𝝩𝟬𝝩 8

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Chapter 9

Near the outskirts of Hastinapura Kingdom —

Archita frowned as the commander left Kirti's tent. While she does believe him, she still had a bad feeling. She watched as the Princes spoke amongst themselves, with a thoughtful look on her face. The commander was a desperate man with a selfish ethic. The kind of people who prioritizes his own benefit. His sob story has some grain of truth in it, Archita believes that. Her career as a lawyer had taught her various things. Even a small rumour has a base and clues could be found if we search. No planner is perfect, after all. She knows there are some other factors in play that though in front of her eyes, just she couldn't see.

"This is a mess!" said Kirti, as she flopped down face-up on the bed.

Archita gave an amused look at the princes, who was started at her sudden loud exclamation.

Realizing they were a bit uncomfortable at a behaviour they weren't used too, she said, "Kirti, sit up straight! The Princes aren't used to such casual behaviours."

Kirti sat up with an annoyed look before glancing at the males, who looked slightly embarrassed and a bit confused. She sighed before she straightened up, "Right! Forgot there were different rules here."

"Glad to see you remembered." said Archita, rolling her eyes.

"Um!" Yuddhisthira cleared his throat, ignoring Duryodhana's teasing smiles, "How about we get back to our topic of discussion?"

"Right," nodded Kirti with a sweet smile, making Duryodhana hide his laughter as she continued with a dramatic tone, " The topic is my attempted abduction."

Duryodhana couldn't help himself this time. He laughed, his shoulder shaking at her dramatic tone. Kirti joined in as she further said, " You know, I feel so ridiculous about it right now!" She turned to Archita, " I feel I am a heroine in a film without a hero."

Archita snorted before becoming serious, "While drawing parallels is fine, the matter is rather serious, Kirti."

Both the laughing duo straightened at that while Yuddhisthira added, "It shows the news have started to reach out of Hastinapura."

"These attempts won't stop then." said Duryodhana, a contemplative yet worried frown on his face, "It will increase."

"Correct." nodded Archita, "I am worried that something drastic may happen."

"People will not hesitate to go to the extreme length due to their wants" said Yuddhisthira, his trepidation filled eyes meeting theirs own, "We will have to be careful."

In Anga —

An old man was begging, "Please, spare us. Give us some time. We will surely pay the tax at a later date."

"Spare you?" scoffed the commander of the army, "Do you know what maharaja will do if I don't get the tax from you?"

"I can't believe Maharaja is being this cruel." sobbed an old woman, "He was the one who got us out of the previous cruel rule."

Many people whispered and cried in agreement.

A soldier menacingly slapped a wicked looking whip down on the ground.

"Well since you can't pay, the Maharaja's orders is that we whip you twenty times." said the commander of the army.

The old woman's breath hitched as she mumbled, "No! Please don't."

"Then pay the tax." said the commander.

"When we don't have money how can we give you anything?" said the old man, "Monsoon hasn't arrived yet. Our crops are still premature. If we don't sell, how will we get money?"

"Well then give the gold you have," said the commander nonchalantly, a greedy gleam in his eyes, " I am sure you have some in case of emergency."

"If we give you that, then how will we eat?" cried a young man in his early twenties.

The soldier with the whip sighed, "Looks like the people won't cooperate, Commander. You are trying to get them to cooperate uselessly."

The commander nodded mock regretfully, "Oh yes! Our poor King got such thankless and greedy subjects." He gave an evil smile as he turned towards the soldier, "Whip them till they agree to give up everything they have to pay the taxes."

The soldier gave a bloodthirsty grin, while some of the surrounding soldiers exchanged greedy look while the others looked on helplessly and angrily.

The whip struck true.

But instead of the old man, it was Karna's upper arm which got teared open.

At the Outskirts of Hastinapura Kingdom —

Yuddhisthir, Duryodhana, Archita and Kirti had reached by morning of the next day.

All the residents heaved a sigh of relief at their arrival. They had been miffed, upset and helpless that their King had been ignoring their pleas. But when the soldiers send with various necessities the previous night had explained what had been going on in the capital, they had calmed down.

Now, they were simply glad their princes had arrived before any dacoits arrived to do their ritualistic plundering.

It was approaching the Girīśa muhūrta, that is, the sun was about to set.

Archita and Kirti walked amongst the people, speaking with them and distributing the various cloths and other essentials amongst the households. The Princes, on the other hand, had gone to check and secure the border.

"Dhanyavad devi (Thank you) ," said a middle-aged woman softly with a tired yet relief filled smile on her face.

" You are welcome," said Kirti with a soft smile.

They both went towards where the tents have been set for all four of them. Archita lifted the flap of the tent, only to notice that Yuddhisthira and Duryodhana had returned. Both of them had been pondering over the map of the kingdom while Yuddhisthira explained some points to Duryodhana about the outskirts area.

Both of them looked up as the girls entered.

"All done?" asked Yuddhisthira with a small smile.

Archita nodded returning his smile, "Yes bhratashree."

"How are the women and the children?" asked Duryodhana curiously.

"Tired, exhausted, hungry," said Kirti shrugging slightly, "In short, they need a break and some good amount of rest and sleep."

Before any of them could speak, a conch shell sounded. All four of them glanced at each worriedly while Archita muttered, "What now?"

