ᒪᗩ丅 14

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Chapter 17

The screen started.

At the same time as before in another place:-

A lively fair was shown in an Ariel view... It was filled with colourful stalls and the stall owners yelling and advertising their products and asking people to buy or at least see. Various delicious smells of sweets and street food mingled in the atmosphere creating an aroma that would bring any foodie in the fair with ease.

The screen shifted to Kirti and Archita, both of whom was standing by a stall buying some bangles.

"Di, this will look beautiful on Anju di right?" asked Kirti, as she chose a beautiful pair of silk thread pink bangles.

Archita hummed nodding, "Yes, di would like them. I am sure she has a pink dress that she could match these with. Take them Kirti."

"Okay. Bhaiya, how much for these?" said Kirti, as she showed the bangles.

The shopkeeper said, "Madam, this is only for 500 rupees."

Kirti blinked at the price but nodded, "Alright!" She handed the money and got the bangles.

"Got them?" asked Archita. Kirti showed her the packet, "Let's get something for Sanchi di."

"NO!" said Archita looking at her, "She is the hardest to shop for. How about we search something for her but also look for our other sisters and bua?"

Kirti pouted but nodded, "Okay. We will need to give something to dearest dadaji as well."

Archita nodded absentmindedly, but her eyes lit up as she saw something. She dragged Kirti over to a stall that sold crockery.

Kirti looked around the place before turning to Archita who was already busy selecting.

"Whom is it for?" asked Kirti softly. Archita answered, "Buaji. She would love this one, no?"

"It's beautiful, di!" said Kirti, running an admiring gaze over the tea set.

They bought that one as they moved over to a dress shop.

Kirti asked confused, "Why are we here?"

Archita rolled her eyes, "To get Dadaji a set of traditional clothes, obviously. You were the one who reminded me."

Kirti huffed but nodded. When they came out neither of them realized they were being followed by two a group of people - all dressed in black.

Archita and Kirti shopped through the fair easily buying various nick-knacks for their family.

When they were keeping all their bags in their car, Kirti noticed the black men surrounding them and their car. All of them had black sunglasses on.

Archita pulled out her head from within the car, noticing the same scene as Kirti.

Both the sisters exchanged a glance, eyes hardening.

"Why are they being attacked?" asked Arjun, worry clear in his face.

Everyone was frowning sans Krishna and Balrama both of whom looked very chill.

"Something is going on in the shadows, I think," muttered Sahadev, eyes glancing at Kirti and Archita.

"That is very likely," admitted Duryodhan.

"I hope they can defend themselves like bhabhishree Sanchi." murmured Ashwathama. Bheem grumbled, "This isn't right. It's against propriety and righteousness."

Karna mumbled, "I don't think they care, Bheem." His eyes were looking at the scene, a flicker of worry passing through.

"Is this somehow related to that grandfather of theirs?" asked Yuddhisthir.

Duryodhan said, "Bhrata don't call him a grandfather. A grandfather doesn't go around trying to kill his grandchildren."

Yuddhisthir nodded, "Yes. He truly is vile."

"Let's watch I am sure they will be fine," said Krishna, gesturing to the screen.

"Good thing both of us wore comfortable clothes, ne?" asked Archita, looking at Kirti who smiled. The carefree girl seems to transform into a hardened fighter.

Archita turned towards those males, "What do you want?"

A male came forward, "We need you to come with us."

"Where to?" asked Kirti, furrowing her brows. Archita simply folded her hands in front of her and leaned against their car side.

"That you don't need to know." answered the 1st man.

"Oh? At least tell us who wants to meet us so desperately that they send such a party to pick us up!" taunted Archita, raising an eyebrow.

The 1st man was getting agitated at all the questions and the absolute lack of fear. He had thought at least the youngest sister will be afraid, but she seemed to be confused than afraid.

He had been sent by the Boss with his team to abduct these two girls because the team sent for testing Sanchali Sharma hasn't returned and their Boss suspects that something is wrong. He needed to get this done soon, money was waiting for him at the office after all. How hard could it be? They were six against two girls - He dare says it would be easy.

