chapter 12

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"K....ka...kashaf..." he said in a low voice. She couldn't hear. She didn't even notice him standing near door.

He took light steps towards her. When he came near her bed she saw him but was so drowsy that she couldn't utter even a single word.
He wiped his tears and put a smile on his face (of course a fake smile) and sat beside her.

"Are you okay?"
She nodded and tears starts flowing from her eyes.

"Shhhh....Please dont cry, see I am here. Kashaf.... I AM HERE." He holds her hand in his and said "look, I am here with you, nothing wrong can happen ever again. Dont worry. I will always be with you no matter what. I promise. I won't let that incident happen ever again. Please dont cry"

she turned her face to the other side but he made her look at him and said "do you trust me?"

"Kashaf? I am asking you. DO YOU TRUST ME? Do you trust your uzair?"

On mentioning *your uzair* she smiled a little and said "yes" in a very low and weak tone.

"That's my girl" he patted her cheek softly.

Meanwhile nurse entered the room with a tray of food and said
"sir its time to feed her..can you please wait outside for a while?"

"Sure" he was about to stand up and turn that kashaf held his hand...
He was shocked but at the same time happy that she was responding.

"What happened kashaf?"

"'t. ..go"

nurse interrupted "sorry ma'am but this is against the ru..."

He didn't let her complete "she wants me to be here. SHE WANT ME TO BE WITH HER. Do you get that? Keep the tray. I will feed her. You may go now"

"Okay sir..." she kept the tray and left.

Kashaf was smiling continously as she noticed how concerned uzair is for her.
She was more than happy but on the other hand she was trying hard to hide how that incident is hurting her.

Being a psychologist is never too easy. You have to hear the words of people. You have to hear the bad things they say about you. You have to bear their behavior towards you. As they think, if you are a psychologist it means you are *mental*. But this is wrong. The truth is, psychologists study and observe things from a totally different perspective hence leading them to think in a different way. And in our society, if a person thinks different he is considered abnormal. But thinking in a different way is the most normal thing one can have,and that really doesn't mean you are abnormal. and that's what makes a psychologist Special. When psychologist do something (which is not wrong and normally everyone do it but since a psychologist does it so people starts mocking
"does she call herself a psychologist"
"Do psychologists behave in such a way"
"Psychologists do not cry, they do not get hurt, the dont feel pain"
"They can't change themself how can they treat or change us etc etc" ) as if psychologists are not human beings. Ofcourse, they are humans, as living beings, they do have feelings they do have emotions, they do get hurt. And sometimes they also need a shoulder to cry on.

People's view about psychologist is the reason why kashaf, (not knowing much about uzair) thought that he is the same as others. She thought if she shows how much she is hurt, if she shows how much she is broken, uzair will taunt her, he will not understand her. So she finds it better  not to discuss it with anyone, as she didn't want uzair to behave in such a way that will hurt her more. So she decided to pretend that she is fine now and she has forgotten that incident.
So yeah... being a psychologist is really hard.

"What are you thinking kashaf?" Uzair asked.


"Is there something bothering you?"

"No. Not really"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah...I am fine"

"Okay then lets start eating then..."

"Nooo.... I dont like hospital food..."

"Dont be silly, you have to eat this. You have to take medicine then. Come on, open you mouth. ..."

"Noo. nooooo... Please. ...dont....I can't eat this....I am allergic to hospital food....please or I'll vomit..."

"Dont be stubborn."

"I am not hungry. Really"


She make a puppy face "please"

"Okay fine!!! stop acting now! Drama queen!"

"Yay....thank take this away"

"Okay boss. Let me order something from outside then...what would you like to eat?"

" and chocolates"

His eyes opened wide.

"Please order fast. I am hungry."

"What? You said you are not hungry and now saying hungry?"

"Yes I am hungry. Dont make me wait. I have to take medicine then"

Uzair smiling at her childish behavior ... "okay if you are hungry eat this" he picked bowl of the soup and gave it to her and she made a face.

"What? Dont look at me like this. You are hungry and you have to take medicine then....come on, start"

She blushed when he said *baby*

But wasn't eating the food.

"Not eating?"

"NO" she replied.


She smiled thinking he has lost and now he will bring her what she asked for.

He went out and came back with pizza and chocolates and put it on the table in front of kashaf...she couldn't reach the table...all she could do was...look and feeling more hungry *lol*
Chocolate is always her weakness. When it comes to chocolates, she can do anything.

"What is this uzair? Give me my chocolate"

"Do you want?"

"Yes. Now give me"

"Fine. Take the soup and medicine then you can have it"




"fine as you wish"
He took once chocolate, unwrapped it and started taking bites ..... "yummy. ...This is the best chocolate...OMG..."

