𝝩𝟬𝝩 6

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Chapter 7

All the males along with Dushala and Archita, who was dragged by Ashwathama, went to one side of the market to shop for everyone leaving the other five girls alone for sometime finally. It took them a lot of time to convince them but Sanchali promised that when they return they would find all of them in the market. In the end, all of them reluctantly went to get gifts for everyone, including Archita as she did not like leaving her sisters all by themselves.

"Di, I am going that way." said Kirti excitedly, "I saw some colourful earrings and bracelets."

"Wait, I am coming with you." said Anjali, as she followed after there excited youngest sister.

"Looks like you are stuck with us di!" said a grinning Ragini, looping her arms with her eldest sister. Sanchi sighed exasperated, "You two won't let me be alone, will you?"

"Nope." answered Sonakshi with an impish smile as she pointed at the opposite stall selling some beautiful garments.

Sanchi gave a fond smile but went along with her younger sister to browse through them.

On the opposite side, an unknown man followed them discretely.

Anjali and Kirti were browsing through various colourful earrings when one caught Kirti's eyes.

"Mahoday, can you show me that white stud?" asked Kirti, while Anjali turned to her curiously.

"Of-course, devi."

The shopkeeper handed her a beautiful white stud made from some local semi-precious stones.

"It's beautiful." said Anjali, as Kirti beamed, "It is, isn't it, di? You will look good in it."

"It's for me?" asked Anjali in surprise before a small smile brightened her face, "I love it."

"Mahoday, pack this please." said Kirti with a smile at the shopkeeper who nodded at the chirpy girl.

Anjali blinked suddenly as she saw a person move just from behind her, a bit too close for comfort. She frowned as she noticed him move a bit suspiciously from the corner of her eyes. Specially when he stood slightly behind her and was periodically glancing at Kirti and her as if gesturing something to someone. She stayed quiet, simply watching while Kirti bought a few more things which gave her the time to observe. She tried to see whom the man was gesturing at but could not do so, in the off-chance she let them know that she caught on to whatever they were doing.

"Something is wrong here." thought Anjali. She slowly turned the ornate hand mirror on the shop slowly as she let the man's reflection be reflected on the mirror. She watched as the man left after a while.

"Let's go di." said Kirti, eyes soft and carefree. Anjali slightly frowned which Kirti noticed. She further asked, "What happened di?"

"Something isn't right." said Anjali, murmuring softly turning shifty glances all around, "Can you follow?"

Kirti's eyes darkened and turned serious at the tense posture of her elder sister, "Yes di."

Anjali gave an imperceptible nod as she moved swiftly towards the path that man took slowly. They moved through throngs of people, maneuvering and moving swiftly. Anjali suddenly stopped as she saw the man come to stand in front of a stall selling clay pots. She kept Kirti at a distance by her around glancing around before noticing a small empty booth nearby. The shopkeeper must have been packing his things as he seemed sold out.

"He probably went to help someone." thought Anjali, "People here are rather honest. Most of them are anyway."

She gestured at Kirti and both of them slowly walked on tip toes to hide behind the stall drapes. Unintelligible words could be heard. Nothing was very clear. Anjali pressed her ear properly slowly concentrating to hear.

"Yes, those girls-"

"I think so-"

"Yes, in the palace-"

"I don't know-"

"Di?" whispered Kirti gently only to shushed by Anjali with a small glare. Anjali only managed to hear the last sentence properly.

"That jeweler, he has been tattling a lot." said a voice, " Something has to be done. We need to be careful. Keep an eye on them."

Anjali frowned as she straightened as she heard footsteps disappear. Kirti glanced around warily as she kept an eye on Anjali.

"Let's go." said Anjali murmuring, "Don't speak of this to anyone Kirti."

"But didi-" protested Kirti only to be shushed by Anjali, "I don't want anyone to worry. I will tell you everything later. For now, we need to be where didi promised we would be when all the royals arrive. Let's go before anyone notices us."

Kirti sighed, "Alright."

When Anjali and Kirti returned, only Sanchi, Sonakshi and Ragini were present. Anjali gave a small smile while Kirti gave a confident one while chirpily telling everyone about the new earrings and bracelets she bought.

But Sonakshi who had been paying attention noticed Anjali's absentminded look. Her eyes narrowed as she wondered, "Why does Anju di seem so lost?" She turned to look at Kirti. Her sharp eyes picked up her youngest sister's wary eyes.

"They are hiding something." thought Sonakshi, eyes thoughtful, "Should I tell didi?"

Sonakshi turned towards Sanchali who had been sitting on the ground with her head resting on the cool trunk of a wide lustrous tree.

"No, she will worry. Didi needs rest. The time travel had been the worst for her." thought Sonakshi, biting her lips glancing at Anjali, Kirti and Sanchi alternatively before deciding, "I will speak with Anju di and Kirti directly."

An entire bunch of servants of Hastinapura Palace watched with naked awe in their shocked eyes.

And why won't they? It's not everyday one get's to see the Royal Princes of Hastinapura carrying various heavy baskets either in their arms or even on their heads. The Princes who had always adorned bright and luxurious jewels were seen carrying huge baskets filled with beautiful shawls and so many other articles, including various vegetables.

Rajmata Kunti watched with amusement in her dark eyes as she stood on the threshold of the Palace doors. Her eyes ran over Bheem who carried various straw baskets filled with vegetables and spices, Nakula who was chattering with Sonakshi about something while the girl herself interrupting in between to ask something or the other, Duryodhana and Ashwathama were speaking with both her sons - Karna and Yuddhisthira, all four of their faces tense, which made Kunti frown slightly, as she wondered whether something had happen during the expedition.