Kirti said, "What happened? Di asked a question. Please answer."

The man's eyes twitched at the casual tone of voice, "No need to answer. You will find out very soon." With that, he gestured at the men surrounding the girls. He himself attacked with a punch intending to knock them out, when Archita caught it in her hand, raising an eyebrow, "Have no one taught you manners? How rude!" She punched him swiftly in the stomach after letting his hand go suddenly.

Kirti kept an eye on the others as she smiled amused, stopping a kick with her hand and dodged another while at it.

"Think you can handle three, Kirti?" asked Archita as she looked at the front, where two were standing warily and the 1st man whom she had punched stood up shakily. Kirti stood back to back with her, "Of course di. Leave them to me."

"Don't get blood on your clothes. I don't have good excuses to tell our elder sister. God knows, she will catch us in a single minute if we lie." said Archita, with a laugh. She ducked under an arm giving a high kick to his head, gave a simultaneous kick to one of the man's knees making him go down while punched the 1st man in the face, who had tried to punch her again.

She murmured to herself, "Does he not learn?"

Kirti on the other hand was simply dodging and ducking their pathetic attempts at trying to catch her. "About time," she said to herself, noticing Archita done with her share.

Kirti ducked again from an incoming punch, this time going offensive. A kick to the back for one man, a twisted hand as a gift to another and an elbow strike to the face for the last - all were left groaning and in pain, lying on the ground.

"Done?" asked Archita as she came over, keeping an eye on the men who attacked her.

Kirti nodded and she dusted off her black jeans. Archita slipped in the driver seat, "Get in Kirti. Let's get out of here before they decide on another round."

"Yes di, let's go," said Kirti, as she slipped in beside her through the other side. Archita started the car and drove off through the deserted road.

What they did not notice was that two cars had been following them at a safe distance. One of them separated from the other and followed the girl's car, while the other stopped at where the gang was groaning and whimpering.

A man came down wearing a pair of jeans and shirt, looking at the men said to his own team, "Get them in the car and tie them up." The team nodded and started to gather them and tie them up.

The man opened his mobile and dialled a private number, "Boss?"

"Yes?" answered Sanchi, standing in an office, still in her black clothes.

"Archita Mam and Kirti Mam are fine. We had no need to interrupt. They handled it. Further orders?"

"Send them to the police. They have been searching for them for some time," said Sanchi, a small but proud smile on her face.

"Yes Boss." he kept the phone down, as he ordered the same to his driver, "Boss's orders - drive to the police station."

"So looks like even Archita Bhabhishree and Kirti Bhabhishree are no less." said Ashwathama, wiggling his eyebrows at Bheem and Sahadev, the former of whom blushed and the later rolled his eyes fondly.

"We will see when all this teasing goes when this very bhabhishree's get you married." said Duryodhan, making almost all the youngsters chuckle which Ashwathama glared at him, pouting a bit.

"I am not getting married. I am staying the way I am," said Ashwathama petulantly.

"Okay." Karna agreed, making Ashwathama looked at him in shock and surprise which turned into a pout at the next words, "Mahamahim, perhaps you would teach him the ropes of Brahamacharya?"

The youngsters were stifling their laugh while the elders had amused smiles on their faces.

Bhishma said, "Why not?"

Nakul teased, "Ashwathama, be ready. Pitamaha will teach you how to walk in his steps."

Ashwathama scowled at him while Bhishma laughed.

Duryodhan further said, "Be ready for a new name as well."

Ashwathama grumbled, "Shut up. What is today- Pick on Ashwathama day?"

"Yes, it seems like it. We should remember it," said Arjun, joining in.

The youngsters all chuckled, while Balrama mediated, "Perhaps, we should return back to what we were seeing?"

At everyone's nod, Mahamaya started the screen again.

Sanchali kept her phone down, a smile on her lips. She felt proud that her sisters had managed the situation. She had her security tailing them because she could not take any risk with all of them being here. She already lost her parents, uncle and aunt to this place, she won't lose her sisters.

"Good news?" asked Kabir, as he watched Sanchi's tensed shoulder relaxed slightly.

