing your shoulders and spins you around so you have to face him.
You can feel the door in your back and his breath on your face.

"Louis stop it."
You whisper.

"What is wrong with you Y/N?Since lunch today you haven't even looked at me."

"You really want to know what's wrong?
Oh I'll tell you what's wrong!
On Friday you were on a date with me and today you made out with Eleanor!
So for God's sake stop making me hope because I love you!"
You scream and push him away from you.

He's looking at you shocked.
You don't know if it's because you push him away,or because of the things you've said.

You just look at each other and then he pushed you back on the door.
His hands are on your cheeks.
He then leans in and press his lips on yours.

You were really unsure at first but the you kissed back.
He slowly bites on your lip and you open your mouth.
His tongue explores your mouth and you make out for good five minutes.

He then pull away.

"I love you too Y/N"
He whispers and you smile.
"Be my girlfriend?"
He ask hopefully.

"I don't know Louis..."
You look on your feet,his hands are still on your cheeks.

He ask sadly.

"I don't want you to break my heart.
I don't want to be another one."

"No Y/N with you it's different.
I know I wasn't always nice to the other girls but i really do love you.
Give me a chance baby.
Just one chance.
If I should break your heart,what I really don't want because you mean too much to me,do whatever you want.
You can even kick me where the sun doesn't shine but give me a chance.
To show you how much I love you"

You look up again and straight into his beautiful blue eyes.

You whispers and you see a big smile appear on his face.
He then leans in again and kiss you the second time.


Louis ask you as you two laid in his bed with your head on his bare chest.

You mumble.

"I love you"
You look up and see him smiling at you.

"I love you too"
He then leans in and press a kiss on your lips.

For the whole day he just tells you how much he loves you.
You two went at his house because your parents aren't home either way and Jay,Louis' mum,will take care of you.

Then you slowly drifted to sleep,and Louis as well.
That's your first night as a official couple.

And the next day as you two walk into the school building hand in hand you were the most famous couple.
But you didn't care about your image.
The only thing that counts for you is that Louis is on your side.

And he never broke his promises.
He showed you everyday how much he loves you.
With dates,hugs,cuddles,kisses,and even matching tattoos.

You're just glad to have him as your boyfriend,and he doesn't feel different.

Well that was a long one xD [1439 words]

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