She glanced at the rest, her eyes reflecting her concern at Sanchi's pale face and drooping eyes. She was discretely supported by Ragini and Archita, both of whom was whispering something to the eldest. Sahadeva and Vivitsu seem to be bonding well as both spoke amongst each other while Yuyutsu and Arjuna was looking at something in the latter's hands. Anjali, Kirti and Dushala were also muttering amongst themselves with excited faces.

As they neared, Maharani Gandhari who was standing beside the Queen Mother asked, "Kunti, have they arrived? I believe I heard their voices."

"Yes, jiji." replied Kunti with a small genuine smile, "They are here."

The male servants neared the Princes, one King, one son of a Sage, one princess and six other ladies from the future.

Karna said to one of them, "Dhanyavad, parantu avashykta nehi hai. Hum swayam kar lenge."

(Thank you, but there is no need. I will do it myself.)

The servant who was waiting to take his articles nodded with a bowed head. All the servants in Hastinapura was used to the King of Anga being self sufficient in most of his day-to-day works.

The rest of the party declined the help of the servants as well ambling towards the two royal ladies waiting for them at the threshold of the palace gates.

"Mata!" said Dushala bouncing almost like a child, "Look what we bought."

Gandhari chuckled reaching out to feel her only daughter's face. Dushala leaned her face to touch her mother's soft motherly hands as Gandhari said, "Well why don't we all go inside and everyone can regal us tales of your trip?"

"That would be much preferable, Badi Ma!" said Arjuna, giving a cursory glance around discretely, "There are so many things to tell you all."

Gandhari simply smiled gesturing all of them to simply follow her. Everyone followed her towards the inner palace grounds where she led them to a common seating room between the two wings which housed the Kauravas and Pandavas. When Kunti gestured a maid to open the door, everyone was surprised to see the rest of the sons of Dhritarashtra and Gandhari present there.

Before anyone can say or do anything, Archita escorted Sanchali to sit on a nearby sofa. She sat beside her with a soft worried look. Ragini quickly separated from the group to go to her sister with a concerned look.

"Is she alright?" asked Kunti worried as she turned towards the pale Sanchali, "What happened, putro?"

She directed the last question to all the males, while Gandhari frowned asking with concern clear in her face, "Who is alright, Kunti? What is going on?"

"It's Sanchali, Badi Maa." said Ashwathama sighing as he put all the baskets down on the floor, the rest following his lead, "Ragini thinks she is still feeling the after effects of the 'Time Travel'. She fainted in the middle of the trip."

"What!?" said Gandhari shocked, as she gestured towards her maid to escort her to Sanchali. Archita got up with a sigh as Gandhari took her place. Her cool hand coming to rest gently on Sanchali's warm forehead. Kunti hovered with the males all watching worriedly. The girls also stayed nearby knowing their eldest sister hated been crowded from all sides.

"Didi?" whispered Sonakshi softly, while Sanchali opened an eye weakly, "I am fine, just feeling slightly feverish."

"Are you sure, putri?" asked Kunti, while Gandhari continued to comb her hair with her fingers soothingly.

"Yes." said Sanchali, "Please don't worry about me Rajmata. Maharani Gandhari, I think I should just take some rest."

"Yes, putri." said Gandhari, "I will send word to the Royal Physician immediately."

"Oh, no! Please don't, Maharani." said Sanchali nearly sitting up.

Kunti frowned, "Putri, you are not well. The Royal physician would be able to help."

"And how many times have I asked you to call us 'Mata', putri?" said Gandhari, her voice having some gentle reprimand.

"Ah, sorry." said Sanchi giving a sheepish smile, "I am not used to calling anyone 'mother'. It will take some time -" She took a deep breath, "- regarding the fever, I am sure I would be fine by tomorrow, Maharani-" Sanchi bit her tongue softly, "...sorry, Mata Gandhari, Mata Pritha."

Kunti sighed at the stubborn Sanchi but nodded, "Very well putri, but only for tonight. Tomorrow, the Royal Physician will check you, alright?"

"Alright." replied Sanchi giving up in front of the royal ladies who won't let the her downgrade her health.

"Don't worry Mata Gandhari, Mata Kunti." said Ragini with a sharp look in her eyes, "Didi isn't going anywhere under our watch."

Ashwathama watched with a worried gaze as the six sisters disappeared leaving all of them in the common room. Seeing the usually strong and awe-inspiring woman look so pale and sick was making him worry. He was coming to see Sanchi as his sister, so her falling sick made him feel very concerned.

"I don't understand why jiji is falling sick." said Duryodhan, his voice echoing in the silent room.

"I think in the excitement and curiosity at their arrival, we all forgot a few vital things." said Sahadeva with a serious voice.

"What?" asked Duryodhana, half-worried and half-curious. Everyone turned to face the youngest Pandava while Sahadeva replied, "It has been only five days that they came here, bhrata Duryodhan and remember what Devi Mahamaya said?"

"That there are consequences to time travel." completed Ashwathama grimly. A tense atmosphere prevailed in the room while Karna said, "There are some more problems in our midst as well."

Yuddhisthira straightened at that while Duryodhana looked serious. Everyone of the males who returned from the trip seem to look slightly tense.

"What problems putra?" asked Kunti spontaneously.

Karna replied giving her a brief look of surprise as if he could not belief she was speaking to him, "Nothing too serious....Mata-" Kunti gave him a surprised as well as a tentative happy smile with the Pandavas, Duryodhana and Ashwathama looking pleased at his words, while Karna continued like he hasn't said something monumental, "-hopefully. But I think, we should inform Maharaja and Mahamahim about it as soon as possible."

"Then putra, you should go and inform them." said Gandhari, "It must be important if you voice sounds tensed, son."

"I suppose." agreed Karna, before turning around to leave the room before he stopped midway all of a sudden.