Sanchi nodded, "Yes. They managed it. I have sent them to the police."

"Much preferable. I got the news," said he.

"Do you need a written invitation?" asked Sanchi raising an eyebrow.

"Wouldn't mind if you wish to send one," said Kabir cheekily.

Sanchi quirked her lips in a resemblance of a smile before seriousness took over.

Kabir straightened himself, "The chip, I think you know where it is kept. The goon whom you threatened gave some good information. As far as I understood he had become careless over the years. He doesn't know much about you all and has no influence outside of this town. Though he is squandering away any wealth that belongs to your father and uncle. The shops that are owned by your family are in good condition but they go against every government law when it comes to pricing. It charges exorbitant rates. I have every proof collected from breaking the law to thievery. Even those Accounts book was recovered from the scrap dealer. He had been very reckless and uncaring. Instead of burning those books down he had sold them. Sanchi, we can get him caught for a lot of things, but when it comes to the case of known murder - we need that chip. It is the most vital piece."

Sanchi hummed, hazel eyes darkening to black.

"I will get the chip soon Kabir. We need a plan to get him out of the Haveli for at least 4-5 hours."

Kabir leaned in, "Well, I have a plan."

"Looks like a confrontation is on the way." mussed Yuddhisthir. He definitely did not like the man who was so vile that he had attacked two couples who had no way to defend themselves and would have killed their children as well - two of whom at that time where just babies.

"Looks like a confrontation is on the way." mussed Yuddhisthir. He definitely did not like the man who was so vile that he had attacked two couples who had no way to defend themselves and would have killed their children as well - two of whom at that time where just babies.

"I have a feeling things got more complicated." answered Arjun, as he looked at the screen, biting the inside of his cheeks.

"We can only watch. We can't help them even if we wanted too." murmured Duryodhan, making Ashwathama pout.

"Let us watch again. Discussing the matter won't change the situation nor the event." said Karna, looking at Mahamaya who nodded.

The screen started again as everyone focused on it, some worrying, some contemplative and the rest curious.

Anjali paced on the porch of their aunt's house, waiting for her elder sister to appear. She wanted to have a word with her. Just then, a car came up at the gates, and out came Sanchali. Her dress has changed from leather to a simple Kurti and jeans.

She raised an eyebrow at seeing Anjali out on the porch, "Anju?"

"Di, I need to speak with you," said Anjali, a determined expression on her face.

"Alright." answered Sanchali, not knowing what to make off her sister's determined expression.

"Can we go to the temple for our talk?" asked Anju.

Sanchi nodded, "Sure! Hop on!"

Sanchali got inside the car again and Anjali also sat inside messaging Sonakshi that she was going out. They reached the temple but seeing the line of devotees present there, Sanchi took a turn, as if going by memory only and she reached a groove of trees hidden away by a dead end.

"Di?" asked Anjali, looking around with a awed looked at the secluded spot.

"This place was close to our father. I remembered it very faintly, mostly because I would spend a lot of time here. It seem to have remained the same." explained Sanchi as she remiss her small happy memory not overshadowed by that memory.

"It is beautiful." said Anjali, admiration clear in her tone.

"What was it that you wanted to ask Anju?" asked Sanchi, turning her entire attention to her sister.

Anjali twiddled her fingers in nervous, "Woh, mei...I sort off eavesdropped on you. I didn't hear everything though."

The change in Sanchali's demeanor was very clear to those who knew her. She was relaxed before but now her spine was ramrod straight, her eyes held a slight calculating as well as a considering gaze.

"How much did you hear?" said Sanchi, her voice wasn't hard but it wasn't exactly soft either.

"Only till the threat you gave to a person regarding his family."

Sanchi's gaze sharpened, "So, what did you think?"


"What are your thoughts about what you heard?" said Sanchi, her voice emotionless.

Anjali winced before saying truthfully, "I was....am shocked. What is going on di?"

"Nothing you have to worry about." said Sanchi, not wanting to drag her sister in this mess.

"Di, please!!" stopped Anju, with a pleading face.

Sanchi sighed, "Anju, I don't want anyone of you dragged in a mess that was created ages back."