A soldier came running inside the tent as he bowed before speaking, "Rajkumar, the dacoits are approaching the border in a huge group."

"What?" said Duryodhana, brows furrowed in worry.

Yudhisithira's face blanked, "How many of them?"

"An entire army, your highness," said the soldier with a worried face.

"We don't have the manpower to compare with them do we?" asked Kirti, biting her lips.

"No we don't," said Duryodhana, glancing from the soldier to Yuddhisthira who looked at them, meeting Duryodhana's eyes, as he said steadily, "But both of us can match them. Guru Drona's teachings shouldn't go to waste."

Duryodhana's eyes widened at seeing the tentative hope in Yuddhisthira's eyes. He gave a small nod, watching as a soft heartfelt smile played on the elder's lips. He did not understand why but he felt warm inside, like something good happened.

In Anga —

Blood dripped down on the ground as the silence reigned.

Karna and Sanchali along with just ten soldiers had decided to check the outskirts villages of Anga thoroughly before going towards the main capital. The rest of the soldiers were divided by Karna into two parts — forty-five each, one set towards securing the outskirts and another set towards the palace.

"Those are some heavy words Commander," said Karna, his voice cold with amber eyes flashing angrily, "Which Maharaja are you talking about exactly?"

Sanchi watched as the Commander's face paled, as he stuttered, "Your highness?"

The soldier's eyes was wide as he glanced fearfully from the whip stained in blood to the wound on Karna's arm. He was gulping continuously as sweat beads dripped from his forehead. He immediately fell on his feet, saying, "Maharaja, I beg you to believe me. It was the plan of the Commander. I am completely innocent, Maharaja."

"Yes, of course," said Karna, a sarcastic edge in his voice, "I am well aware of your innocence. I have been standing and watching the entire spectacle after all."

The soldier seem to pale even more as his folded hands trembled slightly in fear while the Commander almost stumbled back. The soldiers who were loyal bowed their head and kept their weapons down almost immediately to show their allegiance. The soldiers who were greedy and selfish followed a second to late, which was enough time for Karna to identify them.

"Maharaja, you're here?" asked the old man shocked.

"Yes Kaka, I am here," said Karna, looking at the old man gently, "I haven't been in Anga for two months to be specific." He turned towards the Commander, "And I want to know is who exactly had the audacity to issue orders in my name."

The commander tried to run, but the Hastinapura soldiers captured him swiftly.

"Throw him in the dungeons," said Karna, his eyes were frigid as he glared, "I will interrogate him later."

Sometime later as Sanchi walked through the hallways, her eyes traced the tall silhouette of the King of Anga. She was walking at the back of the group on purpose. A group of only three ministers had met them a few minutes before entering the capital. They had been loyal to the King and his principles. They also informed in detail of what had been going on at the surface. Sanchi was sure if they dug more, various other atrocities would come to light.

The little girl was actually the daughter of one of the villagers who had abandoned his own child in the forest because he could not feed her. She wanted to give a tongue lashing to that man but did not say anything on Karna's signal. This was his kingdom. She shouldn't poke her nose in his matters, but it annoyed her a lot that she could not do anything about it. At least the girl's mother had no idea and had cried and thanked them a lot for returning her only daughter back to her.

"Sanchali!" called Karna, a tad bit loud.

Sanchi jerked at the sudden call of her name, subconsciously registering he called her by her name for the first time. Usually he would stick to 'Devi'.

"Yes, Maharaja?" asked Sanchi, meeting his amber eyes with her wine orbs.

"You seem lost," stated Karna with a raised inquiring eyebrow. Sanchi looked around noticing none of the three ministers were anywhere near as she replied, "I was thinking about the child we found on our way here."

Karna said nothing about for a few seconds before speaking, "I apologize for stopping you. I did not think it was the right time to be confrontational about such a topic, given the current condition of the Kingdom."

"I see," said Sanchali in a blank tone not expressing her own thoughts, "What is my work here, Maharaja?"

"I was hoping that you will look into the matters of the palace upkeep," said Karna, not meeting her eyes, "Only if you want too."

Sanchi blinked but nodded, "If that helps you in looking into other immediate matters."

"Dhanyavad (Thank you)," said Karna, his voice grateful.

He was glad she wasn't offended or even flustered about the work given to her. If he was being truthful, he knew she had no idea about the significance of the work she would have to do. The Palace maintenance or anything that was related to the inner and outer palace was the work of the Royal females, specifically, the mother/wife of the King and princes. Last time he let the entire palace be. He had simply changed the security system. The decoration and various maintenance of the palace, he had left at the hand of the head maid. Apparently that had been a wrong choice. So, at the moment he had no choice but to trust Sanchali with this matter.

"You should have the physician look into that wound of yours," said Sanchi, eyeing the deep wound which has stopped bleeding but looked liked it could get infected anytime soon. The wound was loosely bound by a sheer cloth, so it was almost see-through.

"It's fine," said Karna, slightly dismissive of his wound.

Sanchi shrugged nonchalantly at his response, "If you say so. How did the whip touch your skin anyway? Shouldn't your armour appear?"

Karna replied with a twinkle in his eyes, "Finally something that you don't know, huh?"