"Suyo? Yuddhisthira?" called Karna with a confused voice, "Why are you both standing? Come!"

"Me?" asked both of the cousins, simultaneously blinking.

"I am aware of only one Duryodhan and Yuddhisthira." said Karna sarcastically, "Is there a duplicate running around somewhere?"

Snickers and chuckles were heard throughout the room while the said brothers flushed red in embarrassment. Kunti and Gandhari hid their smiles as the cousins looked at each other before following their eldest brother/cousin/best friend out of the room.

As the light atmosphere slowly dissipated, Dushala frowned as she spoke loudly, "Please, please, please, no sad or serious discussions any longer! I have so much to tell. Come on, Mata, Choti Maa, let's sit."

Gandhari chuckled as she was led by her chirpy daughter to the curved seating frame made of pure gold with a royal blue upholstery. Kunti followed at a relaxed pace, a small happy smile on her face, while the rest of the males took a seat around the three ladies amidst them.

"First, Dushala, I think Sanchi's gift should be given." said Ashwathama as he bought out the beautiful shawls. Dushala nodded excitedly as she got up to help pass it to all her brothers. All marveled at the shawls, it's texture and above all - it's magnificent minute embroidery.

"She bought it for us?" asked Virajas, marveling over the soft cloth. While all his clothes were soft and made of fine and expensive materials, like silk, absolute fine cotton and the most lovely wool out there in the world, none of them had made him feel so special.

"Yes." nodded Ashwathama, watching everyone with a knowing look. None of the Princes, including all the five pandavas had gotten a gift all of a sudden and without any occasions where gifts exchange were mandatory.

"Oh, she said that if someone tries to give her a return gift, she would feel insulted." said Ashwathama again, remembering that exchange of words he had with her on their way back to the palace.

"But-" protested Adityaketu, but Dushala glared at him, "Just take it as her blessings, bhrata Aditya."

Adityaketu sighed nodding as a small smile played on his lips as he continued to glance at the shawl in his hand.

Kunti and Gandhari smiled, as Kunti squeezed her palms softly expressing her happiness to her sister-in-law, who gave a bright smile back.

"Are they for everyone?" asked Arjuna curiously glancing at Ashwathama and Dushala, since they were the one who was with Sanchi when she shopped for them.

"Yes." nodded Dushala while Ashwathama added, "There are shawls for everyone, from Mahamahim to Gandhar Naresh and his wife to Kakashree Vidura - everyone in the family gets one."

Kunti blinked, a bit impressed at the forethought and manners while Gandhari gave a smile, happy that Sanchi did not exclude anyone, not even her brother.

Nakula whispered to himself, clicking his gaping mouth shut, "Even for Mamashree?"

"Looks like it, bhrata." said Sahadeva dryly while Arjuna rolled his eyes, "Obviously! If she is giving to all of us, she would have to gift him too." Arjuna leaned to whisper in Nakula's ears, "Learn the skill called gifting, brother, because in your future, I can see you gifting something or the other to Ragini after you fight with her."

Nakula gave his elder brother a slight glare, while Arjuna gave a teasing smile while Sahadeva whispered from the other side, " Bhrata Arjuna has a point. You did get into a fight with her right in the beginning. Careful, bhrata, very very careful."

"Maun raho!(Stay quiet)." said Nakula, giving a mild glare at his younger twin who pressed his lips together to stop a chuckle from escaping. Arjuna bit the inside of his cheek, sharing an amused smile with Sahadeva at Nakula's reaction.

All three of them stopped whispering to each other when attention shifted towards Bheem.

"Putra Bheem, why is there so many vegetables with you?" said Kunti, peeking in one of the baskets, "And spices too...."

"Ah, Mata, actually...you see..." stammered Bheem, a red tint to his face, as he did not meet her eyes.

Kunti gave him an amused and curious look, having never seen her third eldest look so shy before.

Nakula answered instead of Bheem, trying to stop his smile, "Actually, Mata, give a holiday to the cooking staff for the night. Bhrata Bheem had been dared to cook for the entire family all by himself."

"What!?" asked a laughing Gandhari, her red lips pulled in a surprised smile. Kunti's eyes widened as she turned to face Nakula with a shocked and amused look, " By whom, putra Nakul?"

"Archita jiji." replied Nakula, as he narrated the entire incident. By the end of it, everyone was either laughing, chuckling or hiding their smile.

"Bhrata Bheem, you did exactly what Archita jiji wanted you to do." said Arjuna laughing.

"At least in this way we get to have bhrata Bheem's cooking." said Vikarna smiling at a flustered Bheem, while Vivitsu nodded, "I said the same thing."

"I suppose Bheem, you should go to the paakshaala (kitchen) now, putra." said an amused Kunti, "Otherwise, you won't be able to finish in time."

Bheem's eyes widen as he got up hurriedly. He won't fail to a challenge given by that impertinent woman. That would just be horrible.

Mahamahim Bhishma frowned in thought while Dhritarashtra had a worried frown adorning his temple.

Vidura furrowed his brows in concentration as he said softly, "Tatshree, this is a serious matter. If they haven't gone on this impromptu tour then we would have found out too late."

"I agree." said Bhishma, his eyes tensed, "There must be spies or a traitor within our very own palace."

"Yes, tatshree." nodded Dhritarashtra, "Otherwise, why would anyone stop such an important letter from reaching the court?"

"If I have permission to speak, I would like to say something." said Karna, glancing at the three elders.

"Putra, you don't need permission." said Bhishma, "Speak freely."

"I think we are missing a vital piece of information, Mahamahim." said Karna, meeting his eyes.

"An important piece of information? What's that jyesht?" asked Yuddhisthira giving a thoughtful glance.

"The dacoit attack happened near the Panchal-Kuru borders."