"We could help in some way right?" asked Anjali, her eyes imploring her sister not to do this alone.

"You could. Come on, I rather explain only once." sighed Sanchi, as she went towards the car.


"Yes?" Sanchi turned back raising an eyebrow.

"What happened to the family?"

"Did you truly belief that I would harm them?" asked Sanchi, her face expressionless.

"For a few moments, yes. I am sorry for thinking so in the first place."

" Why are you sorry?" Sanchi cupped her face, "Always question actions, Anjali. Even elders makes mistakes. Sometime, it's better to be doubly sure than getting stuck in a mess because of decisions taken by elders. They aren't always right and neither am I, love."

"But-" Anjali was interrupted as Sanchi said, "Look Anju, if even a time comes that you think I am wrong, I want you to tell me. I am not infallible. The family of the goon are safe. They agreed to help me because well some girls aren't always happy if their husbands turns out to be a goon right?"

Anjali gave a watery chuckle, nodding gently. Sanchi kissed her forehead, "Come, let's get a move on. We have the finale today."

"That was fast."

"We have to move at a pace if we don't want him to suspect. Too fast will create a problem, but too slow will be suspicious." said Sanchi, as she gently steered her sister towards the car with arms around her shoulder.

"She is correct. Their needs to be a balance between fast and slow." agreed Bhishma, looking at the eldest sister.

"She had to grow up too fast, Tatshree. I hope she relaxes once she gets here." said Gandhari, her face slightly worried.

"Truly, Gandhari. I hope you will take her under your wing." Bhishma gave a gentle smile at his eldest daughter-in-law, knowing she could feel it.

Gandhari smiled back softly, "Ji Tatshree. Kunti and I will of-course help the girls in all way possible." Kunti nodded along with a agreeing smile.

"That is good. They will need it. Both the time and the people as well as thought process of both Yugas are different. I am sure both of you will teach them perfectly." said Dhritarashtra, nodding his head.

Drona did not say anything but looked a bit calculative. Bhishma asked, "Rishi shresht? Is something the matter?"

"I have noticed that they haven't informed us much about the future. Yes, there have been hints and certain topics have been extended upon but I belief there are a lot of things that haven't been said." guessed Drona.

"Very possible, Rishi shresht. The girls are coming here and I am sure they would speak when it's time for us to know." said Bhishma.

"That is one affirmation at the least." said Drona agreeing.

Meanwhile the youngsters were also speaking amongst themselves.

"I am worried for them." said Duryodhan, admitting he was worried.

"You aren't the only one Duryodhan, I am sure all of us are worried too." agreed Yuddhisthir, looking at everyone who all nodded.

Ashwathama asked Karna noticing that he wasn't paying attention to them, " What happened Karna?" He had noticed the contemplative look on his friend's face.

Karna was looking a bit pensive, "I am wondering what will be the price of the girls coming here? And who will pay it?"

"Price? You think they will have to pay a price, Jyesht?" asked Arjun, a bit shocked.

"I believe so." answered Karna, thoughtfully, "Nothing in this world is without a price. You give and you take- this policy isn't exactly new."

"Why do you think so bhrata Karna?" asked Krishna, eyes twinkling softly.

"They are been bought by a machine. Won't it take a price for bringing them here ? Especially when the machine no doubt will be tearing a hole in time and space."

Krishna nodded, "Very correct. I also believe that a price will need to be paid. Let's see which one of them pays it."

Balrama whispered to Krishna, "Will they be harmed? And what kind of price are we talking about Kanha?"

"We will see soon, Dau." said Krishna, giving a small smile. Balrama gave him a small glare but acquiesced to his words.

Just then Mahamaya came out of the machine where she had gone to give the royals some time to eat and discuss, "We should continue now. From now on, no interruptions. Once the screen starts, it will stop only after the entire scene is finished. Then we will move on to the final viewing which will bring the girls over here and that would be the last viewing from this machine."

At everyone's nods, the screen was started again.

"So Kakaji is coming over today in the evening for dinner and we have to keep him occupied for 4-5 hours, correct?" asked Bhavna.

