Chapter 23 (Universe 6 And 7 Tournament)

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(Readers POV)

Beerus fired a small ki blast from his finger at the bell, ringing it.

Announcer: You may begin!

Vegeta shouted and immediately went into Super Saiyan Blue. Hit just stared at Vegeta. He got into a fighting stance. Vegeta smirked. Vegeta took a step forward. Hit appeared in front of Vegeta and punched him in the face, knocking him back.

(Y/N): What speed.

Vegeta: What?

Vegeta looked at Hit. Hit just kept quiet and stayed in his stance. Vegeta brought his hand to his nose and wiped some blood away.

Vegeta: I'm finishing this fight right now!

Vegeta flew at Hit. Hit disappeared and reappeared behind Vegeta, punching him in the neck. Vegeta got knocked back a few yards, but landed on his feet.

Goki: Hey Piccolo. Are you seeing any of Hit's attacks?

Piccolo: No. I'm only seeing him after he already attacked.

So I'm not just seeing things. Hit is really fast, but Vegeta doesn't have much damage on him, so Hit may have more speed than power. Hit appeared in front of Vegeta again, catching him off guard. Hit punched Vegeta in the chest, then his head, and then his shoulder. Hit kept his attacks up. Vegeta recovered and tried to kick Hit, but Hit disappeared and reappeared and punched Vegeta in the face, knocking him back.

(Y/N): If this keeps up, Vegeta is going to lose.

Vegeta put his hand up and pointed it at Hit. Hit just put his hands in his pockets, making Vegeta pissed.

Vegeta: You dare mock me?!

Hit appeared in front of Vegeta, with his fist in Vegeta's side. Vegeta spat out some blood. Vegeta threw his fist forward at Hit. Hit punched Vegeta in the stomach again. Vegeta powered down from Super Saiyan Blue and went to base form. Vegeta fell down to the floor. The announcer ran up to Vegeta.

Announcer: Contestant Vegeta has been knocked out! Hit is the winner!

Goki: No way!

Piccolo: Vegeta didn't even get a hit in.

Beerus: You've got to be kidding me.

I flew down to the arena and picked Vegeta up. I looked over at Hit. He just looked at me. I locked eyes with him. I flew back up to the platform and put him down on the couch.

(Y/N): Krillin! Do you have a senzu bean?

Krillin: Yeah. I brought some just in case.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out one senzu bean. He tossed it to me. I caught it and walked over to Vegeta, putting the bean in his mouth. Vegeta swallowed it. His eyes shot open. He slammed his fist on the table.

Vegeta: What a waste of time!

I sighed. Looks like I'm going up next.

(Y/N): Hey Vegeta. Any advice for fighting Hit?

Vegeta looked at me and scoffed.

Vegeta: Figure it out yourself.

I don't know what I expected. I was about to jump down to the ring, but I felt a hand grab my shoulder. I looked back and it's Goki.

Goki: Good luck out there.

She smiled at me. I couldn't help but smile back at her.

(Y/N): Right.

I jumped down to the arena and looked at Hit. He just stared at me.

Announcer: Now let the match between (Y/N) and Hit begin!

I heard the bell ring. I got into my fighting stance.

Hit: Well... Aren't you going to transform into that blue form?

(Y/N): I have something more interesting to show you.

I started to power up. A bright yellow aura surrounded me and I went Super Saiyan 4.

(Y/N): This is Super Saiyan 4. It looks way different from my other transformations, but it's my strongest form.

Hit: Interesting.

I saw Hit appear in front of me. I felt his fist hit my chest. I gasped in pain. I tried to counter attack Hit, but he appeared to my side and hit me in the side. I got launched a few yards back.

Hit: You should surrender now.

(Y/N): Like hell I will. I won't leave this ring until I beat you!

He keeps disappearing. There has to be a weakness to his ability. I made a protective bubble of ki around me. Hit appeared in front of the bubble and punched it, cracking it.