"Just because I am from Kaliyuga doesn't mean I know everything under the sun." said Sanchi, rolling her eyes.

" The kavach in it's invisible form protects me from illness, diseases and other such problems." said Karna, his voice a mere whisper, "In it's visible form, it protects me from various astras. I can control when it appears. Gurudev taught me how to."

Sanchi's brows furrowed in thought as she noticed the tint of melancholy in his voice as he mentioned his Gurudev. She said nothing about it yet. She looked up to notice Karna looking out of the window, his eyes having a slight glaze of remembrance.

From the corner of her eyes she took note of a young girl, barely of ten or twelve years old carrying a huge brass plate filled with various powdered spices. She was about to slip, probably unaccustomed to carry such a heavy weight before Sanchi's hand caught the plate firmly.

"Are you alright?" asked Sanchi kindly.

Karna had also jerked slightly at the sudden brush of long hair on his chest. Sanchi had obviously been in a hurry to notice her hair had went flying towards him. He frowned slightly at the peculiar yet pleasing scent, wondering what aroma she used. He shook his head at his ridiculous thoughts, before turning to see what had the Kaliyuga girl in such a hurry because as far as he had observed she was a calm person who was sure of herself.

He watched as the little girl answered in a trembling voice, "Yes Devi."

Sanchi blinked a bit but sighed, "What are you doing with such a heavy plate in the first place?"

"I was going towards the kitchen, Devi," whispered the little girl, her eyes downcast. Sanchi took note of the dust on her clothes and the scrapes on her elbows, making her frown in worry.

"Go home," said Sanchi as she stood up with the plate easily, "I will keep this in the kitchen."

"But-" protested the small child, a slight fear of the unknown punishment from whoever had told her to do this job.

"Tell the person who told you to do this that Maharaja has ordered you to rest," said Karna with a small smile as he knelt down in front of her. The child's eyes widened but she gave a small shy smile in return, "Dhanyavad Maharaja. (Thank you, your majesty.)"

As the child left, Sanchi muttered a bit angrily, "What nonsense! One abandons his own daughter because he can't feed her and the other one makes a child carry such a huge plate where they should be playing and being free of such worry."

"These are all my fault," said Karna with a regretful look in his eyes, "I had no idea the society I wanted to create would fall down so quickly."

"Yes, of course," said Sanchi mockingly, "It is so nice to see that you have decided to take the load of other's actions as well."

Karna gave a small smile at that, "As far as I understood, a King is supposed to be a father towards his people. When a child does a mistake it becomes his own. A child represent their parents teachings, their ideals and their values. It is is my responsibility as a king to take my share of the blame as well."

Sanchi turned around with a sarcastic smile, "Then perhaps you should decide on becoming the strict father of your unruly children."

Karna bit his cheeks to stop himself from smiling at her cheeky response.

"I suppose that is true," said Karna, composing himself after a while.

Sanchi did not answer. His response to her statement regarding being a King had resonated with her. She did not understood why but she agreed with it. She wasn't an idiot to let him know that.

She snorted in her mind as she thought, "This Karna has a different tone to him. Is it the reaction of watching the future? Possible. Well, let's see where this one measures up. His counter part was...well, let's just not think about that."

Out loud, she said, turning around to face the King of Anga, "Use this."

Karna looked at her hands, as he took the small bowl containing turmeric powder. He raised an eyebrow, "I did say it was fine."

"You said it was fine," said Sanchi, as she kept the plate at a side table, "But I don't need to be a physician to know that this wound is about to get infected and Rajkumar Nakula isn't here to treat you miraculously. Now shall you apply or may I?"

Karna sighed as he actually looked at his wound agreeing that it would start to infect before the day even ends. He slowly wrapped his fingers around the cloth, gently trying to unfold it. It got stuck a bit at the end and he tugged it a bit harshly only for him to wince in pain. The skin got opened again and blood poured out. He was about to tug at it again, when another slim fingers intercepted him.

Sanchi's wine orbs met his amber one's coolly as she said, "Asking help isn't a sign of weakness, Maharaja."

He watched as Sanchali gently yet swiftly unwrapped the entire cloth within moments. Her head merely reaching his chest, as she looked up at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Dhanyavad." he whispered softly. She nodded, holding up the bowl of the turmeric.

He reluctantly forwarded his arm, gesturing her to do it. Why did Pitamaha had to send her with him? Those children's words, mostly Veer's had threw him in a dilemma! He was trying to avoid Sanchali and even she, who had no idea about the children, did not move much away from her sisters. She definitely did not go out of her way to speak with him and neither did he. The few days in Hastinapura after their arrival went just fine. But then everything went topsy turvy. Now, he had no choice but to let her help him. He really hoped Arjuna, Nakula and Ragini gets here soon so that the normal status quo could be established again.

"Did you get cursed by Bhagwan Parshurama?" asked Sanchi softly, though she didn't meet his eyes even though she felt him jerk slightly. She was well aware he was thinking something deeply.

A few seconds passed as no answer came. Sanchi looked up finished with applying the turmeric powder to his wound. As she looked up to finally meet his blank eyes, he answered a soft, "Yes."

Sanchi hummed, "Nice. Don't get anymore curses if you like your life."

"What?" said Karna dumbfounded at her absolute non-reaction.