"Yes." said Sanchi, as she lounged on her chair.

Bhavna nodded back, looking at the other girls.

"And you won't be there, right?" asked Sonakshi, eyes calculative.

"No, I need you to make a good excuse and stick to it. I will be back by dinner though." answered Sanchi.

Sonakshi replied, "Done di. Don't worry about it."

"Are you going to tell us where you are going?" asked Archita.

"Nope. The less you know the better. Only know that I am going on an excursion. Kabir will be with me."

"Alright." shrugged Archi, sharing a glance with Ragini and Kirti.

"You will be fine right?" asked Anjali, biting her lower lips in worry.

"Yes, dear. I will be fine." answered Sanchi, as she got up to get ready.

The scene changed again.

"Sanchi, exactly two corridors down is the entrance of the basement." said Kabir, in the connected ear gadget.

Sanchali did not answer. The basement was filled with darkness as no one was around the mansion. Dadaji had already left for dinner at Bhavna Buaji's house. Only the security guard was present at the front gate. Sanchi only had an hour to complete her task. She had quickly climbed up the wall and entered the mansion through an open window, which had allowed her easy access to the basement.

She walked down the corridor stealthily, eyes scanning whatever she could see. A small flashlight leading the way. She stopped all of a sudden as she neared a door, which turned out to be the entrance of the basement.

"According to our information, that entrance has fingerprint detection security measure, Sanchi." murmured Kabir.

"I see." she spoke back softly. She used a pair of gadgets, which she handled with wearing gloves so no fingerprint can be left on any surface.

She opened the door carefully to enter a cupboard size room. This was ridiculously easy. The required chip was placed right on a pedestal in middle of the room.

"Be careful. There are alarms present within this room. More than half of them are connected to his private number." said Kabir murmuring softly in the connecting device.

" I will have to disconnect them then." said Sanchi, poking her head inside the room. There were small machine connected to the walls, creating a zig-zag lines of laser alarm which was seen perfectly.

"Or you could cross them without triggering them." said Kabir, as he saw the inside of the room, because the studs in Sanchi's ears had cameras in them.

"Let's see." said Sanchi, only to looked shock the moment she stepped inside the room. A timer started with 120 secs and started to continuing backwards.

"Shit!!" she cursed, as she decided to simply cross them using her flexibility. Her eyes went towards the screen which showed the time : 100sec

"Damn it!" she muttered, as she jumped, flipped and ducked to avoid the rays.

She finally reached the center and took the chip placing it inside her inner pocket of her leather jacket. She replaced it with another one which was clearly a fake.

"Hurry Sanchi! Time is running by." cautioned Kabir. Sanchi looked up to see the time - 23 sec. She cursed under her breath again before using the various jumping tricks to reach the other end of the room within the time. Just when the countdown began, she was only halfway.

5 : she was almost near.

4 : she jumped again and then flipped over another red laser beam.

3 : just two more left. She flipped and ducked again. She was already out of breath.

2 : Just one more left. She jumped again, wondering if she would make it.

1 : she reached the entry point and closed the door.

A huff of breath escaped her as she leaned against it.

"Don't relax Sanchi. Get out of there immediately, in case any one had noticed. Be fast!" said Kabir over the connective device. Sanchi sighed and got up immediately, as she used the same window to get out of her own mansion. Not that she was fond of this place. If she had her way, this mansion will be burned down with the flames reaching the sky. She was glad it was shrouded in darkness because otherwise she would not have been able to stand inside of it and not remember that horrible day. She was glad the chip was kept in the basement not elsewhere because she won't be able to cross the living room to go anywhere in the house without remembering her parent's death. At least the basement was built out of the way.

Approaching male voices broke her out of stupor. She quickly scaled the wall again and jumped down from there. She quickly climbed up a tree wanting to be safe for a while to simply gather herself, because apparently she wasn't as prepared as she would like to belief. The mansion's sight and the activities later on had her heart running a mile a minute and all she could see now was shadows of her past.

She needed to calm down for a while before she went to deal with that murderer.

The scene changed.

At the same time, Archita opened the door to find Dharmesh standing there.