Duryodhan and Yuddhisthira's eyes widened, while Bhishma and Dhritarashtra looked thoughtful.

"There is a high probability of what you are hinting at, putra Karna." agreed Vidura, knowing Karna was slightly shocked at been addressed as 'son', though as usual the King of Anga maintained his demeanor.

"But we have no proof, do we?" asked Duryodhana worriedly while Yuddhisthira nodded, "Yes, agreed."

Duryodhana seemed a bit shocked at having Yuddhisthir agreeing with him, but he stabled himself quickly as he turned inquisitive eyes at the elders.

Bhishma and Vidura both were gladdened at seeing the eldest of the cousins mixing well, though both always seem to get surprised at little of things. But again, nearly ten-twelve years of tense relationship is not solved overnight. But both the sets of cousins were going in the right direction of mending their relationships.

Dhritarashtra was happy too but his own desires of seeing his son on the throne was stopping him from being completely happy. That made him feel guilty as well. He was trying though, trying to give up his desire, trying to be happy for his son and support him in whatever he wants to do, even if that means not fighting for the throne.

"I believe we need to investigate this in depth, Tatshree." said Dhritarashtra, "Taking a uninformed decision would harm us in the end."

"I agree, putra." said Bhishma nodding as he said to Vidura, "Get the supplies and immediate amenities like grains, vegetables, clothes, herbs and so on, ready to be deported to our border villages. Send the soldiers as well under our commander, Vidura."

"Jo agya, tatshree. (As you wish, Tatshree)" said Vidura, nodding his head.

"Mahamahim, I think instead of the commander we could send someone else with the soldiers." said Karna thoughtfully.

Bhishma and Vidura looked at him inquisitively as Dhritarashtra asked, "Whom, putra Karna?"

Duryodhana and Yuddhisthira turned to face Karna as well, while the man himself spoke, "I think, as the various repetitive missives did not reach Maharaja and the court of Hastinapura wasn't able to react, instead of the commander of the army, if both Yuddhisthira and Duryodhana went with the necessities and soldiers, it would be far more impactful."

Yuddhisthir and Duryodhana looked at him wide-eyed, while Karna continued, "The citizens must be angry and the presence of Royalty there would calm the situation down and if any problem arose, I am sure both the princes could handle it."

"And it would also make the people trust the princes with the future of the kingdom." said Vidura shrewdly while Karna nod cautiously.

"I must agree-" said Bhishma only to get interrupted by Duryodhana, "But Pitamaha, I have never done this before! What if I do a mistake?"

Bhishma was about to response Yuddhisthira would be able to handle it, only to stop as he realized what he just thought.

"Have I always thought less of Duryodhana?" wondered Bhishma, feeling guilty at playing favourites.

"Were you capable of fighting with a mace from birth, Suyo?" asked Karna, raising an eyebrow.

"No." said Duryodhana, "How would I be capable of fighting with a mace from birth, jyesht?"

"Then, I am sure when you first learned, you made several mistakes?" asked Karna making Duryodhana nod, as he continued, "Suyo, if you made a mistake here, you will learn from them here too."

Karna turned to face Yuddhisthira and Duryodhana both, "The point of sending you both is for both of you to learn. You will make mistakes and both of you shall learn from it. You can't sit in a palace and know what troubles the common people are facing. You will have to mix with them, learn about them and help them. Then they will trust you with their life."

"Yes, Jyesht." said Yuddhisthira with a soft smile, understanding his brother had more experience regarding this matters with the common people. It felt nice to see someone give him advises too. He liked the feeling of Karna smiling at him, it resembled with their mother's a lot.

Karna turned to Suyo, "Yuddhisthira has the experience of living as a commoner, Suyo. Don't discount that." He was well aware of Duryodhana's insecurity and jealousy though he was trying to control it.

Duryodhana nodded understanding with a small determined smile.

"Well said, putra." said Bhishma, giving a small smile, happy that Karna was fulfilling what he requested him to do - to become the bridge between the two sets of brothers.

Dhritarashtra also nodded happily with a small smile while Vidura gave an impressed look at Karna.

"So it is decided, putra Yuddhisthira and putra Duryodhana, both would leave for the outskirts tomorrow morning." said Bhishma, finalizing the decision.

The two cousin looked at each other with a determined expression before turning to their granduncle, as Yuddhisthira said, "We will do our best, Pitamaha."

"Hopefully make you proud as well." muttered Duryodhana under his breath making Karna give a small reassuring smile at his best friend/cousin.

Karna, Yuddhisthira and Duryodhana came out from the room while the elders continued to discuss whatever they were discussing before they had disturbed them.

"Now that the matter is almost taken care off, I am feeling very relieved." said Duryodhana, sighing happily.

Yuddhisthira shot him an amused smile at the carefree smile on his younger cousin's face. He had never seen him so happy and free before. But again, he did not a lot of things a few years back, which he knows now.

Karna paid neither of his brothers any attention as he fiddled with a small pouch in his hands.

"Jyesht, what's in your hands?" asked Yuddhisthira curiously while Duryodhana also focused on Karna with inquisitive gaze having taken note of the pouch as well.

"Actually-" Karna stopped himself, before he released a breath stopping in the middle of the long corridor they were walking on, making both the cousins stop as well, "- should I give this to...Mata?"

He opened the pouch, showing a beautiful yet simple gold lotus pendant.

"It is beautiful Jyesht." said Duryodhana, "Choti Maa would love it."

Karna shrugged, not saying anything while Yuddhisthira looked at Karna for a moment, "She would be overwhelmed, Jyesht. Don't hesitate because you are having second thoughts now."

Karna glanced at Yuddhisthira for a second before giving a small nod, "Let's go then, before I back out."

Duryodhana mumbled, "I hope Maa likes my gift."

