Ch. 18- "Its For the Good Times"

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The beach was set up to look like a pageant, complete with a red carpet runway and white canvas dividers on the side for changing. There were four bar stools up front with a small table beside them where the judges would sit.

Star pointed at the middle chair for Hayden and she took the far one, Hayden's brow creased as she worried about who was going to be on the other side, one chair would be the "Queen Beach" who she had already met inside and the other was a mystery. Leaning forward she cupped her hand around her mouth to ask Star when the sun was blocked out and a body settled next to her in the chair.

Professionally and calmly She turned to see who it was and almost fell off the chair. Sitting next to her in a tank top and short shorts was the hottest guy Hayden had ever seen. His blonde hair looked platinum sitting atop his deeply tanned ripples and his blue eyes sparkled with exact same shade of the ocean before her.

Her body stiffened to right itself on the chair and end the now swaying posture and she forced on a smile to replace the goofy swooning gawker look she knew had overtaken her face.

"You must be Hayden. I'm Austin. Winner of last months contest and sucker for being conned into judging by this little minx who I'm sure roped you in as well." His finger pointed at Star who feigned innocence with batting her eyelashes and looking around as if she didn't know who he was referring to.

He stuck out his hand and Hayden tried to stick hers out as well but nothing in her body would cooperate. The stupid cells had kicked in and she momentarily forgot how to speak or move until Star reached over and slapped Austin in the arm.

"Don't listen to him Hayden, he's just here to size up the competition because he can't compete until next month. Austin may be in vet school but his real talent is making other guys feel ridiculously unworthy." 

As they laughed and he thanked her for the compliment Hayden tried to find her missing brain. She concentrated on happy thoughts of Warren, and the picnic, and how happy she was that life was finally settling into a pace. Finally her body complied and she stuck out a hand out to shake his.  There had been such a delay in her response that his hand was already resting in his lap. Which is where she reached to grab it, but stopped herself short and felt the burn of embarrassment spread like a wildfire.

Austin face went from shock to amusement as he caught on and grabbed her hand gently. He whispered softly obviously used to women being ridiculous around him.

"Let's have some fun today. It's not a serious contest, but the cash is good and the bragging rights alone are legendary. This is what we do, we love we love, we laugh, it's for the good times."

Hayden flipped her hair behind her and giggled finally beginning to regain composure. "I can't wait!  I've never judged anything but I'm more than happy to be involved."

His smile faded and he looked completely serious when he said "just forget about what happens to the guy who comes in last. It's a lot of pressure but shark sightings are way down this year."

The music started playing and Star took the stage as Queen Beach slid in the last empty judge seat. The first "hunk" came down the walkway. Fully clothed and dancing like an accountant. The crowd cracked up as he gyrated in awkward fashion until the songs chorus when he ripped off his pants revealing a red white and blue speedo. By the end of his song he was wearing only those and a pair of sunglasses.

The crowd loved the routine he did as he transformed from nerdy office guy to definite beach dwelling hunk. While he didn't have the looks or defined muscles of Austin Hayden loved his creativity and his ability to move the crowd.

She checked the scoresheet boxes in a frenzied motion as Austin put his arm around her and looked on. His warm breath tickled the nape of her neck and she felt a tingle of fireworks dance across her skin.

"That's the ticket. I knew you'd enjoy this, you look like a girl who can appreciate more than a nice set of abs."

Hayden dropped her ballot in the box and tried to think about what Austin had said. Of course there was way more to life than looking good. Somehow she didn't think he was just talking about the contest. He waggled his eyebrows and she laughed. It felt good to be in the moment.

Hunk after hunk paraded around displaying his talents or making the crowd squeal. After a bit Hayden felt like she was at the bird display at the zoo and someone had let all the peacocks out for a show. They all began to blur into masses of muscle and white teeth. When it was over the judges sat inside cooled by the air conditioning and tally 'd up the votes.

Hayden couldn't remember one from anther frankly and when they'd finally settled on a winner she was just happy she got through it. After several touches, laughs and conversations with Austin Hayden was comfortable with him and loved his easy going manner and overall goofiness.

Star and Queen Beach went off to refill their mugs and Hayden rubbed her neck, which was cramped and tired from all the the craning at the contestants. Austin scooted his chair behind hers and took over. His hands were like magic, pressing and rubbing the exact spots where the tension lay.

She exhaled in ecstasy feeling her whole body relax. "Have dinner with me?" He asked it casually and in such a relaxed moment Hayden immediately answered. "Sure. Not tonight though, I'm busy."

He put on a crushed sad puppy look which Hayden found endearing. "I really am, I'm sorry. Tomorrow's good though. Can you tomorrow?"

Austin pretended to remove the knife from his chest and smiled. Hayden felt tingles at just the sight of it, like seeing stars for the first time. "For you, I'd wait longer."

Star and Queen Beach returned and Hayden grabbed Austin's arm in a rush. "What happens to the loser?"

Both girls giggled hysterically. And star grabbed the sash and crown while spilling the beans. "The loser has to spend a day with the sharks. But don't feel bad for them, we haven't lost one yet."

The winners name was Brad. He was an Adonis of a guy with muscles to spare who just happened to be in the hotel business and was  looking for work.   He graciously accepted the crown, sash, and prize money and sat on the Hunk of the Month crown signing shirts and bikini tops while the lowest score was announced.

The very first candidate, the dancing awkward guy fearfully made his way to the judges table to accept his punishment as loser which consisted of a bright pink sash.

"You were the lowest score Curt. You know what that means."  He lowered his head in mock shame and Hayden began to panic. She couldn't let someone spend the rest of the day with a sharks. She worried about liabilities and injuries when a giant swarm of middle age and older women started swarming him.

"May the odds be ever in your favor fair Curt."
Star bowed and the clapping and catcalls began as Curt was whisked off in a tidal wave of women.

Hayden smirked. "Let me guess?  Those are the Sharks?" 

The judges laughed and the crowd began to disperse.  "Believe me Hayden." Austin said with a Cheshire grin "real sharks are way less painful."

As they cleaned up the judges station and relived their favorite moments Austin handed Hayden his number on a bar napkin. She tucked it into her pocket already wondering if she should have said no.

Finally finished for the day and glowing with happiness at how it all worked out she stepped into the elevator thinking of Warren and how much she would miss having him around. Tonight she was planning on making sure he would miss her too.

Hmmmm Hayden seems to have a new friend. I don't know about you but I could have used a little more info on the candidates. Warren's about to leave and Austin is moving in hot. Should we be worried?

The video today is "elders react: to Elvis". It cracks me up. Who didn't swoon back in the day? Elvis was a shake up to the way musicians moved and was famous for the smolder and swing. Where would we be without his bravery.

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