"Pranam dadaji. Please some inside," said Archita, welcoming him inside with a fake smile.

Dharmesh smiled back entering, "How have you been beta?"

"Oh, I am so good. I hope you like the food today. I cooked it myself."

"Then I will eat it with relish, after all my granddaughter prepared it." said Dharmesh, giving her a small smile.

"Even when it's burned or overcooked?" asked Kirti, as she bounded over to take his blessings.

"Even if it's the hardest food in the world." said Dharmesh laughing. Kirti gave a small giggle, only for to message her head as Sonakshi came to take blessings after giving a small slap at the back of Kirti's head, "Don't worry Dadaji, Archita di cooks pretty well."

"Where are the rest of you? I don't see Anjali, Ragini or Sanchali anywhere." said Dharmesh looking around.

"Di went for some work. She will be back by dinner. Anjali di is with Buaji. Ragini must be in the living room, dadaji. Let's go there." said Sona with a small smile.

Dharmesh nodded, "Sanchi went alone?"

"No, no...Kabir bhai went along with her." said Archita from behind, so Dharmesh missed the calculative gleam in her eyes.

They entered the living room to find Ragini lounging in a chair reading a magazine. She stood up when she saw them entering.

"Dadaji! When did you arrive? How have you been?" asked Ragini, as she did the customary taking blessings part.

"Let me sit first Ragini dear!" said Dharmesh chuckling as he sat, "I just came over now and I am well and good."

"Arey Kakaji! Welcome to my humble abode." said Bhavna as she came out of the kitchen with Anjali trailing behind her with a tray of glasses. Archita went over to take it from her while Anjali send Kirti to get the second tray from the kitchen.

Both took his customary blessing.

"I heard Sanchi was out," commented Dharmesh.

"Yes, yes, that girl is a workaholic. She will be back by dinner. I did inform Kabir to drag her back by then." said Bhavna.

Dharmesh nodded satisfied that the words the girls spoke previously was true.

"Dadaji take some refreshments before dinner. It's been so long since we talked," said Anjali, as all of them took a seat and took their choice of refreshments.

"Yes of-course. Tell me girls, what do you all do for a living?" asked Dharmesh.

"Well, I am a lawyer. Sona works as a detective freelancer. Anju di is a lecturer. This two idiots have just finished their semesters." said Archita, giving Ragini and Kirti teasing smiles which made them scowl at her.

"What about Sanchi?" asked Dharmesh curiously.

"She is a businesswomen, dadaji." answered Anju quietly.

Dharmesh hummed, "All of you must be very accomplished, right?"

"I would like to think we are!" chirped Sona softly. Dharmesh had become a bit paranoid at hearing that two of the girls worked as a detective and a lawyer. So he said, "How about we start the dinner? I have medicine to take at 9'o clock."

Bhavna blinked, "But Sanchi hasn't come yet."

"I am wondering the same Bhavna. Why is she outside and why hasn't she come yet? Surely her work is not more important than a dinner with family." said Dharmesh suspiciously.

Before Bhavna can say anything, Sanchi spoke, "I am here Dadaji. Let's start the dinner!"

Dharmesh looked at her, a bit startled but stood up, "I am glad to see you beta. Bhavna, if you will?"

Bhavna nodded, with the girls following her.

Sanchali thought in her mind, "Because this will be the last normal dinner you will ever have. Tomorrow you will be destroyed."

The scene changed again. As Mahamaya had asked them not to interrupt, none of the people watching the viewing had said out loud their thoughts, but that did not stop them from exchanging looks filled with various emotions of awe, amazement, confusion, shock and contemplation.

It was morning time. The sky was clear and the sun was burning brightly. The summer scorching heat was nothing knew to the residents of Ramnagar. After years of staying there they have gotten used to the climate. But that wasn't the reason why nearly all of Ramnagar had crowded around the ancestral Haveli of the Sharma family. Everyone knew that something happened to the real owners and many had speculated they had been murdered but no one had seen any proof or heard anything suspicious. Almost everyone had forgotten about the children, as they had thought that the children might have died too or where abandoned somewhere. So when they have arrived one morning and Dharmesh Rao proclaimed that they were the Heirs of the Haveli, everyone believed him. Though many were skeptical but the displeased look on Rao's face wasn't overlooked by the people.

