Ch 5. - 'Talk About The Good Times'

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Hayden placed her bags on the bed and looked around the room. She didn't feel like tackling Dee's things yet. She wanted today to be about making a new life, and saying goodbye to Dee wasn't how she wanted to start it. She changed into casual linen shorts and a dressy tank and walked back towards the lobby. She wanted to be able to observe before people knew who she was just to get an understanding of how things ticked.

The desk in the lobby was run by a mammoth man whose name tag read "Mike". His frame screamed NFL linebacker with a hearty appetite but his attitude screamed Broadway binger. His laugh echoed through the lobby and his huge white smile made him approachable despite his intimidating size. As guests filtered in and out he greeted each of them by name. Hayden couldn't stifle a smile as she passed and doubted anyone could start their stay grumpy with his infectious personality.

He stopped his humming rendition of Bette Midler's 'Memories' and flashed Hayden a megawatt welcome grin. "Welcome home Hayden. Mason asked you to head to the office when you get a minute. He'd like to meet you and give you a grand tour!" 

Hayden felt her return grin crumple at the edges. So much for a day of incognito. Apparently news traveled faster here than it did in the big city. She would have to remember Tye was a newsie and not to over share info with him.

Mike pointed to the hallway to the left of the desk and gave Hayden a wink. She took a deep breath and walked towards the office'but was sidetracked immediately by the first office in the hallway marked 'Dee's Den'. She tried the handle, and found the office door locked. She'd have to remember to get keys from Mason. Dee's office seemed like a pretty good place to start getting information on being a boss.

The door marked 'Manager' clicked and opened and Hayden found herself gaping at the man approaching her. He was 6 ft tall if he was an inch. Black curly hair and skin the shade of warm sand. His eyes sparkled with flecks of greens and brown and his lips were too perfectly plump to belong to a guy.

It was only after he stuck out his hand that Hayden realized he'd been speaking. She pulled her eyes from his reluctantly and secretly gave herself a chastising while shaking his outstretched hand. Hayden felt a buzz of electricity with the touch and quickly pulled her hand back. His questioning look told her she had screwed up the handshake and she quickly scratched at her ankle to cover up her awkwardness.

"Sorry, itch. You know how it is. Not that your itchy, or look itchy, I just mean... Oh never mind. Hello. I'm Hayden. It's nice to meet you."

Mason's mouth curled at the corners. "Hello Hayden. I'm Mason. Currently the manager and your go to guy for all things resort related, and otherwise, if needed. Can I show you around or do you need some time to get settled?"

Hayden nodded while her heart and stomach did cartwheels. She gave herself a pinch in the arm just to see if she was dreaming. "I'd love that, thanks Mason". Managed to come out without much trouble.

Mason held out his arm towards the lobby and Hayden smiled. Things here were definitely going to be interesting. As Mason began explaining the history of the resort, Hayden found her mind wandering to what kind of policies there were about fraternizing with employees. Mason's laugh broke her out of a perfect vision of his lips touching hers and she blushed a deep pink and forced herself to laugh with him.

"I need to use the restroom."  She blurted it, without thinking, in the middle of Mason's sentence. His features changed from smiling to surprise and she wanted to kick herself, but she needed a minute to regroup. She couldn't be a hormonal teen and the guys boss at the same time. God, was she sexually harassing him?  She's never been a boss, or had a job where she had to work closely with others. This could be horrible. Or lovely. Those eyes.

"Stop it!!" She scolded herself out loud as she splashed cold water on her face. Maybe she needed to take a day or two and get her head on. Well, not that. Just, oh forget it. She needed to cool her jets.

The sound of a toilet flushing broke her from her barrage of self insults and Star came out of the stall laughing. Hayden banged her head against the mirror. Day one. One hour in and already she was a melted pile of failure! Star stood next to her washing her hands.

"Met Mason I see" she smirked. "He does it to all of us. Until you see him pissed off and act like a two year old. Then he's only half as attractive.  Whatcha say you come to the bar at seven when I get off?  We can have some girl time."

Hayden lifted her head from the mirror and smiled. "Yes. I say yes. As long as there's liquor involved and  I'm not the boss!"

"Deal. See ya then".

Star giggled as she walked out of the bathroom leaving behind the scent of coconut and lime. Hayden dried her hands and smoothed the hair she had plastered flat against the mirror. "A two year old.?" She muttered.  "I can certainly handle a two year old."

Walking with renewed confidence into the lobby Hayden tried to picture Mason kicking his feet and holding his breath. She giggled and sidled up to him. "Ready when you are little fellow".

Mason gave her a strange look and started walking to the suites. Continuing his speech as if she hadn't left. "The amenities here are state of the art. Satellite, handless faucets, rotating closets, and the highest thread counts available commercially." He opened the door to a spacious suite and Hayden walked in. She kept her face professional and tried to look as if she were surveying for problems.

She quickly turned around to ask him about the decorator and ended up walking smack into his chest. When she looked up, the hopes of envisioning him as a tantrum throwing two year old vanished and those large eyes with flecks of green and the dusting of freckles across the bridge of his nose caused her mouth to go dry.

She looked from Mason to the bed and felt her skin tuning hot and the blood beneath rushing to color the surface. "Excuse me. I'm sorry. You were talking about the beds?  Sheets!!!! You were talking about the sheets!"

Mason laughed out loud and grabbed Hayden by the shoulders. She felt a shudder travel down her spine. "I'm not going to ravage you, I'm a very decent guy. I get that your nervous. Just relax. I'm not expecting anything to sink in. I'm just an average Joe who happens to work for you.  Have you had lunch? Let's take five and grab a bite."

All Hayden could manage was a nod. How she would be able to get food down was beyond her, but it was away from the bedrooms, and that was progress. If he were an average Joe, Hayden knew she was in trouble.

I'd feel sorry for Hayden, but I just can't. Her problems are what most girls dream of so far!  Will she be able to get her head in the game or will things continue to heat up? I don't know either. She's definitely "All Shook Up".

Elvis released 'Talk About The Good Times' in 1974. It was a play on changing times and losing touch of community. But here, it spoke to me.

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