"I am sure, Badi Maa will love your gift, Duryodhana." said Yuddhisthira gently as Duryodhana send him a tentative smile.

A servant was coming there way. Duryodhana stopped him, "Ruko! Mata aur Choti Maa kaha pe hai?" (Stop! Where is my mother and aunt?)

"Maharani aur Rajmata, mukhye mahal ke saamoohik kaksh mei hai, Rajkumar." said the servant, bowing on his way. (The Queen and the Queen Mother is in the common room of the main palace, your highness.)

"Dhanyavad. (Thank you)" nodded Duryodhana, "Tum jaa sakte ho.(You can go.)"

The three went towards the mentioned room. The guards bowed as they went past with the various servants loitering around moving out of their way respectfully.

"Mata!!" said Duryodhana, as he entered the vast sitting room to find Kunti and Gandhari seating with Ragini, who smiled at him.

"Ragini!" said Duryodhana, "How is jiji? Is she alright?"

Ragini gave a soft smile at his concern, "She is resting, bhrata Duryodhana. The fever is coming and going. She is feeling rather weak though."

Yuddhisthira asked, "What about the physician? Shouldn't we call him?"

"That's what I was saying putra." said Kunti sighing, "If only Sanchi agrees."

"Didi is very stubborn and she hates anything to do with medicines." said Ragini sighing, "Let us watch the night. Her condition is stable though."

"Who is there with her, right now?" asked Karna, as he neared them. Kunti's smiled brightened slightly at seeing him.

"Anjali di and Kirti." said Ragini, "Sonakshi di went to get some air while Archita di went towards the kitchen, I think. Didi is sleeping anyway."

"Bheem will be troubled then!" said Duryodhana with sparkling eyes, "Oh, I want to see that."

Karna rolled his eyes fondly while Yuddhisthira hid his smile at his enthusiasm.

"Too late, bhrata!" said Ragini with her eyes twinkling, "Bhrata Bheem came to meet us. Since he was supposed to make our favourites, he wanted to ask what we liked."

Duryodhana pouted, "I missed the entertainment."

"Not really." said a shrugging Ragini, "You are missing it now. Run, if you want to catch the entertainment."

"Yes, but before that-" said Duryodhana, as he bought out a small gold pouch, "Mata, I bought something for you."

"Putra?" said a shocked Gandhari as she reached out with her hand slightly. Duryodhana grasped it tightly as he slipped in a beautiful ring with a flower motif and pearls around the ring.

Gandhari slowly felt the ring tears prickling her eyes. She had never got a gift like this from her children before. Her red cloth on her eyes dampened with happy tears.

"Mata?" said a panicking Duryodhana, while Gandhari cupped his face, touching her child blindly, "I have no words, putra. I may not be able to see it but I can feel it. I can say with surety that it must be beautiful."

"It is jiji." said Kunti softly, happily watching the moment between mother and son.

"Indeed." said Ragini whispering before chirpily speaking, "Looks like Mata Gandhari, you got a ring alongside the bangles we gave and Dushala's earrings. The fun fact is they match!"

Gandhari laughed, while Duryodhana blinked confusedly as he watched between the women, "But, you cried Mata!"

"Those are happy tears, son." said Gandhari fondly.

"Oh." said Duryodhana, feeling foolish.

"Well, I hope mine matches the others too." said Karna gently as he neared Gandhari who gasped, "You too, putra?"

"Of-course, Taishree." said Karna softly, as he knelt before her, while Duryodhana stood up to watch, "Allow me?"

"Certainly, putra Karna." said Gandhari, feeling overwhelmed at the sudden onslaught of love from all her children.

He helped her wear a beautiful pendant, which had a trident and a damaru on it. Gandhari felt the necklace, as she noticed the symbolism, feeling her tears appear again.

"Aap Mahadev ki bhakta hai, Taishree-" said Karna softly, "When I saw the pendant which had the symbols of Mahadev, I thought of you. I hope you liked it." (You are a devotee of Mahadev, Aunt)

"Putra Karna-" said Gandhari, gulping at the thoughtfulness, "-both Kunti and Radha are blessed to have you as their child, son."

Karna blinked not saying anything as a red flush crossed his face. He cleared his throat awkwardly before getting up. Seeing he was embarrassed, Ragini quickly said, "Bhrata Yuddhisthira, what did you bring for Mata Gandhari?"

"A small present." said Yuddhisthira as he approached, while Gandhari smiled lovingly, "Seems like Kunti, I will be in the state of constant surprise today."

Kunti chuckled in response as she watched happily.

Yuddhisthira bought out a beautiful mathapatti (head piece) from his pouch which had pearls as well, matching nicely with the ring, earrings, bangles and pendant Gandhari received.

Gandhari gasped, as Yuddhisthira helped her wear it with Kunti helping from the side.

"Yuddhisthir, putra -" said Gandhari, releasing a staggering breath, "You all want to make me cry today. My son, it is beautiful."

Yuddhisthira gave a soft smile, as he squeezed her hands softly getting up.

Duryodhana gestured at Karna while Yuddhisthira gifted a beautiful pair of earrings to Kunti next, glaring slightly when he hesitated. Karna mouthed, "You go first."

Duryodhana sighed but nodded as he approached Kunti, "Choti Maa, I hope you like this."

He bought out a beautiful ring, which also had a flower design on it as he said with a nervous laugh, "Looks like bhrata Yuddhisthir and I had the same idea. Flowers suits you."

Kunti laughed, her bright eyes teary, "Stay blessed, my son. I must agree with jiji, all of you are bent on making us cry today, first the girls and now our sons."

Gandhari chuckled while Duryodhana gave a sheepish smile.

Ragini glanced back at males wondering where Karna disappeared off to. A startled and surprised gasp bought her focus back to Kunti, who touched the lotus pendant Karna suddenly made her wear from behind her, in surprise.