Let's get back on track. The reason behind everyone crowding around the Haveli was the arrival of police jeep - not one but three. The police has surrounded the Haveli from all sides and every stand point has been taken. Guns were out and were ready to shoot at a moment's notice. Every was wondering what was going on, when two black cars appeared.

Anjali, Kabir and Sonakshi came down from one car while Archita, Ragini and Kirti got down from another car. All of them were dressed very smartly as they walked through the path that the locals created for them. They neared the place the Police inspector was standing.

"Hello Inspector. I am Sonakshi Sharma." Sonakshi introduced herself. As she was a freelance detective, she knew people form the police department and had worked with several of them.

The inspector shook her hand, "Hello. I have heard of you, Ms Sharma."

"I am glad. Are you not yet ready?"

"We are Miss. Now that all of you have arrived, let us start." said the Inspector.

The girls and Kabir stood back at the side. A boundary had been made by the police so that the locals don't come near and get hurt in case bullets were used.

Shooting a bullet in the air, the Inspector spoke in a mike, "Dharmesh Rao, this is your first warning. Get out of the house now and surrender peacefully. Do not try to run because we have surrounded the entire Haveli including any and all exits whether hidden or not. Another final warning will be given but if it is not responded with the desired actions then we will be required to use our force."

After a few minutes, the door of the Haveli opened and out came a goon, "What do you want?" He was looking around as if checking something. The moment he noticed the sisters, his eyes widened at their emotionless cold looks.

"That isn't important. Ask your employer to get out of that house." said the Inspector.

The goon got back inside the house most probably to inform Dharmesh off what he saw.

"At least now that man should come out!" murmured Ragini, causing Archita to elbow her gently, "Stay quiet Ragini. Now is not the time for being a commentator." Ragini pursed her lips in response but said nothing.

Dharmesh Rao came out of the Haveli with his team of goons, his eyes held a panicked yet shrewd look. He glanced at the girls and Kabir, his eyes hardening though the fear hasn't left at seeing the armed police. Sure, his goons also had bullet filled guns but all of those were illegal. Also, the number of police were far more in number than his goons.

"What is the matter Inspector saab? Why have you surrounded my Haveli?" asked Dharmesh.

"Your Haveli, Rao? I belief it belongs to the Sharma family , most specifically them." He gestured at the girls who did not answer and neither did they shift their eyes from Dharmesh, "Nonetheless, you are under arrest."

He gestured at a policemen to arrest the man when Dharmesh raised his hand in the 'stop' motion, "Ek second, Inspector saab. Itni bhi kya jaldi hai? At least tell me who had filled a case against me and on what basis are you arresting me?"

" The basis for arresting you spreads into various fields Rao. You can hear all of them in complete detail when you are lounging comfortably in jail. And for the person who had filed a case against you - well, she is none other than..."

"Me." completed Sanchali. Everyone turned around to find Sanchi on her bike, taking off her helmet.

"Sanchali?" asked Dharmesh, eyes wide and a bit shocked.

Sanchi got down from her bike after parking it properly. She strode towards them, coming to stand beside the Inspector.

"Me, Mr Rao. If you thought that after murdering my parents, uncle and aunt you will live a happy and prosperity filled life, you are wrong. I came back to this place for a reason and I intend to fulfill it. This case will go to court, but due to the overwhelming evidence whoever lawyer you wish to appoint will not be able to win it. I suggest you get ready for the long haul, Rao." said Sanchi, as she removed her sunglasses. Her eyes piercing straight meeting his own. Her gaze held judgement and contempt.

The goons beside him tried to intimidate her, only for her to raise an eyebrow in amusement as the police took another step to stop them from coming closer.

Dharmesh spoke in a condescending tone, " Are you sure you would win? What if I won?"

Sanchi let out a small chuckle, "Using what? This chip?"

Dharmesh's eyes widened as Sanchi showed the chip she took last night.

"How did you....!!" he literally yelled and started to go forward only for the police to use force in capturing him.