(Y/N): You idiot!

I threw my fist forward and was able to punch Hit in the face. My fist cut some of his cheek, making some blood come from Hit's cheek.

(Y/N): Looks like your ability isn't invisible after all.

Hit put his hands in his pockets and he disappeared from my line of sight. I felt something hit the back of my ki bubble. I turned around and saw Hit punch through my bubble. I was able to catch his fist in my hand. That was close. I noticed the blood on Hit's cheek already made its way down to his neck.

(Y/N): What the?

Hit punched my stomach, sending me to the edge of the ring.

(Y/N): How did the blood already make it that far down? There's no way there was enough time for that to happen.

I looked at Hit and he wiped the blood off of his face. Wait. Time. Could it be?

(Y/N): N-No way. It can't be... Are you "skipping" through time?!

Hit just looked at me. He put his hands in his pockets.

Hit: Interesting. You already figured out my ability. No one has ever figured out my time skip during a fight, I'm impressed. Maybe I shouldn't hold back anymore.

Hit appeared in front of me again. He punched me in the stomach. I powered through it and punched Hit back, making Hit gasp.

(Y/N): Your time skip is impressive, but it won't help if I just counter your attacks!

Hit: You'd also be taking damage with that strategy.

(Y/N): Then let's see who goes down first!

Hit disappeared and I felt him punch me on my back. I wrapped my tail around his arm, keeping him there. I elbowed Hit in his face, knocking him back. Hit started to appear and disappear at different places. I can't keep track of him. I felt several punches to my stomach, making me spit out blood. I fell down to my knees.

(Y/N): Dammit. He got faster.

Hit: Just surrender.

I felt my blood start to boil. I stood up and started to power up. The ki around me started to grow.

(Y/N): Your speed won't matter if I attack everywhere at once!

I got ready to release a powerful ki wave. Hit appeared in front of me and punched my stomach. I coughed up some more blood and smiled at Hit.

(Y/N): It's over!

I started to scream as I released my ki wave attack. Hit got caught in it. I kept releasing ki, trying to make sure I win this fight. The arena started to get destroyed. I stopped my attack and flew down, making sure I landed on one of the pieces of rubble from the arena. I looked around for Hit.

(Y/N): Where did he go?!

I felt something hit my face. I saw Hit in front of me. I fell down and hit the ground.

(Y/N): N-No.

Announcer: (Y/N) is out of bounds! Hit is the winner!

I powered down from Super Saiyan 4. I can't believe it. I lost again.

Hit: That was a great fight.

I just laid down on the ground, not moving a muscle. I saw Goki fly down and landed next to me.

Goki: (Y/N)! Are you ok?

(Y/N): I... Don't know.

Goki: Come on. Let's get you to the others.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me up to my feet. We both flew up to the platform. I sat down next to Whis.

Whis: Me and my sister will fix the arena for the next match.

Whis got up and flew over to the arena.

Goki: You did great out there.

(Y/N): Yeah, sure.

I put my head down, staring down at the floor.

Piccolo: Look on the bright side. You did figure out Hit's ability.

I looked up at Piccolo.

Piccolo: I know that's something I wouldn't have been able to do.

Piccolo just smiled at me.

Goki: Yeah! And thanks to you, I think I know how to beat Hit!

She does? I guess I shouldn't be surprised. It's Goki after all.

Beerus: Really? What's your plan then?

Goki: You'll just have to see.

Beerus: That isn't reassuring. If you screw this up, I'll destroy you.

Goki nervously laughed and rubbed the back of her head.

(Y/N): Well... I know this won't mean much, but good luck, Goki.

Goki smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up.

Goki: Thanks. That means a lot coming from you.

I felt my cheeks heat up and I quickly looked away. I crossed my arms and leaned back in my seat. I hope Goki wins her match, that's all I can do now.

(Chapter 23 end)

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