"Don't get any more curses, Maharaja." repeated Sanchi with an amused smile at his astonished face.

In Hastinapura

The soldier came running in the middle of the consulting court session looking completely out of breath.

Before Bhishma or Dhritarashtra could even speak, the soldiers spoke, his voice tensed in worry at the news he bought, "Maharaja, Mahamahim, Mahamantri, Devi Kirti has been captured by Panchala Raj!"

In Hastinapura —

The court was in silence for a few seconds, before at once everyone started to speak. The general undertone of the court was of clear disbelief.

A conch shell was heard. Every one stopped talking immediately. Several eyes focused on the śvetā vastra dhari (The wearer of white clothes). Bhishma lifted the conch from his lips, stern eyes taking in the silent court.

"This is the esteemed court of Hastinapura, one of the major powers of the Aryavarta," said Bhishma softly yet sternly, "Behave as such."

After the entire debacle of the Future viewing machine, Gandhar raj observed, a lot of changes had happened amongst the people who had been present in the lounge.

"Bhishma is taking an active part in the proceedings and actually ordering Maharaja Dhritarashtra around," thought Gandhar raj, "While Maharaja is listening to his advises far more. Vidura seem to be in his elder brother's good books too."

His eyes traced the various royal men of the Kuru dynasty. Well, he hid his smirk, as he heard the news. He knew the idiots would do that. Panchal Raj Prishata was a clever man, but was rather impatient and Drupada was shrewd but always in a hurry. Nonetheless, he is going to benefit for this. This will allow him to gauge the capabilities of the girls. It is always good to study your enemies before you make your own move. For now, he was going to sit and relax.

Chiming of anklets and various soft footfalls were heard. Some of the Kauravas, namely Virajas, Vivitsu, Vikarna, Adityaketu, along with the remaining Pandava brothers, Bheem and Sahadeva arrived. Ashwathama was also with them. Maharani Gandhari, Rajmata Kunti, Devi Anjali, Rajkumari Dushala and Devi Sonakshi appeared alongside them.

"Now, explain in detail, soldier." asked Bhishma, his eyes blazing, though he gave a small glance towards the balcony acknowledging and forgiving their sudden arrival which was against decorum of the court.

The soldier spoke how a huge group of mercenaries had appeared. When they had neared, they had realized that the mercenaries had the support of the Panchala kingdom. The Princes had met their representative who had come with a message. They had the family of the Commander of Hastinapura under captive. The soldier further elaborated how they had asked one of the Kaliyuga girls to be given to them if they wanted the family safe.

"What!?" murmured Vidura, his eyes widening fractionally. Anjali and Sonakshi shared a pensive glance.

The soldier bowed his head at the fierce gaze of Mahamahim, "What happened after that? How did putri Kirti get entangled into this?"

"That is exactly what we want to know," whispered Anjali, as her worried eyes looked towards the soldier awaiting an answer. Sonakshi intertwined her fingers behind her back, blank eyes gazing ahead for an answer as to why was her little sister kidnapped.

"Mahamahim, Devi Kirti had sent this letter before she was taken towards Panchala," said the soldier handing the letter to a servant who forwarded it to Bhishma.

"A bloody letter!" cursed Sonakshi in English, so no one understood her other than Anjali who did not reprimand her for her language, rather she nodded in agreement.

Anjali said, "If I get a hand on her, she is getting skinned."

None of the present people understood their words. Bhishma ignored them, as he read the letter.

He sighed, looking like he aged five hundred years in a day.

"What does it say, Tatshree?" asked Gandhari, her hands clutching the railing tightly with a look of worry on her face.

"Let me read it out, putri," said Bhishma, as he looked up at the balcony with a melancholic look. He looked down at the letter, his eyes showing respect, love and care for the young woman he met just a few days back.

Respected Mahamahim,

My salutations to the respected Maharaja, Maharani, Rajmata and the Mahamantri of the state as well.

Now, I have no idea how to write a letter, official or otherwise, in these times. I was planning to ask bhrata Yuddhisthira about it after all the matter with the outskirts were solved but time ran out. So I am writing a rather informal one. I hope it's fine for now.

I think you already found out from the soldier what kind of circumstances were formed here. Now, they wanted either Archita di or myself to follow them to Panchala. If we don't then the family of the Commander would die. Now, bhrata Duryodhana was adamant on not letting any one of us go, which bhrata Yuddhisthira supported too. But there was one problem. We, that is all four of us can't let a family die without any reason specially as they were innocent.

One suggestion, Mahamahim. Please change your Commander in the Army. He is useless. Who takes his family on a trip through the Panchala roads when he was aware that Hastinapura and Panchala has an enmity? What an idiot! No wonder, the Panchala raj took advantage and now we are in this mess!

Anyway, coming to the main point, I am going with them having taken this decision with a sound mind. Mahamahim, as princes their duty should come towards their people first. Those people on the captivity of Panchala are their subjects and we are their guests. Tough choice, isn't it? To choose between two dharmas? Don't worry, neither Archita di nor I will let them have a choice because as I said I am going on my own free will.

They are Princes. They should choose their people.

Tell my elder sisters to not worry about me. I am fine and I will be fine. Oh, I will bring souvenirs from Panchala, so look forward to it!



"She is brave," said Dhritarashtra, his words coming from his heart.