Rao yelled as even his goons were captured, "You won't like the consequences of this action Sanchali!! You have awakened the venom of the snake. It will destroy you."

"And I have every kind of antivenin available for immediate use. Want a advice Rao? Free of cost?" said Sanchi as she came closer to him to whisper, "Do not test my power and do not tempt my fury. Otherwise you life shall be snatched mercilessly."

Creating a certain distance between them, as the police shoved him to seat in the jeep, Sanchi said, "Bring the best lawyer money can find Rao, my lawyer will have no trouble whatsoever." She gestured at Archita who simply smirked at Dharmesh who had paled immensely.

"We shall see you again in court, Ms Sharma." said the Inspector in farewell as they left.

The scene changed.

Two months have passed as the court proceedings were finalized and the matter was won by Archita on behalf of them.

Currently they all were in at the Ganga ghat. Sanchi was standing there facing the Ganga wearing a soft green full sleeved salwar suit, a small smile on her face. She looked relaxed and her shoulders were also not tensed. She looked elegant.

"Di!!" yelled Anjali, as she started to come down the stairs towards where Sanchi was standing, wearing an off-shoulder blue top looking simple yet beautiful.

"Yes, Anju?" asked Sanchi, smiling at her beaming sister.

"Di, come on! We are waiting for you to start," said Anjali, eyes bright and excited.

"Alright! You go ahead Anju, I am coming."

Anjali nodded as she bounced upstairs happily with Sanchi following in a sedate speed. She smiled softly seeing her little sister back at her happy-go-lucky nature. These few months she seemed to have lost her luster of happiness.

She was a bit startled as she noticed a peacock feather falling right in front of her as she walked upstairs.

The people in the room exchanged a look, glancing at Krishna who simply gave a small smile.

She bent down to pick it up, looking at it in slight confusion, wondering from where it came from as a peacock was nowhere nearby the ghat.

Just when she was about to stand up, she felt faint. She immediately balanced on the nearby stair, when another wave of dizziness crashed on her. Sanchali gulped trying hard to calm herself but her breathing was coming in gasps as her heart beat sped. She placed a hand on her chest trying to calm herself down while the other clutched the peacock father.

Sanchi did not understand what was happening at all.

Her vision was blurring rapidly, as she felt another wave of dizziness and weakness.

Her hand and legs including her entire body seemed to have become completely lax.

She tried hard to say something when she felt her heartbeat increase even more.

Breathing was becoming immensely difficult for her.

"Anjali!!" whispered Sanchi softly, as her vision left her rapidly. Two hands rested on her shoulder, as a frantic call of 'Didi! Didi!!' was heard before everything went blank.

The screen was pure blank and it spurted off.

Mahamaya stood up, "The viewings are completed!"

"What? But what about the girls? Weren't they supposed to come?" asked Ashwathama a bit confused as nothing happened. A worried frown on his face.

"Yes and what of Sanchali Jiji?" asked Arjun, looking at the blank screen with worried eyes.

"Jiji?" asked Suyo, confused, "I thought we are calling them Bhabhishrees?"

"Jiji is far safer! If you call them bhabhishree, won't they question why bhrata Suyo?" explained Arjun, though looking at Mahamaya in between explaining.

Duryodhan nodded, "You are right! Devi Mahamaya, you did not answer Ashwathama's question."

Mahamaya smiled, "When did the three of you let me speak, Rajkumar?"

The aforementioned men blushed a bit, causing small snickers from the youngsters and indulgent smiles from the elders, though all of them were worried.

But before anyone can say anything, a bright light filled the room. Everyone shielded their eyes, while the light took six forms - all females.

When the light disappeared everyone saw the girls unconscious and floating right in front of them. Sanchali's was breathing properly, but there was a deep cut on her temple. Anjali's shoulder was bruised. Archita looked almost unharmed but further inspection showed blood falling from her leg. Sonakshi's arm had a deep cut, while Ragini and Kirti seemed the most unharmed one - as both of them seemed slightly bruised but no deep cuts.

"There they are!" said Mahamaya gesturing at them with a smile.

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