"As a lotus survives and flourish even in muddy water, you have also taken tough decisions for your survival at times." whispered Karna softly, "I hope you liked it, Mata."

Kunti failed to blink her tears as the droplets fell. She got up, taking in a shuddering breath as she turned to face Karna who gave a small weak yet genuine smile.

She extended her quivering hands to touch his face. He leaned in slightly in her palms with his amber eyes showing complete forgiveness.

Kunti smiled back gently, her eyes bright with thankfulness and tears, her voice shaking yet firm, "I know you have forgiven me, son. I know, it will take you more time to accept me-" She gulped, "- I will wait as long as you need me too. Just remember, you are my firstborn and the firstborn always has a special place in a mother's heart. I have failed you and I am aware of that, but I still hope that perhaps, one day you will be able to give me a chance."

Archita smiled a bit as she leaned against the kitchen wall with an impressed look as Bheem moved around with a skilled grace. His look was filled with concentration as he added some spices here and there, moved the daal being cooked on another pot and stirred the Kheer.

Bheem, being one of the most able warrior on the land, had noticed the moment she had enter the corridor of the paakshaala but paid her no attention, though he did glance at her through the corner of his eyes, because who knew what this woman was up to and he won't be letting her anywhere near his already prepared dishes, quite a lot of which was already served on huge terracotta vessels at one side of the paakshaala, far away from where she was standing.

Archita watched him with an amused smile for a few minutes before straightening up. She neared him, this time any sense of humour or playfulness vanishing from her face. Her russet orbs serious. Bheem looked at her with a raised eyebrow, when she said nothing for a while.

"Hume apki ek sahayata chahiye, Rajkumar.(I need you help, your highness.)" said Archita, looking up at the tall and broad prince.

"Sahayata aur apko? (You and help?)" said Bheem, looking at her in a disbelieving voice.

"Ji haa!(Yes!)" said Archita, puffing her cheeks, "Can't I take help?"

"What help do you need?" asked Bheem, moving around her as he puttered around the kitchen managing every single vessels on the mud stoves.

Archita unfolded her fist, showing a small piece of parchment which held some powdered herbs. Bheem who had turned to watch her, felt his eyes widen in shock at what she was holding.

"I need you to put this in Didi's food." said Archita, not realizing Bheem's angry look at her, "It's Valerian, powdered-" Bheem lost his angry look when he realized it was a herb which helped to sleep, his mind had taken him back to his childhood where he was poisoned, "-I went to the physician before coming here-" Archita looked up at Bheem, "I know didi is having trouble sleeping. She would wake up after various intervals looking slightly out of breath, as if she was having a nightmare-" A brief look of helplessness crossed through Archita's eyes though she covered it, but Bheem noticed it before she hid it, "-She won't say anything! At least, this way she can sleep without much troubles."

Archita looked up at Bheem who looked at her with deep dark eyes, "Please, Rajkumar, I need you to add it to her food."

Bheem sighed holding his hand out, making Archita give him a thankful smile as she placed the powder in his huge palm. He quickly separated a small portion of the daal in a small copper bowl and mixed the powder in it. He added a few more spices to hide the taste as much as possible without putting overwhelming amount of seasoning.

"Here I thought, Bheem was getting bothered!" said the very familiar voice of Duryodhana. Beside him stood Arjuna and Nakula, both of whom were coming to watch Bheem cook, when all three met each other on the way.

Bheem gave a brief mock glare at Duryodhana, while Archita laughed as she neared them.

"Actually bhrata, I came here for some serious matter." said Archita with a small smile, but her demeanor was still serious, which led all three of the new arrivals to give her a worried look.

Nakula asked, "Is Sanchi jiji, alright? Should I go check once?" Duryodhana added, "I met Ragini a few moments back. She said jiji was stable."

Archita gave a small nod, "For now, she is stable-" She turned towards Nakul, "Thank you, bhrata Nakula, but she is sleeping now. Actually I did go to the physician, she was having trouble sleeping."

"That can cause her fever to rise, jiji." said Nakula, in a concerned voice.

"That's why I asked Rajkumar Bheemsena to add the Valerian powder to her food-" Duryodhana, Arjuna and Nakula looked at Bheem, who gave an agreeing nod, "-I know she is having nightmares, but it's not like she is about to admit it." Archita gave a frustrated sigh at the end.

"I am sure, Sanchi jiji will be fine." said Arjuna softly making Archita nod, "Hopefully, bhrata Arjuna." She turned towards Duryodhana, "Bhrata Duryodhana, what happened at the meeting regarding the dacoit attacks?"

"Actually-" Duryodhan looked at them sheepishly, inviting surprised and baffled looks, "-Bhrata Yuddhisthir and I would be leaving tomorrow for the outskirts villages."

"Really!?" said Archita looking slightly excited before wilting like a flower, "I want to come too but perhaps that's not possible."

"If you want to go, I am sure Pitamaha would agree." said Arjuna, with a small smile.

"Yes, but there would be risks too." interrupted Nakula.

"I am sure she would be safe with us." said Duryodhana, slightly protesting while Archita said, "No, bhrata Duryodhana, I agree with bhrata Nakula. There would be risks and I do not want you all to be busy protecting me when your first duty would be to take care of the matter at hand."

The three males agreed to her words, though Archita secretly hoped to go with them.

At dinner, when Gandhari and Kunti said that some females should go too since the villages must contain frightened women and children as well, who may not be comfortable with the princes, Archita got her chance. Kirti also asked to come along. So, it was finally decided that with Yuddhisthira and Duryodhana, Archita and Kirti would also go.