"Brave she may be Maharaja," said Gandhara raja in a concerned voice, " But what will the people say? They will ask questions about her character."

"When a tongue is cut, Gandhara raja," said Sonakshi sweet and cold smile, "No words come out."

Her sea green eyes glanced at the courtiers who did not say a word in response wisely. Bhishma's warning for the last time was echoing in their ear and their job and comfortable lifestyle was far more important than their opinions.

Sonakshi's lips curled into a smirk while Anjali's cold eyes met Gandhara raj's considering ones.

In Panchala

Kirti looked around with an evaluating gaze. Usually she would have not been so calm but a plan had been forming in her mind from the moment those mercenaries supported by the Panchala army appeared. She was currently in a basement like place, mostly a dungeon, but a nice one.

She was a bit amused at an actual bed, attached bathroom and even a dressing table. There was even a huge window to her side with no bars.

She smirked, "That would be a nice way to get out if I want to. Though if the plan goes accordingly, I won't need to."

Kirti looked as a female entered through the gate of the cage like dungeon she was bought into. Her black hair was tied up in a braid which was bound in a bun. Fierce eyes looked at her with a blank yet intriguing gaze. She looked to be around her mid-thirties. One could rarely guess the correct age in the Dvapara Yuga.

"Pranam Devi," said the woman, making Kirti raise an eyebrow but she did a 'pranam' back.

"Devi, you have been bought here to give us information." said the woman hoping to see some recognition from the young girl of Kaliyuga.

Kirti gave a blank smile, "What information, may I ask?"

"Regarding the future," said the woman, making Kirti smile, "Uh, so that was the reason. But I must warn you, I am not aware of everything."

"We need only one question answered," said the woman, "I am Shikandini, Maharaja Drupad's daughter."

"I guessed," said Kirti, tilting her head, "How may I help you?"

"When did I kill Bhishma?" asked Shikandini immediately.

Kirti looked at her as she thought, "Jeez! This woman is vengeful to the power of infinity. Being vengeful isn't bad but to this extent? It's like she was born for vengeance and she died for vengeance."

Out loud, she said, "Rajkumari, you did not kill Mahamahim Bhishma."

Shikandini's face contorted into a furious expression, "What nonsense are you speaking?"

Kirti raised a cool eyebrow with a small smile, "Weren't you the one who asked the question?"

"Don't play games with us girl!" said an aged voice, as Prishata entered. He had been outside listening in to the conversation and was the person who send Shikandini inside first.

"Shikandini has the boon of Mahadeva!" said Prishata in an arrogant voice, "How can she not kill Bhishma?"

Kirti stopped herself from pointing out the big loophole. The wording was 'defeat' not 'kill'. She won't make such an amateur mistake.

Instead she shrugged, "I am not playing with you. A question was asked and I answered. If it isn't according to you, what could I do?"

Her coffee browns met powerful dark eyes, yet Kirti kept a stable gaze.

"Mahadev's boon cannot fail," murmured Shikandini almost absentmindedly.

"It won't fail, my child." said Prishata, very sure of it. He was baffled though. He as an experience warrior could sense that the Kaliyuga girl wasn't lying but then how could Mahadev's boon fail?

"Let us go for now!" said Prishata, gesturing Shikandini out.

It was at evening when a male entered the dungeon room Kirti was kept in. She fingered her dagger, hidden behind her uttariya, eyeing the man.

"I apologize for entering," said the man calmly yet gently, "I am Satyajit, Maharaja Drupada's son. I have bought food."

Kirti's eyes gleamed in cautious delight. She was waiting for this child of Drupada to arrive.

At the outskirts of Hastinapura —

Bheem, Sahadeva, Vivitsu and Ashwathama had been send by Bhishma. They had been ordered to bring back Kirti at all cost. If they have to wage war then so be it. Anjali had come along with them.

On the other hand, Archita had been procrastinating about how to inform Sanchali. The males arrived at the camp at such a time.

"Archita?" called Ashwathama with a concerned look, "Are you alright? Where is Yuddhisthira and Suyo?"

Archita was startled at seeing all of them abruptly before she responded, "Bhrata Yuddhisthira and bhrata Duryodhana had gone towards the borders. I am fine but I am wondering how am I supposed to inform this to didi? She will be furious!"

"That she will be!" said Anjali with a grim smile as she appeared from behind the cousins.

"Di!" Archita wrapped her arms around Anjali tightly, a look of relief on her face. Anjali patter her back before she said, "We have to tell di, but only after this matter is taken care off. No need to give her tension in Anga."

"Okay!" nodded Archita, happy at least one of her sister's were here, before she blinked looking at all of them, "How did you all appear so fast? It took us two days to travel from the capital to the outskirts. Kirti send the letter yesterday night and the Panchala party took her in today at dawn. Now, it's pradosha ( a time between 6pm - 9pm) now."

"That is because of Sona's super box," said Anjali, saying the end in English.

"Car?" asked Archita with wide eyes, while Anjali corrected, "Jeep."

"Bheem, Sahadeva?" called Yuddhisthira, as he came from one side while Duryodhana who appeared from the other side looked confused and relieved at seeing Ashwathama and Vivitsu.


Both Bheem and Sahadeva went Yuddhisthira while Ashwathama and Vivitsu went towards Duryodhana.