She couldn't resist, finished the soup within a second and took her medicine.
And uzair was now laughing so hard at her what she just did.
He laughed more and more which made kashaf angry but later after realizing how hard he is laughing and that she has never seen the devil smiling in all the days she has spent in his office... She smiled.
She enjoyed his laughs even more.

" sorry I couldn't control" he patted her cheeks and then said "I never thought you would do such thing just for a chocolate"

"I can do anything for chocolate, huh"

The doctor came in and said "uzair, come I need to talk to you"


"I'll be back kashaf"

"What happened doctor?"

"The discharge papers are ready. You need to sign some papers."


After signing the papers
"Uzair you are taking her while she had to be under observation but keep this mind that she should not feel upset even a little. Keep her as much happy as you can this way she will recover in a few weeks. And if possible inform her family. Because this is a serious matter. Always a male friend is blamed for everything. Better if you think about your reputation too."

"Don't worry about that doctor. I know what to do and how to manage"

"As you wish. But you have always been like a son to me and guiding you is my duty. Rest, I wont interfere.
You can take her now. If she has any problem, if she is stressed or unwell, let me know immediately. I will come. And make sure she takes her medicine on time. I'll send a nurse with you who will be with her 24/7."

"Okay...thank you... thank you so much. ALLAH HAFIZ"


"Kashaf, guess what"

"What??" She raised her eyebrow

"We are leaving now. You have been discharged

"What? How? How did this happen? They told me I will be under observation for 3 days and now..."

"Shhh....I told you to trust me, I'm with you..."

" I get you did it..right?"

"Come on girl. Get up. Get ready. We are leaving."

He leaves the room so that nurse can help her change and get ready.


They both sit in the car and uzair starts driving.
"Kashaf, would you mind if I take you to my home?"

"What??" No I can't go with you"

"How would you live alone in the apartment? Who will look after you?"

"I'll manage somehow. Don't take me to your place"

"Kashaf...its a matter of two days, the doctor will come for checkup. If you get well in two days I will drop you to your place. I promise. "

" can I"

"How can you not? I know being a Muslim one wouldn't like to live with any male/female under one roof. Its prohibited."

"Uzair, if you know then why do you insist?"

"See,I'll not live in the same house.
I have a flat near my bungalow I'll live there with my grandfather. You will live in my house, a nurse and maids will be around you all the time to look after you and give me news about your health. If there's any problem, I'll be just a text away. I'll rush immediately."



"How is kashaf?"

"She's sleeping sir. Seems like she has not slept for days."

"Okay. Be with her all the time and keep reporting me"

"Okay sir"

*the call disconnects*

"Who was it?"

" one grandpa"

" my son,, the one I raised is now too big that he started lying to me..."

"No..grandpa..there's nothing like that"

"Then what it is like son? You called and said we are moving to our apartment for few days, and now calling someone secretly... what should I think then? Will you say what's happening?"

"No....actually. are thinking too much grandpa....there's nothing like anything you ...."

Grandpa interrupted "you dont even know what you are saying my boy"

"Grandpa..... you know I never lie to you neither I can ever keep any secret from you...Please give me sometime. .I will tell you everything please"

"My son whenever you feel like telling, I am here. Just make sure whatever you are doing doesn't put you in any sort of problem"

"Sure, don't worry"
With that uzair left to his room.


Don't know what's happening to uzair. I can see how disturb he is these days. But he has never been like his before. I am damn sure there's something he can't share but I'll find out soon. He, even in the hardest times of his life, never entered this place. I remember each and every minute detail of the terrible incident that happened in this house. I lost my daughter in law who was no less than a daughter for me...

He starts weeping remembering his family.


"Who the hell are you? Leave my daughter"

"Get out of our way you old man"

"I said leave"

They pushed him away making him fall on the ground
"DADDD" ahmed entered
"What's happening"

"Save jamila....they took her from the back door"

"Dad??? Whoo??? What happened here?? What are you saying"

"Go son. Hurry. From the emergency exit"

"Leave me....HELLPPP!!! HELLPPP!!!!" She shouted but she was slapped so hard


"Ahmed....Please help..."

"Leave her. She's my wife."
They start beating him...and take jamila to the basement"

Flashback ends and grandpa falls on the ground.

"GRANDPA??? please open your eyes.... the doctor hurry up grandpa fainted" uzair shouted to his cook.

How's the chapter guys?
Do you want me to make some addition? How do you want the next chapter to be like?

Please do give feedback it really helps me alot in writing further.
Hope you all are safe and doing great during this pandemic.
Take care everyone.

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