On the other side, the sisters wondered whether they were abandoning their eldest sister when she was so sick but a cranky Sanchali waved off their thoughts with her words, "Stop those incessant thoughts. It's just a fever. Don't make a big deal out of it. It's not the first time I had a fever. Go and enjoy yourself and please be careful."

Archita and Kirti had simply hugged her gently after that.

Sonakshi have slipped outside the room they stayed in to get some fresh air. It wasn't even ten o' clock at night, but the entire country was fast asleep probably. But again, this was Dvapara Yuga and wasn't that odd just to think? Just a three to four days back she would be plugging her earphones in her ear and listen to some good chart-busters of the week, but now all she could do was walk around an unknown palace which had too many valuables littered around like napkins. In Kaliyuga, it would have sent a red light alert to all the thieves out there with a huge headboard saying 'Come, steal me!', while it was the norm here.

Today had been exhausting although rather fruitful. She had managed to create a rough Google Map in her phone which she planned on completing by taking another trip to the town. The day spiraled down slightly at the disturbing news of Maharaja not getting the letters of help from his own subjects but it was handled for now. Over that, the time travel was causing her elder sister troubles. Thankfully, the fever had receded a bit and she was sleeping peacefully.

"Archita di did mention that she asked Bhrata Bheem to mix Valerian in didi's food." thought Sonakshi with a smile on her face, as she ambled down the quiet, dark and dimly lit corridors near their room. She wasn't stupid to go too far in a place she wasn't much aware off and that also at night.

She was happy that both Duryodhana and Yuddhisthira was going, as it would allow them to mix with each other without any outside influence, specifically of Gandhara Naresha. She did agree with her Sanchi di, when she had said that their mere arrival was creating waves across the pond. Gandhara Naresha wasn't exactly how he was portrayed in the future. He was a normal man, according to Dvapara standards that is, albeit he was a shrewd and intensely intelligent man.

As they say, "Respect your enemy to be able to defeat them" - Sonakshi too followed the same practice. While she did not want to assume he would be their enemy but the way Sanchi di had spoken with him at the court yesterday or even today morning, it surely would bring some unwanted attention on them. She did notice his considerate eyes lingering on everyone of them.

Sonakshi was worried though. While somethings were going good, it didn't take a second for things to be messed up again. The way their arrival had bought some good things, it would have some consequences too and those won't be pleasant. She need not become a astrologer to tell that. While it had only been about three - four days since they had been here, she was seriously waiting for the other shoe to drop.

There was another problem added to the list of the few she was thinking about. Since the machine was bought with pomp and splendour - literally being announced that it was a future showing machine - none of them had been able to go under the radar. Over that it was announced that they were from Kaliyuga and then some of them had even seen them before they could even find out their sudden change of locations. She was positive it would bring both enemies and attention from unsavory parties.

She stopped suddenly hearing someone approach the area she was in. Soft footfalls were nearing yet Sonakshi could guess the footsteps belonged to a man, probably two of them. Women wore anklets so they would make some noise when walking while a man usually had heavy footwork.

She frowned wondering who could be out and about at this time. She was well aware that Mahamahim Bhishma had already conducted his nightly routine check of the palace security. The servants are sleeping as well. So, who was out now?

She quickly hid behind a huge curtain, her heart beating fast.

A gruff voice spoke, "Tonight we need to deal with the jeweler."

Sonakshi's face had a grimace at the mere thought.

"But why?" asked another man, "He already said everything to those strangers."

"Those weren't strangers, fool." said the first man with a frustrated voice, "They were the princes." A gasp was heard, "On top of that, the Master informed that Rajkumar Yuddhisthira and Rajkumar Duryodhana are going towards the outskirts. Two women are also going with them - Devi Archita and Devi Kirti, those women who came from Kaliyuga. He ordered us to delay them as much as possible."

"Now what should we do?" asked the second man, "What are our orders?"

"We will have to dispose of the jeweler first." said the first man, his voice nonchalant, "He needs to be eliminated before he could tattle anything else. If one of the ministers come to know about this, then investigation will be done in the inner and outer staff of the palace. We can't have that."

"But if the Princes know then surely the Maharaja would know too right?" said the second man puzzled, "Then won't there be an investigation already?"

"There would be but slightly delayed because I think the Master has some plans." said the first man, "They are currently busy with the matter with the dacoits."

"At least our work had become easier." said the second man in relief, "By the time they do their investigation, neither you nor I would be here. They won't find anyone."

It was night time and Anjali was still awake. She was seated on the seating area of the huge balcony with her eyes closed and head resting on the golden frame of the sofa.

While her eldest sister's health deterioration frightened and worried her, the events of today's morning played like a loop throughout her mind.

"Something simply did not feel right." whispered Anjali to herself, her face turned into a thoughtful look.

Moments after she thought that, her lips pulled into a small smile. When one is growing up with such brilliant sisters, it wasn't hard for Anjali to become slightly insecured regarding her own capabilities.

Her Sanchali didi was a very brilliant person. From a young age, Anjali had seen her Sanchi di live for them. She had seen her survive for them. She had seen her battle and struggle for them. Her didi had sacrificed her wishes, her wants for all of them. From outside, her sister might be perfect to an outsider, but those that knew Sanchi, knew what that woman had gone through to become the person she was today. Her sister, who never experienced her childhood, who couldn't laugh and be free of worries, who was forced to grow up before she even reach her teens, her sister who never enjoyed the process of becoming the successful woman she was.

Anjali gave a wry smile thinking as her soulful eyes looked at the bright moon, "The woman whose birth bought prosperity to you, Papa, couldn't even enjoy her own life. How fair is that, huh!"

To her, all five of them were her life. After their parents death, Anjali knew that all of her sisters, including herself saw Sanchi di as their guardian. She wondered whether they would ever be able to ever repay their Sanchi di for what she had done.