"What's going on?" asked Duryodhana, looking at all of them.

"Pitamaha's orders Jyesht." said Vivitsu grimly, "We will be bringing back Devi Kirti even if we have to wage a war for it."

In Panchala —

"Dhanyavad Bhrata," said Kirti with a small smile.

Satyajit nodded with a smile as well, "I have never been fond of war, behena. But Pitashree, Pitamaha and Jiji, all three are simply burning in their arrogance or vengeance. It's like they have forgotten there are more to life than those. I don't want Panchala to suffer because of them."

In Anga —

The scents of fresh lotus flowers and jasmines were wafting through the atmosphere, spreading and igniting a sense of freshness in their surroundings. Beautiful petals of the Kachnar flower swayed in happiness right outside the curved window of the luxurious and huge room of the Maharaja.

Various silk golden curtains swayed as the wind blew inside merrily while the Maharaja sat on a golden throne adorned with red silk upholstery, his own mind completely immersed in the work he was doing. Shaped brows crunched in worry while several documents found itself in various piles through out the wooden table. Sharp amber eyes burned with a suppressed fury as it went over illogical and cruel legislation issued during his absence.

"Jyesht?" called a soft masculine voice. His usual resolute copper eyes glinting with certain unusual nervousness.

Surprised amber orbs looked up to meet nervous copper as both the brothers stopped for a moment to actually realize the impact of the word.

"Bhitar ao Arjuna, (Come inside, Arjuna)" said the Radheya, a look of brief regret in his eyes as he took the name of his younger brother.

The Savyasachi looked startled but came inside with a sense of determination. Both the brothers had somehow had managed to sort-off managed to avoid each other during the time in Hastinapura. While the Vaikartana would spend some time with the Pandavagraja, the other brothers baring the Madreya twins, would be too ashamed to face their eldest found brother due to their previous behaviour. Similarly, their eldest brother was too guilt - ridden at his own conduct to find the time to actually speak with them even though he had made up his mind regarding the matter.

"Jyesht, wo..." trailed off Arjuna, when he noticed Karna raise a hand in the stop motion as he gestured him forward, "Take a seat. I think we need to clear the air between us before we even talk about anything else."

The Kuru Prince blinked at the King of Anga before giving him a tentative smile as he joined his elder brother. He sat beside him, copper eyes attentive and steady.

Nervous amber orbs glanced back for a few seconds before Karna kept the parchment he was reading down on the table amongst the several heap of parchments.

"I must apologize," Karna stopped Arjuna from protesting, "I was in the wrong. I judged you too harshly and was also rather rude myself. I should have remembered that while the first impression matters, one cannot know a person at the first sight. Human nature is too complex for something like that." Arjuna looked at the older man, blinking his eyes at his words, "I also should say that idiotic vow that I took is definitely not applicable any longer."

Arjuna bit the inside of his cheek to stop himself from smiling at the dry tone of his elder brother at the last sentence. He met the gaze of Karna with the same steady presence as he had done previously.

He spoke as his brother finished his part, "I was also at wrong to quickly judge you, Jyesht. It wasn't right of me to raise my weapon on my elder brother. I beg forgiveness for that."

"Don't," said Karna, his gaze filled with a certain calmness that wasn't there before, " You're already forgiven. I know you cannot do anything that will be wrong, anuj."

Arjuna smiled brightly at that, finally at peace as he wasn't in a war with himself any longer. He said in bewilderment gesturing at the various scrolls, all around Karna, "So, what are all these?"

"Oppressive laws that I definitely did not issue," said Karna with a sad sigh, "Everything is in tatters, Arjuna. The entire state had again collapsed. I apologize for worrying you about all this matters."

"No, no, Jyesht," said Arjuna reassuringly, "We arrived to help you. Oh, this is from Sanchali jiji," Saying that Arjuna handed a scroll to Karna, "The inner palace is apparently in tatters and jiji is highly suspicious that something had been going on behind your back."

Karna's brows furrowed in concern, "I will ask her to expound on it later on, before that-" He turned to look at Arjuna, "Where are Nakula and Ragini?"

"Nakula is with Sanchali jiji and I think Ragini is looking at the food preparations of the palace," said Arjuna with a serious face, "Various little girls were found to be punished rather harshly by the previous Head Maid of the inner palace."

Karna's amber eyes widened in shock, "Little girls?"

"Yes, Jyesht," nodded Arjuna, looking pained at the thought, "Jiji is furious and I also heard from Ragini that some children are being sent by their parents to find work in the palace."

"Oh, Lord Suryanaryana!" breathed out Karna, a look of tension in his face, "I hope Sanchali can deal with these matters because I need to focus on something else. Anuj, what happened to the Prime Minister?"

"The soldiers said that he had ran away the moment he had noticed that soldiers of Hastinapura were here." said Arjuna with a tensed face, "I have already asked the various soldiers to spread across the Kingdom."

"What about the status of the neighboring Kings?"

"No news as of yet, Jyesht," said Arjuna, making the stressed and overworked Maharaja sigh.

"Bhratashree, Jyesht!" called another worried masculine voice.

Both of the men looked towards the entrance of the room to find an immensely handsome looking male, adorned in tasteful jewels and silk clothes entering with a concern filled look on his aristocratic face.

"Nakula?" replied Karna getting up from his seat, "What happened anuj?"

Nakula glanced at him, worry swirling in his dark orbs, "Bhratashree, a couple came to find work for their ten-year old sons. Jiji is furious."

Karna's eyes widened as he strode out of the room. Arjuna and Nakula followed after sharing a worried glance. The soldiers on either side all knelt on one knee with heads bowed as the Maharaja and the Kuru Princes strode past barely acknowledging their respectful gesture.

Wine orbs stared at a couple. The man and the woman were able people who could work and earn but they had sent their two children, ten-year old sons, to find work in the palace. Th aforementioned sons where standing behind the intimidating damsel watching with awed eyes, whose mere presence silenced the people around them.

"And why have you sent these two kids at the palace to find work?" asked Sanchali, her voice barely expressing her mounting anger.

"Devi, we need all the money we could get," said the man respectfully, "My daughter is about to be married and we need money to make the preparations."

"Aur aapki putri ki ā́yu kya hai? (And what is the age of your daughter?)" asked Sanchi with a neutral look on her face.

"Trayodasha varshika, Devi, (13 years old, my lady)" said the woman softly.

Sanchi's lips pulled into a cold smirk, as hard wine orbs stared at the couple .

In Panchala —

"Behena, shigra karo! (Sister, hurry!)," said Satyajit as he gestured Kirti to follow him through the tunnel which led outside the dungeons.

Kirti did not say anything but followed at a steady pace. She had made good friends with the only prince of Panchala. Kirti wasn't someone who knew everything about Mahabharata or about any of the epics. Honestly, in her nineteen years of life, the most worry she had was the end of years exams at both her schools and college. Nonetheless, she did remember that Drupada had a son before the birth of the twin divine children - Dhristadyumna and Draupadi.

She wasn't sure whether Satyajit was a good person or not, but when he arrived with food which wasn't the job of the only son of a reigning King, it did not take her much time to understand the current equation of the Royals in the Panchala palace. Kirti was a bit bewildered at meeting a person who was a pacifist in a time where wars or strife between kingdoms were very common. Nonetheless, it helped her in the end. Rajkumar Satyajit is currently helping her in getting out of the dungeons.

"Satyajit!!" roared an angry voice, making Kirti gulp nervously with her heart beating fast at being caught.

She tried her best to keep a blank face like her eldest sister but couldn't hide the silver of fear that penetrated her heart at the furious face of Drupada whose bloodshot eyes glared at them with a primal ferocity.

In the Outskirts of Hastinapura —

Yuddhisthira, Anjali, Duryodhana, Archita, Bheem, Sahadeva, Ashwathama and Vivitsu all stood around a huge table with a hand drawn map on it with various structures like a small palace, market and such things were kept around to denote the several place in the enemy kingdom.

The jeep that had bought the people so fast had disappeared the moment it wasn't required. Now they cannot use it any longer as the box which made it was with Sonakshi.

Currently, it was aparaanha (a time between noon to 3 pm). Nearly twenty platoons (consisting of a hundred horseback soldiers)have arrived just a few moments back send by their Pitamaha.

"Anjali, Archita, kya tum dono ko kuch kehena hai iss vishai mei? (Anjali, Archita, do you two have something to say regarding this matter?)" asked Ashwathama, knowing the Kaliyuga girls could have some information since they did speak about a war with Drupada during the time they were in the lounge.

All of them had gathered to discuss and talk regarding the war. Vivitsu had been a bit concerned, wondering the need for the two girls to be present at a war meeting of the males. After all, the usually norm did not even allow a female on the battlefield at most times. When he had expressed it to Duryodhana, he had been shocked to find his elder brother blowing the entire matter away and telling him not to worry. He did not get the time to speak with Yuddhisthira, though he knew the eldest Pandava was a pious person in nature, so at least he would stop the females. His shock hasn't worn off yet as Yuddhisthira hadn't said anything either and now Dronaputra was asking about their opinion. Vivitsu was feeling rather perplexed as he felt rather out of the loop.

"Bhratashree, Maharaja Drupada ek atyant his chatur aur gyaani hai yudhaneeti mei. Sambhavta vei-" said Anjali, meeting Ashwathama's attentive dark eyes, "-Chakravyūha ka prayog kare."

(Bhratashree, Maharaja Drupada is sly and is very knowledgeable about war strategies. Perhaps, he may use the Chakravyūha.)

"Ye aap ko kaise gyaat hai? (How do you know that?)" asked Vivitsu, half confused and half suspicious.

"Have you forgotten we are from the future, Kumar?" said an annoyed Archita, biting her lips in worry.

Vivitsu flushed slightly while Yuddhisthira replied, "Then we may have a problem. The entire knowledge of the Chakravyūha is known to Gurudeva, Arjuna and Ashwathama." He turned towards the Rishiputra, "Has Gurudeva allowed you to help us Ashwathama? I do not wish to go against his orders."

"Don't worry about that Yuddhisthira," said Ashwathama reassuringly, "Pitashree hadn't said anything regarding the entire matter. I am free to do as I wish."

"An utmost relief then," said Duryodhana, looking at Ashwathama, "You must lead us if a Chakravyūha happens."