"Knowing her, she would probably slap me for even thinking such thoughts." thought Anjali, a fond chuckle erupting her lips.

Anjali knew she was compared to her elder sister a lot, especially in Kaliyuga. At one point of time, she hated the feeling. Hated the fact that she was always in Sanchi's shadows, hated that her individuality was been squashed. But as always Sanchi di had pull through with her.

Those words still rang in her mind, even to this present day.

Her elder sister had said, "Anjali, sometimes we need ignore those people in the society whose name doesn't even matter to us. Sometime, all we need to do is focus on ourselves and those people who are close to us. Such comparisons will happen everywhere and it is like a cycle. If you want to break it, Anju, all you have to do is be the difference yourself."

"Anju di!"

Anjali blinked, startled out of her thoughts as she hurriedly looked back to find Sonakshi huffing, leaning on a wall beside her. She got up swiftly, as she asked, "Sona? You are awake?"

"Ah, yes!" whispered Sonakshi nearly choking on air as tried to speak hurriedly.

Anjali thumped her back gently, giving her a glass of water, "Speak slowly, Sona. Here, drink some water."

Sonakshi quickly gulped some of the cool liquid before turning to Anjali, "Didi, I just heard something."

Anjali's eyes widened as Sonakshi repeated what she heard, as she whispered, "I heard something similar. A man was following Kirti and me in the market."

Sonakshi looked shocked, before she quickly stabled herself, "Then I am sure someone was following us too. Why would anyone keep an eye on only two of us? No, something is fishy here di."

"Our first action is saving the jeweler." said Anjali, taking a deep shaky breath, "Got it?"

Sonakshi nodded, "Yes, but didi's health? Someone needs to be here too."

Anjali went inside the huge room they stayed in and watched as moonlight from various open windows highlighted all her sisters sleeping and serene faces.

"We need to wake them up." said Anju, ordering to Sonakshi, "Wake up Kirti and Ragini. I will wake up Archita."

"Alright." said Sonakshi, going towards the other side where both Kirti and Ragini slept side by side, preferring to share a bed, before Kirti went with the princes.

"Archita!" called Anjali softly, shaking her sister by the shoulder.

Archita groaned slightly, turning her back and not waking up.

"Archita, get up now! It's important." hissed Anjali, shaking Archita vigorously.

"What happened di?" said a sleepy Archita, not even opening her eyes.

"Someone is about to be either murdered or threatened. So get up now!"

Archita snapped her eyes open the moment Anjali's words registered in her sleep muddled brain.

"What?" she muttered groggily.

"Get up and come to the living room." said Anjali, ordering and speaking in a tensed voice.

"There isn't any living room di." said Archita as got down from the bed, "That's the receiving area."

Anjali rolled her eyes, before both the sisters went towards the receiving area. Sonakshi was standing as she nibbled on her lips worriedly while Kirti and Ragini were wide awake, any thoughts of sleep had fled their brain the moment they heard someone could be murdered or threatened.

"Di, what's going on?" said Ragini, almost yelling.

"Shush!" said Sonakshi, covering her mouth, "Not so loudly. Didi is sleeping."

Ragini bit her tongue, holding her ears to show she was sorry. Anjali and Archita nodded, waving her off while Kirti asked nervously, "Di, what happened?"

Anjali explained what she saw and Kirti nodded to that agreeing while Sonakshi told what she heard just a few moments back.

"What should we do now?" asked Ragini, her eyes worried, "Didi isn't well too. I don't think disturbing her would be correct."

"Absolutely not!" said Anjali sharply, "Do not tell didi. We will deal with this matter. Let her rest."

"Should we not inform Maharaja?" asked Kirti, her voice doubtful.

"We should." agreed Sonakshi, "But, we are new here. We have no idea about their ways and customs. We don't know what's socially acceptable or what's a faux pas."

"Correct." said Anjali, "And right now, the priority is saving the jeweler. We can inform them in the morning."

"And tomorrow, Kirti and I would be going as well." said Archita, her eyes indecisive, "Should we not go?"

"No, go Archi." said Anjali reassuringly, "You wanted to go, so, go ahead."

Archita and Kirti shared a soft indecisive look.

"I think right now, Anju di and I should go towards the jeweler's house." said Sonakshi, bringing them to the matter at hand.

"Why both of you?" asked Ragini, narrowing her eyes.

"Because - " said Sonakshi, "You are the one knowledgeable in medicines and know the most about medical things, while Archi di and Kirti needs to leave tomorrow. They can't go gallivanting around saving people. And Anju di and I know the jeweler's home. We were the one who bought the various bangles, did we not?"

Ragini blinked before nodding in agreement. Kirti frowned but nodded as well. Archita sighed, but gave a nod too, though she wasn't pleased and was rather worried.

"It's settled then." said Anjali straightening as she met each of her sister's eyes, "Keep an eye on didi. She shouldn't wake up. Let her rest and make sure she doesn't worry."

"That's hard." said Kirti admitting the truth, "Didi has a sixth sense for all of us. If she doesn't see both of you, she would know something is up."

"We will try to come as soon as possible." said Sonakshi, sharing a glance with Anjali, both knowing it was true, "We can't promise but we will try. So make some believable excuse."

"Yeah." said Ragini, "Hopefully some of our useless excuses would manage to keep didi entertained."

Archita snorted slightly at that, "You both should leave. Go, we would be fine."

Anjali and Sonakshi nodded. As they left, Anjali gave one more instruction, "Do not light the lamps and stay away from the window. No one should know you all are wake. Take care of didi."

"We will, you both go." said Archita firmly, as she closed their room door.

"Hopefully, everything goes well and they are back by the time we have to leave." said Kirti, sharing a anxious glance with Ragini and Archita, both of whom sighed.

"Hopefully!" whispered Archita, exhaling a breath.

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