"I will do my best," said Ashwathama, looking slightly worried before he said, "It would be nice if I could speak with Arjuna regarding it once."

"This is our first war," said Yuddhisthira with an understanding look, "It is natural to be doubly sure, specially with a life at risk."

"Nothing will happen to Kirti, Pandavagraja," said Anjali, her voice and eyes both resolute, "My sister is more than capable of keeping herself safe till help arrives."

Yuddhisthira gave a slow nod, meeting her grey eyes with his own filled with understanding and empathy. Anjali dipped her head in acknowledgement of his care.

Suddenly a tune started to play. Archita fumbled before finding her mobile on the backless sofa she was previously seated on.

"Who is it?" asked Anjali, her voice expressing her worry. The males looked at each other in confusion but before they could ask, Archita replied, "Ragini."

"Take the call." ordered Anjali gently.

Archita protested, "But di, she will ask questions! What will I answer her?"

The Kuru Princes and the lone Brahmin friend watched as the sisters spoke amongst themselves.

"Take the call Archita," repeated Anjali sternly. Archita sighed before taking the call and keeping it on speaker.

"Archi di!" came Ragini's voice from the device in Archita's hand.

"Ragini?" whispered Sahadeva in awe but Ragini answered through the phone, "Bhrata Sahadeva? Aapne phone uthaya kya? (Bhrata Sahadeva? You picked the call?)"

"Nehi(no), You're on speaker so you could hear bhrata Sahadeva speaking." said Archita softly.

"Oh," said Ragini before asking astutely, "Bhrata Sahadeva was at the palace. What is he doing there with you all, Archita di? Are you all back at Hastinapura? The outskirts are secured?"

"Ah, Ragini, actually-" before Anjali could complete, Ragini interrupted, "You there too Anjali di?"

"Yes, I am here too," said Anjali.

Ragini chirped merrily, "Then do you know where Kirti is? I have been calling her but that idiot doesn't even pick up her phone."

Immediately, Anjali and Archita exchanged worried glances while the males looked at each other concerned.

"Di?" said Ragini, sounding worried through the phone, "Is everything alright? I have been feeling uneasy from morning.That's why I was calling Kirti. God knows where that idiot had kept her phone. So, I called Archita di, hoping she would know where Kirti is. Anjali di? You there?"

Sahadeva and Yuddhisthira shared a sharp glance while Bheem tightened his fist wondering what will happen when Ragini gets to know about Kirti - her own twin. Duryodhana and Ashwathama looked concerned, while Vivitsu gave a nervous look at the device through which they could hear Ragini's voice.

"Yes," said Anjali, as she took a stable breath, "Actually, Kirti is not with us."

"What do you mean she isn't with you all? Where is she?"

"At Panchala. She willingly went there as a kidnapped person to save an innocent family." said Anjali, releasing her breath.


In Panchala —

Maharaja Prishata, the previous King of Panchala Kingdom and the father of the reigning King, leveled a disappointed gaze at his son, " Drupada, what is this? Your own blood, our own blood went and tried to help that Kaliyuga girl to escape. It is true our good nature that you arrived at the correct time or else I dare not think of the shame and consequences our family, our dynasty and our kingdom would have to face!"

"But Pitashree, nothing untoward happened," said Drupada, looking slightly annoyed at being scolded by his father, "I arrived at the right time and Satyajit has been punished accordingly."

"Had been punished accordingly?" sneered Prishata, as he looked at Drupada grimly, "It takes merely a few seconds for tide to turn, my son. Your own son today would have changed the tides. Do not be so confident when there is a problem within our own family."

The previous king paced as he muttered, "If only you have raised him correctly. See what your neglect has done to him!"

"Pitashree, if I hadn't focused on the kingdom, then today Panchala wouldn't have been counted amongst the current four mega powers of Aryavarta." said Drupada defensively.

Prishata did not reply but still said with concerned, "That Kaliyugi girl! Her words and her actions don't match."

"You're thinking too much-" before Drupada could complete, an appearance of a soldier interrupted him.

"How dare you enter without permission!?" yelled Drupada, looking furiously at the nervous soldier.

"Maharaja-" said the soldier, sweating and stuttering, "A missive have come from Hastinapura."

"What?" said Prishata, his eyes sparking with an hidden intelligence, "Show the missive to me!"

The soldier bowed and gave the letter to one of the servants who came forward to pass it to the King. Drupada dismissed the soldier reliving him from being anywhere near the short-tempered Kings of Panchala.

Drupada asked shrewdly, "What is written there, Pitashree?"

"It's a missive of war, son," said Prishata, a small laughing smirk on his lips, "Bhishma thinks his grandchildren are enough to win against the entire army of Panchala!"

Drupada looked at Prishata dumbfounded before a bubbling laughter left his lips, "Those kids? Who just completed their education? Them? That's...Bhishma has gone mad!"

"I know son," said Prishata, as he gestured at one of the servants waiting by his side, "Go and call Shikandini. Tell her to arrive in the War room. It is time she fulfills her birth purpose."

"Pitashree?" said Drupada, looking at his father with a questioning look in his face.

Prishata looked at his son, "They want war putra. I am sure you will oblige them."

Drupada's look turned shrewd as a sly smirk and thoughtful smirk crossed his face.

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